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《2023年中国农业大学远程教育大学英语在线作业.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年中国农业大学远程教育大学英语在线作业.docx(27页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、大学英语I 体验英语在线作业_A大学英语I -体验英语在线作业_A最终成绩:1 0 0. 0-单项选择题1. Th e sun heat s the earth( ) i s very impo r tant t o livi n g thi n g s.whichthatwhe r ewha t本题分值:5. 0用户得分:5 .0 a用户解答:whi ch知识点:2. The stude n ts to the t e ache r that they had too m u c h schoo 1 work to do,an d a s a r e s u 1 t,they had li
2、111 e t i me to r elax.insistedc h ar g edcomp lainedmaint a i neda本题分值:5.0 a用户得分:5.0 a用户解答:complained知识点:3. Whateve r yo u r opin i o n i s , i t i s welcome.You r f e edb a ck will_ t h e improvement of ou r c o urs e s.c ontribu t e torcon t ri b u te f o rrco ntribu t e o nr c o ntnbute i na本题分值
3、:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:c o ntri b ute t o知识点:4 . If ther e we r e lif e o n Mars, s u c h I i f e for ms( )una b Ie to s u r v i v e o n ear t h.would b eisr- a re will b eA本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0 a用户解答:would be a知识点:5 . Last m o nth , h e p a id a visit t oth e villag e ( ) h e had once wo r ked for five year s
4、 .wher ein th a twhic hthata本题分值:5 .0 用户得分:5. 0 用户解答:whe r e 知识点:6 . I dont want you t o make any tr o u b 1 e, ( ), I u rge you to solve the prob 1 em.on th e c on t r ary c o ns e q u ently just as th u s本题分值:5.04用户得分:5.0 a用户解答:on t he contrary知识点:7 . I tr i ed( ) the book in a few day s, butactua
5、 1 ly I c ouldnt, j ust be c ause of t o o muc h wo r k for me.f i nishedfinishingfini s hto hav e f i ni s heda本题分值:5.0用户得分:5. 0 a用户解答:fini s hing知识点:8 . Wh atevertheco ndit i o n is,m y c ame r a can b e to t a ke cl e ar p ict u res.r K r e ce i v e dr-acceptedrr e medi e dcadj u sted本题分值:5. 0用户得
6、分:5.0用户解答:adj ust e d知识点:9 . Gone a r e th eday s_I was yo u ng an d s t r o ng a s a h orse.r o n whichthatr whichr kwhen本题分值:5.0用户得分:5. 0用户解答:when知识点:1 0 . Th e pr e s i dent claimed th e t erroris t s shou 1 d be held re s pon s i b Ie ( )the expl o s i o ns tha t happen e d last m o nth i n Lond
7、on.atforpa bouton本题分值:5.0 用户得分:5.0 a用户解答:for 知识点:1 1. Edgar b e gan () a s an off i ce boy y ea r s ago.workP ositionoc c u pat i o n本题分值:5. 0用户得分:5 .0 a用户解答:work知识点:12. They aimed t o_a new the o r y o f evolution based on t h e I a test fin d i ngs i n arch a e olog y (考古学).i nstructdef i neprod u
8、 cec o n st r ucta本题分值:5. 0 a用户得分:5 .0 a用户解答:c o nstruct知识点:13. The compu t e r _t o o v er h e a t if used for too Io n g .con tentstendsp r etend sintends本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0 a用户解答:tends知识点:1 4. Ea c h individu a I has hi s own right t o his own ca r ee r an d fre e dom.regist e rpursec o nsiderf i nd
9、用户得分:5 .0 a用户解答:pu r se a知识点:1 5. Ev e r y t h i ng( )if A 1 b ert h adn t called the fire brigad e .w o uld be des t roye dcwi 1 I b e destroy e dwo uld ha v e be e n d e stroyedrw川 ha v e b e e n destr o y edA本题分值:5.0 4用户得分:5.0用户解答:wo ul d hav e been d e st r o y ed知识点:16. One day whi 1 e Mr. K i
10、ng w a s work ing, h e h ad a / a n( )and his left leg w a s badly inju r ed.busin e ssmatteraccide n te ven t本题分值:5. 0 a用户得分:5.0用户解答:acc i dent知识点:17. Sadam( ) f o r 25 y e a r s.wer e ma r r iedmarriedgot marriedcwa s mar r ie dA本题分值:5. 0用户得分:5 . 0 a用户解答:was marr i e d a知识点:18. 0 n h i s f i rst s
11、 ea ( ), h e wa s still qui t e young b u t showed g rea t c ou r age to face the s t orms.tourvoyag etra v e 1t r ip本题分值:5.0 a用户得分:5. 0 a用户解答:voyage知识点:19. They werent go i n g t o _ any de t ails of the re s earch.c implyc mak e knownc inferc s en d outa本题分值:5.0用户解答:make kn o wn知识点:2 0 . P e ssim
12、i sm i s oft e n regarded a s a kind of psycho 1 ogical disea s e ,and ca n have e f fee t s on o n es physical h e a 1 th.positivem i norq u esti o n ableneg a ti v e本题分值:5.0用户得分:5. 0用户解答:n e gative a知识点:大学英语I 体验英语一在线作业C最终成绩:100.0一单项选择题20. Why are some ca n ce r s c u red by c hemo t h e rapy alone
13、, ot h e rs are unaf f ect e dby dr u g s?whe r easwhilehowevera本题分值:5.0用户得分:5 . 0 a用户解答:while a知识点:21. I n Chi n a, c hi 1 d ren( ) s chool a t se v e n.rhas to startchave to startmust t o star trcan s tart本题分值:5.0 a用户得分:5.0用户解答:hav e to st a rt知识点:22. L e ts not w a i t any longer, h e might n o t
14、( )at all.r .tur n upr + zturn downcturn o nr ,t u r n ov e rA本题分值:5. 0 A用户得分:5.0 A用户解答:tu r n u p a知识点:23. Th e lab w a s b e i n g ( )when we visited the u n ive r sit y .rr e b uildingrr e buildto re b uildrebuilt本题分值:5.0 a用户得分:5.0用户解答:rebui 11知识点:24. The farm e r caug ht t h e boys( )his ap p 1
15、es.r + rs t ealin gt o s t ea 1w o u Id stealSt o I e本题分值:5. 0用户得分:5.0用户解答:ste a ling知识点:25. A_wo r d is of t e n on a higher p i tch a nd i t h a s a Ion ger duration , i . e . th e vowel ap p e ar s to b e Io n ger.str e ss e dimp r essedp r esse dcru c ial3. O n ly th e m i nutes remained b efore
16、 the trai n I e ft, b u t w ergot a rou n d i tLmade up f or itmade itd e alt with it本题分值:5.0用户得分:5.0用户解答:made i t a知识点:4. Its a long t rip,_roa d you take.wh a t e v er r-whene v e rwhoeverwh ic h eve ra本题分值:5. 0 a用户得分:5.0 a用户解答:wh i chev e r 知识点:5. Th e b ank is said to have been rob be d in broad
17、 d a yli g h t. Th e police ar e now _ the c ase.rlooking intor-1 o o k ing througha本题分值:5.0 a用户得分:5.0用户解答:st r essed知识点:7. The r oom was s o noisy tha t it w a s s e veral hou r s I g ot to si e ep a gain.aftersincebeforeunless本题分值:5.0 a用户得分:5.0a用户解答:before a知识点:as a resul t8.He is u nable to go t
18、o work ( ) the f all from his bike.i n a r esulti n a re s ult ofr .as a r es u It of本题分值:5 .0 a用户得分:5. 0用户解答:as a result of知识点:9. Many col 1 e g e s t u de nt s like to chat on t h e I nte r net.T h ey thin k ta 1 king with frie nds on th e Intern e t isc as u al a nd excitin g face t o f a ce.n o
19、t 0 n ly .but a 1 somore.tha nne i t her. n o rless.than本题分值:5.0 a用户得分:5 .0用户解答:mor e . t h a n 知识点:1. 0 . Not a Iw a ys ( ) t hey w a nt( t o).p e ople ca n do wha t c a nt people do whatp e o p Ie c a n not d o wha t can p eople do wha ta本题分值:5.0用户得分:5. 0 a用户解答:can peop 1 e do wh at 知识点:11. F o r
20、t h e good of both p ar t ies,the di s cus s i on s oon st r uck t h e re a I con s iderat i on d i ft i cul t y q uestio np robl e ma本题分值:5 . 0 a用户得分:5 .0 a用户解答:pr o blem知识点:12. It has been sue h a I o ng time_I saw h i m t hat l*m n o t sur e if I will r e memb e r him.rasc k b e f oretha trs i ne
21、eA本题分值:5. 0 A用户得分:5.0 A用户解答:S i nee知识点:1 3 . Nick i s very _ab o ut u sing c omput e rs, th o u g h h e is only a fr e shm a n .r zgooddepende n t_inte r e stedcc o nfident本题分值:5. 0用户得分:5. 0 a用户解答:confide n t a知识点:1 4. You s houldn/ t have c all e d me w h ile I wa s g i ving my class.You me a fterm
22、y cl a ss.must a p p ro a c hcm i g ht a p p roa c hwould ha v e ap p roa c hedcould have a p p r o a c h e da本题分值:5 . 0 a用户得分:5 .0 a用户解答:co ul d hav e叩proached 知识点:1 5. The b ig m a n has a 1 wa y s been e a t in g o n t he go, ( ) h e has go t stomach a che.becauseh o we v err soas本题分值:5.0 A用户得分:5
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- 2023 年中 农业大学 远程教育 大学 英语 在线 作业