《2023建筑设计规范大全》GBT51031-2023 火力发电厂岩土工程勘察规范88.pdf
《《2023建筑设计规范大全》GBT51031-2023 火力发电厂岩土工程勘察规范88.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《2023建筑设计规范大全》GBT51031-2023 火力发电厂岩土工程勘察规范88.pdf(264页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、UDC p GB/T 51031-2014 Code for geotechnical investigation of fossil fuel power plant 2014-08-27 2015-05-01 Mt!Code for geotcclrnicctl invcstigat ion of fossil f ucl power plant GB/T 51031-2014 t:;!j M5 r 1=1 t l 1-fl fli J1 I Iv.it)(t ttt llf m!-J:rf 11 A.L(Jt ff!i 11 JJ ti!M ill m!lttH-J-I I Wj:2 o
2、 1:)1rf 5)1 I-I 2014 t*9-1 1 A.Jt tiJ!I llI*f11 lLl!k.11 1*IWJJJm GB/T 51031-2011*1 j 1 11 i 1-:Q1J:I Jtll H:I JUX!M1J1I: ltl!l1:Jt;1!j r4 M!;*tW-.itLlt IFP 1 1 J-lt4).:J c W 3 JJ IH 1E;ijfi1 b:1 0 0 crrn 1 l!t!i:co 1 0)6 3 9 0 6 113 3(&:1(riD;fJr IS m Jt;(;/;i_ 1j-JW:&1 j J t;(1 li,fl Ji flJ tllJ 1
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4、*Y IX/ffJ%f!J ii !kfJ IX Egr f.IfilltfJJ;J?a0 1 Jttf1t *11 Ft!r-.:r fif IJ1 J5:ft,m fi yg l ct#?1f,-n GB/T 51031-2014,A 2015 1f 5 fl 1 Fl MfL*fe j EB J#)t ii IE Wi 1iJf;E fife gJl R rfl tfil-i-t.IJ L-8#&tt ill#&fjo$1 u litmuf,61 i9:$2014 8 F.1 27 B 4s:_m fi *tm 1t.!h hx 5 t&ifi)(*r i:n ti.)(f!J c 2
5、0 0 9 J 8 8-)JJ-)(Fl-P ft!J1 1 JY.Ifk it.4t r JJ T flf wvr/itJ f!tJ f t JJ iX i-f-rtt*1.f)t 0-n rnJ:ff J:.1fL)/:1f11J rnJ JJX:r o 7fs:feJ tL tt 5 1 5 i fn 2 1-ITTJ ,3:rf-.J#QJili:)ffiJ!IJ-.*ift fU rF _r=l tt*l:fil r-1-,.-l_J I:fq tr-h.Ix f(A EJ.L 1-r.&._ 1 nE;.Ix*l11-c bh)&.r!Mn 7-.,t l.A.JE-.-.TI:J
6、 7i;1=f I I+:.X-:c 77-:J-.-9:.:-J.-.1=f 7C:J.T.fL 1J ff!fl:f:f!f iYJ -)R.*/r-1:;-=L J-flf ttJJ*.*r 9*tt 7c5 .fil-F 1K.Jt)J f 1*;&:pq ii JJ?:1*b I :-.-r.f*ffr iJZ ffi _ ;f P=JJ JJ)Z Ah 1tltl-.J.r37 v.ffl JJ!J:m Kl 19W o+fej 1fi f=B 1t JJ1 mx 5 r&m ff tt J,ct1 i-f-1 111 1=E!.t1 f:x-0 fft 7t B Rf p JJE
7、 Eh rf(IQ J _l !Ufi!li8 it:f 1t J t Fg f J J:X t f.rvc 1=i p 0 nJ in-tt f 1*iJ ff.J ffflf:ff 0 f:Ht qi i1 fM r+t i _F(i/.iA a/L1f T f f4:1,1-1 J T!t-f ft ti-I 1J$c1 Z/,lt,ff!j i/j Ill til Ir-?.f r=ft Qi1 1-g J J.L t Ji fi=IJ EfJ 1 _ft l)1-i:Q:i f ft 1f f5i 0,J c lfil t1L:_ft Jir rrJ-tf JJJx 1:y Jc i
8、j Ffl 2 4 ,ftJf)If:Q:urb:1 0 0 1 2 0),f Jt Jfi 1 l f flJ -a 7f:fej/ri-=t t,ffiJ f1 1L Lfl.f E-NJ=.A#J -TI.A:.:E tfU 1ll.:r J-t=li )J it IV.It.k f 0 r+r r=rn 1_g fJ-I l JUJJ!rn J l1J 1:ft g)J i,X i t f 1f i 0 r-1J t.fffl f li:r-f=t Ltl f-ti 11 I fJJ f Mi jYtj.1$t:Jj_j-l!lf fj 1-g J-1&it WJG 1:f p i r
9、.IJ rt1 fE r-g)J J.f JUJJf/Y1j fJJJ i=J.r)t i 1-IJ r ft p lf!fJ I Fil Jufli jr:tj#J f,tJ 1:ft F4!)J l!sl-i-f.ft tT p 0 HJ J t-1 t1 g J _J ff1 rrt!Jt fft J:R f1J 17_q:ft 1-t:!,j J.t&it r i f)&0 ri i=t fa rg)J _ L%!EM rriJ tk lrJ 1!J Et!J i&(-if f 11 r5ltJ.0.iJ r f r(rt!)J _ L f Jefti frJ JtJ J$j F1!.
10、fJ it c ff&0 r 1 rp IT4 WN l1J Dj:1f rg fJNi-tr&0 trJ ri1 fJg ti 1lhl l):ik 11 r fJ-rf:!j1-i HiJf Jl r fr i 0 flJ&1it A.:xlJ if!J:.xiJ fDf tl ts _r rf-i-+*-J fl?H LU Jt(*If.Xl5 141)(I J :ff jfil 1K.?.frt.V.-l!-J fITf)(.tltk tt lj fl lEr ll1*n 1 M 1 2,ft!,WU.(1)-!-li-i:r1 J:_l/I-l:r:t lfl-11 l?-.(2)2
11、.1-*i.(2)2.2:fB=-.2)3*!.(4)4*ItMWJrN1f*-1=5K 7)1.1 1JJ!J;PJfittf!J-fjEJlf1WJ.(7)1.2 PT fr tt fJJf JE PJI J!JJ c 8)1.3 1JJ$i&it WJ .(10)1.1 llfil I 1 i it JI fJt 1JJ c 1 1)5 J!CtJ)1;4mJ&N:fi-If:fWJ*c 17)5.1 _:1-mJ&i.f-ji:.c 17)5.2 filfil.(18)5.3!ptif J&i.(18)5.4 gJJ1E?ifrEJ&i.Ji.(19)s.s!tffl w1 l=J m
12、 it(.(5:)7 ts:17fd1:,-:+_.c 5 1.1=xt.c:i),.,?I.,_,.-)p11 t-it:.l Jr-.I-r11-1 Y.IJ.fil (S8)7.:Jxl ft:TT-1=i Yt:fH+.c 6 o 7.1 7.)7.f)7.7;f;W lk bj AI-j .;JZ11 _-.(6 2).(6 3)11 fil/1 L f u;nlC rt.:.(65)J.t-*-f .c.6 7)rm.JJ-l.-s J:fil T 1J1(7JcJnt .c 69)8.2 fill f-Jj(fl=:ffl ft0 ffi.ffi-.(7 0)9 tJJ#Jf j
13、J lk.(7 3)9.1 _I f11.ttfL Jll!1W 0 c-J iJJJ C 7 3)9.2.(7 5)9.3.(7 6)9.11 t-t1 f*.c 7 7)9.5(78)9.6 Ili.t-F.!=Ji:if:5.(79)9.7)Ji lL iffi-IJ lA (8 0)10 rJg i.i .(81)10.1-tJril:E.(81)JO.2(81)2 I O.3 _ t(JJ)J+tA 1jtz C 8 5)10.,1 ITT ijj 11 t1 mt iJ c s 6)10.s:?:1fniJ .c s7)1 0.6 7k til B ffJ!t!il 11 ii M
14、q.(8 8)10.7.f;17(iJ.(89)10.8 JjJj.(89)11 l)jif*iJ.(90)11.1-f.IXJe/E.(90)11.2 fltfl(f*iAliti i&if-.(90)11.3 A I Jill.!Ji:f*b:!Jl il i t-c 9 2 11.1 fl$:LiJYfilI C 93 1 L s JJJi Hnxt liz&rn ii 9/1)1 1.6 J,1(f*lit lJ.L J*f 1fJIJ.(91)12;_T-fi7tfrilffr 13.1 13.2-f.1:M;J 1fZ!:_(1()1)(1()1)1 3.3 t&1j *.(1 0
15、 3)1 4 JJR.t,m-t .c i o 1)1 s JJR.tfJ ili i!J1U c 1 o s)1 5.1-f.l*J.t.(1 0 5)1 5.2 c ttJ)m 4PJ JI i91J c I o 6)1 5.3 w=k.j-J!f 4:(1)if i!lj.(1 0 7)l s.1l fil T;3 *J3g:m tfIJ iJt SJ3.o 13)Jlfflfi1E.(114)m:.;f;-x i.5t .c 11 s)1 c:ontents 1 General prov1s1ons 1 2 Terms and symbols 2)2.l rf erms.2 2.2 S
16、ymr)c)ls 2 3 Basic req uirerr1en t 4 4 Tasks and requirements in each phase of geotechnical investigation (7 Pre-f easihility study hase Feasibility study phase 7 8-1.3 Preliminary design phase (10)11.4 Con:-1truction drawing design phase (H)5 Requirements of investigation for different buildings an
17、d structures (17)5.l Main buildings (1 7)5.2 Air cooling platform (18)5.3(c)oling towers (18)5.1 Gas desulf urization buildings (19)5.5 Auxiliary and accessory buildings (19)5.6 Coal store and coal conveyance structures 5.7 Transformer and transformer frames (20)(21)5.8 Water supply and drainage str
18、uctures (22)5.9 Ash storage yard (21)6 Special geotechnical investigations (26)6.1 Active fault (26)5 6.2 Soil 1 i q LI e faction d LI ring cart h qua kc s (2 7)6.3 l.arst (28)G.1 l.anclslicie (35)6.5 Slo1)c (38)6.6 f)cep excavation (,12)6.7 1illing (114)6.8 Pile foundation (15)6.9 Grounci treatment
19、 (51)6.10(;oaf (5 3)7 Special rock and soil C 55)7.1 Soft soil (5 5)7.2 Collapsible loess (58)7.3 Weathered rock and residual soil (60)7.4 7.5 7.6 Fly ash Laterite Expansive soil(62)(63)(65)7.7 Saline soil (67)8 Underground water (69)8.1 Requirements and methods of underground water investigation (6
20、9)8.2 Evaluation on action of underground water (70)9 Investigation methods C 73)9.1 Engineering geologic survey and reconnaissance (7 3)9.2 Engineering remote sensing (75)9.3 Engineering geophysical exploration (76)9.1 Soil and rock haring(driling)(77)9.5 Shaft prospecting,trench prospecting (78)9.
21、6 Sampling and sample classes (79)9.7 In-sit u tests (8 O)6 10 Laboratory tests .(8,1)0.Gene rn I r c qui r cm en t .(8,1)10.2 Tests for physical properties .(84)10.3 Tests for static mechanical properties .(85)10.1 Tests for dynamic mechanical properties .(86)10.5 Rcok tests(87)10.6 Corrosion tests
22、 of water and soil to concrete and steel structures (88)10.7 Flyash tests (89)10.8 Test results presentation(89)11 Prototype tests .(90)11.1 General requirement .(90)11.2 11.3 11.4 Prototype test plan for pile foundation Prototype test plan for artificial ground Requirement for prototype test constr
23、uction(90)(92)(93)11.5 Procedures for prototype test.(94)11.6 Test results presentation .(94)12 Analysis and eval ua ti on of geotechnical.eng1neer1ng (96)12.1 General requirement .(96)12.2 Analysis of geotechnical parameters (97)12.3 Analysis foundation type .(98)13 Geotechnical investigation repor
24、ts .(101)13.1 General requirement .(101)13.2 Geotechnical invest iga ti on report (1 0 l)13.3 Diagrams and tables in the report .(I 03)14 In-sit u inspection and checking .C 1 0 1)15 Site monitoring.C 105)15.1 General requirement(105)7 15.2 Monitoring of building settlement (106)15.3 Monitoring of a
25、sh dam and ground (107)15.4 Monitoring of ground water (109)Appendix A Allowable slope ratio Cl 10)Appendix B Application conditions for geophysical exploration methods (112)Explanation of wording in this code Cl 13)List of quoted standards (114)Addition:Explanation of provisions(115)8 1 i.o.1 P1-m-
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- 2023建筑设计规范大全 2023建筑设计规范大全GBT51031-2023 火力发电厂岩土工程勘察规范88 2023 建筑设计 规范 大全 GBT51031 火力发电厂 岩土 工程 勘察 88