2023年英文哲理文章Interview with God.docx
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1、2023年英文哲理文章Interview with God 第一篇:英文哲理文章Interview with God INTERVIEW WITH GOD I dreamed I had a interview with God “So you would like to interview me? God asked.“If you have time, I said.God smiled.My time is eternity.what questions do you have in mind for me? “What surprise you most about humankinn
2、d? God answered: “That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.“That they lost their health to make money, and then lost their money to restor their health. “That by thinking anxiously about future, they forget the present, such that they live in live
3、in neither the present nor the future. Gods hand took mine and we were slient for a while.And then I asked, “As a present, what are some of lifes lessons you want your children to learn? “To learn that they can not make anyone love them.All they can do is let themselves be loved. “To learn that it i
4、s no good to compare themselves to others. “To learn to forgive by practising forgiveness. “To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love, and it can take many years to heal them. “To learn that a rich person is not the one who has the most, but is one needs th
5、e least. “To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently. “To learn that it is not enough that they forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves. “Thank you for your time, I said humbly.“Is there anything else youd like your children to know? God smiled and
6、said: “Just know that I am here, Always. 其次篇:哲理文章 假如太阳不再落下 黄昏驾临,太阳光彩照人的面孔正向山的那边移去,云朵也羞得一片通红,几排老屋沐浴在一片金黄里。凝(ning)望着眼前的美景,我不由得陷入遐想:假如太阳不再下山,那世界会变成什么样呢 ? 假如太阳不再下山,我会和小伙伴们在这美丽的时刻,与夕阳的余晖一起跳动,与小鸟一起歌颂,与蝴蝶一块儿翩翩起舞我要大快朵颐的大玩一场,大侃(kan)一 场。我会躺在长满野花的草地上,抛却一切苦恼,去欣赏白云优雅的身姿,去静静的感受“天高地广的境界。 假如太阳不再下山,我愿做一条小溪,恒久迈着轻快的脚步
7、感受阳光的温和 ;我也愿化作一株太阳花,张开笑脸,迎着太阳热忱开放;我更愿意成为一个才华横溢yi的画家,勾画出太阳依稀可见的轮廓kuo,渲染出大片大片深浅不一的红色。 但是- 假如真有那么一天,太阳真的不再下山,月亮、星星,还有那凉快的晚风都只能留在人们的回忆中,那“床前明月光,疑是地上霜的诗句怎能引起人们发自心底的共鸣?那时,灯将成为一件美丽的装饰shi品,这岂不枉费了爱迪生千万次含辛茹苦的试验?最缺憾的莫过于孩子,他们将无法体验“鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜的凄qi凉,更无缘享受“海上明月共潮生的奇妙,他们只能从父辈那儿得到一些不够真实的描述。 假如太阳真的不再下山,地球的一边日日阳光普照,另一
8、边呢?无边的黑暗和寒冷将使植物在“哭泣中枯萎wei,使人们在煎熬ao中苍老怎宠爱么办?怎么办? 还是让太阳回去吧!让人们在晨光中起先一天的学习生活,也能在静谧mi的夜晚休息,饶有爱好的讲解并描述“嫦娥奔月的神话。我们与其渴望阳光的长期覆盖,不如自己发光发热,去温和别人的心房。 遥望天涯,夕阳照旧绚丽如画,但我不会在幻想让它永驻天涯,因为明天,明天我会拥有一轮新的太阳! 1注音 2联系上下文,理解“但是的意思 3作者宠爱夕阳吗?为什么? 4作者用了什么写作方法?这样写有什么好处?2但是前讲的是假如太阳真的不再下山的好处,但是后讲的是假如太阳真的不再下山的坏处,表转折。 诗意的长大 尊敬的同学 你
9、知道吗 每一个你 都是一个精彩的故事 每一个你 都是别出心裁的自己 你本身就是一个奇迹 在母体的孕育中 你,经过千军万马的考验(困难的考验)在你生日那天诞生的日期英雄横空出世 十二三岁的奇妙年龄 人生的华蜜花季 每一个太阳东升西落的日子 都是特定的胜利日期 尊敬的同学 让我们面朝大海 感受春暖花开的魅力 让我们打欢乐扉,拿起笔 记录生活中的点点滴滴 或许 多少年以后 过去的许多记忆已经逝去 但,班级恒久留有我们的踪迹 朵朵精彩的浪花 奇妙的回忆 路上春色正好 天上太阳正晴 从今,让我们一起诗意的长大并远行 1注音 2联系上下文,理解 “让我们一起诗意的长大并远行的意思 3联系上下文,理解“横空
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- 2023年英文哲理文章Interview with God 2023 英文 哲理 文章 Interview