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1、亭台楼阁亭台楼阁 中国四大名亭 Chinas four famous Pavilion安徽滁县醉翁亭 Old tipplers pavilion北京先农坛陶然亭 Joyous Pavilion湖南长沙爱晚亭 Evening Enjoying Pavilion 浙江杭州湖心亭 Mid Lake Pavilion 陶然亭的由来 与梦得沽酒闲饮且约后期 白居易 少时犹不忧生计,老后谁能惜酒钱?共把十千沽一斗,相看七十欠三年。闲征雅令穷经史,醉听清吟胜管弦。更待菊黄家酝熟,共君一醉一陶然。Trip among Hills The upper distant cold mountain stone fo
2、otpath is tilted,The white cloud life place has a household.I stop my coach at maple woods to gaze my fill,Frost-bitten leaves look redder than early spring flowers.湖心亭湖心亭尘境纷纷俗累增,故寻幽径访南能。湖波浩渺无穷绿,寺屋高低不计层。诗老新吟工恼客,使君余暇得陪僧。棋中得失何时了,一局输赢未可凭。作者简介作者简介陈瓘陈瓘(1057-1124年),字莹中,号了斋,沙县城西劝忠坊人。宋元丰二年(1079年)探花,授官湖州掌书记。
3、历任礼部贡院检点官、越州、温州通判、左司谏等职。陈瓘为人谦和,不争财物,闲居矜庄自持,不苟言谈,通易经。天坛 The Temple of Heaven 天坛位于北京城的南端,始建于明初永乐十八年,是明,清两代皇帝祭天和祈求丰年的地方,清乾隆年间改建后成为今天这一辉煌壮观的建筑群。中国古代帝王自称“天子”,他们对天地非常崇敬,历史上的每一个皇帝都把祭祀天地当成一项非常重要的政治活动,而祭祀建筑在帝王的都城建设中具有举足轻重的地位,集中了大量的人力,物力和财力,以最高的技术水平,最完美的艺术去建造,在封建社会后期营建筑中最具代表性的作品,天坛不仅是中国古建筑中璀璨的明珠,也是世界建筑史上的瑰宝。中
4、国三大名楼Three great towers of China 江西南昌的滕王阁Pavilion of Prince Teng 湖北武汉市的黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower 湖南岳阳市的岳阳楼Yueyang Tower 题滕王阁年代:【宋】作者:【周弼】高阁巍峨接水滨,兴亡才问便伤神。鸣鸾东阁知何处,跨鹤西山别有人。柳映落霞江渚暮,草铺斜日野田春。群鸥亦厌多悲感,偏与忘机客最亲。THE YELLOW CRANE TERRACECui HaoWhere long ago a yellow crane bore a sage to heaven,Nothing is left now
5、but the Yellow Crane Terrace.The yellow crane never revisited earth,And white clouds are flying without him for ever.Every tree in Hanyang becomes clear in the water,And Parrot Island is a nest of sweet grasses;But I look toward home,and twilight grows darkWith a mist of grief on the river waves.黄鹤楼
6、崔颢昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。日暮乡关何处是?烟波江上使人愁。On Yueyang TowerLong have I heard of Dongting Lake,Now I ascend the Yueyang Height.Here eastern state and southern break;Here sun and moon float day and night.No word from friends or kinsfolk dear,A boat bears my declining years.Wars
7、raging on the northern frontier,Leaning on rails,I shed sad tears.登岳阳楼 杜甫 昔闻洞庭水,今上岳阳楼。吴楚东南坼,乾坤日夜浮。亲朋无一字,老病有孤舟。戎马关山北,凭轩涕泗流。“亭、台、楼、阁、轩、榭、斋、辕”亭:有顶无墙,供休息用的建筑物,多建筑在路旁或花园里。台:用土或砖石筑成的方形的高而平的建筑物。楼:重屋也,两层以上的房屋。阁:一种架空的小楼房,传统建筑物的一种。其特点是通常四周设隔扇或栏杆回廊,供远眺、游憩、藏书和供佛之用。榭:建在高台或水面(或临水)上的木屋。轩:原指古代有围棚或帷幕的车。也指以轩敞为特点的亭阁台榭
8、一类建筑物和有窗的长廊或小屋。斋:原指古人斋戒时的居所。也常指雅静的书房、学舍等。辕:旧时指军营、官署的外门,借指衙署。The summer palaceThe Summer Palace is the largest and best-preserved royal palace in China,located in the northwest Beijing Haidian District.it is one of Beijings major sights,attracting large numbers of visitors,particularly on summer week
9、ends.The Summer Palace mainly composed by the Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake.This large water surface is the Kunming Lake.It is the This large water surface is the Kunming Lake.It is the best part of the summer palace.Covering an area of best part of the summer palace.Covering an area of 220 hectar
10、es,the Kunming lake takes up three quarters 220 hectares,the Kunming lake takes up three quarters of the entire garden.In order to celebrate the birthday of the entire garden.In order to celebrate the birthday of his mother,Empress Qianlong ordered to shape the of his mother,Empress Qianlong ordered
11、 to shape the lake like a peach.In China,peach is the symbol of lake like a peach.In China,peach is the symbol of longevity.The sight of Kunming Lake is beautiful.The longevity.The sight of Kunming Lake is beautiful.The average depth of the lake is about one and half meters,average depth of the lake
12、 is about one and half meters,and most of the place along the bank is within one and most of the place along the bank is within one meter,so when you fall into the lake accidentally,you meter,so when you fall into the lake accidentally,you dont have to worry about your life,just stand up!dont have t
13、o worry about your life,just stand up!The religious pagoda-style tower is a threeThe religious pagoda-style tower is a three-storied-storied octagonal octagonal structure with four tiers of eaves.Roofs of structure with four tiers of eaves.Roofs of every story areevery story are covered with yellow
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- 亭台楼阁 教学 提纲