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1、韩国本科留学的申请书模板 中国和韩国的距离上,和英、美、澳、加等其他留学国家比较要近许多。也因此,去一趟韩国时间上特别快,我们时常会听到,关于去韩国当天来回的例子。更多韩国本科留学的申请书模板点击“韩国留学”查看。 韩国本科留学的申请书 Dear _, From an early age I have been intrigued by the human mind and how it works. This interest has been enhanced through my study of psychology. Although I have only studied this
2、 subject for a relatively short period of time, I have enjoyed the variety the A-level course provides and I feel I have had a sample of different fields of this subject. I have particularly enjoyed studying comparative psychology because I am interested in how the human mind can be explained in evo
3、lutionary terms and how we can be compared to non-human animals. I have always enjoyed mathematics, both learning and application. I have relished the course I have taken at college as it has a variety of areas and the opportunity to study different branches. I have particularly enjoyed areas of pur
4、e mathematics that I have covered since commencing A-levels and I have developed my enthusiasm for algebra by applying it to different problems. I also feel that my statistical background will be advantageous to my psychology work. I have enhanced my assessment and evaluation skills through my A-lev
5、el in Religious Studies, particularly the modules on philosophy and ethics. I feel that my study into ethics is advantageous when applied to the highly problematic field of psychological research. My logical approach was also demonstrated with my AS-level in economics which gave me the opportunity t
6、o interpret data and the effect different factors have on a situation. I demonstrated my people skills when I undertook work experience at a local special needs school after I had completed my GCSEs. This week gave me the opportunity to assist teachers and carers with large groups of children of dif
7、ferent ages and abilities. This included helping heavily disabled children with Physical Education lessons, autistic children with art classes and aiding pupils with severe epilepsy to do basic numeracy and literacy. I also helped a group of teenagers, most older than myself with a range of physical
8、 and learning disabilities, to do basic cookery. I found this week very rewarding, although it was both mentally and physically taxing as children had to be supervised, and often assisted, at all times. My part-time job at a doctor's surgery has made me more a responsible individual as I deal wi
9、th patient confidentiality. I have also become more confident and gained a great deal of common sense as I deal with, and reassure, members of the public. In my free time I enjoy participating in a variety of different activities. I am a member of a local gym which I attend several times a week, I a
10、m a keen horse-rider, I regularly go on skiing holidays and I have recently started Salsa dancing. I have also participated in Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards and hope to start my Gold Award. I particularly enjoy the planning and undertaking of expeditions as they are physically challengi
11、ng and encourage teamwork. I also enjoyed the 'service' required for the awards. For my bronze award I helped at a local Brownie Pack and this included helping to prepare activities and going away on a 'Pack Holiday' residential weekend with the girls. I was able to do this through m
12、y links with Guiding, I was a member of this organisation for ten years and was presented with my Baden Powell Award, the highest achievement that could be gained by a Guide. I am a keen musician and I enjoy the clarinet, gaining Grade 2 with merit 5 years ago before focussing on pieces that I enjoy
13、ed including those in a Jazz-style in 'the Peter Brown Band'. and .I have been a member of several choirs, the highlight being performing Honnegar's Joan d'Arc in the BBC Proms in the Albert Hall as a member of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Choir. As a member I also sang in
14、the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, the Liverpool Cathedral and on 'Songs of Praise'. I am an active church member and I regularly volunteer at fund-raising efforts. At college I am a charity representative. This position of responsibility involves fund-raising and selecting charities tha
15、t the college supports, a role which I take seriously and enjoy doing. For my silver Duke of Edinburgh award I volunteered at my local Oxfam shop for sixth months. I enjoyed meeting members of the public and working with others volunteers to raise money. I have also taken part in my church fund-rais
16、ers and I am currently training for the Liverpool Ladies 10km Run next year in aid of a local hospice. I am a logical thinker and this, combined with my enthusiasm for the human mind, leads towards a future in a scientific field of psychology. The combination of my interests logically suggests a car
17、eer such as that in ergonomics and this idea has been encouraged by a recent meeting that I had with team of psychologists concerned with Health and Safety. Yours sincerely, xuexila 韩国本科留学的申请材料与条件 一、韩国本科留学的申请材料 1、护照 2、护照用照片8张(最近3个月内的彩色免冠照片) 3、身份证复印件(申请人和父母) 4、户口本复印件(申请人和父母),假如学生本人的.户口和父母不在一起,须要做亲属关系
18、公证。 5、最终学校校长、班主任或教授的举荐书(必需运用在学校的文头信纸上) 6、最终学校毕业证原件和成果单原件(成果单必需运用在学校的文头信纸上盖学校公章、签名),公证件。 7、个人简历,留学安排书(A4纸上手写各写一张) 8、经济实力的证明材料原件和复印件(须要供应父母经济实力的全部证明材料原件和复印件) 父母在职证明,收入证明(必需运用在公司的文头信纸上并加盖公司的公章,签名) 1万美金的存款证明和存单复印件(必需打算) 房产证复印件(假如有,请供应) 私家车证明原件和复印件(假如有,请供应) 股票证明(假如有,请供应) 二、韩国本科留学条件 1、学历要求 学历条件方面,学生要有中学学历
19、或同等学历,包括职高、中专毕业,在国内接受完12年教化。目前,韩国首尔地区的绝大部分知名院校都要求学生供应中学毕业证,地方高校相对宽松,中学或者中专学历都可以,但国立高校很少接受中专毕业生申请。所以学生要提前向学校了解清晰,而且还须要提交符合要求的中学毕业证、中学三年成果单,以及会考成果验证报告等学历材料。 2、语言要求 假如不是全英授课或者中文授课项目的学生,就须要先在国内进行语言的提升,或者选择进入韩国语学院学习。从韩语基础起先学起,不断提升听说读写的实力,然后再参与IK考试,努力考级。专业的韩语测试会依据学生实力的不同进行分级,而入读的本科,至少要达到5级以上,才能够保证自己可以跟得上授
20、课的支配,当然本身的实力也要能够匹配自己出示的成果。 3、文书要求 文书写作须要时刻以展示自己的优势为目标,不须要长篇大论的夸奖,而要简明扼要的说明自己获得的成果,以及将全部基本的信息进行直观的展示,让人抓住重点。要留意举荐信写作人的身份和地位,而且对自己也要有肯定的了解,假如没有很深的了解的话,须要花时间熟识,然后才能写出有劝服力的文书。 韩国留学文书打算指南 1、简历 韩国一般只有个别院校会要求提交简历,比如高丽高校。但是在申请之前假如想和教授进行套磁的话,有一个简历是特别不错的选择。 简历的特点要高度概括,大家要提取自己的闪光点放在这里,这样可以让教授对你产生深刻的印象。 另外,由于韩国
21、高校会严格规定自我介绍的字数,所以你可以把你觉得须要补充的其他方面放在简历里去写。 简历中须要至少涵盖你的个人信息、教化背景、所获荣誉、个人重大影响事务、发表的著作、参与社团组织及其他实力和爱好等。 2、自我介绍 自我介绍也可以简洁理解为“动机信”,意思就是写出自己的申请动机,也就是为什么要申请这所学校和这个专业。自我介绍是一个让教授了解你、相识你的机会。 在自我介绍中要体现出你的生长环境、学习实力,相关阅历以及明确说明你是一个合格的申请者并有实力胜任该阶段的学习,或者探讨任务。 由于申请韩国的竞争愈加激烈,所以大家肯定要细致看自己的自我介绍是否有特色,是否能抓人眼球。切记不要用模板,教授可能
22、每天看到上千封的文书,都是一模一样的话完全没有一个想要录用你的推动点 另外,一些学校还有固定的要求比如字数,超过了字数就无法在线完全输入,另外还有肯定要阐明清晰哪些学校要求说明的点,每个学校固定要求都不一样。 3、学业安排 学习安排,对于申请文书来说是重中之重,可以说韩国高校基本上是从申请人的学习安排中了解你写论文的实力的。 在专业的区分方面,绝大部分专业,例如社会学、哲学、商科、传媒等,都是须要写学习安排的的。首要目的是考察申请者的语言实力。假如能写出很美丽的韩语文书,至少也从侧面证明你有运用很流利的口语的潜力,而这对这些专业申请是特别有帮助的。 在写的过程当中决不行写的比较空,比如“我入学
23、后会努力完成教授课题”、“入学后安排接着增进韩语实力,努力考6级”。如何去完成教授的课题,如何去考出topik6级这些点须要细化,列出来详细的实施安排。 4、举荐信 一般本科是不须要举荐信,探讨生是须要的。 韩国许多学校都有自己固定格式的举荐信要求,肯定要严格根据规定格式打算举荐信。 不少学校都要求申请人提交2封举荐信,所以举荐信的质量也成为了确定大家能否被录用的关键因素。韩国院校希望通过熟识你的客观而诚恳的介绍来了解申请人,也希望从第三方角度看到申请人的性格特点、科研实力、学术水平、组织实力和领导实力等。 韩国院校也会很严格审核学生提交的举荐信,他们会通过电话或邮件的方式联系写举荐信的举荐人去核实内容。 韩国本科留学的申请书模板本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第12页 共12页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页第 12 页 共 12 页