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1、关于疫情的英语作文初中范文5篇 春节期间,武汉爆发了一场新型冠状病毒疫情,一时间,疫情随着春运人员流淌起先扩散,导致疫情扩散到湖北省以外的地方。今日我就给大家整理了关于疫情的英语作文初中,希望对大家的工作和学习有所帮助,欢迎阅读! 关于疫情的英语作文初中1 2022年的春节,大家应当都过得比较沉重,期盼的寒假仿佛成了这个冬天的恶魔,无形地威逼着每个人的生命。 In the Spring Festival of 2022, everyone should live a heavy life. The expected winter vacation seems to be the devil o
2、f this winter, which threatens everyone's life invisibly. 自2022的12月至今,新型冠状病毒肺炎像块沉重的大石头压在每个人的心头。事情由武汉华南海鲜市场引起,也可以说是那些热衷于吃野味的人引起。甚至我在网上看到了令人反胃的蝙蝠汤的图片,图中的蝙蝠面目凶恶,我也是那时才了解到蝙蝠身上能携带超过100种毒性极大、凶险无比的病毒,有埃博拉、狂犬病、sars等。当然,除蝙蝠以外,像浣熊、果子狸,穿山甲等野味也携带着或多或少但毒性极强的病毒。有一句话我觉得很有道理“古人用了几千年把能吃的都给你圈养起来了,而你非得去挑战你的命有多硬。”现
3、在新型冠状病毒从武汉扩散到全中国,最终发展到了全世界都要为那些吃野味的人买单。本该庆祝的日子却没了应有的气氛。 Since December, 2022 novel coronavirus pneumonia is like a heavy stone in everyone's mind. It's caused by the seafood market in South China, Wuhan. It's also caused by people who are keen on eating wild game. Even I saw the picture
4、of the disgusting bat soup on the Internet. The face of the bat in the picture was ferocious. At that time, I learned that bats can carry more than 100 kinds of extremely toxic and dangerous viruses, including Ebola, rabies, SARS, etc. Of course, in addition to bats, game animals such as raccoons, c
5、ivets and pangolins also carry more or less virulent viruses. There is a saying that I think is very reasonable: "the ancients used thousands of years to feed you, and you have to challenge how hard your life is." Now the novel coronavirus China has spread from Wuhan to China, and eventual
6、ly it has been developed to pay for the venison of all the world. The day that should have been celebrated has lost its atmosphere. 自发觉了首例新型冠状病毒肺炎起,每天打开微博热搜,上面总是有着几条“_市新增_例新型肺炎”,“最新疫情地图”也每天占据着热搜高位。时时常出现“_市首例新型肺炎治愈出院”或“_市首例新型肺炎病例死亡”。而确诊新型肺炎统计的数字一天比一天骇人动目,我的心情也一天比一天沉重。 Since the first novel coronaviru
7、s pneumonia was discovered, micro-blog has been hot on its way every day. There are always several new pneumonia cases in the city. From time to time, there are "the first case of new pneumonia cured and discharged" or "the first case of new pneumonia died". The statistics of con
8、firmed new pneumonia are more and more shocking day by day, and my heart is heavier day by day. 在这个寒假,我从有些人吃野味的行为中了解了人变态的趣味;从确诊患者或本居住在武汉的人在封城前不顾一切往外跑的行为中看到了人性的丑恶;从武汉政府的不作为甚至隐瞒事情真相举办团拜会的行为中发觉了高层不理百姓苦的社会现实;同时,也从河南政府主动应对和快速响应的行为中明白了有时候人与人之间的差距不是在客观条件,而是在自身。 In this winter vacation, I learned the abnorm
9、al taste of people from the behavior of some people eating wild game; I saw the ugliness of human nature from the behavior of the diagnosed patients or the people living in Wuhan who ran out recklessly before the closure of the city; I found the social reality of the high-level ignoring the people
10、39;s suffering from the inaction of the Wuhan government or even the behavior of holding the group worship meeting to conceal the truth; At the same time, from the positive response and rapid response of Henan government, we can see that sometimes the gap between people is not in objective condition
11、s, but in themselves. 国家正在变强,有句古话说“大难不死必有后福”,我信任全国人民同心协力,肯定能够共同对抗新型冠状病毒,实现华蜜生活。 The novel coronavirus is escape from death in a great catastrophe. I believe that the people of the whole country will work together to fight against the new coronavirus and achieve a happy life. 关于疫情的英语作文初中2 以对生命负责名义,联防
12、联控新型肺炎疫情 Joint prevention and control of new pneumonia in the name of life responsibility 接近春节,新型肺炎疫情却不期而至。据国家卫健委披露,截至1月20日24时,已收到国内4省(区、市)累计报告新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊病例291例(湖北省270例,北京市5例,广东省14例,上海市2例),另有14省(区、市)累计报告疑似病例54例。 Near the Spring Festival, the new pneumonia epidemic is unexpected. The novel coronavi
13、rus has been reported in 291 provinces (270 cases in Hubei, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Shanghai) and 4 cases in suspected cases in 24 provinces (districts and municipalities), according to the National Health Protection Committee, as at January 20th, when the new 4 cases w
14、ere reported. 随着近日确诊病例增加,社会关注度提升,有关各方的防控力度也在提升。1月20日,国家卫健委确定将新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎纳入法定传染病乙类管理,实行甲类传染病的预防、限制措施;同日,武汉成立疫情防控指挥部,指出武汉市要启动战时值班备勤机制,明确将实行更严格的举措,内防扩散、外防输出。21日,指挥部又召开新闻发布会称,武汉全部新型冠状病毒感染患者救治均由政府买单。 With the increase of confirmed cases in recent days, the degree of social concern has increased, and the
15、prevention and control efforts of all parties concerned have also increased. In January 20th, the novel coronavirus infection was classified into class B management by the National Health Protection Committee, and the prevention and control measures for class A infectious diseases were taken. On the
16、 same day, the epidemic prevention command headquarters in Wuhan was established. It was pointed out that Wuhan should launch a wartime duty attendance mechanism, and clearly adopted more stringent measures to prevent proliferation and prevent external output. Novel coronavirus infection in Wuhan wa
17、s paid by the government, the 21 day, the headquarters also held a news conference. 事实上,不只是国家卫健委跟武汉当地实行了针对性的防控强化动作,许多地方也都实行了相应的防控措施。不少地方都明确,将来将加大新型肺炎确诊病例监测筛查,在机场、火车站、长途汽车站等重点场所启动体温监测机制,并做好隔离治疗和病例救治,有的全面禁止市场销售活禽,有的为此召开调度会;部分航空、铁路及旅游平台也出台了免费退订措施。 In fact, not only the national health and Health Commis
18、sion and Wuhan local government have taken targeted prevention and control actions, but also many local governments have taken corresponding prevention and control measures. Many places have made it clear that in the future, they will increase the monitoring and screening of new confirmed cases of p
19、neumonia, start the temperature monitoring mechanism in key places such as airports, railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and do a good job in isolation treatment and case treatment, some prohibit the marketing of live birds in an all-round way, some hold scheduling meetings for this purpos
20、e, and some aviation, railway and tourism platforms have also introduced free cancellation measures. 针对这起突发性疫情,的确有许多方面都已行动起来。而根据上级联防联控的要求,各地方、部门在防控协同性与连接性上也可接着下功夫。 In response to this sudden outbreak, many aspects have indeed been put into action. According to the requirements of the superior joint
21、prevention and control, all localities and departments can continue to work hard on the coordination and cohesion of prevention and control. 2003年非典过后,我国出台了突发公共卫生事务应急条例,里面明确突发事务应急工作应当遵循预防为主、常备不懈的方针,贯彻统一领导、分级负责、反应刚好、措施坚决、依靠科学、加强合作的原则。一并明确的,还有针对突发公共卫生事务的防控途径与层级化分工,包括国家层面和省、市、县各级政府的职责。 After SARS in 20
22、03, China issued the regulations on emergency response to public health emergencies, which made it clear that emergency response work should follow the principle of prevention first and constant preparation, and implement the principle of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, timely respo
23、nse, decisive measures, relying on science and strengthening cooperation. At the same time, there are also prevention and control approaches and hierarchical division of labor for public health emergencies, including the responsibilities of governments at the national level and at the provincial, mu
24、nicipal and county levels. 有报道提到,武汉当地对疫情源头华南海鲜市场休市整顿,依据的就是国务院突发公共卫生事务应急条例等法规条例的规定。考虑到疫情会传播扩散,有关各地明显都应对表条例中的要求,对镜自照,看自身有无尽到条例中的规定,并以条例为遵循,对各相关部门分工进行合理安排与有序统筹,确保医疗卫朝气构、监测机构和科学探讨机构及铁路、交通等各尽其责,所尽之责又能是“同向发力”,起到更好的联防联控效果。 It was reported that the local rectification of the South China seafood market, the
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