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1、21年项目管理师考试题库精选5章21年项目管理师考试题库精选5章 第1章 在项目环境中以下哪个关于交流的陈述是正确的?a. 项目经理必须假定主要的担子和责任以确保传达的信息被接收.b. 有效的会议,作战室及紧密矩阵结构可以促进有效的沟通.c. 项目中有12个人,48条潜在的沟通渠道.d. 大多数项目经理花费30%的工作时间用于沟通.e. 以上全部正确答案:B65. b. Effective meetings, a war room, and a tight matrix promote effective communication. Effective meetings start and
2、end on time, follow an agenda, and result in action items for people to complete. A war room provides team identity and a place to conduct project business. A tight matrix indicates that project team members are located within close physical proximity, which fosters informal communication and team b
3、uilding. Using the figure in the Special window, Activity D has a latest start time of _ weeks and a latest finish time of _ weeks.A . 2, 10B . 4, 12C . 6, 14D . 7, 15E . 9, 17正确答案:A 你在为米尔肯。弗里肯公司管理一个电子商务项目。掌管的合伙人沉醉于尽可能高的盈利来提高它的红利。它经常问你利润方面的数字。下面哪一类利润是它实际感兴趣的?( )A经营利润B预期利润C整体利润D累计利润正确答案:A 178 In perf
4、orming an impact analysis, the most effective tool to ensure all risks are identified on large projects is the:A. Work breakdown structureB. milestone review and schedule techniqueC. cost/schedule control systemD. planning programming budget systemE. program and evaluation review technique正确答案:A 有效的
5、沟通对于项目的成功至关重要。范围变更、限制条件、假设、整合与界面要求,重叠的只能和职责以及其它许多因素都对沟通提出了挑战。沟通上的障碍很可能导致:A、生产力下降B、敌意增强C、士气低落D、冲突增加正确答案:D By using Project Risk Management techniques, project managers can develop strategies that do all but which of the following:A Significantly reduce project risksB eliminate project risksC provide
6、a rational basis for better decision makingD identify risks, their impact(s), and any appropriate responsesE None of the above.正确答案:B 169 For effective communication, the message should be oriented to the _.A. InitiatorB. ReceiverC. MediaD. Management style.E. Corporate culture正确答案:B 77 Techniques t
7、hat can improve communication include:A. establishing a single, one-way communications channelB. avoiding face-to-face communicationC. using redundancy (i.e. saying it two different ways) whenever possibleD. disregarding the sensitivity of your receiverE. All of the above正确答案:C ETC的含义是( )ABCWP/ACWPB
8、预计总成本减当前成本CACWPBCWP/BCWP*100D总估算ACWP正确答案:B21年项目管理师考试题库精选5章 第2章 23 The work breakdown structure (WBS) is first developed in which scope management process? A. InitiationB. Scope planningC. Scope change controlD. ScopeDefinitionE. Scope verification正确答案:D Management plans include all of the following
9、except:A Organization of project.B Job descriptions.C Policies and procedures.D Linear responsibility charts.E Scope baseline.正确答案:E 45 A clear definition of the users needs serves as the direct basis for the:A. Work breakdown structure.B. Functional requirements.C. Project cost estimate.D. Selectio
10、n of personnel.E. Termination decision.正确答案:B 199 You are giving your team instructions on how to perform. a new test which is different from the way that the team had performed it previously. The best way to verify that the learn understands what you want is to:A. obtain feedbackB. analyze the team
11、s perceptions barriersC. uses gestures in presenting the instructionsD. analyze the teams decoding skillsE. analyze the teams encoding skills正确答案:A 幅度估计可以识别以下各项目,除了:A、 出现成本超支的算术概率B、 根据底线重要性对风险和机会进行排序C、 达到一定置信度的可能性D、 影响估计的具体风险事件正确答案:D 产品经理有项目团队所需要的信息, 但是隐瞒住该信息。这是一种:a. 正面对抗b. 信息过滤c. 影响区域d. 基本沟通力正确答案:B
12、 以下各项除了-均为团队建设技术?A、 工作场地外搞活动改善小组成员间人际关系B、 奖励和认可制度C、 开工准备会议D、 项目经理平息小组冲突正确答案:D 178 Bar charts are most appropriate for:A. Comparing actual to planned performance to each activity.B. Showing slack time.C. Showing critical path dependencies.D. Showing which activities can be rearranged in parallel.E. A
13、ll of the above正确答案:A ISO9000标准提供了( )A一个产品如何生产的描述B质量系统实施的细节C质量系统的框架D确保客户接收好产品所必需的最大程度的要求正确答案:C21年项目管理师考试题库精选5章 第3章 The most frequently used construct in Precedent Diagramming Method is:A Start to Start.B Finish to Finish.C Start to Finish.D Finish to Start.E Dummy activity.正确答案:D 要有效地使用统计学的质量控制方法,项目
14、团队应该分清哪两个部分的区别a. 预防与质量控制b. 特殊性原因与随机性原因c. 特征抽样与统计抽样d. 控制限制与运作定义正确答案:Bb. 特殊性原因与随机性原因 特殊性原因是指不平常的事件,随机性原因是指正常的流程变化。项目团队必须能够分辨出哪些是不平常的事件,只有如此才能明确原因所在并给予纠正。控制 以下各项中,哪项不是项目筛选得益评估方法的实例?A、 利益-成本比率B、 回收期C、 同行看法D、 多目标规划正确答案:D 项目经理在组织计划编制中要考虑很多事情,以下哪句话最能描述项目经理需考虑的事项?A、 项目接口、不同个体间的非正式报告关系、项目管理小组的偏好B、 项目接口、组织政策、
15、项目管理小组的偏好、各成员的能力C、 项目接口、组织政策和/或同工会达成的协议、项目管理小组的偏好D、 组织接口、项目接口管理、人际接口、人际接口、组织政策正确答案:C Management decision-making includes:A.Analysis of alternatives.B.Revisions/replanning.C.Resource allocation.D.Modification or updating of goals and objectives.E.All of the above.正确答案:EE Which of the following does n
16、ot contribute to increased Schedule Risk?A labor shortageB contractor claimsC lack of accessD sponsor scope changesE all may increase schedule risk正确答案:E 当与一个行动型的人沟通时,项目经理应该A尽可能简短,强调他或她的观点的可行性B提供可选方案,包括利弊C在对方离题是保持耐心D尽可能地快,保证所有信息传达给对方正确答案:A 在下列哪种情况下需要与客户进行正式的书面通信( )A检查出了缺陷B客户要求合同没有包括的额外工作C项目进度拖延D项目有成
17、本超支正确答案:B Risks that cannot be identified or evaluated _ .A should be deflected to the contracting officer.B should be handled via contingency allowances.C should be ignored, since they cannot be identified.D should be ignored, since they are not covered in the Risk Assessment.E C and D正确答案:B21年项目管理
18、师考试题库精选5章 第4章 确定项目的技术要求是重要的一个步骤,因为这些要求:A、 用平实的语言说明了可交付成果的特征B、 帮助项目人员确定工作目标C、 对项目人员和客户都有用。D、 可以用来确保客户知道他们可以从项目中得到什么。正确答案:B 72 Communications is best described as:A. an exchange of information.B. providing written or oral directions.C. consists of senders and receiversD. effective listening.E. All of
19、the above正确答案:E 你管理着一个电子设备的项目, 需要建立了一个变更控制委员会来负责项目变更建议的审查和处理工作。在你立这个委员会的时候,你还确立了支配起运作的具体程序和规则。这个程序要求所有得到批准的变更都要在下列哪一项中得到反映( )A业绩衡量基准线B变更管理计划C质量保证计划D项目计划正确答案:D 93 The risk of accepting a lot of poor quality, in acceptance sampling, is referred to as:A. buyers riskB. consumers riskC. producers riskD.
20、type I errorE. B and D only正确答案:B Feasibility studies occur in which life cycle phase (s)?A ConceptualB Conceptual or DevelopmentC ExecutionD Preliminary planningE any life cycle phase正确答案:A 对一个风险事件的临时应对措施叫做:( )A工作项(work item)B工作包(work package)C权变措施(workaround)D工作分解结构(work breakdown structure)正确答案:C
21、权变措施(workaround)是指为了应对那些事先没有识别出的或者是已经接受的风险而采取的临时应对措施。 78 The process of choosing/documenting the best approach to achieve the project objectives is part of: A. The scope baseline.B. Scope authorizationC. Scope definitionD. Scope planning.E. All of the above.正确答案:D 线形图bar chart最主要的缺点是( )A缺少时间阶段划分B不能与
22、日历相联系C不能显示各项活动的相互关系D不能与人力资源计划相联系E不能与成本估算相联系正确答案:C 当记录到实际测量到的质量特征时,如用千分之一英寸表达尺寸,质量是用什么来表示的?A、 特性B、 变量C、 属性D、 性质正确答案:B21年项目管理师考试题库精选5章 第5章 111 The WBS is:A. An organization oriented family tree of the project.B. A task oriented family tree of the project.C. A cost centered structure of the project.D.
23、Only required on large complex projects where separately identifiable work packages are difficult to construct.E. None of the above正确答案:B Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is the labor rate cost variance?A . ¥5,500.00B . ¥1,500.00C . ¥-100.00D . ¥-0.10E . ¥5,600.00正确答案:D 因方便终止是一
24、种合同终止类型,这种情况下,终止是为了-的最佳利益A、 买方或卖方B、 买方C、 卖方D、 买方和卖方正确答案:B 18 Interfacing with the customer after project go-ahead is the responsibility of:A. Project sponsorB. Project teamC. Project managerD. Functional managerE. All of the above are possible, based upon the size and complexity of the project正确答案:C
25、 在项目生命周期中的哪一个阶段遇到的不确定性最大?( )A概念阶段B计划编制阶段C实施阶段D收尾阶段正确答案:A 采用逆推进法的目的在于决定A、 关键路径B、 最早完成日期C、 最迟开始日期D、 赶工日期正确答案:C 黄先生是一个小公司的项目经理。最近他正在准备一个竞争十分激烈的建议书。他知道计算出来的成本太高,他的主管刘小姐建议黄先生降低成本这15以便能竞标成功,但是这样做,公司就不会盈利。从道德角度上来说,黄先生应该怎么办?( )A告诉刘小姐他很难把成本降得低于价格,介是他想探讨降低价格的方法B认为如果他降低成本,公司就会赢得业务,并有希望从项目变更中获得其它的收入C采用目前的成本计算提交建议书D让市场营销人员决定正确答案:A 具有零时间工期的活动通常被称为( )A关键路径活动B非关键路径C赶工时间的活动D虚拟活动正确答案:D Response Planning is the responsibility of the functional areas and considersA mitigation.B deflection.C contingency planning.D unforeseen occurrences.E All of the above.正确答案:E