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1、HomeListening&Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8第1页/共79页W ar m-1Warming-upTask 1 Work in pairs.Look at the following office layout.Discuss with your partner and identify the marked rooms.Home11.washroom2.department mana
2、gers office3.meeting room4.staff office5.multifunction meeting room6.hallway7.reception room453627第2页/共79页W ar m-2Warming-upTask 2 Look at the above office layout again.Mary is at the company gate.Please tell her how to find Mike and Jack in the office.HomeYou go through the reception room to the ha
3、llway.The first room on your left is the multifunction meeting room.Mike is having a meeting there.Keep going straight along the hallway till you get to the end of it.Jack is working in the last staff office on your left.Sample:Sample:第3页/共79页R e ad i n g AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-howH
4、ome第4页/共79页T e x t A-1Workplace Fashion Trends1 1 Each Each day,day,many many people people are are looking looking for for trends trends in in workplace workplace clothing,clothing,so so that that they they can can“fit“fit in”in”withwith the the fashionable fashionable or or well-well-dressed dress
5、ed crowd.crowd.They They believe believe that that dressing dressing in in the the latest latest fashion fashion trends trends may may give give them them the the reputationreputation of of being being fashionable fashionable and and trendy.trendy.While While it it is is more more than than possible
6、 possible to to do do this,this,you you need need to to display caution.display caution.HomeReading A 翻译 声音第5页/共79页Te x t A-2Reading AHome 翻译 声音2 2 What What many many people people do do not not realize realize is is that that there there are are a a number number of of pros pros and and conscons o
7、f of relying relying on on workplace workplace fashion fashion trends.trends.One One of of those those pros pros was was mentioned mentioned above.above.When When you you wear wear a a fashionable fashionable outfitoutfit to to work,work,there there is is a a good good chance chance that that you yo
8、u will will receive receive a a lot lot of of complimentscompliments on on your your outfit.outfit.This This is is a a nice nice feeling feeling and and it it is is one one that that makes makes many many feel proud.feel proud.第6页/共79页Te xt A-3Reading AHome 翻译 声音3 3 But But the the truth truth is is
9、 that that there there are are many many more more cons cons of of relying relying on on workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends than than there there are are pros.pros.For For instanceinstance,workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends do do not not always always distinguish distin
10、guish between between jobs jobs and and careers.careers.If If you you work work at at a a trendy trendy coffee coffee shop shop or or retail retail store,store,chances chances are are that that the the dress dress code code would would be be casualcasual clothing.clothing.However,However,if if you y
11、ou work work at at a a law law office office or or an an insurance insurance company,company,you you may may be be required required to to dress dress more more professionally.professionally.Unfortunately,Unfortunately,many many workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends are are designed desi
12、gned for for the the working working population population in in general,general,not not specific specific careers.careers.This This is is where where you you can can run run into into trouble trouble if if you you are are not not careful.careful.第7页/共79页Te xt A-A-4 4Reading AHome 翻译 声音4 4 Before Be
13、fore relying relying on on workplace workplace fashion fashion trends,trends,you you will will want want to to take take a a good,good,close close look look at at the the trend trend in in question.question.For For instance,instance,does does the the trend trend require require the the wearing weari
14、ng of of a a skirt skirt or or a a dress,dress,no no matter matter what what the the length?length?If If so,so,it it is is important important that that you you look look at at what what you you do do for for a a living.living.If If you you are are in in a a professional professional officeoffice se
15、ttingsetting,a a dress dress may may be be perfect perfect for for you.you.On On the the other other hand hand though,though,if if you you work work in in a a retail retail store store as as a a manager,manager,a a dress dress or or skirt skirt may may actually actually get get in in the the way way
16、 and and hamper hamper your your efforts efforts to to work work and and be be productiveproductive.第8页/共79页Te x t A-5Reading AHome 翻译 声音5 5 By By wearing wearing trendy trendy workplace workplace fashion fashion pieces,pieces,many many people people are are given given compliments,compliments,but b
17、ut not not always.always.The The last last thing thing that that you you want want to to do do is is get get a a bad bad name name for for yourself yourself instead instead of of pliments.That That is is why why it it is is also also advised advised that that you you take take what what others other
18、s may may think think of of you you into into consideration.consideration.You You need need to to make make sure sure that that the the impression impression that you would be making is a good one.that you would be making is a good one.第9页/共79页Te x t A-6Reading AHome 翻译 声音6 6 The The decision decisi
19、on as as to to whether whether or or not not you you want want to to incorporateincorporate the the latest latest workplace workplace fashion fashion trends trends into into your your wardrobe wardrobe is is yours yours to to make,make,but but please please take take the the above-mentioned above-me
20、ntioned points points into consideration before doing so.into consideration before doing so.第10页/共79页A-A-T rT ra na ns-s-1 1 职场时装潮流1 1 1 1 许许多多人人每每天天都都在在捕捕捉捉职职场场时时装装的的潮潮流流,以以便便能能与与那那些些衣衣着着时时尚尚得得体体的的人人们们步步调调一一致致。他他们们认认为为按按最最新新潮潮流流穿穿衣衣打打扮扮能能为为自自己己赢赢得得时时尚尚和和时时髦髦的的好好名名声声。尽尽管管这这样样做做合合情情合合理理,你你还还是要小心谨慎。是要
21、小心谨慎。Reading A Back第11页/共79页A-A-T r a nT r a ns-2s-2Reading A Back2 2 2 2 许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到流有利也有弊。好处之一,正如上面所提到的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得的,穿一套时髦的衣服去上班,很可能会得到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以到一堆夸奖。这种感觉很不错,也让人引以为豪。为豪。第12页/共79页A-A-T r aT r an s-n s-3 3Reading A Back3 3 3 3 然然而而事事实实上上这这种种追追
22、随随弊弊大大于于利利。例例如如,职职场场时时装装潮潮流流往往往往不不区区分分工工作作和和职职业业。在在一一家家新新潮潮的的咖咖啡啡馆馆或或零零售售店店工工作作,着着装装要要求求很很可可能能是是休休闲闲服服。而而在在一一家家法法律律或或保保险险公公司司上上班班,着着装装则则需需要要更更职职业业化化。不不幸幸的的是是,很很多多职职场场新新潮潮时时装装是是为为工工作作中中的的一一般般大大众众而而设设计计,而而非非为为特特定定职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。职业设计。因此一不小心就可能出问题。第13页/共79页A-A-T rT ra na ns-s-4 4Reading A Back4 4 4 4
23、 在在追追随随这这种种时时装装潮潮流流之之前前,要要好好好好地地仔仔细细审审视视一一下下所所谓谓的的潮潮流流。比比如如,潮潮流流是是不不是是时时兴兴半半身身裙裙或或连连衣衣裙裙,而而不不论论其其长长短短呢呢?如如果果确确实实如如此此,那那么么最最重重要要的的是是要要考考虑虑自自己己的的工工作作性性质质。如如果果是是办办公公室室的的职职业业白白领领,连连衣衣裙裙就就非非常常适适合合。但但如如果果是是在在零零售售店店当当经经理理,连连衣衣裙裙或或半半身身裙裙则则可可能能会会妨妨碍工作,影响工作效率。碍工作,影响工作效率。第14页/共79页A-A-T r a nT r a ns-5s-5Readin
24、g A Back5 5 5 5 很很多多人人会会因因为为穿穿了了时时髦髦的的职职场场时时装装而而备备受受称称赞赞,但但事事情情并并非非总总是是如如此此。最最不不希希望望的的是是不不但但没没有有受受到到夸夸奖奖,还还落落下下坏坏名名声声。正正是是因因为为这这个个原原因因,你你必必须须考考虑虑别别人人对对你你的的看看法法,你你必必须须确确保保给给别别人人留留下下的的是是个个好好印印象。象。第15页/共79页A-A-T r a nT r a ns-6s-6Reading A Back6 6 6 6 到到底底要要不不要要将将职职场场最最时时髦髦的的潮潮流流带带入入衣衣柜柜,这这个个决决定定得得自自己己
25、做做,但但在在做做出出决决定定前前请请考虑考虑上面提到的问题。考虑考虑上面提到的问题。第16页/共79页Reading Afit in with Backto live,work,etc.in an easy and natural way with someone/somethinge.g.e.g.Our national policy fits in with the changed international situation.Tran:Tran:他以前没有做过这种工作,我不知道他能不能和其他 人和睦相处。Hes never done this type of work before;
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- 新职业 英语 第二 Unit