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1、海船船员历年真题5节海船船员历年真题5节 第1节 Which of the following statements represents an advantage of an electromagnetic clutch?A.Large misalignments can be tolerated between the shaft and engine couplingB.Slip is held to a minimum when reversing shaft rotationC.Engine torsional vibrations to the driven shaft are e
2、liminatedD.It aids in maintaining power factor正确答案:C 材料:At 0840 hrs,with the ship&39;s head on 180,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her starboard sideA spout of water mixed with oil about 60cm in diameter and 2.5-3m high above the engine room bottom plating was obs
3、erved,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow downThe engine room flooded rapidly and the water level soon reached the electro-magnetic couplings,stopping the main engineIn the meantime,on being apprised of the situation,the Master ordered the evacuation of the engine room,which was succes
4、sfully carried out under the supervision of the 2/E engineer,and the engine room crew were mustered on the boat deck wearing life jacketsShortly thereafter,the emergency air cut-off to the engine room and the emergency fuel shut-off were actuated causing the main generator to stop at 0845 hrsThe eme
5、rgency generator then started up automaticallyThe starboard anchor was dropped in an attempt to prevent further westward driftThe vessel was by this time being subjected to pounding on the rocks,eventually breaking her back at 0930 hrs after which the violent motion ceased. Evacuation of the vessel
6、commenced at 1045 hrs using 2 SAR helicopters with a Buffalo fixed-wing aircraft in attendance,and was completed at 1220 hours问题:The main engine was caused to stop by the loss of the function of _A.engine room bottom platingB.emergency fuel shut-offC.emergency air cut-offD.electro-magnetic couplings
7、The reason that the violent motion of the vessel ceased was that _A.the starboard anchor was dropped properly to prevent further westward driftB.the winds and/or seas decreased in a considerable extentC.the vessel was held fast on the grounding rocksD.the vessels back was brokenThis report is most l
8、ikely prepared by _A.the master of the vesselB.the cargo owners of the vesselC.the shippers of the vesselD.the independent investigator of the accidentThe crew were taken off the vessel by _A.air-planesB.helicoptersC.an fixed-wing aircraftD.the boat under the supervision of the 2/E engineer请帮忙给出每个问题
9、的正确答案和分析,谢谢!问题 1 答案解析:D问题 2 答案解析:D问题 3 答案解析:D问题 4 答案解析:B 听到弃船命令后,前往指定地点集合前应采取的行动有:_。加穿适当衣着;穿妥救生衣A.B.C.正确答案:C 检查活塞顶部烧蚀的方法是A.观察法B.听响法C.测量法D.液压试验法正确答案:C在轴隧与机舱的连壁上一般应设有()A.铰链式水密门B.滑动式水密门C.天窗的透气口D.水密型监视窗答案:B关于可靠性数据收集和管理理解正确的是:()、可靠性情报应是双向传递和横向交换、根据可靠性情报可以制定正确的维护方针、服务商是可靠性情报的信息源、船舶可以为服务商提供可靠性改进的依据A、仅仅是B、+
10、C、+D、+参考答案:D海船船员历年真题5节 第2节在地面传真图上暖锋的符号为()。A、红色线条B、带有几个半圆形符号的线条C、带有几个锯齿形符号的线条D、加粗线参考答案:B曲轴轴颈表面的腐蚀凹坑、锈斑,主要是滑油中含有_。A.水分B.酸C.碱D.水分和酸参考答案:D若工作压力高时应选用_。A.厚垫料B.薄垫料C.软垫料D.硬垫料参考答案:B 下列有关救助吊带的使用方法正确的是_。将吊带的圆环由头部套入,绕过后背并夹在两腋之下,将吊钩置于胸前;用吊带上的收紧环将吊带收紧;吊升过程中,被救人员应用手紧抓住吊带或坐在吊带上;吊升过程中要始终保持吊带不脱钩、不滑落;在遇险者不能A.B.C.正确答案:
11、A根据工伤管理条例的规定,职工或者其近亲属认为是工伤,用人单位不认为是工伤的,由()承担举证责任。A.职工本人B.职工家属C.用人单位D.公证机构参考答案:C在北太平洋上,某东行船舶观测到强劲的SSE真风,根据风压关系判断低压应在()。A、船舶的高纬一侧B、船舶的前方C、船舶的低纬一侧D、船舶的后方参考答案:D海船船员历年真题5节 第3节 VHF DSC工作模式为_。A.G2BB.J3EC.G3ED.FSK正确答案:A What is used to test a tank for oxygen content _A.Combustible gas indicatorB.Vapor indic
12、atorC.Atmosphere analyzer kitD.None of the above正确答案:D Bags are usually stowed in between the bulk grain _A.To ventilate the holdB.To separate the cargoC.To replace shifting boardsD.To facilitate stowage正确答案:C 双层底舱常用做()。A.装载燃油B.压载水舱C.污水舱D.以上都对正确答案:D安装转舵油缸时,应调整对置油缸的(),使舵柄位于上下拨叉的中心位置。A、平行度B、水平度C、同心度参考
13、答案:B 失控船锚泊时在白天应悬挂的号型是。A.垂直两个圆锥体B.垂直两个黑球C.垂直两个黑球加上锚球D.一个锚球正确答案:D海船船员历年真题5节 第4节 救生艇筏上的求生者,在开始24小时内不吃东西,身体仍可处于良好状态(除病员)。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: F表示干舷,d表示吃水,D表示型深,则它们之间的近似表达式是_。A.D=F-dB.d=F-DC.F=d-DD.F=D-d正确答案:D 随着现代科技的发展,救生设备更为先进,因此海山遇险者一定会脱险获救。()参考答案:错误船舶动力装置中,()不属于传动装置。A、减速齿轮箱B、离合器C、螺旋桨参考答案:C实测活塞环的自由开口()新环
14、的自由开口,表明活塞环弹力下降;若(),表明活塞环弹力丧失。A、小于/明显减小B、大于/明显减小C、小于/明显增大D、大于/明显增大答案:A _是大脑最发达的部分。A.端脑B.脑干C.间脑正确答案:A海船船员历年真题5节 第5节 国际劳工组织第70号公约海员社会保障公约规定,在船舶登记领土上居住的海员,当并非由于其故意行为所致在船受伤或患病的原因被滞留在另一领土上时,应有权享受_。A.相当于其工资,包括奖金在内,100%的补助费用B.相当于其工资,不包括奖金在内,100%的补助费用C.相当于其工资,不包括奖金在内,50%的补助费用D.相当于其工资,包括奖金在内,50%的补助费用正确答案:B A
15、 vessel would be referred to as stiff when the weight of the cargo is _.A.evenly distributed vertically and the double bottoms are fullB.concentrated low and the double bottoms are emptyC.concentrated low and the double bottoms are fullD.concentrated high and the double bottoms are empty正确答案:C 遭遇海盗袭击时,应保持全速前进,尽可能早的采用Z字形路线航行,把海盗让在下风、下浪舷。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案: 海上求生中应如何补充食物?捕鱼;捞取海藻A.B.C.正确答案:C浓差电池是同一金属的不同部位与_不同的介质接触构成的电池。A.浓度B.性质C.成分D.碱性参考答案:A 可能导致拉缸事故的原因分析中,不正确的是:A.新机或新换部件后磨合运转不充分B.气缸壁润滑油供应不足或中断C.活塞环搭口间隙过小D.柴油机转速过高正确答案:D