
《牛津八年级英语上册.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津八年级英语上册.pptx(27页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Ask and answer:1.How many students are there in our class?2.Whats the date today?3.What time is it now?4.How old are you?5.Do you know numbers?6.Can you count the numbers from 1 to 100?7.What other kinds of numbers did you learn before?第1页/共27页旧知复习与联系:写出下列单词或数字。1.数字_ 2.国王_ 3.稻米_ 4.第一_ 5.第二_ 6.第三_7.6
2、37_8.1829_numberkingricefirstsecondthirdsix hundred and thirty-sevenone thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine第2页/共27页9.6:30_10.10:15_11.12:50_12.11%_six thirtya quarter past tenten to oneeleven percentWhat do people use numbers for?第3页/共27页What do you know about?What do you know about?What do you k
3、now about?What do you know about?You can find numbers everywhere in your daily life.Look at the photos and write the correct numbers in the blanks.Todayis_Itis_C.Itis_.September.1st1st2323Theyare_grams.Itis_centimetreslong.Itis_yuan.10:1010:1052652617.817.83.903.90第4页/共27页学习目标:1、在阅读训练中运用三个技能summary、
4、skimming、scanning来理解课文内容。2、掌握本课单词和短语等语言知识。3、阅读一篇有关数字的文章,初步了解数字的用法。第5页/共27页There are two men-the king and an old man.They are playing chess.第6页/共27页Before you readBefore you readBefore you readBefore you readLook at the pictures,the title of the story and the first sentences of paragraphs 1 and 2 on
5、page 19.Then circle the correct.1Whoarethepeopleinthefirstpicture?1Whoarethepeopleinthefirstpicture?aThekingandhisson.aThekingandhisson.bThekingandhisbrother.bThekingandhisbrother.cThekingandanoldman.cThekingandanoldman.2Whataretheydoing?2Whataretheydoing?aPlayingchessbGrowingriceaPlayingchessbGrowi
6、ngricecPlayingcardscPlayingcards3Wheredidthestoryprobablyhappen?3Wheredidthestoryprobablyhappen?aInChinabInIndiaaInChinabInIndiacInJapancInJapan第7页/共27页1)What prize did the old man ask for?_ A.Some rice B.Some gold C.Some silver D.Nothing 2)Who won the game at last?_.A.The king B.The old man C.Nobod
7、y D.The kings men 3)How many squares are there in a chessboard?_.A.16 B.32768 C.63 D.644)Who is more clever,the king or the old man?_ A.The king B.The old man C.Both D.Neither.5)Which of the following is NOT true?_.A.The old man likes to play games best.B.The king felt surprised when the old man sai
8、d he just liked grain of rice.C.They finished the game in a very short time.D.The king didnt have enough rice to put on the squares.ABDBC第8页/共27页ComprehensionComprehensionComprehensionComprehensionD1 Read the article on page 19 and complete the table below.Wherethestorytookplace(1)_Whowasinthestory:
10、eoldmanThewiseoldmanenoughriceenoughrice第9页/共27页VocabularyVocabularyVocabularyVocabularyThe worlds in italics are from the story on page 19.Match the two halves of these sentences to make them meaningful.1Whenyouaskawisepersonayoutellhim/herthat1Whenyouaskawisepersonayoutellhim/herthatforhelp,youwil
12、im/herto4Whenyoudoublethenumber2,dyouwanthim/hertogiveyougoodadvice.giveyougoodadvice.5Whenyourealizetheproblem,eyouwinsomething5Whenyourealizetheproblem,eyouwinsomethingfordoingverywell.fordoingverywell.第10页/共27页Complete the story below with the words from the box.Change their forms if necessary.do
13、uble prize promise realize wise Ayoungmanoncetalkedtoa_oldman.“Iwona_andhavealittlegoldnow,butIwantmuchmore,hesaid.“Canyouhelpme?Theoldmanlookedathim.“Icanteachyouhowtomakemoreifyou(3)_tofollowmyadvice,”hesaid.“Theyoungmanagreed.Thentheoldmantooktheyoungmantoawindow.“Lookoutside,hesaid.“Icanseenothi
15、中文:Id like one grain of rice for the first square of the chessboard,two for the second,four for the third,and then double the amount for each of the rest of the squares._.我想在棋盘的第一格放一粒米,第二格放两粒,第三格放四粒如此类推把米放进余下的其他格上。第12页/共27页D3 How many grains of rice should the king put on the last square?Discuss thi
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- 牛津 年级 英语 上册
