《2023年爱心的英文谚语.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年爱心的英文谚语.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2023年爱心的英文谚语 1、献出一份爱心,暖和世间真情。 Give a love, warm the worlds true feelings. 2、你我多一份慈善,城市多一份和谐。 You and I have more charity, more harmony in the city. 3、博施康乐e点通,日行一善更轻松。 Bosch Comfort E-Point, a good day more relaxed. 4、用爱心点燃生命之光,用真情奏响生命乐章。 Light the light of life with love and play the movement of lif
2、e with true feelings. 5、让小爱汇成大爱,让大爱影响世界。 Let small love merge into big love, let big love influence the world. 6、让全部的孩子,永久充满盼望。 Let all children, always full of hope. 7、播洒爱心,点燃盼望。 Sow love and light hope. 8、乐善好施,真诚与人。 Kindness, kindness and sincerity. 9、乐施就上施乐会。 Oxfam goes to Oxfam. 10、善待那些具有爱心的人。 B
3、e kind to those who have love. 11、语言无国界,大爱无边界。 Language knows no boundaries, love knows no boundaries. 12、播种爱心盼望,成就将来幻想。 Sow love and hope, and achieve future dreams. 13、公益一手把握,乐善一动天下。 Public welfare should be mastered at one hand, and good will should move the whole world. 14、爱心接力赛,以爱争第一。 Love rela
4、y race, to love first. 15、因为有了爱,世界更精彩。 Because of love, the world is more wonderful. 16、爱心传递,暖和阳光。 Pass on love, warm sunshine. 17、慈善是架天平,说明人格重量。 Charity is a balance, indicating the weight of personality. 18、用我们的爱心接力明天的美好。 Relay our love for tomorrows happiness. 19、有了爱就有了一切。 Everything comes with l
5、ove. 20、物品传遍天下,爱心暖和人间。 Goods spread all over the world, and love warms the world. 21、让我们共同见证爱的力量。 Lets witness the power of love together. 22、人生大舞台,有爱多精彩。 Love is wonderful on the big stage of life. 23、看得见的爱,就在施乐会! Visible love is at Xerox! 24、人间自有真情在,爱心捐款暖人心。 The world has its own true feelings, lo
6、ve donations warm peoples hearts. 25、用你的爱心点,亮他人的生活。 Use your love to brighten the lives of others. 26、爱是大家共有的,只有心到爱才会永久。 Love is common to all of us, only the heart to love will be eternal. 27、涓滴之水成海洋,颗颗爱心变盼望。 The trickle of water becomes the ocean, and love turns to hope. 28、盼望在孩子心头,责任在你我肩头。 Hope i
7、n the heart of the child, the responsibility is on your shoulder and on my shoulder. 29、爱心助学,点燃盼望。 Love helps students, ignites hope. 30、全民动员,用爱心暖和身边的人。 Mobilize the whole people and warm the people around you with love. 31、真正的怜悯,在忧愁的时候,不在欢乐的期间。 True sympathy is not in the happy period when we are s
8、ad. 32、施乐天下,乐行于善。 Enjoy the world and do good. 33、爱心传递,真情永驻。 Love is transmitted, and the true feelings remain forever. 34、施以援手,喜乐在心。 Help, joy in the heart. 35、爱心无止境,精彩贵传承。 Love is endless, splendid and precious inheritance. 36、慈善是人与人真诚的关心,是心与心无私的奉献。 Charity is the sincere care of people and the se
9、lfless dedication of heart and heart. 37、爱心凝聚力量,盼望成就将来。 Love gathers strength and hopes to achieve the future. 38、盼望工程手拉手,和谐通州心连心。 Hope that the project hand in hand, harmonious Tongzhou heart to heart. 39、爱的奉献,心的召唤。 The devotion of love, the call of heart. 40、献上一点爱心,让彼此美好。 Give a little love and ma
10、ke each other happy. 41、弘扬慈善文化,构建大爱中华。 Promote charity culture and build love for China. 42、手拉手,心连心,人间显大爱。 Hand in hand, heart in heart, the world shows great love. 43、欢乐一触即发,爱心一动天下。 Happiness is at the touch of a hair, love is at the touch of the world. 44、爱心点点,暖和人间。 Be kind and warm. 45、真情关爱,伴您成长。
11、 True love, grow up with you. 46、施乐会,爱随行。 Oxfam, love goes with you. 47、每人献上一片爱心,世界将会变得更美妙。 Everyones love will make the world a better place. 48、播洒爱心,成就将来。 Spread love and achieve the future. 49、爱心靠大家,关心你我他。 Love depends on everyone to help you, me and him. 50、奉献爱心,传递温情。 Dedicate love and convey wa
12、rmth. 51、人生有爱,生活精彩。 Life has love, life is wonderful. 52、传递爱的真心,延续爱的盼望。 Pass on the true heart of love and continue the hope of love. 53、捐出一份爱心、奉献一片真情。 Donate a love, dedicate a true love. 54、专心点燃盼望,用爱撒播人间。 Light hope with heart and sow love on earth. 55、情系残疾兄弟姐妹,奉献一份真诚爱心。 Sisters and brothers with
13、disabilities, dedicate a sincere love. 56、爱心相连,精彩尽现。 Love is connected and wonderful. 57、慷慨解囊,奉献爱心,努力构建社会保障体系。 Giving generously, devoting love, and striving to build a social security system. 58、爱的传递心的沟通,真情感动你我他。 The communication of love, the real emotion touches you, me and him. 59、依靠社会办慈善,办好慈善为社
14、会。 Relying on the society to run charity, run charity for the society. 60、种下一份欢乐,就收获一份欢乐。 Sow a happiness, harvest a happiness. 61、一双双充满盼望的眸子,正向您求助呢! A pair of hopeful eyes are asking for your help. 62、身在下城,心系贫困,慈善捐款,尽已所能。 Being in downtown, poor, charitable donation, do everything possible. 63、奉献爱心
15、,收获盼望。 Give love and harvest hope. 64、爱心大舞台,有你更精彩。 Love stage, you are more wonderful. 65、慈善没有旁观者,你我都是践行人。 Charity has no bystanders. You and I are practitioners. 66、光大慈善心,共建文明城。 To build a civilized city together with a great philanthropic heart. 67、慈善·爱心·和谐,我参加、我见证、我共享。 Charity, love
16、, harmony, I participate, I witness, I share. 68、奉献爱心,拥抱真情。 Give love and embrace the truth. 69、爱心洒满慈善之城,阳光暖和爱心之都。 Love spreads all over the city of charity, and sunshine warms the city of love. 70、爱心相连,超越无限。 Love is connected, beyond infinity. 71、用微笑拥抱孩子,用真心对待孩子。 Embrace the child with a smile and
17、treat the child with sincerity. 72、美好源于关爱,和谐来自盼望。 Happiness comes from love, and harmony comes from hope. 73、用我们的爱心托起明天的盼望。 Raise the hope of tomorrow with our love. 74、盼望情,和谐风。 Hope, love and harmony. 75、扶残济困,有你有我。 Help the disabled and help the poor, you have me. 76、温馨的驿站,爱心的小屋。 Warm post, loving cabin. 77、滴水之恩万心暖,寸草之心三春晖。 The grace of dripping is warm in heart, and the heart of grass is warm in spring. PREV ARTICLE写爱心的英文谚语NEXT ARTICLE爱心英语谚语