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1、Unit 1 M y name s Gina.(七年级上册)一、N u mberszer o on e two thre e fo u r five six se v en eigh t n i ne ten二、T ele p hone n umbersEnglis h nam e : first n ame +(middle name) + famil y name eg. Jim Alan BrownFirst name (gi v en n a me) & F am i 1 y nam e (last n am e / s umame)三、Ex p re s si o ns自我介绍(In
2、t r oduc e y o urself)My n ame is Tony .0 R:Fm Ton y .询问对方/别人姓名:1. . Whats your n a me?-My n ame i s . / I a m .2. -Wh a ts his/he r n a me?His/Her n a me i s.3. -W h a ts yo u r family name/fi r st nam e ?My f amil y name/fir s t nam e is.4. -Wh a ts hi s /her f ami 1 y name /firs t n ame?Hi s / h
3、e r fam i ly name/ f irst name is.问候别人(G reet p e ople)-Nice to meet you.-Ni c e to m e et y ou.询问和给出电话号码(Ask for & give t e 1 e p h one n um b er)a 1 a d.2. Do t hey 1 ike Fre n ch fries?Yes, t h ey do. The y 1 ik e F r ench fri e s.No, the y d o nt. T hey d o nt like French f ri e s.3 . Does he/ s
4、he li k e p ears?Y es, h e/sh e doe s . H e /She 1 i kes pear s .No, h e /sh e d oesnt. He/ S he d o esnth e d oesnt. He/ S he d o esnti ke p e a rs.4. Th e y li k e s a lad.They d ont like s alad.5. S h e /He likes b ananas.6. S he/H e doe s nt li k e ba n a n as.7.1 1 i k e o r anges but I dont 1
5、ike apples.8 . I 1 i ke o r anges.I do n *t 1 ike oranges.9 . For breakf a s t , T om li k es eggs, ban ana s and ap p le s .For lunch, he h a s hamburgers, sala d a nd pears.A n d for dinner, he li k es chicken, t o matoes an d broc c o 1 i .-Wh a t do yo u 1 i ke most?I like i c e creama nd ca r r
6、 ot s .- -What d o y o u li k e for bre a k f ast?-1 lik eb read and mi 1 k.He/Sh e likes b r oc c o 1 iW h at d oes h e / s he like for lun c h?an d tomatoes for lunch.三语法1 一般现在时一般现在时重要表达经常性或习惯性的动作、现在的特性或状态以及普遍真理。例如:When I come aero s s a new word I c o nsult th e English d i c t i o n ary.每当我碰到一个新
7、词时,我就查字典。Tom 1 ives in Eng 1 and. 汤姆住在英国。He like s to r e ad.他喜欢看书。L ight tra v e 1 s f aster than sound.光速比音速快。一般现在时的否认式和疑问式都需要用助动词do和does。do用在第一人称、第二人称、第三人称复数 和其他的复数名词前,do es用在第三人称单数前,无实在意义。如:Does Tom li v e i n Eng land?汤姆住在英国吗?Yes, h e does.是的。Do t h ey like to g o h i k i ng? 他们喜欢远足吗?No, they d
8、 on, t . 不,他们不喜欢。2单词1 ike(1 )介词b e/look like像,看起来像 She i s/looks li k e h e r m o t h er.(2)动词 1 i k e s t h / lik e to do s th / 1 ike do i ng sthI lik e appl e s.Sh e does n *t li k e t o b e 1 at e .He 1 ik e s playi n g so c ce匚特别注意:1 .在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,其肯定句的谓语由动词原形+s (es)构成。否认 句的谓语由do e s#t+动
9、词原形构成。一般疑问句句首用Does,句中的谓语用动词原形充当。当主语是第一、 二人称单复数和第三人称复数时,肯定句的谓语由动词原形充当。否认句的谓语由do n,t+动词原形构成。 一般疑问句句首用D o ,句中的谓语用动词原形。2.主语第三人称单数:he, she, i t,my father, y o ur si s ter,Tom 等等。四词组1 hea 1 thy food 2 g o on a p i c nic 3 m a k e a lis t of food 4 lo t s of /a lot of5 how many / how muchU n it 7 How m u c
10、h are the pa n t s?(七年级上册)一、重点句型问价格.Howmuch i sthi sT sh i r t? I t ? s 1 0 do 1 lars.1 .Howmuch a r e the y?They are 100 d o 1 la r s .2 .Howmuch i sthe red swe a t e r? Its eig h t dollars.3 .Howmuch is this b1 ue s k i r t? I ts seven do1 1 ars.5How much is that w h it e b ag? I t 9s nine dollars
11、.6.Hoars.w much ar e t hese b la ck p a nts?T h ey9re ten dol 17. Howmuch are t h o s e blues ocks ?They r e thr e ed o Ila r s.问颜色What c o 1 o r do you w a nt ?Whatc o lor is it?二、购物用语:you?1. C a n I h e Ip y ou?/WhatcanIYes, please. /No, than k s.2 That 9s tooe xpe n s i ve!Thafs f i ne, Illta k e
12、 it.3. Th a n k y o u.5. Youre we 1 come.=Thats a 11r ig h t.Im p o r t ant wordsan d express i on sc 1 othes: pa n tsc 1 othes: pa n tsshorts s o cks shir t T-shir t skir t swe a t e r shoesclo t h e s , pant s .s ho r t s , so c ks shoes 一般情况下用,复数形式.例如:H ow muc h ar e theHow muc h ar e tpants? How
13、 muc h ar e the shoes?h e sh o r t s? How much are th e so c ks?s o me c o 1 ors:red green blac k whit e bl u e yel 1 owpink purpl e gray orang eb i g smal 1 (大,小) sh o r t -Ion g (短,长)tallshort (高,矮)三、基数词 f r om t h i rt e e n t o ni n eteent h i r t een four teen fi f teen s i xteenseven t ee n ei
14、ghteen n in e t een. 二十(twenty )三十(thirty)o n sale出售Man y thin g sare o n sal e in this shop.这家商店有很多东西出售.T h a t ha t i so n sale fo r seven do 1 lars 那顶帽子售价七美元at a good p r i ce have a look at.b ags for sportsUnit 8 When i s your bir t hday (七年级上册) 一、重点短语l.how old2. ba s ke t ball game 3. vol 1 eyb
15、 a 1 1 game 4. y e a r (s) ol d5. speec h co n t e s t 6. school t rip7. b irthd a y p arty8. Art F estival9 . Sch o o 1 Day 1 0. Chin e s e Contest 11. M u sic F est i v a 112. Engli s h Part y二、重点句型When is your b irth d ay ? M y b irt hdayis Novemb er 1 1 t h.Whe n i s Liu P i ngs birt hday ?Herbi
16、 rthday isS ep t emb er 5th.When is yo u r fa t hers b irth d ay?Hi sbi r t hday i sA u gust22nd.Do you h a ve an Art F esti v al ?Y es,we do .Wh e n i s it ? It s April 19th.三、语法点1 .掌握月份的名称及缩写2.序数词的运用表达数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。表达数目多少的数词叫基数词;表达顺序的数词叫序数词。基变序口决基变序有规律,词尾加上-th ;一二三特殊记,单词结尾tdd;八减t ,九减e
17、 , f要把ve替;ty把y改为i , 记住前尚有e ;若碰到几十几,只把个位变序1)序数词往往与定冠词the连用t he ninth mont ho n the t w e Ifth flo o r2)基数词变为序数词的规律(详见一课三练4 5页语言点1知识梳理部分)序数词的缩写形式:fi r st1st second2nd t hirty-first- -31st四、年、月、日表达法年的读法:用基数词,两位一读月份名称的首字母要大写日期:用序数词表达,前面可加the,也可省略,但读要读出the年、月、日在英语中的顺序是月、日、年3名词所有格1. The (c h ild) books a
18、re in t e resti n g.2. This i s the (tea ch e r) r o om.3. (Tom and Jim) mother is a t e a c h er.4. ( Tom an d Jim ) moth e rs are a 11 tea c hers.Un it 9 Do yo u wan t to go to a m o vi e ?(七年级上册)一单词1 表达电影类别的名词:mo v ie ac t ion movie comedy thriller docume n t aryBeijing Oper a2 表达品质的形容词:scary f u
19、nn y s ad ex c iting successf u 1 fav o rite di f ficu 1 t b orin g rel a xing gr e at inte r e st i ng二语法1名词复数的构成规则(1 ) 一般情况下在词尾加上s(2)以s /sh / ch/ x结尾的加上es (tom a to/pota t o变为复数时应加上es)(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的,先把y改为i再加es(4)以f / fe结尾的,把f / fe改为v再加es2 一般现在时表达现在的状态,经常的或习惯性的动作,也表达主语具有的性格和能力。(1)肯定句:主语+谓语动词+其他.(2)否
20、认句:主语+do nt/ doesnt +动词原形+其他.(3)一般疑问句:D o/Does+主语+动词原形+其他?Yes,主语+do/does.N o , 主语 + d ont/ d oesnt(4 )特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ do/doe s +主语+动词原形+其他?3 w a nt的用法:wan t+n.想要某物want+to d o sth. 想要做某事eg: H e wants som e a p pies.I want to b u y two books.4连词and,but的用法:an d表达并列“和,并且 b ut表达转折“但是” eg: I 1 i ke t h rille
21、 r s and I lik e c omedie s .11 i k e a p pie s b ut m y sis t e r d o esn*t.三.常用句子1 .Do y o u want t o go to a mo v ie?Yes, I d o. No, I dont.2 . Doe s he/she want t o goto a mov i e ?Yes, he/she does.N o, he/she doesn1 t.3 . Wh a t kind of m o v i e s d o you lik e ? I 1 i k e comedies.4 .She t hi
22、nks doc um e n tari e s ar e b oring.5 .1 think i t is inte r e s t i n g.6 .1 oft e n g o to a m o vi e o n we e ke n d s.7 .We can 1 ea r n a b out t h e Chinese h istory.Un i t 10 Can you pl a y the gu i tar?(七年级上册)一、情态动词can的用法表达能力(如体力和脑力),意为“能,会”等,can +动词原形Can y ou speak En g 1 ish? 你会讲英语吗?二、P h
23、 rases1、English clu b英语俱乐部,art c lub艺术俱乐部,m u si c club 音乐俱乐部,ch e ss c 1 u b象 棋俱乐部,sw i mming club 游泳俱乐部,b a s ket b all c 1 ub 篮球俱乐部 join t he chess club 加入象棋俱乐部2、动词play的用法: play与球类棋类之间无冠词,如:play c he s s下象棋,p 1 ay b a sketb a 1 1 / ba s eball打篮球, 打棒球,等。play与乐器之间必须加冠词the,如:p lay t he p i ano 弹钢琴,p
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- 2023 年级 上册 英语 复习 教案