《图集规范系列》GB51144-2023 煤炭工业矿井建设岩土工程勘察规范.pdf

《《图集规范系列》GB51144-2023 煤炭工业矿井建设岩土工程勘察规范.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《图集规范系列》GB51144-2023 煤炭工业矿井建设岩土工程勘察规范.pdf(181页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、UDC p GB 51144-2015 Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering of mine construction in coal industry 2015-12-03 2016-08-01 ttJ$A ll it i ll tpX it i$ttJ$A*;&*A Code for investigation of geotechnical engineering of mine construction in coal industry GB 51144-2015$11:9=t 00 !#19:#ttfl$11:9=t$A
2、f00011!%fll 19:$JiTh:1-T B WJ:2 o 1 6 1:F 8 A 1 B 1001 T!Xfflfil11 Iitf#tiIfi1th1H:BJ01ff l!M1ttl1E itYtI lY 1t N:E Ifiithm:100*fl,ttiU-%1JGB51144-2015,20168Jj 1 SMP:o Jtfl,m 1J5iifftJl1:x,&,fF*1io*m:$fl-fili=f 00*ilittili 1-To s:p$A 3tn 11m,n!JOC?1 Jlii$2015 12 3 B*-fe1r!M110if0 l$
3、*-TfP 2013 IJ!t-Fll111ifftliT1iTittl 1JJm.CJ!t-F C2013J 6%)1JR,EE 9=t WNrrIff0*$&0*fe 1r!ifftJ iiW 9=t,ifftJ gll 1r00iiJf1l,iA Jt Jg,r2 Hi,*oo r*J ffl*t-F it*fr F oo,t r rz-OE*g _fil lJ WilLt,ii r2Ftr5Emo*111*13:&t#J 9*o ttJf(r*JJ:J,JJ!LJ,Jf(i!f0%*feE,!tf!Wfl1JtIWfOI,jfI:IJtIW,%I,Ji:6 ,/F :llf!191:f
4、F ffl fO!tf!191:,:llf!r 11,I W!ti!191:jg!tl ,WJf*,jg!tlti,*f-F tit,1Jf0 JYf titfii-f 1ft,:6 IN?tfff i-f 1ftf0*0*1111J*tt*,Fmfio*-111EEttfOlN$mfOtt*lJ ff,9=t OOtJtmF E#J!IfF,9=tWNitI&fftff0tt7f(r*JlJo*111fiiiW,m$fizftNit,JlIfOtz:,rtJ,fOfR Wf*4,a$t!J(fO 1 JEZ,if g _fil fO t i)l 3I W it I:fl ff 0 :6 fe
5、J fl!ifftJ gll c!tl!:W:riiJ t W rtr riiJ t:kW 114%;ftJfl!3:056031),!BfiTBt o*111fiz,Jfr-fiz,_1ttAfOFtritA:=I:ti lP.UL:mNitI:fl&fftff0 ti lP.UL:!RIft HE tiitiiJf 1t !RIjc)Jj(Nitef JE !RI ttNitiiJf 1t:fl 0 1 *I-m t4I-ffilt*$fili0 WI-ffilm#M0 itIWLt1t1f0 *:ttt!Ifi7f/j:.-ffil)&0 Pl A:*ffilx.X T El l1
6、l*lJf 1-1 Jjfi&1ifff*J XIJftJ XIJ;f j*jt 9=1*!Xt-at*fmfk*ill fmJ ftf1f:jfX ffi*fmw J!f 1k1*t!f$-.*A:tfJE 7r!Wll 00 !ft f/SIE 111 2 1 JJ!tl.(1)2-*i!fn-%.(2)2.1*itt.(2)2.2%.(4)3*):.(6)3.1 1t!J:1Gtl?t.(6)3.2 J:E l:j If jjlj.(10)3.3*.(14)4!ff!WJ!IfnI c 17)4.1 JtJ:E.(17)4.2 !htt*.(18)4.3 JJiU1:F UJEiF1tl
7、l c 24)4.4 rJtz*tF1t!J c 26)4.5 fi#jg:*iF1t!J.(27)4.6 iIJJ1:F*tF1t!J c 28)4.7 1i0!$i$!b.(31)5:itl.I 33)5.1 f.BtJ:E.(33)5.2 lfr:itI:f.1t.(34)5.3 J!tt:itI:f.1t.(35)5.4 Jl:itI:f.1t.(37)5.5 5!JJt fl l:j J:E Ii i-f 1ft.(3 8)6:9-tI J.(72)lo.4 tmtlWfflBnX:*mJJ.c 14)11 WJ f*i!J!tl *-.(7 5)11.1 f.BtE (75)11.
8、2 (75)11.3 m.:t:tfll:tfllJ.c 11)11.4 I!fm C 78)11.5 Jjj(filimtlia.(78)11.6 iaBt .c 112)11 m t-F *.c 113):Xi.l c11s)3 1 2 3 Contents General prov1s1ons.(1)Terms and symbols.(2)2.1 Terms.(2)2.2 Symbols.(4)Basic requirement.(6)3.1 Division of investigation grade (6)3.2 Geo technical name and field iden
9、tification (10)3.3 Site safety requirements (14)4 Ground construction and pipeline engineering (17)4.1 General requirement (17)4.2 Technical requirements of each investigation stage (18)4.3 Detailed investigation of raw coal production system (24)4.4 Detailed investigation of coal-washing system (26
10、)4.5 Detailed investigation of storage,loading and transportation systems (27)4.6 Detailed investigation of auxiliary production system (28)4.7 Detailed investigation of administrative public construction (31)5 Slope engineering (3 3)5.1 General requirement (3 3)5.2 Rock slope (3 4)5.3 Loess slope (
11、3 5)5.4 Filled soil slope (3 7)5.5 Strength parameters and stability evaluation (38)4 6 Excavation engineering (42)6.1 General requirement (42)6.2 Investigation method and workload arrangement (42)6.3 Test method,parameter selection,analysis and evaluation (44)7 Special rock and soil (46)7.1 Collaps
12、ible soil (46)7.2 Gangue fill (4 8)7.3 Artificially frost-thawed soil (49)7.4 Red clay (51)8 Adverse geologic actions and geological disaster (54)8.1 Slippery slope (54)8.2 Karst (5 6)8.3 Ground fissure (5 9)8.4 Gwag (60)8.5 The seismic effect of site and foundation (61)9 Ground water (65)9.1 Requir
13、ement for groundwater investigation (65)9.2 Determination of hydrogeological parameters 9.3 Evaluation of groundwater function 10 Engineering geological mapping 10.1 General requirement 10.2 Content and scope of surveying and mapping 10.3 Methods and accuracy requirements of(65)(66)(68)(68)(68)surve
14、ying and mapping (72)10.4 Organization of surveying and mapping results (7 4)11 Exploration,in-situ tests,sampling and testing(75)11.1 General requirement (7 5)11.2 Drill out .(75)5 11.3 Exploration of trenching,well and hole (7 7)11.4 Engineering geophysical prospecting (7 8)11.5 In-situ tests(78)1
15、1.6 The acquisition of rock and soil samples (7 8)11.7 Laboratory tests (80)12 Water and soil corrosion eval ua ti on (82)12.1 Sampling and testing (82)12.2 Corrosion eval ua ti on (8 3)13 Analysis of geotechnical engineering and establish report (87)13.1 General requirement (8 7)13.2 Statistical pa
16、rameters and application (87)13.3 Geo technical engineering analysis and determining bearing capacity (89)13.4 Main contents of the investigation report (90)Appendix A Classification of slope rock mass (95)Appendix B Classification of earth-rock (97)Appendix C Level of tunnel surrounding rock (99)Ap
17、pendix D Calculation of landslide stability coefficient and thrust (100)Appendix E Engineering classification of ground fissures (102)Appendix F Main geophysical prospecting methods and using range (104)Appendix G Mainly in-situ testing on engineering in vestiga ti on (107)Appendix H The samplers an
18、d methods for different levels soil samples (110)Appendix 1 Classification of site environment (111)6 Explanation of wording in this code (112)List of quoted standards (113)Addition:Explanation of provisions (115)7 1 1.o.1 TEYIifitmiiIWWJJ:f,m-WJ1Jt1-TOO*tt#m,flitUtt#7tur.mm.f*t?m,f*Jgt1tff1tJC-tt*,
19、$1J5E*m 0 1.0.2*mmmrjtlmiiIWJJWJ=1 ititit*tltr*tltf=fJoomm IW;2 itititr*tlt*tltf=fJOO miJLIWff11lIW;3 ififitrf=fJJfi0mmIW;4*m 13 miiIWJ:f FJfEfJ Jtl.AI)tJ)J!.IW7j(WJ;5 fd ./F)gtfFfflff)gtxWlo 1.o.3*iiIWiEiiitfflIfiJ,$IfJ(*miiW/U!1-T IWWJ,#$IJ!g1%WJ.siiit.NIJJJJ!tl o 1.o.4 _IWWJlitriE&f19cmiiIWJgtff1
20、7j()CJgt flf:,3f Iitrur1-TIW?tfff i-1ft o 1.o.5 YIitf#miiIWit!J,Iitr*f-it*fll;r,IitrOO*m11-T*fiflJJ5Eo 1 2.1*ifi 2.1.1 IfiWJ geotechnical investigation lN!m Ji ii I fi *,7t fJT if fit Ji ii:%!ti!89!ti!mt f.f fJt t W:fnIfitt,ffftJWJ)Clf:89ffl o 2.1.2!ff!Uff J!if(Ifi ground construction engineering m:
21、tt!=5rmi9:J=f 89!tf!mm ct)m!fm-*!ti!r ft!tf!JJ!=5:f)t!tl!rm c)m!fm!ti!oo it c FJT)lk 1i 0J!i(Ifi89,f$0 2.1.3 tgIfi pipeline engineering mm*:tt!=5r89Mtgl1!frl1!Ifi,1%:2!=5!ti!r M I=71 tglJ!=5 lHo 2.1.4 JilIfi slope engineering 7Jf*iiEJiIlkJtf.f 1Jt 89,Xf JiIFlT*J0C 89t1?x t 1JO lfil lk f-f 11lrmii-WJ
22、o 2.1.10 fJKf1:E special rock and soil Jlf?K !fo/J 19J:JJX:7t,IWfl1:E-f*,*Jl!rr!1%11:,lif EJt,AI 1*M!lrI o 2.1.11 711:collapsible soil r fl 11:tt 7r r fl 11:w E ,r fl 11:1tl ,r fl 11:Jt ,tfX J9J:m ;jtfif!r fl 11:,g,*o 2.1.12 lif E!Jt gangue fill ffilif Egif.JJX:,/F13*Yit WE,1tJ ,11:mrmJJX:o ffEJJX:7
23、t1JffE&f*111if EJt o 2.1.13 AI1*M!lr artificially frost-thawed soil ffiAI1*AI1*o 2.1.14 IJfi red clay-EttfFmrmmJJX:mtto 2.1.15/F:I:&J9J:fF ffl ad verse geologic actions Et:1:&t*J iJ 7r f1 tz:1:x1iiIW PJfjJJX:nt%:J:&J9J:fF m*Jl!fr!ffint,m,:J:&El*rK 0 2.1.16 llf*rK mined-out area!&*fa,k;jt_tlflt1:,7fr
24、t JA rmJJX:1:&mm:1:&7fm:oo,fall*rK 0 3 2.1.17 IW:ltf!.&J:iJJ!tl engineering geological mapping*m 1.t -t.oo 1f iJJ rOJ.:im mt 19!HI.m w 1f 1!,:tm:Im BJ I W:Im:,Jf ifftj if ill 0014 BJ ffl i9J o 2.1.18 jtf!_ lt geologic analogy method WJ.tBJ:LmIM BJfijfl,JIJ:txf*i1t Jl!&tt,I!X:urfr Y3?ttrr,il:ct$*?t,:
25、Lm:ImurffW1fo 2.1.19 WJf*geotechnical exploration IWWJ lJ*-,ffif*fft!ltf*#1*1fJtJ f*ll!Im f*o 2.1.20 W Jl,WJf*simple exploration WJ1*l1*ft,ffir!a.fff*.f!Mf*.mD fJ Mf*.-1!flttllltf*ifef*o 2.1.21 EfJ JR.J.t soil sensitivity mmElJmffm!l,g tJt P(nj ElJ fl o b-filfift;c-jJ;2.2 d-1:tl1:;do-iiliJJlflf*J.
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- 图集规范系列 图集规范系列GB51144-2023 煤炭工业矿井建设岩土工程勘察规范 规范 系列 GB51144 2023 煤炭工业 矿井 建设 岩土 工程 勘察
