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1、苏教版语文四年级下册阅读题(一)“生命桥”(片段)(7%) 顿时 山涧上空划出了一道道令人眼花缭乱的弧线 那弧线是一座以老羚羊的死亡作桥墩的生命桥 那情景是何等的神圣 1、 给上面一段文字加上合适的标点。(2%) 2、文中把 比作 ,是因为 (3%) (二)我想有个“高级妈妈”(13%) ?“世上只有妈妈好”。是妈妈都好,可是我认为“好”的水平有区别。一类是初级妈妈,把我们生下来,就交给姥姥、奶奶抚养,完事。一类是中级妈妈,管我们吃穿住行,又督促学习。还有一类是高级妈妈,不仅关心我们眼前的健康成长,还能有计划、有目标地帮助我们树立和实现远大理想。 ?什么样的妈妈是高级妈妈呢, ?像居里夫人那样
2、的妈妈。我不是说居里夫人获得了两次诺贝尔奖,当儿女的可以借光。我是说居里夫人总把孩子的身心锻炼放在第一位。 ?居里夫人工作很忙。可在百忙中,她耐心地、手把手地教女儿学园艺,学烹调,学缝纫,学干家务活。她不但培养女儿独立生活的能力,还抽时间带领女儿骑车去野外,骑马去山中探险,让孩子了解大自然,陶冶情操。 ?居里夫人拥有0.1克镭价值一百万法郎,再加上两次获得的诺贝尔奖金,够两个女儿一辈子享受。可居里夫人把这些全部赠给了实验室。居里夫人说:“优裕的生活,奢侈的恶习,会耽误你们的前程。” ?正因为居里夫人是位高级妈妈,所以她的两个女儿能成为有出息的孩子。大女儿伊瑞娜获得了诺贝尔奖,小女儿艾芙成了音乐
3、家、传记作家。 ?我想有一个居里夫人那样的高级妈妈,不是要求我们的妈妈都成为大科学家,而是说要在教育孩子的方法上讲究点“科学”。我想有个居里夫人那样的高级妈妈,不是嫌我们的妈妈差,而是希望我们的妈妈能更好,更了解孩子的需求。 ?亲爱的妈妈,知道了我的想法,您该不会生气吧 1、 把可以搭配的词语用线连起来。(4%) 树立 情操 健康的 恶习 培养 需求 耐心地 成长 陶冶 能力 独立地 教导 了解 理想 奢侈的 生活 2、给短文分段,用 标在下面的序号后。(3%) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3、居里夫人称得上是“高级妈妈”是因为 (3%) 4、读了这篇小短文,我想对妈妈说 to the t
4、erms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must
5、 be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes mainten
6、ance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000
7、good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 go
8、od corporate 答案 六、(一)1、 , , 。 2、弧线 生命桥 老羚羊用自己的身体做桥墩,把死的希望留给自己,把生的希望留给年轻羚羊,为年轻羚羊架起了一座生命桥。(大概意思答对即可) (二)1、 树立 情操 健康的 恶习 培养 需求 耐心地 成长 陶冶 能力 独立地 教导 了解 理想 奢侈的 生活 2、? 3、她不但培养孩子独立生活的能力,而且有计划、有目标地帮助孩子树立和实现远大理想。(大概意思答对即可) 4、略 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordinat
9、ion with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision
10、. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158
11、good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar
12、 cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (三)天鹅的故事(节选) 这时,别的天鹅似(s sh)乎被这一举动惊住了。它们呆呆地站在那里,瞧着这位“破冰勇士”。只听得“
13、嚓嚓”,冰层裂开了一条小缝(fng fng,接着又裂开了一条冰面终于塌陷了,出现了一个小的冰窟窿。这位顽强的“破冰勇士”沿着冰窟(k ku)窿的边缘(yn yun)继续扑打着,水面在慢慢地扩大。有几只天鹅来帮忙了,很快整群天鹅,大约百十来只,都投入了破冰工作。它们干得那样齐心,那样欢快水面在迅速地扩大着。湖面上不时传来阵阵“克噜克哩克哩”的叫声,就像那激动人心的劳动号子:“兄弟们哪,加油齐心干哪,加油” 1(用“ ”画出括号里正确的读音。(2分) 2(“破冰勇士”指的是 ,说它是“破冰勇士”的原因是 。(2分) 3(天鹅群“克噜克哩克哩”的叫声,仿佛是它们齐心破冰的 。(1分) 4. 看到天鹅
14、群齐心破冰的场面,我们会想起“ ”等名句。(2分) (四)清洁工 入冬以来,我每天早晨都要去湖滨跑步,途中总要经过一幢新建的居民楼。每到这里,我便会看到一位清洁女工在认真地清扫道路。 这是一位老人,脚穿一双褪色的黑布鞋,身穿一件不太合身的工作服,头上围着一块黑色方巾。从她那露出的白发和前额上的皱纹来看,和奶奶差不多,准有六十多岁了。她天天挥动着扫把,一步一步地往前扫着,拂去尘土,小路露出了原先洁净的面庞。记得一个大风的早晨,她无法用扫把,只好弯着腰,把碎纸、烂叶一一捡起,放进手提的小箱子里。又一个雪后的早晨,当我跑到马路尽头时,突然发现老人蹲在那里用双手抠下水道口的污泥和杂物。她用汗水洗刷积聚
15、的污垢,给人们送来了清新和幸福。我敬佩她,同时也可怜她:这么大年纪了,还没退休,想必是家中十分困难吧。或许是位无依无靠的孤独老人,不得不靠自己劳动来养活自己吧? 元旦的早晨,爸爸买来一束鲜花和礼品,带我去看望他早就退休的中学老师。我们来到一大楼前,这是幢熟悉的大楼。敲开门,一位中年妇女把我们请进陈设整洁的客厅。“妈妈,有人找您来了。”随着中年妇女的话声,一位神采奕奕的老人从里屋走出来。爸爸喊了声:“老师,您好。”我呆住了:她竟是那位“老清洁工”!我完全明白了,马上拿过爸爸手中的鲜花,双手捧到她的面前 1(给下面带点的字填上正确的答案。(2分) “熟悉”按音序查第一个字母是( );按部首查( )
16、,再查( )画;(应取下面第( )种解释。(?成熟;?程度深;?习惯,常见) 2(读短文,联系上下文理解下面的词语。(2分) (1)积聚: (2)神采奕奕: 3(用“:”画出描写老清洁工外貌的句子。(2分) 4(用“ ”画出描写“我”内心的句子。(2分) to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use
17、facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table devic
18、e name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good compan
19、y good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4
20、 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (三)天鹅的故事 1(ku yun 2(“破冰勇士”指的是老天鹅。因为它不怕疼痛,不怕牺牲,用自己的身体和生命不断地扑打冰面。3.动员声或呐喊声。 4. 人心齐,泰山移。或其他句子。 四)清洁工 1( (S ) ( ), ( 11 )画;第( ? )种解释。 2(1)积聚: 积累 (2)神采奕奕:精神
21、饱满的样子 3、这是一位老人,脚穿一双褪色的黑布鞋,身穿一件不太合身的工作服,头上围着一块黑色方巾。 4、我敬佩她,同时也可怜她:这么大年纪了,还没退休,想必是家中十分困难吧。或许是位无依无靠的孤独老人,不得不靠自己劳动来养活自己吧? to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities
22、 will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, mo
23、del number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lea
24、se 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200
25、good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate (五) 刘备三顾茅庐之前,曹操曾三请诸葛亮。这件事鲜为人知。 曹操在许州打新野时吃了败仗,非常恼火,挥剑要杀曹洪。这时,谋士程煜出来说情:“吃败仗不怪曹将军,只恨刘备有个能掐会算的徐庶当军师。要是丞相信得过,我愿推荐一个能人,处处比徐庶都高一招。这人就是水镜先生的高徒、我的师兄诸葛亮。现在卧龙冈隐居。” 曹操早听说过诸葛
26、亮是个能人,就决定请诸葛亮当谋士。第二天,他领着程煜、曹洪等人马,带上金银财宝上了路。他们赶到卧龙冈已是中午,人困马乏,就到路边茶馆里歇脚。曹操先后吩咐曹洪与程煜去请诸葛亮到茶馆来叙谈,诸葛亮都没理他们。于是曹操便亲自出马。 曹操一行来到茅庵门前,只见柴门大开,诸葛亮正在草堂读书。曹操进了屋,诸葛亮一没起身让座,二没磕头下拜。曹操强装笑脸,问:“你可是大名鼎鼎的诸葛亮先生?”诸葛亮头也不抬,随口应道:“不敢不敢我是个山野村夫。听说丞相远道而来,专门在此等候。”说罢,把书本一合,斜着眼睛望着曹操。曹操仔细把诸葛亮打量了一番,果真气度不凡就赶紧叫人抬上礼品,说:“先生足智多谋,专程登门请你出山,为
27、我统一天下卖力。” 诸葛亮一听,哈哈大笑,说:“丞相花大本钱请普通山民,不怕失了面子吗,”说罢,仰天大笑。曹操本来就谨慎多疑。以为诸葛亮取笑自己,后悔不该亲自来请他。曹操本想发火出气,又怕传出去,坏了礼贤下士的名声,支吾着说:“那就不必勉强了!”说罢,灰溜溜地走了。 这件事传到民间,变成了一句歇后语:“曹操请孔明没诚心。” 1(给短文取个恰当的题目,写在横线上。(2分) _ 2(文中将诸葛亮的笑写得非常传神,我也能写一写不同人的笑。(3分) 明明说话不动脑筋,他刚说完:“牛奶会产奶牛。”顿时,全班同学哄堂大笑, 有的_,有的_,有的_ 3、用“”画出诸葛亮很“傲慢”的句子。他如此“傲慢”是为了
28、_ _(1分) 4(歇后语中的孔明就是_,文中的他是一个_的人。(2分) 5(曹操三清诸葛亮:第一次由_去请,第二次由_去请,第三次由_去请。最终无功而返的主要原因是_。(4分)( 一 )六沙漠中的绿洲片段(16分) 阿拉伯朋友告诉我们,这里的每一株小树,每一棵小草,都是国家花很大的代价培植的。可以毫不夸张地说,在这里,培育一棵树的费用(抵 底)得上培养一个孩子。原先这里是沙漠,地面全是白花花的盐碱,好象罩着一层硬硬的壳。这里,土是咸的,水也是咸的,简直是不毛之地恶( )劣的自然环境并没有难(nn nn)倒阿联酋人民。他们从国外买来泥土,买来淡水,买来树苗和花草。他们又把咸而板结的沙石挖去,(
29、填 添)上适宜种植树木的泥土,to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineerin
30、g and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has bee
31、n using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 re
32、ntal 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding
33、 equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 并在土中埋下自来水管。由总水塔输出的淡水,通过纵横交错的自来水管,源源不断地送到花草树木的根部。“人类有了绿树、鲜花和小草,生活才更加美丽。” 阿拉伯朋友这样说。 1、在括号中把不正确的音节或汉字划去。(4分) 2、先看看这两个词语有什么特点,再照样子写两个词语。(2分) 源源不断 闷闷不乐 3、从文中找出下列词语的近义词,并写下来。(4分) 培育 ( ) 奔流不息( ) 适合 ( ) 寸草不生( ) 4、这段话是围绕着哪句话写的,请用“?”在文中划出。(3分) 5、请你写一句广告语号召人们自觉保护环境。(3分) ( 七)
34、【19=3+3+2+2+4+2+3分】 弯弯的小路 骄阳似火。近中午了,可赶集的人还似一股股流水,从四面八方汇集到这弯弯的小路上,形成一条奔流的人河。在人流中,一个小姑娘正推着满满一车杏子摇摇晃晃地走着。路窄,人挤。突然,“唿啦”一声,黄澄澄、水灵灵的甜杏儿在地上滚动起来。 呀无数只脚就要踩到杏子,怎么办,这时,一个洪钟似的喊声压倒吵嚷声:“大家别动” 人群立刻静下来,接着,一个拄拐棍的老人弯腰去捡杏子,一个抱孩子的妇女弯腰去捡,一个红领巾弯腰去捡,一个小伙子弯下腰 “完了”姑娘心头一颤,五年前的情景一幕幕浮现在脑海里:一条弯弯曲曲的小路,一个小姑娘挑一担苹果在路上走着。拥挤的人流碰翻了筐子,
35、蜂拥而上的人争抢着果子。吃果子的人嬉笑着散开,姑娘掩面哭泣。这姑娘,正是她自己。 “闺女,别着急。”老人把捡到的杏子放进车里,打断了姑娘的追忆。 “姑姑,给你。”妇女怀中的孩儿用小手捧着杏儿喊。 红领巾踮着脚,努力把捧杏的手伸过来 姑娘不敢相信自己,她擦去泪花,睁大眼睛:不错,都捡回来了,满满的一车杏子。 这时,一股清凉的风儿轻轻飘来,姑娘紧锁的眉头舒展开了,脸上泛起了红晕,似一朵绽放的红彤彤的花,可泪花又蒙住了她的眼 噢,是风儿吹到这弯弯的小路上,吹走了千万人心头的炎热,吹开了姑娘脸to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit o
36、f collaboration in coordination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject
37、 to the supervisors decision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing m
38、achine 0.5 1 China 2010 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-4
39、0 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate 上的花 1、从文中找出下面词语的近义词:顿时( )出现( )回忆(
40、) 2、从文中找出下面词语的反义词:寒冷( ) 舒展 ( )稳稳当当( ) 3、 用“ ”画出文中打比方的句子。 4、用“ ”画出对姑娘外貌进行描写的句子。 5、文章中两次写到姑娘的泪水。第一次姑娘“掩面哭泣”是因为 ;第二次“泪花又蒙住了她的眼”是因为 6、为短文确定中心思想:( ) A、本文表现了果农丰收的喜悦。 B、本文表现了姑娘心情变化。 C、本文表现老人、妇女等人助人为乐的精神。 7、画线句子中的“风”表面上指 ; 实际上是指 。 to the terms of the contract, in line with the spirit of collaboration in coo
41、rdination with the supervisor . We will work with other sites or other conflicts in common use facilities will be coordinated by the employer and the supervisor. We would for other packages to meet engineering and construction must be used to provide convenient, and are subject to the supervisors de
42、cision. 13.6 proposed main construction equipment to be put into this contract work table device name, model number and specifications of main construction equipment manufacturer name year of purchase has been using classes maintenance situation now where to enter time mixing machine 0.5 1 China 201
43、0 158 good HZS60 2 2009 300 company 2012.10 mixer 2012.10 ZL30 2 2011 800 loader in good company good lease 2012.10 loader ZL50 2 2011 270 2012.10 concrete mixer truck in good company good 10m3 6 2009 1200 rental 2012.10 2007 2000 good company, China Steel bending machine GW6-40 4 GQ40 4 2012.10 steel bar cutting machine 2010 1800 good corporate 2012.10 steel bar straightening machine GTJ14 4 2010 200 good corporate 2012.10 AC electric welding machine BX-400 4 2006 200 good corporate 2012.10 gas welding equipment-2011 1000 good corporate