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1、雅思写作实用高分句型总结 在雅思写作考试中,要求各位考生所表达的句子是多样的,而且要求有肯定精确表达的实力。今日我为大家总结了一些雅思写作高分句型,希望能帮助到各位考生在备考中多多积累,主要还是能敏捷的应用这些句型。 雅思写作好用高分句型总结 1.状语前置 所谓状语前置就是把状语(副词,介词短语,分词,不定式)放到句首。考官会频繁运用这种语法结构,而许多考生却没有意识,这种句式通过一堆长句子中出现一个小短语,可以让句子产生长短结合的紧凑感,实例如下: 1) Unfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greate
2、r contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. 2) Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills. 3) Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but
3、I think these are the two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness. 4) As a result of media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities. 5) With the political will, such measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. 2.句中插入短语 和状语前
4、置类似,长句子中间插入一个小短语,可以让句子读起来更轻松敏捷。考官实例如下: 1) This will affect the job market, which, after all, is a key target in any economic plan. 2) Sports stars and pop stars, for example, are soon replaced by the neat younger, more energetic generation. 3) So overall, I believe that, attending schools from a you
5、ng age is good for most children. 4) Universities, when it is functioning well, should offer both theoretical knowledge as well as professional training 3.倒装句 这种语法现象考生都学过,但往往在作文中遗忘或没有意识运用。先看两个例子: 1 ) Parents should spend time on their children. They should also communicate with them. 2 ) We can neve
6、r lose sight of the significance of education. 这两个句子没有任何错误,但都很单调平淡,假如运用倒装,效果就不一样了。第一句可以用not only t also 句型来改写成倒装句:Not only should parents spent time on their children, they are also advised to interact with them. 其次句可以否定词提前,强调突出“不行忽视”。 On no account/by no means/ in no way/never can we lose sight of
7、the significance of education. 考官范文中的倒装例子并不多,主要体现在以下几种状况中: 1) Only in this way can this problem be effectively solved. 2) We can see that not only are there very large differences between these economies-s, but that these gaps are widening. 3) Strange as it may seem, parents attention sometimes hind
8、ers studentsacademic development. 4) Equally important to success in learning a foreign language is constant attention to details. 考生在平常的语言积累和写作练习中,可以多仿照这几种固定句式,在文章中穿插1-2句倒装句。 雅思写作模板一 In this day and age, the Homo sapiens is advancing at a shocking rate in a host of domains. Along with all the boons
9、 brought about by the high-tech wonders have come some sufferings, and the _ is manifest among them. A recent study conducted by _(机构名称) revealed that _现象。Hence, it is of paramount importance that we ascertain the causes of _ and identify the effective remedies of this phenomenon. As I see it, the c
10、auses of _ are manifold. Firstly, _. Secondly, _. Last but not the least, _ Given the severity of _. We have no alternative but to take vigorous measures to address this thorny issue. To begin with, -_(resolution one): further, _(resolution two): lastly,_ (resolution three) To summarize, the causes
11、of _-are multiple. I just point out some of them. But if _, _ and _ work together to resolve _, the incidence of _will fall immediately. 雅思写作模板二 In present-day society, the human race is progressing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of arenas. Accompanying all the boons brought about by the pr
12、ofound societal changes have come some sufferings, and _ is very prominent among them. Some people assert that _; while the adversaries strongly contend that _. From my own perspective, their views have both merit and demerit. Granted, there could be some positive effects _may bring about. In the fi
13、rst place, 分论点一. For instance, 例证 / 语言论证。In the second place, 分论点二. 论证. However, the opponents firmly believe that _., and they against it for a couple of sound reasons. Firstly, _. Secondly, _. Thirdly, _ In the final analysis, I concede that to some extent, 第一个观点. However, 其次个观点。 On balance, I am
14、convinced that 自己的观点。 详解雅思大作文的“灵动丰富” 灵:大作文也是有灵魂的。 中国学生听说读写四门课写作和口语比较难拿高分,正是因为这两门考试能更为全面地反应出考生的综合语言实力,没有肯定的学问面,严密的逻辑思维,娴熟的思辨技巧,必定很难在较短的时间内充分展示语言的精确与丰富程度。所谓大作文的灵魂,简洁地说,就是文章的内容。内容不仅包含说什么(中心句),还包含怎么说(2-3个主题句),更包含怎样自圆其说(论证的过程),以及文章的浑然一体(开头的结尾的呼应)。为了激发大家的写作思路,在该部分,严春华老师在该环节独创了一系列简洁高效的方法:“通关五穴”思路绽开,“巧言善辩与融
15、会贯穿”的四大论证途径,“画龙点睛”三大高分结尾方案。保证了考生在较短的时间内快速成为作文流水线上的娴熟工,生产出言之有物,见解独到的优秀作文。 动:措辞的生动到位是大作文的肉体。 中国学生普遍经验的传统的英文教学体系,注意输入实力的熬炼(阅读和听力),忽视了主动实力的培育(写作和口语),这一点导致考生在写作文时,普遍存在词汇贫乏,句型无趣,搭配错误,时态混乱,中式英语等顽固症状。更多的同学抱着埋头苦写的看法,花了大量时间写作文,效果依旧不志向,除了金钱和时间的奢侈,更是被多次失败熬煎到自信念受挫。事实证明,不了解中英文两种语言的差异而盲目地写作,只能将“生产”作文的过程,变成一个单纯的体力活
16、,结果必定是事倍而功半。严春华老师在长期的教学实践中,全面细致地归纳了中文和英文的一系列差别,节约了考生自己漫漫摸索体会的时间,做到短期内快速突破,令作文用词地道,生动传神,大大提高了文章的可读性和吸引力。“中英文差别系列观”的含金量正是在于它帮助成千上万的考生圆满地终结了英文写作的摸索过程,实现了高分与高能的双赢。 丰:措辞的丰满多变演绎出大作文的穿衣品位。 好的英语文章,除了言之有物,措辞到位,语法精确,遣词造句的丰满多变也是评分标准的重要一条。严春华老师在教学中总结了雅思真题系列里阅读和听力材料的的大量考点,建立了经典权威的同义词,反义词题库,不仅帮考生把握住阅读和听力的考试规律,各个击
17、破地拿到高分,“VARIETY三大策略”更是革命性地实现了复习应考雅思四门时的“一石四鸟”。比如,当你能用 cooperate, (cooperative spirits, boost cooperation, cooperating among different countries), collaborate, (collaborative spirits, enhance collaboration, collaborating with one another), join efforts, ( joint efforts), concerted endeavors, coordina
18、ted operation等表达来写作的时候,当你能把剑桥阅读里的长句游刃有余地解剖归类,并将并列句,复合句,非谓语动词,倒装,排比等句法收放自如地用于大作文中,你会不知不觉地爱上了英文写作这门理性与感性有机结合,魅力与力气合二为一的精妙的文字艺术。 富:富足的语言和内容,若能再推陈出新,配以独到创意,深刻见地,和无懈可击的神来之笔,就必能以贵族气质的大家手笔,从最严格的考官手里稳操胜券。 由于东西方教化体系的重大差异,东部的学生更习惯于接受既成的学问,较少主动思维,改革创新,导致大量的考生沿袭市面上流行的范文书,如法炮制出缺乏特性,套路雷同,甚至有严峻抄袭痕迹的作文;而经受过反剽窃训练的考官
19、,很简单识别这种作文并依据抄袭程度扣分,惋惜地是,在这条道路上,依旧不乏因信息不对称,而“自杀性抄袭”的前仆后继者。严春华老师的“站在巨人的肩膀上写作”“小五大六范文笔记”“高分两步走”“THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX”创意培育方案,让广阔考生学会合理利用范文书这个平台,在巨人的肩膀上批判地汲取,呈现特性化的洞察力和语言魅力,不仅让成千上万的考生拿到了高分,更大大激发了考生对英语的学习激情,培育了学生们严谨创意,独立创新的良好学习习惯。严老师的教学风格独树一帜,旁征博引,幽默诙谐,生动隽永,深受学生爱戴,被暗中誉为英语“教皇”。在海派文化的上海,成就了一道“简洁高效”的教化文化风景线。 雅思写作好用高分句型总结本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第11页 共11页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页