《银行英语考试阅读:什么是银行.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《银行英语考试阅读:什么是银行.docx(24页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、银行英语考试阅读:什么是银行 为了帮助大家学好银行英语,下面我给大家带来银行英语考试阅读:什么是银行,希望对大家有所帮助! 银行英语考试阅读:什么是银行 Whenever banks are mentioned in China, it is natural to be associated with the Peoples Bank of China. This is because its branches can be found in the cities in this country, and this bank is commonly known as the leading b
2、ody of the Chinese banking system which includes state commercial banks such as the Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, the Construction Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of Communications, and other banking institutions. 在中国,人们一提到银行,就自然而然地和中国人民银行联系起来。这是因为它的分支机构
3、在全国的各城市都能找到,通常被认为是包括国有商业银行,比如中国农业银行、中国银行、中国建设银行、中国工商银行、交通银行,以及其它金融机构在内的中国金融体系的主管部门。 But what is a bank then? It may be advisable to define a bank as an institution for doing financial work. Here, each specialized bank has its own business activities,but there are two basic functions in common. 那么,什么
4、是银行?将银行说明为办理金融业务的机构可能是较为恰当的。这里,每家专业银行都有各自的业务范围,但一般有两项基本职能。 One is to accept deposits of money from customers; The other is to make loans to the customers who wish to borrow. With the continuous development of Chinas economy and trade, especially after the country has opened to the outside world, ban
5、ks will be playing more and more important role in our lives. 一是汲取客户的存款; 二是向那些想借款的客户发放贷款。 随着中国经济和贸易的持续发展,尤其是对外开放以后,银行将会在我们的生活中发挥越来越重要的作用。 New Words: 1.mention vt. 2.associate vt. 3.branch n. 4.leading adj. 5.body n. 6.banking n. 7.system n. 8.specialized adj. 9.construction n. mercial adj. municatio
6、n n. 12.investment n. 13.institution n. 14.advisable adj. 15.define vt. 16.financial adj. 17.function n. 18.accept vt. 19.deposit n. 20.loan n. 21.customer n.单词: 1.提及,说起 2.使发生联系,使联合 3.分行,分部 4.领导的,第一位的,最主要的 5.主体,团体 6.银行业 7.系统,体系,制度,体制 8.特地的,专科的 9.建筑,建设 10.商业的,贸易的 11.交通,通讯 12.投资 13.公共机构,协会,制度 14.可取的,明
7、智的 15.定义,具体说明 16.财政的,金融的 17.功能,作用 18.接受,承兑 19.存款 20.(借出的)贷款,借出 21.顾客,客户 Phrases and Expressions be associated with leading body banking system state commercial banks Agricultural Bank of China Bank of China Construction Bank of China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Bank of Communications ban
8、king institutions 中国人民银行英语考试笔试题 最终央行的求职历程(11月9日-12月5日,2009),今日可以打住了,虽然有些感伤,死在了笔试的路上,觉得最对不起的不是自己,而是姐姐及爸爸的信任,此时我不知道怎么向她诉说这个消息,似乎静默的把它吞在心里,烧烤着我吧!但是在应届生上得到了这么多求职帮助,我也想把自己的感想写下来,供大家共享,祝愿那些已通过笔试的同学也能顺当通过面试,没有过的同学也不要泄气,我们还有机会奋斗的! 时间:am,10:00-12:00,2009年12月5日 ;共计五大题;考试地点:福师大旗山校区,报考单位:广东河源支行,审核通过:77人。 今年有210
9、0多号人,聚在那里,不说别的,就是这个考生就让你感觉有震撼的。(当时还有现场一些“警察”)当然,核心要说是考试题目:许多考题是和银行业务相关的英语表述,假如平常没有接触的话,估计很难能在这次考试中有轻松的感觉,所以我觉得有些慌,我用了110分钟。这个考题和去年的相差很大,但总体上说来今年英语类考试详细如下: 一, 单选题,10道。 记得题目有: 存款保证金是按什么标准收取的(储蓄资产,商行总资产,.) C.M,评级标准的是(1, AAAA, 1 level,standing) 央行现代职能是从什么时候起先的(1986,1984,1985,) 外汇预期下降,会产生什么样的结果 商业银行不能从事的
10、业务(credit, treasure bonds,.) 实物交易不要的是(golden, printed currency,.) 其他的不知道了,“.”表示记不清晰了,你可以参考一下,其他的同学的回忆吧, 二, 完型填空,20道。 主要说是关于全球温室效应(warming)的探讨方法的演化,文章整体难度不大,看2篇基本能懂 ,只是选一个恰当的词填空,的确有些耗时间。 三, 阅读,4篇。 前两篇是说明文,第一篇是:人类与机器人的发展演化,较为简洁。 其次篇,似乎遗忘了。(感觉有点像2005年的探讨生入学考试题的完型填空改编的) 第三篇,说的是经济学中的逆向选择:一种是行为上的,一种是道德上。
11、第四篇,说的整个经济环境的衰退对银团贷款的影响。 四,翻译,2部分。 第一篇, 英译汉,说的futures(期货)合同的订立须要在清算中心的参加完成,这样才能保证,合同的双方的权益。 其次篇, 汉译英,说的信用社的起源及基本内容。很简洁,知道一些专出名字,翻译也就不成问题了。 五, 作文,整个试卷最简洁的部分了,120字,论述电脑是好还是坏。 PS: 其次天,就能知道笔试结果了,但是只有过与不过,没有成果。英语专业招的最少,全省不到29人参考; 一般一个单位只招一个英语的,所以很难保证你是否进如面试,不同听说似乎是说1:5的比例面试的,也就是说假如你考不到前五名,那么进入面试的机会也就很少了;
12、 考前打算,也不是没有方向可行,多了解中英文金融基础学问,肯定对你考试有帮助的,而非往年说的像高考题一样的,考一些基础语法。自己去衡量吧,你进入的是银行,而非只是英语本身而与; 所以,我这次幻想破灭了,只能把希望放在中银和招商的了,这次肯定要仔细打算了。不然又是奢侈一个机会了! 银行术语-银行业务例文 银行业务例文 定期存款的条件为年利6%,存期6个月以上,只要金额1,000元,我们均乐意接受。We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six
13、 months at the rate of 6% p.a. 谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存=折本金加上利息之和。Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal. 如存款为100元以上,我们将乐意接受。We shall be glad to receive
14、 deposits of 100 yen and upward. 结算到目前为止,我公司应收帐尚有二万美元。兹奉上结算报告书一份,敬请查收为荷。Enclosed we hand you a statement of account to date, showing a balance of $20,000 in our favour, which we trust will be found in order.上开帐目,现正核对,如无错误,将遵照贵公司的指示,将转入新开的帐户内。This account is under examination, and if found correct, i
15、t shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions.您昨日函敬悉。兹遵照贵方恳求,同函附上结算报告书,敬请惠予查收为荷。Your favour of yesterday was duly received, and we hand you herewith a statement of your account as requested, which we hope you will find correct.兹奉上棒铁总价为512,000元清单一份,恳请列入我公司贷方帐项为荷。We hand yo
16、u our account on the bar iron, amounting to $512,000, which kindly pass to our credit. 恳求付款恳请速予汇款为荷。an early remittance will be appreciated.迟付的60美元, 请速予寄下为荷。Please let us have your check for the $60 now past overdue.有鉴于此, 信任贵方将随复函寄来支票, 特此致谢。With these facts before you , we feel sure that you will se
17、nd us your check by return mail. Thank you.我们请求, 对此部分能速予结帐为荷。We urge that you make this settlement without delay.何不马上对此案作一结算?请在今日将支票随函发出即可。Why not settle this matter now? Just attach your check to this letter, and send it by today's mail. 催告付款为加清本帐目,我方多次督促,但未有任何效果。所以为收回本帐款项,打算向法院起诉,特此通知。Having m
18、ade repeated applications for apyment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we shall take out a summons for recovery of the same.下星期一以前未能清结本件款项,不得已,将委任我公司顾问律师处理。We wish to state that if the account be not paid by Monday next, we shall be forced to place the matter in the hands o
19、four solicitors.贵方虽多次答应付款结帐,但迄今尚未结清。如在本月底以前,尚未拔款结清,只好托付我公司顾问律师处理。In spite of your repeated promises to let us have a cheque, we are still without a settlement of your outstanding account, and therefore, unless same is settled by the end of this month, we shall be compelled to hand over the matter to
20、 our solicitor.对于此事,贵方好像在趁机利用我公司的宽容看法。本函系最终通告所,复函时请汇足够金额,以结此帐,否则只好实行其它途径,特此函告。As you seem to take advantage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery
21、. 汇票汇款例文兹同函奉上支票面额50000元,请记入近藤幸造先生的帐款内,同时请寄收 据二份为荷。Herewith we enclose a cheque, value $50,000, which please place to the credit of Mr. K.Kondo, and acknowledge receipt to us in duplicate.依照佐藤先生指示并受其托付,兹奉上即期汇票一纸面额200000元。请贷入该人的帐户为荷。By order and for account of Mr.Satoh, I hand you enclosed a draft for
22、 $200,000 at sight, which please pass to the credit of his account.兹奉上面额250000元的支票一张,敬请交付收据为荷。I send you herewith a cheque, value $250,000, receipt of which please acknowledge.为结清5月1日贵方发票,我们奉上三尾银行汇票面额125000元,惠请记入本公司贷方帐户,并惠请开出收据为荷。In settlement of your invoice of 1st May, $125,000, we enclose a draft
23、, on the Mitsuo Bank, for which amount please credit our account and acknowledge receipt. 付款已收到为结清托付销售,我们已收到面额100000元支票一张,现已转入贵贷方帐户,特别感谢。We acknowledge receipt of your cheque, $100,000, in settlement of the charges on the consignment, and pass this sum to your credit, with best thanks.我们于昨日收到贵函及面额55
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