《雅思口语:最喜欢的天气.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思口语:最喜欢的天气.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、雅思口语:最喜欢的天气 雅思口语题目问最喜爱的天气,假如大家听腻了“25度大晴天”,那么就换个文艺风,来个“情深深雨蒙蒙”吧。雨天不肯定就是压抑,还可以很宁静很适合抒情哇!下面一起来看看这篇范文吧! 雅思口语:最喜爱的天气 I feel really comfortable in rainy days, cause the rain makes me calm and peaceful. I love listening to the rain while Im lying on my bed. And its usually cool in rainy days, so you could
2、imagine how comfortable I am when its raining in hot summer. And the best part of rainy days is, I could see pretty rainbows when the rain stops, and when I see a double rainbow, I would be so thrilled cause I strongly believe that it means something good would happen to me. Plus, the smell in the a
3、ir is just so refreshing. I remember theres a word for it, um petrichor, is that right? Well, anyway, Ive always wanted to buy a perfume that has the same smell, but I never found one. Besides, I think the rivers and lakes are the most gorgeous when its raining, cause the ripples are irregular but l
4、ook so artistic, just like a painting. And in rainy days, I could have an unusual experience in the mountain. You know, mountains tend to be foggy after the rain. All the leaves and flowers are covered with raindrops. It makes me feel that therere fairies living out there. No wonder that there are s
5、o many Chinese poems about mountains in rainy days. 还有一些小挚友有着奇妙的爱好,就是喜爱看雨中没打伞的人群在舍命奔跑躲雨 假如你也有这种癖好,不妨共享一下,万一雅思索官有共鸣呢: And I have a funny and weird habit. I love storm. Maybe its hard to understand, but I really love the sound of the raindrops. And I love to see people running in the heavy rain withou
6、t an umbrella, I know its a little evil and perverted, but I just couldnt help it.) 雅思索试语言点解析: petrichor = the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. (it's) no/ little/ small wonder (that) = it is not surprising 例如: It is little wonder (that) she was so upset. No wonder you're ti
7、red, you've been walking for hours. perverted = not thought to be normal or acceptable by most people 例如: sexual acts, normal and perverted She was having difficulty following his perverted logic. They clearly take a perverted delight in watching others suffer. 雅思口语 (喜爱的天气)应当怎么写 考官: Describe you
8、r favourite weather You should say: what kind of weather it is when this weather usuallyoccurs what you usually do duringthis weather how this weather affects you 候选人: Ok, well I 'd say my favourite weather would have to be sunny weather, which I guess is the same for most people. And as for whe
9、n this weather usually occurs, well unfortunately, not often enough! Because where I 'm from, it seems to rain the whole time, and when it' s not raining, the sky 's usually quite cloudy or smoggy, so we don' t really get all that much sun in my hometown, but hopefully this year will
10、 be a bit better -fingers crossed! Anyway, regarding what I usually do when it 's sunny, well I guess it probably depends on how much free time I have. So I mean, if I only have a little bit of free time, then I might just go for a walk around my neighbourhood or chill out for a bit in the garde
11、ns of my apartmentcomplex. And if I have more time, then I might arrange to play some tennis or basketball with a few friends. And with regard to how this kind of weather affects me, well basically, I 'd say it normally always puts me in a good mood. So for example, waking up with the sun shinin
12、g through the windows is always a great feeling, as I 'm sure you 'll agree. And another thing to mention would be that the traffic usually tends to be better on sunny days than rainy days or smoggy days, so it means that I can get to work quicker. It 's funny, because it always seems th
13、at there are more cars on the road on rainy days or smoggy days. So yeah, I guess that pretty much sums it up, and I wish I could wake up to a bright sunny day every morning! 雅思口语表达要点:occur 出现 not often enough 不常 cloudy 多云 smoggy 雾霾 fingers crossed 祈祷 go for a walk 漫步 chill out for a bit 放松 arrange
14、to 支配 waking up with the sun shining through the windows is always a great feeling 早上起床透过窗户看太阳是很棒的。 that pretty much sums it up 我只想说这些 剑桥雅思口语 + 语法:非限制性属性子句: I 'd say my favourite weather would have to be sunny weather, which I guess is the same for most people. 虚拟音: I wish I could wake up to a b
15、right sunny day every morning. Table 子句: It always seems that there are more cars on the road on rainy days or smoggy days. 雅思口语发音不准怎么办 第一走出去,不仅能听得见自己的发音,也能听见别人的发音。 假如只是自己一个人操练,往往会会沉醉在一个人狭小的天地里而不能自拔。有时候还会自信到自恋的地步:我的发音真美!殊不知,人往往会在这种自恋中而固步自封。听得见别人的发音,和自己的发音对比一下,略微有点自知之明的人就会知道,是自己的发音好,还是别人的好一些。这样在对比中,取
16、其所长,避其所短,在对比中不断进步。从这个层面来说,对比见真知,对比见进步。所以练好发音,练雅思口语,肯定要走出去,多听听他人的声音。 其次走出去,可以实行对话型练习。 这里所说的对话型练习不是简洁的日常生活对话,而是相互纠错的过程。 你可以面对他人读一读,让他指出你发音的不足之处,然后改正了,克服了,就进步了。其实读英语,训练完备发音是一个非常味同嚼蜡的过程,除非你是一个真正的英语爱好狂,达到“英语痴”的地步。正因为枯燥,所以须要走出去与人多多沟通。让他人了解你,你也了解别人。在相互融洽、合作、互帮互助中走向发音的完备。 第三走出去,和英语是母语的人多做沟通。 其次步雅思口语发音准练习方式是
17、和自己水平差不多的人在一起训练,大家可以都是中国人。第三步就要找寻地地道道的说英语的人了。他们的母语终归是英语,你听着也舒适,假如有幸常和他们在一起,你的英语发音也会变得和他们一样美。不是有这样一句话嘛,想成为什么样的人,就和他们在一起,久而久之,你也会变成和他们一样的人。学习英语,训练英语发音也是如此,多和你想成为的人在一起。 雅思口语复习技巧大放送 雅思口语技巧一:转移法 顾名思义,就是把回答问题时的风险转移规避出去。在口语考试过程中,时时常会出现怪异刁钻的题目,或者说是自己根本没有打算过并不熟识的题目。在此状况下考生原委应当如何应对呢?是坦白的告知考官自己不会呢?还是不分黑白乱侃一通呢?
18、其实答案是也不是。 在此状况下,考生应当机警的应对,采纳风险转移法。以第一部分2006年考到的“鸟”的题目为例。考官问道:“What are the most popular birds in China and what meanings do they have?” 其实先别提大多数考生是否知道在中国流行的鸟原委有哪些,事实上应当连鸟的英文名字都叫不上来一两个,就更别提他们的含义了。这时候怎么办?总不能不回答问题吧?好办。考生可以坦然地告知考官:“I dont really know much about birds.”或者干脆说:“I dont know.”但是记住,这恒久不是问题回答的
19、结束。接下来肯定要说“but”。可是but之后又该说什么呢?胡侃瞎侃可以吗?完全可以,但是风险要转嫁出去。考生可以用一个简洁的转移技巧:“but one of my friends is crazy about birds, and he used to tell me.” 你看这样子即使考生接下来乱侃一通,考官也不能指责考生,因为这些内容根本就是听别人说的嘛,要怪也要去怪别人吧。 所以说遇到难题不会回答的题,不要焦急,肯定要冷静。回答时可以侃,但是肯定要侃的有理,侃的奇妙。我提示广阔考生可以再考试前总结一下雅思口语考试题目,加强雅思口语练习,最好可以参与一下雅思口语辅导班,了解一下雅思口语考
20、试介绍。 雅思口语技巧二:昵称法 所谓昵称法就是给自己所要谈的人或物冠以昵称,以体现考生对英语更敏捷的驾驭和对问题更奇妙地回答而使之成为一个闪光点。就人来说,考生可以运用Mr., Miss或 Mrs.加上一个人的特点或者干脆用一个描述性的名次短语来给一个人昵称。例如:Mr. Handsome 可以指一位相貌出众的帅哥, Mr. Big Nose 可以用来称呼一大鼻子哥们儿, Mr. Determination 可以形容以很有决心的人, Mr. “I dont know”可以用来称呼凡事总是 “I dont know”的哥们儿。遇到物品,例如谈一样有用的设备,我就会说“well, I am go
21、ing to talk about my little girlfriend then” 考官听到这里刚要纳闷怀疑我是不是没读懂题目,就听到我接着说到“my iPod, a very trendy mp3 player and also a very useful electronic device, which I would always take along with me wherever I go.”此时,考官就会茅塞顿开。“哦,原来这哥们儿在运用修辞,在玩幽默,还把自己的iPod当成了女挚友。呵呵,真是有心了。”当然还有许多其他的例子,考生完全可以充分发挥自己的想象力来使自己的回答
22、更加生动好玩。 雅思口语技巧三:讲故事法 大多数中国考生要么往往因为自己根本没有思路不知道如何回答考官的问题,要么就是因为英文实力不足,无法用抽象的语言把自己的论证用流畅的正确的英文表达出来。可是话说回来,假如让任何一个考生用英文描述一个故事,应当还是很简单的。大家论证问题不行,讲个故事还是蛮可以的嘛。也就是说,假如考官让考生说明一个想象,阐述一个缘由,考生完全可以用讲故事的方法代替。例如,在其次部分就考过describe one important decision的主题卡片。考生要回答这个确定是什么,在什么状况下作出这样的确定,为什么做出这样的确定,以及这个确定为什么重要。假如说我们讲这个
23、重要的确定是去英国读书,有的学生可能就将英国的教化质量如何如何得好,在英国可以如何如何的提高英语,还有可以如何如何的开阔眼界。莫非中国的教化质量就不好吗?在国内学习英文就比国外差了吗?去其他国家就不能开阔眼界了吗?从全部这些都看不出去英国去得那么必定。即使有道理,那么用英文又能流利的表达这些意思吗?可是假如采纳讲故事的方法不但很简单用英文进行表达,而且也能够用自己真实的(或者是虚构的)经验来说明自己去英国留学是这么的必定。考生可以从自己去机场送女挚友或者男挚友去英国读书起先,描述当时离别时的苦痛因为自己很爱他/她,不能失去他/她,所以自己在那个时候如何promise him/her 无论有多么困难都肯定也会去英国陪他/她,不让他/她在那边孤独孤独。这就从一个侧面反映了自己做出的重要确定以及为什么。这样完全规避了长篇空洞的论述,而能够收到一种以情动人的效果。详细还可以参考一下其次部分重要确定哪个主题卡片的回答与讲解。 雅思口语:最喜爱的天气本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第12页 共12页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页