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1、2022银行招聘考试历年真题解析8卷2022银行招聘考试历年真题解析8卷 第1卷2022年10月8日起,房贷利率开始由此前的参考贷款基准利率转变为参考贷款市场报价利率(LPR)定价。在定价基准转换的过程中,除个别热点城市外,各省市只进行利率定价机制切换,定价基准切换前后全国个人住房贷款实际利率水平()。A.尚不明确B.保持下降趋势C.保持上浮趋势D.保持基本稳定答案:D解析:10月8日起,房贷利率开始由此前的参考贷款基准利率转变为参考贷款市场报价利率(LPR) 定价。自公告发布以来,各地按照*因城施策原则,陆续制定本地区利率定价基准转换方案,确定本地差别化住房信贷政策的加点下限。各商业银行按照
2、公告要求,加快做好合同调整、系统改造、员工培训等工作,保障10月8日全面正式转换顺利实施。从目前运行情况来看,新发放商业性个人住房贷款利率调整转换工作平稳有序转换前后利率水平保持基本稳定。 会计科目在年度中间进行调整时,一律( )进行结转。A.采用结转对照表的方式B.采用并账的方式C.填制凭证通过会计分录D.采用并表的方式 答案:C解析:会计科目在年度中间进行调整时,一律填制凭证通过会计分录进行结转。年度终了,应采用结转对照表方式办理新旧科目结转。银行承兑汇票的转让一般通过( )方式进行。A.承兑 B.贴现C.再贴现 D.转贴现答案:B解析:汇票持有人为避免资金积压,不会将银行承兌汇票持有至到
3、期日再收款,大多数情况下会立即将锒行承兑汇票予以转让,以融通资金,这个过程即为贴现。因此B项正确。资料:The personal computer was a revolution in information technology that spawned a $50 billion hardware business, with another $30 billion in software and peripherals (eg. mouse, keyboard, printer, etc.) by 1991. During its short 15 years, the industr
4、y evolved through three successive periods. During its first 5 to 6 years, it was characterized by explosive growth and multiple, small competitors vying for a piece of the market. From 1981 to 1985, the industry became a battle for standards and retail shelf space. The third era was one of increasi
5、ng fragmentation. From 1986 through 1991-1992, new manufacturers from around the world grabbed from the industry leaders as new channels of distribution emerged and product innovation as well as revenue growth slowed.During the early years of the industry, venture capital in the U.S. encouraged the
6、entry of new firms that offered products in every conceivable shape and size. By 1980, new entrants flooded the market, prompting distinct standards and unique technical features. Almost every firm had a different configuration of hardware and software. The first PC had relatively little speed or me
7、mory. However, even these early computers allowed managers to perform tasks that were very time consuming.What happened in the third era?A.The small companies experienced a harsh life.B.People preferred PCs of big brands.C.The big companies didnt earn as much as they did in the past two periods.D.Th
8、e companies made standards on the configuration.答案:C解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 in the third eraThe third era was one of increasing fragmentation. 第三阶段是上升分裂阶段。 From 1986 through 1991-1992, new manufacturers from around the world grabbed from the industry leaders as new channels of distribution emerged and produc
9、t innovation as well as revenue growth slowed.从1986年到1997-1992年,由于新的分配渠道出现、产品革新以及收入增长缓慢,来自全球各地的新制造商从行业巨头手中分得了一杯羹。题目意为“第三阶段发生了什么?”选项A意为“小公司经历了艰难的时期”,选项B意为“人们更喜欢大品牌的电脑”,选项C意为“大公司不再像前两个阶段那样挣很多钱”,选项D意为“公司在配置上统一标准”,根据主题句,故选C。中国:杭州()A.美国:匹兹堡B.法国:法兰克福C.英国:瓦伦西亚D.阿联酋:沙特答案:A解析:题干两词是包容关系中的组成关系,杭州是中国的组成部分,与之关系相
10、同的是A项,匹兹堡是美国的组成部分。B项法兰克福是德国的组成部分,而非法国,C项瓦伦西亚是西班牙的组成部分,而非英国,D项阿联酋和沙特都是国家,两词是并列关系。故正确答案为A。发卡银行给予持卡人一定的信用额度,持卡人可在信用额度内先使用、后还款的银行卡是( )。A.贷记卡 B.准贷记卡C.储蓄卡 D.专用卡答案:A解析:发卡银行给予持卡人一定的信用额度,持卡人可在信用额度内先使用、后还款的银行卡是贷记卡。某公路铁路两用桥,一列动车和一辆轿车均保持匀速行驶,动车过桥只需35秒,而轿车过桥的时间是动车的3倍,已知该动车的速度是每秒70米,轿车的速度是每秒21米,这列动车的车身长是(轿车车身长忽略不
11、计)( )。A. 120 米 B. 122. 5 米 C. 240 米 D. 245 米答案:D解析:根据过桥公式可知,动车长度+桥长= 70m/SX35S,桥长= 21m/SX35SX3,两个等式之差即为动车长度,所以70X35-21X35X3 = 35X(70-63) = 35X7 = 245(米)。下列有关债权的说法中正确的有( )。A.债的标的包括物、给付、智力成果 B.债的标的为给付C.债的标的为物和给付 D.债的标的为物和智力成果答案:B解析:所谓债的标的,即债的客体,是债务人应为的特定行为,也就是给付。因此此题选B项。2022银行招聘考试历年真题解析8卷 第2卷_ new bui
12、ldings will be built in my hometown.A. A great deals ofB. A lots ofC. A plenty ofD. A great number of答案:D解析:A应为A great deal of,B应为A lot of或Lots of,C应为Plenty of,D项正确。2022年某市开展了市民阅读情况调查,调查采取随机抽样方式,访问了本市12周岁以上的1000名市民调查显示,多数受访者保持每天阅读的良好习惯。其中:阅读时间在12小时的为44.8%,23小时的为11.6%,3小时以上的7.5%。42.8%的受访者每年阅读量16本书,10
13、.8%阅读量在712本书,10.5%阅读量在13本及以上。当被问及没有更多时间阅读的原因时,57.9%的受访者选择“工作学习太忙”,比重最高;其次为“家务太多”,比重为28.7%;没有值得读的好书”“娱乐活动太多”“对阅读不感兴趣”“书价太责”的比重依次为17.5%、18.1%、10.3%、23.5%。以下说法正确的是( )A.绝大多数1220岁的受访者每天阅读在3个小时以上B. 40岁以上的受访者中有一半以上的人一年不读书C.大部分受访者每年读书在6本以上D.受访者中每年阅读量在13本以上者不到100人答案:B解析:A选项,“1220岁的受访者每天阅读在3个小时以上”的比例为15. 2%,不
15、一项是( )。A.戈尔竞选美国总统失败后,抱怨美国司法制度不公正B.小张没评上先进分子,他认为是自己与当评委的领导关系不好C.张敏生意失败,股票下跌,就吃安眠药想自杀D.老师说漏了嘴,便解释说自己路上太匆忙,打乱思路了答案:C解析:定义的关键为“想出各种理由原谅自己或为自己的失败辩解”,选项C中张敏生意失败想要自杀来逃避现实与上述条件不符,故选C。The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that _ the speakers stopped for refreshments.A. at large B. at intervals C. at
16、 ease D. at random答案:B解析:因为这个讨论是prolonged and exhausting 的,prolonged and exhausting就表达了作者的态度,所以空格处填入的词语应该是一中性词。答案是B,at intervals(时不时地)。At large“详细的”;at ease“自由自在地”;at random“胡乱地”。 战略目标决定于( )。A. 进攻方式B. 防御战略C. 进攻对象D. 进攻战略 答案:C解析:战略目标决定进攻对象。如果以主导者为进攻对象,其目标可能是夺取某些市场份额;如果以小企业为对象,其目标可能是将它们逐出市场。小王一月份买入某股票1
17、000股,每股31元,在2月至4月份该股票股价出现了波动,2月份在原价的基础上上涨10%,3月份在2月份的基础上下降了8%,4月份又在3月份的基础上上涨了12%,那么4月份在原价的基础上()。A.上涨133%B.下降133元C.下降133%D.上涨133元答案:A解析:股票最后价格相当于原始价格的(1+10%)(1-8%)(1+12%)=110921121112=112,可见上涨了12%左右,约上涨了4元,因此选A。账务处理程序是指()相结合的方式。A.会计要素B.会计凭证C.会计账簿D.会计报表答案:B,C,D解析: 账务处理程序是指会计凭证、会计账簿、会计报表相结合的方式。2022银行招聘
18、考试历年真题解析8卷 第3卷1988年7月,巴塞尔委员会通过的关于统一国际银行的资本计算和资本标准的协定不包括以下()内容。 A.确定了资本的构成B.目标标准比率C.资产的风险数D.规定操作风险内容答案:D解析:关于统一国际银行资本衡量和资本标准的协定规定的内容主要有:一是确定了资本的构成;二是资产的风险数。根据资产信用风险的大小,将资产分为0、20%、50%、100%四个风险档次;三过度与实施安排是通过设定一些转换系数,将表外授信业务也纳入资本监管;四资本比率的标准是规定银行的资本与风险加权总资产之比不得低于8%,其中核心资本与风险加权总资产之比不得低于4%。故本题答案为D。 下列属于市场机
19、制构成要素的是()。A.竞争B.技术C.资本D.企业 答案:A解析: 市场机制是指通过市场竞争配置资源的方式,主要包括供求机制、价格机制、竞争机制和风险机制。资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums i
20、n Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the banks president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the peopl
21、e in the project areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national a
22、rtery, the M-4, the bank said.Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The banks $165 million loan to expa
23、nd electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the ban
24、k said.Although the new bank was Chinas idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank
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