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1、新加坡自费留学申请书格式2022 新加坡始终都是受欢迎的留学国家,这几年的留学人数增长的更加厉害了。为了去留学,我们得仔细打算新加坡留学申请书。下面就是我给大家带来的新加坡自费留学申请书格式2022最新,希望能帮助到大家! 新加坡自费留学申请书格式2022 Dear _, My ultimate career objective is to become a freelance writer using bilingual skills in the broad media industry. Making use of my experience as a copywriter, I wan
2、t to extend the possibility of my career in the literary profession by acquiring not only English skills but professional knowledge gained from the Media and Communications degree course. My affinity with languages stems originally from my primary school where I received several awards in annual ess
3、ay-writing competitions. Being encouraged by teachers and parents, I gained great confidence and interest in languages. Reading has always been one of my most enjoyable activities since infancy. In order to broaden my communication and cultural horizons, I majored in German at my junior college. Dur
4、ing this time, I also studied English in London. My passion for learning foreign languages developed after this opportunity and following this I enrolled in a French and Spanish class as a part time student at the NANZAN community college. As for my business career, I did not hesitate in choosing to
5、 be a copywriter because I felt I could contribute to the advertising industry using my perceptive and articulate nature. I have worked in this field for nine years and have been engaged in a wide range of advertising, such as making print works, planning campaigns and producing TV commercials. Thes
6、e experiences have undoubtedly enhanced not only my creativity but also my flexibility, multilateral thinking and managing ability. Through participating in following the progress of sales promotions, I recognized the importance of having convictions which are created through genuine involvement, a
7、relationship and dialogue. These qualities enlightened my focus on furthering my career. As a matter of fact, clients now demand work that communicates to people across national boundaries. Accordingly, I hope studying will enable me to further develop my knowledge and skills so I can gain wide oppo
8、rtunities as a in future work placement. I have great ambitions, and self-determination to carry me through a challenging university degree. Diligence, enthusiasm and an abundance of energy are my strengths, also paying close attention to detail with the ability to work under pressure if need be. My
9、 work experiences so far makes me confident that I could will enjoy a successful university career. Yours sincerely, 新加坡留学也许生活费用一览 1.住宿费 新加坡国立高校学生宿舍公立高校寄宿费-约1560人民币/月起(312新币/月起)公立中小学均没有寄宿选项。其他年纪的国际学生在新加坡都选择校外租房的比较多。新留学生一般有4种选择:政府组屋、私人公寓、豪华洋房学生公寓、国际学生公寓。费用一般在新币800-4000/月,因地段、住宿类型、设施及同住人数不同而异。寄宿家庭(适合未
10、成年家庭学生)有很多学生和家长会选择寄宿家庭这类居所,不但生活中有人照应,而且相较于私人公寓,费用也相对便宜。寄宿家庭一般会供应周一至周五的早、午餐和公共假期的一日三餐,也会供应监督和衣食住行、网络等服务,环境也不错,游泳池和健身设施也一应俱全。费用:约7500/月RMB起(1500新币/月起) 2.餐饮费用 在新加坡留学期间,学生可以品尝到各国美食,再加上多数新加坡院校都具有食堂和餐厅,所以在新加坡留学的餐饮费用并不贵。学生平均每天在饮食上花费12元新币,月均400元新币。 3.零花钱 a.通讯网络新加坡通讯发达,上网便利,几乎到处都有上网服务,加坡图书馆上网都是免费的。公共电话系统遍及各区
11、,电话费低廉;国际长途电话收费每分钟新币0.3元-0.9元不等。用国际电话卡拨打中国更低廉,到新币0.1元-0.25元/每分钟不等。预付配套的每月总开支一般在30-100新币之间。备注:30新币已经包括一个月至少4GB的网络数据包。建议各位连接WIFI时才看视频和听音乐! b.伙食新加坡美食结合了中餐、西餐、马来餐,印度餐,等等,都别具风味,还有两者混交出来的“娘惹菜”,更是一绝。新加坡众多的美食中心供应中式、马来式、印度式、日式、泰式和其他各国美食快餐。学校一般也会有食堂和餐厅。总体来说,学生用餐每月约新币200-600元。 4.其他费用 学生在新加坡,每月通讯费用30元新币左右,公交费月均
12、100-150元新币。还有一些其他的生活杂费加起来差不多也是几百新币。 新加坡留学入境事项解读 1、入境之前申请IPA 全部学生在入境之前须要获得新加坡移民局(ICA)颁发的原则入境批准函(IPA)。学校将会为学生申请IPA,IPA通常有效期为(3个月/9个月不等),学生须要在IPA规定的时间内支配入境事宜。 2、申请入境许可 学校向ICA和MOE提交学生的入境许可,申请胜利后会获得新加坡教化部的批准入境信函Entry Approval。若航班取消,同学们需供应相关文件。若因个人缘由错过入境时间,则要重新申请。一般须要 2-4 周审核周期。 3、预定机票和酒店 与此同时,学校须要同时向新加坡教
13、化部门递交学生的机票信息以及SHN(新加坡当地居家隔离令)期间的地址信息。依据新加坡的政策,从中国大陆地区前往新加坡的人员,SHN时间从14天削减至7天。学校将在收到学生的详细机票和酒店信息之后向新加坡教化部门递交入境许可的申请。 4、获得批准入境函Entry Approval 在递交申请同时,学校会将新加坡教化部门要求支付的新冠病毒检测费用链接发给学生,费用为186新币。 支付之后,学生将在1-2周内获得新加坡教化部进入许可批准函(Entry Approval),之后学生便可着手打算行李,根据之前购买的机票时间入境(如在IPA和Entry Approval有效期内),Entry Approval一般要求2周内入境。 5、填写电子入境卡和电子健康申报 在正式入境三天之前,学生在线填报电子健康申报表,填写完成之后便会收到官方邮件回执。回执须要保留并打印纸质版。 新加坡自费留学申请书格式2022本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页