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1、优秀学生2022奥地利留学申请书范文 奥地利全球最平安的国家,低失业率,低犯罪率,无排外现象,无难民危机,奥地利留学是不错的选择。下面就是我给大家带来的优秀学生2022奥地利留学申请书范文参考,希望能帮助到大家! 优秀学生2022奥地利留学申请书 Dear _, A student of the Peking Universitys inaugural program of advertising, I am writing in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program of communicati
2、on studies. With my solid education and my professional experience that is as colorful as it is rare, I believe that, with your seasoned guidance, I can build upon my strong background, for a pioneering career in Chinas booming advertising industry. At Peking University, dubbed the Harvard of China
3、by President Clinton on his recent trip to Chins, I have been a student star on campus due to my outstanding academic performances. When I entered into this university in 1995, I already stood out among my crop of freshmen, having won a total of scores in the 1995 National College Entrance Examinati
4、ons that was the fifth highest in Beijing. A fervent fan of my chosen subject of studies, I have proved myself as much of an intellectual wizard in higher learning as I was in grade school, as demonstrated by my grades, which placed me at the very top in my class of 23. My GPA in the first three yea
5、rs is 89.5, a rarely seen high grade in PKU. My GPA for core courses is over 90, far higher than that of my fellow students. I was the only one who received 100, the full mark, in two theoretical courses, the advanced mathematics and appreciation of fine arts. In practical courses like computer desi
6、gn, my grades were also high, sometimes as high as 96. In recognition of such stellar performances, I have been named the top student of the department and granted Academic Excellence Scholarships for three consecutive years. I was elected the Student Representative for Academic Affairs. But I was n
7、o bookworm. To broaden my vision and enrich my knowledge, I also chose electives in such fields as Russian Literature and Chinese History. I have spent considerably more time in the library than my classmates. The more I learnt on campus, the more I hoped to see the real world outside the ivory towe
8、r. So in the first summer recess, I applied for a temporary job at the Yaxing Advertising Agency, affiliated with the China Sports Daily, when most of my friends and classmates were enjoying themselves at home or traveling around. Appointed as the accounting executive assistant, I helped organize a
9、promotional event for the Atlantic Olympic Games. This job gave me a picture of Chinas advertising industry. In the first semester of the academic year 1996-1997, I worked part-time with the PKU TV Net, where I was offered a splendid opportunity to improve my ability in journalism. Being a Weekly Ne
10、ws broadcaster, I regularly faced tens of thousands of audience, which greatly increased my confidence. I learnt to think independently and cooperate wit others when doing the series reports “PKU students life”, a program which was mainly about student recipients of prizes in national and internatio
11、nal contests. Conducted with creativity and diligence, the program was placed among the best programs in the PKU TV Net. Unlike most other students, I have never stopped working while in school. From September 1997 on, I have been working as a research assistant in CCTVs Qiantu Advertising Company,
12、the sixth biggest in China. My responsibility is to establish a market database. Difficult as it was, I have handled it without a glitch. I have also done part-time work helping to promote the President Food Corporation and served as a research assistant in the S & D Research Agency, a consultin
13、g firm specialized in conducting market surveys for multinationals in China. With special skills in Chinese calligraphy, I taught calligraphy in the China Childrens Center, the best of its kind in China. My students, mostly six to twelve years old, had difficulties in understanding the aesthetics in
14、herent Chinese calligraphy. To help them, I taught them Chinese poems and ancient characters instead of confining myself to only calligraphy. The approach turned out to be very effective, and their skills improved dramatically. In these and other similar experiences, I gained skills of interpersonal
15、 communication, particularly in terms of how to understand other peoples problems and how to help them out. It is in my working experience that I first developed the desire to pursue advanced studies in a quality graduate program in the United States. As an intern with the Dentsu Young & Rubicam
16、 Advertising Corporation, one of the worlds largest communications groups, I now witness firsthand the dramatic social and economic changes engendered by the proliferation of digital technologies and increasing corporate globalization. These changes have created the highly sophisticated information
17、society. Trying daily to develop wordings that could catch peoples attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving Chinas advertising industry at both the
18、oretical and practical levels. I believe that advertising expertise from such advanced countries as the U. S. and Japan would certainly help China. In order to command such expertise and then introduce it to my country, I am making this application so that I can have a firm grasp of the advanced the
19、ories and practices your country has developed in communication field, particularly in respect of advertising. I believe that my English proficiency is more than sufficient for me to undertake the kind of studies that I am seeking through this application. I have scored well in such English language
20、 tests as TIEFL and GRE. As a better indicator of my practical language skills, I just finished translating an English book “The History of Graphic Design” into Chinese together with four other translators, including a professor. My writing, listening and oral English are as good as my reading. This
21、 application is being made with a sense of mission. As an undergraduate, I have learned the basics of advertising, and I would be promising in China as a graduate from one of the countrys best universities. With a booming advertising industry in China, I will surely secure a well-paying job. But I c
22、annot be satisfied unless I can help my country as much I help myself. For that, I wish to enhance my capabilities by pursuing graduate studies in such fields as mass communication, communication studies or media studies at a university in North America, where these genres of studies are much more d
23、eveloped than in China. Whatever program I get in, I would like my studies to be focused on the theories of and practices in advertising. If you find me qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions t
24、hat you may have. The University of Hawaii is well known for its unique position as a bridge between east and west. It is well known for its excellence in the communication field, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. With students from various nations, it provides its
25、 students with a good chance to learn from different cultures. It is an ideal place for communication studies. If I am accepted, I believe I can make quick progress in communication studies in general, and in advertising in particular. I plan to return to China after the completion of my graduate st
26、udies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a Chinese advertising company. In either case, I will bring back what I will have learned. I hope that, when the history of modern advertising in China is written, I will be remembered as one of those who have played a pionee
27、ring role in the development of the industry. Yours sincerely, 奥地利留学衣食住行详解 一、购物 日用品须要定期进行选购,尤其是消耗量比较大的东西,不肯定要局限在某一天,大家可以瞄准周边超市或者商场打折的时候,带上自己的信用卡,列好了清单后干脆买,可以有效省钱。 衣服假如需求量不是很大的话,可以考虑换季的时候购入,一般这个时候的折扣会比较多,大家可以尽情享受买买买的乐趣,但是也须要克制自己不要买太多的东西,因为衣服最终可能不会带回国。 二、吃饭 一天三顿饭,建议去食堂选择自己喜爱的套餐,也可以在住的地方的厨房里做,这样会相对要划算一
28、些,因为食堂会有特地的学生补贴,而购买食材的成本也会少上不少。 不过假如是聚餐的话,还是选择去餐馆等地方,这样会比较便利,而且大家也有一个合适的地方可以闲聊,假如是在家里的话,还要打扫卫生做饭会比较麻烦,AA下来费用也不贵。 三、住宿 而学生住宿干脆申请ACEC供应的公寓,条件环境都不错,而且申请也简洁,会有自己的,学生可以干脆申请距离学校近的房子,还可以确定房子的户型,单人间会比多人间贵一些。 比较优越的一点是会供应整理内务的服务,每周会进行一次大型的清理,而且还会供应许多公共的设备,大部分都是可以免费运用的,房间内的基础配置也齐全,套间会更宽敞一些。 四、出行 大家出门一般会选择会选择地铁
29、,因为很便利而且不用担忧遇到堵车,也比较平安;假如不赶时间的话电车和公交也不错,可以看看沿途的风景,还是比较舒适满意的。 这时候千万别忘了提前办好卡,这样大家乘车会更便利一些,不须要每次都单独排队买票,而且以学生的身份办卡的话,价格还会要更便宜一些。 奥地利留学平安留意事项 1、遵守奥地利及欧盟法律。不能从事与本人身份或所持签证不符的活动。如居留证或签证到期,应按时回国,以免因非法滞留而被奥边防罚款。 2、留意交通及交通工具的平安。行人要留意交通平安,红灯时不能穿越公路;骑自行车要走自行车道;乘车要事先购票,以免罚款;驾车要遵守交通规则,系好平安带;不要将珍贵物品放在自己或租赁的汽车里明处;如
30、车胎被扎,下车修车时肯定要先锁好车门;晚上把车停放在有人看管的停车场;尽量不要让生疏人搭乘车;不要在黑暗处叫出租车;不要运用私人车的服务;不要在街上叫停私人汽车。 3、加强自我爱护意识。出于平安考虑,在公共场合要保持安定,不要大声说话、突出自己,不要参加别人的争吵;外出时要随身少带电器;不要随身带大量现款,也不要在旅馆等住处存放大量现金。 4、和生疏人接触要提高警惕。一般不要和生疏人答腔、一起行走、漫步;不要同轻浮女子或男子接触;留意识别犯罪团伙假装游客、乞丐或警察设陷行骗或抢窃。 5、留意住处平安。不轻易给生疏人开门;留意防火及电器平安。 6、谨防上当受骗。不要贪小便宜,在街上捡到东西要交警
31、察处理,以防被敲诈、陷害;在国外的开支费用,应以驻在国通用货币支付;不要在黑市上换汇。 7、加强钱物保管。文件、钱包、护照不要同时放在一起,要分开放;珍贵背包做到包不离身,且置于胸前;珍贵钱物不要放在易被刀子划开的塑料袋中。 8、与警察打交道要留神。外出时要携带护照证件;如警察检查护照,可请其先出示自己的证件,登记警牌号、警车号;如证件被警察没收,应要求其出具没收证件的证明;交罚款不能在街上当场交给警察,而要凭罚款单交到银行等指定地方。 9、遇到问题或突发事务应刚好报警,并与使馆联系。 10、发生意外时,除报警外,请速联系接待单位,如已买保险,还需与保险公司联系。 优秀学生2022奥地利留学申请书范文本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第13页 共13页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页第 13 页 共 13 页