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1、世界非物质文化遗产古琴世界非物质文化遗产古琴中英文剖析中英文剖析A Brief IntroductionA Brief Introduction The guqin is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family.It has been played since ancient times,and has traditionally been favored by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refin
2、ement,as highlighted by the quote a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason,as well as being associated with the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius.It is sometimes referred to by the Chinese as the father of Chinese music or the instrument of the sages.(古琴音乐也被誉为“国乐之父”、“圣人音乐
3、”)The guqin is not to be confused with the guzheng,another Chinese long zither also without frets,but with moveable bridges under each string.Because Robert Hans van Guliks famous book about the qin is called The Lore of the Chinese Lute,the guqin is sometimes inaccurately called a lute.Other incorr
4、ect classifications,mainly from music compact discs,include harp or table-harp.概述概述 古琴,又称瑶琴、玉琴、丝桐和七弦琴,是中国汉族传统拨弦乐器,有三千年以上历史,属于八音中的丝。古琴音域宽广,音色深沉,余音悠远。自古“琴”为其特指,19世纪20年代起为了与钢琴区别而改称古琴。初为5弦,汉朝起定制为7弦,且有标志音律的13个徽,亦为礼器和乐律法器。琴是汉文化中地位最崇高的乐器,有“士无故不撤琴瑟”和“左琴右书”之说。位列中国传统文化四艺“琴棋书画”之首,被文人视为高雅的代表,亦为文人吟唱时的伴奏乐器,自古以来一直
5、是许多文人必备的知识和必修的科目。伯牙、钟子期以“高山流水”而成知音的故事流传至今;琴台被视为友谊的象征。大量诗词文赋中有琴的身影。现存琴曲3360多首,琴谱130多部,琴歌300首。主要流传范围是中华文化圈国家和地区,如中国、朝鲜、日本和东南亚,而欧洲、美洲也有琴人组织的琴社。古琴作为中国最早的弹拨乐器,是汉族文化中的瑰宝,是人类口头和非物质遗产代表作。Guqin and the Guqin ArtsGuqin and the Guqin ArtsIn In 2003,2003,guqin guqin music music was was proclaimed proclaimed as
6、as one one of of the the Masterpieces Masterpieces of of the the Oral Oral and and Intangible Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.20032003年年1111月月7 7日日,中中国国古古琴琴艺艺术术继继昆昆曲曲之之后后,入入选选世世界界“人人类类口口头头和和非非物物质质遗遗产产代代表表作作”名名录录,有有着着30003000年年悠悠久久历历史史的的古古琴琴艺艺术术的的突突出出价价值值再再次次得
7、得到到了了世世界公认。界公认。古古琴琴,是是物物,它它不不是是非非物物质质文文化化遗遗产产;古古琴琴演演奏奏家家,是是人人,也也不不是是非非物物质质文文化化遗遗产产;只只有有古古琴琴的的发发明明、制制作作、弹弹奏奏技技巧巧、曲曲调调谱谱写写、演演奏奏仪仪式式、传传承承体体系系、思思想想内内涵涵等等等等,才才是是非非物物质质文文化化遗遗产产本本体体。所所以以,联联合合国国批批准准的的世世界界遗遗产产是是“中中国国古古琴琴艺艺术术”,而而不不是是古古琴琴这这个个乐乐器器或或那那些些古古琴琴演演奏奏家家,虽虽然然古古琴这种乐器和那些演奏家们都很重要。琴这种乐器和那些演奏家们都很重要。The Shap
8、e(CONSTRUCTION)The Shape(CONSTRUCTION)According According to to tradition,tradition,the the qin qin originally originally had had five five strings,strings,representing representing the the five five elements elements of of metal,metal,wood,wood,water,water,fire fire and and earthearth.Later,Later,i
9、n in the the Zhou Zhou dynasty,dynasty,Zhou Zhou Wen Wen Wang Wang added added a a sixth sixth string string to to mourn mourn his his son.son.His His successor,successor,Zhou Zhou Wu Wu Wang,Wang,added added a a seventh seventh string string to to motivate motivate his his troops troops into into b
10、attle battle with with the the Shang.Shang.The The thirteen thirteen hui hui on on the the surface surface represent represent the the 13 13 months months of of the the year year(the(the extra extra 13th 13th is is the the leap leap month month in in the the lunar lunar calendar).calendar).The The s
11、urface surface board board is is round round to to represent represent Heaven Heaven and and the the bottom bottom board board flat flat to to represent represent earth.earth.The The entire entire length length of of the the qin qin(in(in Chinese Chinese measurements)measurements)is is 3 3 chi,chi,6
12、 6 cun cun and and 5 5 fen;fen;representing representing the the 365 365 days days of of the the year year(though(though this this is is just just a a standard standard since since qins qins can can be be shorter shorter or or longer longer depending depending on on the the periods periods measureme
13、nt measurement standard standard or or the the makers makers preference).preference).Each Each part part of of the the qin qin has has meaning,meaning,some more obvioussome more obvious其形其形 古琴造型优美,常见的为伏羲式、神农式、仲尼式、列子式、连珠式、落霞式、灵机式、蕉叶式等。主要是依琴体的项、腰形制的不同而有所区分。琴漆有断纹,它是古琴年代久远的标志。由于长期演奏的振动和木质、漆底的不同,可形成多种断纹,
16、韵外之致、弦外之音”是琴乐深远意境的精髓所在。The InheritanceThe Inheritance(Tablature and notationTablature and notation)An earlier form of music notation from the Tang era survives in just one manuscript,dated to the seventh century CE,called Jieshi Diao Youlan(碣石调幽兰).It is written in a longhand form called wenzi pu(文文字
17、字谱谱)which gives all the details using ordinary written Chinese characters.Later Later in in the the Tang Tang dynasty,dynasty,Cao Cao RouRou and and others others simplified simplified the the notation,notation,using using only only the the important important elements elements of of the the charact
18、ers and combined them into one character notation.characters and combined them into one character notation.This meant that instead of having two lines of written text to describe a few notes,a single character could represent one note,or sometimes as many as nine.This notation form was called jianzi
19、 pu(减字谱)and it was a major advance in qin notation.It was so successful that from the Ming dynasty onwards,a great many qinpu(琴谱)appeared,the most famous and useful being Shenqi Mipu(The Mysterious and Marvellous Tablature)compiled by Zhu Quan,the 17th son of the founder of the Ming dynasty.传承传承记谱法记
20、谱法1 1文文字字谱谱:为为一一篇篇详详细细说说明明弹弹奏奏法法的的文文字字,不不直直接接记记音音高高和和节节奏奏。今今世世仅仅存存的的文文字字谱谱为为南南朝朝梁梁丘丘明明所所传传的的碣碣石石调调幽幽兰兰,现现存存于于日日本本东东京京国国立立博博物物馆馆。现今演奏的碣石调幽兰就是根据该谱打出的。现今演奏的碣石调幽兰就是根据该谱打出的。2 2减减字字谱谱:相相传传为为唐唐代代曹曹柔柔根根据据文文字字谱谱简简化化、缩缩写写而而成成。减减字字谱谱的的每每一一字字块块为为由由汉汉字字减减少少笔笔画画后后组组合合而而成成的的复复合合字字。这这种种谱谱式式主主要要只只记记指指法法动动作作和和弦弦序序、徽位
22、曲曲的的一一般般规规律律和和演演奏奏技技法法,揣揣摩摩曲曲情情,进进行行再再创创造造,力力求求再再现现原原曲曲的的本本来来面面貌。貌。打谱非常费时,所以琴界用打谱非常费时,所以琴界用“大曲三年,小曲三月大曲三年,小曲三月”来形容这个过程。来形容这个过程。TranscriptionTranscription :Dapu Dapu(打打譜譜)is is the the transcribing transcribing of of old old tablature tablature into a playable form.into a playable form.The Schools an
23、d The SocietiesThe Schools and The SocietiesMany Many qin qin schools schools known known as as qin qin pai pai developed developed over over the the centuries.centuries.Such Such schools schools generally generally formed formed around areas where qin activity was greatest.around areas where qin ac
24、tivity was greatest.There is a difference between qin schools and qin societies.The former concerns itself with transmission of a style,the latter concerns itself with performance.The qin society will encourage meetings with fellow qin players in order to play music and maybe discuss the nature of t
25、he qin.Gatherings like this are called yajis,or elegant gatherings,which take place once every month or two.流派流派 琴文化本身就是一种非常个性化的艺术,不同地域、不同师承的琴家的风格彼此都不相同。同一地域、同一师承的琴家的风格也是各有特点而不尽相同。同一曲目,不同的琴家就会有不同的理解,而形成不同的风格。所以,在琴的领域,也同样有流派之说。所谓流派,是指学术、文艺方面的派别。这里所说的派别,是指依照共同的义理或风格而探讨学习的不同的群体。琴文化领域,也和其他学术领域一样,存在着多种艺术
26、观点和演奏风格。琴家们各自遵循某些共同琴道观点和风格,而形成一定的琴家群体,就是所谓琴派。同一琴派中的所谓共同特点,一般取决于地方色彩、师承渊源、本派所依据的传谱、琴学观点及基本演奏风格。名派略览名派略览派 名:蜀山派、川派、蜀派 形成时期:汉代汉代创 始 人:司马相如 主要风格:峻急奔放,气势宏伟。代表人物:司马相如、扬雄、诸葛亮、姜维、苏轼、张合修(孔山)、顾玉成、顾隽、顾梅羹、顾玉成、顾隽、顾梅羹、夏一峰、查阜西、喻绍泽查阜西、喻绍泽等。代表琴曲:凤求凰、雉朝飞、梁父吟、当归、流水(孔山,九段,七十二滚拂)、醉渔唱晚、孔子读易、普安咒等。重要琴著:琴清英(扬雄)、琴经(诸葛亮)、天闻阁琴
27、谱(唐松仙)、百瓶斋琴谱(顾隽)等。派 名:江浙派、浙谱、浙操 形成时期:南宋末年南宋末年创 始 人:郭沔(楚望)主要风格:流畅清和。代表人物:郭楚望、毛敏仲、徐天民、徐秋山、徐梦吉、徐仲和徐仲和等。代表琴曲:潇湘水云、渔歌、樵歌、胡笳十八拍等重要琴著:琴操谱(郭楚望)、琴述(袁桶)、霞外琴谱(金汝励)、琴学名言(徐梦吉)、梅雪窝删润琴谱(徐仲和)、梧岗琴谱(黄献)、杏庄太音续谱(萧鸾)等。派 名:广陵派形成时期:清代创 始人:徐常遇等主要风格:中正、跌宕、自由、悠远。代表人物:徐常遇、徐祜、徐祺、吴灴、秦维翰、释空尘、孙绍 陶、张张子子谦谦、刘少椿刘少椿等。代表琴曲:龙翔操、梅花三弄、平沙落雁、潇湘水云、广陵散等。重要琴著:澄鉴堂琴谱(徐常遇)、五知斋琴谱(徐祺)、自远堂琴谱(吴灴)、蕉庵琴谱(秦维翰)、枯木禅琴谱(释空尘)等。派 名:梅庵派形成时期:清代创 始 人:王宾鲁(燕卿)、徐立孙主要特点:流畅如歌,绮丽缠绵,吟猱幅度较大。代表人物:王燕卿、徐立孙徐立孙、邵大苏、王永昌等。代表琴曲:平沙落雁、长门怨、关山月、秋江夜泊、捣衣等。重要琴著:龙吟馆琴谱(毛式郇)、梅庵琴谱(徐立孙)等。P.S:琅琊榜里谢玉案,萧景睿生日宴上宫羽所弹的就是梅庵派版本的凤求凰,嘤。结束结束