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1、2023年广东教师招聘考试考试真题卷(5)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.一般而言,中学英语单元教材可以分为三大系统,它们主次分明,()是源,作业系统和图表系统是流,三者相辅相成。A非文本系统B主题系统C知识结构系统D文本符号系统2.英语与汉语不尽相同,英语是()。就英语阅读过程而言,阅读首先是个体把文字符号转换为语音码的过程;其次,英语语音与字母或字母组合有着相对的对应关系,其语音操作由语义潜势;其三,Baddeley的研究表明,语音是短时工作记忆的载体。A语言符号系统B音
2、节文字系统C拼音文字系统D表意文字系统3.There are two general rules for giving instuctions; they must be kept as simple as possible, and they must be().AlogicalBfeasibleCauthenticDnatural4.Austin和Searle的理论是任务型教学语研究一个十分重要的理论来源。Searle认为,语言交际单位不是单词或句子等语言单位,而是()。A语言行为B言语行为C文字符号D心理表征5.Advertisements give us ()about product
3、s, such as their prices and uses.AinformationBnewsCwordsDpictures6.Which shirt will you take, Betty (). The blue one is too long and the white one is too short.ABothBNeitherCEitherDNone7.During the last Olympics, all the rooms in the Olympic Village in London are so designed that they are ()to the d
4、isabled.AaccessibleBavailableCconvenientDvalid8.Jerry and Lucy must both like movies. I often meet them at the cinema. () is Lucy, not Jerry, who likes movies.ASoBThatCItDSuch9.Mom, have a rest please. You ()in the kitchen ever since you came home.Abad workedBwere workingChave been workingDwould wor
5、k10.As one of the best-known American authors of 20th century, Ernest Hemingway wrote all the following novels EXCEPT ().AFor Whom the Bell TollsBThe Green Hills of AfricaCThe Sound and the FuryDThe Old Man and the Sea11.The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as ()in the literary
6、history of the United States.Athe Age of EnlightenmentBthe Age of RomanticismCNew England TranscendentalismDthe Age of Realism12.The utterance We are already working 25 hours a day, eight days a week. obviously violates the maxim of ().AqualityBmannerCrelationDquantity13.The semantic components of t
7、he word gentleman can be written as ().A+ANIMATE, +MALE, +HUMAN, - ADULTB+ANIMATE, +MALE, +HUMAN, +ADULTC+ANIMATE, - MALE, +HUMAN, - ADULTD+ANIMATE, - MALE, +HUMAN, +ADULT14.As a salesman, he works on a (an) ()basis, taking 10% of everything he sells.AsalaryBpensionCcommissionDincome15.The experimen
8、t has()the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.A.found outB.pointed outC.ruled outD.carried out16.Austin和Searle的理论是任务型教学语研究一个十分重要的理论来源。Searle认为,语言交际单位不是单词或句子等语言单位,而是_。A语言行为B言语行为C文字符号D心理表征17.It seems water_from this tap for s
9、ome time. Well have to take it apart to put it right.A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking 18.He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found()of them again.A.neitherB.eitherC.eachD.all19.Gun control is a subject _ Americans have argued for a long time.Aof which
10、Bwith which Cabout which Dinto which 20.One more week,_I will get everything ready.A. and B. or C. while D. but 21.Tim will call me as soon as he _ my package.A. receive B. will receive C. received D. receives22.Which of the following best explores American myth in the 20th centuryA. The Great Gatsb
11、y. B. The Sun Also Rises. C. The Sound and the Fury. D. Beyond the Horizon. 23.Weve just moved in to a bigger house and theres lot to do. Lets()it.A.keep up withB.do away withC.get down toD.look forward to24._ is defined as the study of the relationship between language and mind.A. Semantics B. Prag
12、matics C. Cognitive linguistics D. Sociolinguistics 25.It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it_be rather cold sometimes.A. must B. can C. should D. would 26.They all agree_George. Has the project been passed Who_George can make the final decisionA. except; except B. except; besidesC. but;
13、but D. besides; but 27.Do you know that Jack()a postman for about six years Yes, I see.A. has becomeB. has turnedC. has changedD. has been28.I found her nice and honest_I met her.A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time29.Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on t
14、imeAthis Bthat Che Dit 30.Sam()some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.A. brought upB. looked upC. picked upD. set up31.When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we _ up, her voice had been full of life.A. were hanging B. had hung C. h
15、ung D. would hang 32._your step ,Jim, or you might fall into the water. Oh,dear! Look where I am going.A. Look out B. Take C. Watch D. Notice 33.How about your trip to Hainan It couldnt have been _. Sometimes I went swimming in the sea; sometimes I lay on the sand.A. so well B. as badC. better D. wo
16、rse 34.Guess what, weve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer. How nice! You()a different culture then.A. will be experiencingB. have experiencedC. have been experiencingD. will have experienced35.The largest city in Canada is _.A. Vancouver B. Montreal C. Toronto D. Ottawa 36._
17、 is best known for the technique of dramatic monologue in his poems.A. Will Blake B.W.YeatsC. Robert Browning D. William Wordsworth 37.某市实施新的水务管理办法,对居民生活用水逐步推行阶梯水价,对工业和服务业超计划用水实行累进加价,对高耗水行业实行差别水价。这种水务管理办法有利于_。 产业结构的调整 水资源的优化配置 企业生产效率的提高 居民生活水平的提高ABCD38.银行一年定期存款利率是3.5%。银行有自动转存业务,存款到期不取,会自动将利息并入本金再转存一
18、定年份。叶先生将10000元现金存入银行,他选择“定存一年自动转存一年”方式所取得的利息是_。A700元B712.25元C350元D356.13元39.在河北曹妃甸的矿石码头,铁矿石运输轮一靠岸,运输带就直接将铁矿石运往新首钢加工车间。经过若干道工序后,铁矿石变成钢材,又从成品码头重新装船销往世界各地。这种紧凑的“前港后厂”生产经营模式,缩短了流通时间,给新首钢带来了巨大的效益。这一效益的取得在于_。 流通环节能够产生更大的利润 “前港后厂”模式节省运输成本 流通时间的缩短加快了资金的周转 “前港后厂”模式提高了社会劳动生产率ABCD40.一台电脑由数以万计的人参与制造,他们当中大多数互不相识
19、,让电脑得以形成的无数行为更没有任何人规定或指挥。从电脑的制造中可以看出_。A企业联合能提高资源利用效率B社会分工促进了生产效率提高C市场对资源配置起基础性作用D社会道德在市场中起支配作用41.下图所示为中央财政用于社会保障和就业、教育、医疗卫生的支出状况。图中曲线的变化,突出体现的财政作用是()。巩固国家政权,维护社会秩序健全社会保障体系,改善人民生活调控收支水平,促使经济平稳运行完善社会公共服务体系,创建和谐生活环境ABCD42.好莱坞电影功夫熊猫的文化元素多半是中国的,功夫是中国的,熊猫是中国的,场景是中国的,但熊猫阿宝怎么看都不像中国的大侠。这告诉我们_。 文化符号比文化精神更重要 繁
20、荣我国文化应借鉴好莱坞的文化创新理念 繁荣我国文化的关键是继承我国的传统文化 文化既是民族的又是世界的ABCD43.北方草原文化的形成和发展,极大地丰富了中华文化。苍穹、草原、毡包、骏马、牧歌构成了一道奇丽的文化风景线,构建了人与自然和谐共荣的生存模式和文化体系,展现了人类在不同自然条件下的非凡创造力,同时也为人们了解人类文化发展模式的多样性和中华文化的丰富内涵提供了开阔的视野。这主要体现了_。 不同的自然条件造就了不同地域的文化特色 注重人与自然的和谐共荣是中华文化生态观的重要理念 文化多样性就是指地域文化的多样性 文化多样性是文化创造的源泉ABCD44.近年来,上海第三产业的增加值超过制造
21、业,占GDP总量近六成,使上海的GDP变“轻”了。因为第三产业_。 消耗的自然资源较少 投入的生产要素较少 产品的经济价值较小 创造的多为无形产品ABCD45.下表是近十年来中国内地企业进入500强榜单的相关数据: 国有及国有控股企业(家) 股份制企业(家) 私营企业(家) 2002 11 0 0 2011 53 2 2 注:股份制企业不包括国有控股企业。 数据表明,我国_。A股份制经济成为经济发展的主导力量B非公有制企业实力普遍增强C已形成一批具有国际竞争力的大型企业D国有经济成为经济制度基础46.2011年,中国非金融领域对外投资总额从2006年的176.3亿美元上升到600.7亿美元,2
22、011年一季度达到165.5亿美元,比2010年同期增加94.5%;非金融领域外商直接投资总额1160.1亿美元,2011年3月外商直接投资比2010年同期减少6.4%,已连续5个月减少。对此,正确的理解是_。 我国的对外贸易正在趋于平衡 我国利用外资的方式不断创新 我国对外开放水平不断提高 我国的资本国际化不断加快ABCD47.一切受人民欢迎、对人民有深刻影响的艺术作品,从本质上说,都必须既反映人民精神世界又引领人民精神生活,都必须在人民的伟大中获得艺术的伟大。可见,优秀的文化_。A彰显时代的精神,创造时代的未来B反映时代的潮流,决定时代的走向C源于时代的实践,引导时代的发展D源于时代的智慧
23、,推动时代的前进48.2012年,某市“两会”前夕,当地一家媒体就“两会焦点话题”,分别对外来务工人员和城市居民进行了调查,位列前三的分别是: 外来务工人员 城市居民 热点话题 得票率(%) 热点话题 得票率(%) 社会保障 56.4 房价调控 41.6 收入分配 40.1 食品安全 35.9 医疗改革 25.1 物价问题 34.5 调查结果显示,不同对象所关注的热点不同。从哲学上看,其原因是_。A人们对客观事物的主观映象不同B感性认识与理性认识的认识阶段不同C客观对象不同,解决问题的方法不同D改造客观世界与改造主观世界的不同49.霍金说:“随着量子力学的发现,我们认识到,由于总存在一定程度的不确定性,不可能去完全精确地预言事件”,“我们的目的只在于套定律,这些定律能使我们在不确定性原理的极限内预言事件。”对此,正确的理解是_。A认识的根本目的在于把握本质和规律B理性认识能指导人们推动事物的发展C人们的认识要受到主客观条件的制约D事物的不确定性否定了世界的可知性50.我国发展对外经济关系的必要性在于_。A是由社会主义生产目的决定的B是社会主义生产关系的客观要求C是由社会主义经济政策决定的D是社会化大生产和市场经济的必然结果