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1、 Abstract Biology i S a subject of natural science based on experiment,the establ ishment of biological concepts and the formation of the biologi cal laws can not be separated from the experiment Experiment teaching plays an important role in the training of studentsexperimental operation,the abilit
2、y of exploration and innovat ion The effect of experiment pract ice has influence on the teaching effect Therefore,in order to improve the experimental teaching effect,This paper focuses on improving the experiment to optimi ze the experimental teaching The main resultS are as fol lOWS:First ly,thro
3、ugh l i terature research and based on the understanding of the research status of domestic and foreign experimental teaching,we discovered that the experiment teaching has attracted more and more attent ion at home and abroad,and foreign experimental teaching focused on combining the theories with
4、practices while in China it still retains at the theoret ical level and there are many problems in the actual experiment teaching,such as the lack of experimental equipment and insufficient class time,and the phenomenon that 万方数据 teachers prefer saying the experiments rather than doing the exper ime
5、nt s i s very common Secondly,this study took the High School Biology Compulsory 1 of PeopleS Education Press as the research object and then classifi ed the experiments of the High School Biology Compulsory 1 Through the questionnaire survey in some high schools in Hunan Province to get the impleme
6、nt ing situat ion and effects of the experiment teaching required by biology compulsory 1 According to the survey,it is found that the teachers have a certain understanding of the biological experiments:From the opening of experiments,the high school mainly opened observation or identification exper
7、iments and verification experiments,Inquiry experiments and model experiments opened a 1 ittle:From effects of the experiment,it was found that sometimes the experiments were carried out according to all of the requirements and steps described in the textbooks,SO that good results can not be achieve
8、d:From the case of teachersimprovement of experiment,the teachers made l ittle improvements in the actual experiment teaching These results showed that there are plenty of room for experiments to be improved Combined with a three month experiment practice 万方数据 in experiment classes,we can find out t
9、he reasons for the poor effect of the experiments of Biology Compulsory l in high sch001 Thirdly,according to the improvement principles and requirements,the experiment was improved from the fol lowing aspects by adopting experimental research method From the perspective of experiment material,the e
10、xperiment Observing Several Kinds of Cells by Using High Power Microscope was improved From the perspect ive of experimental reagents,the experiment Using High Power Microscope to Observe the Mitochondria was improved From the perspective of experimental scheme,the experiment Refationship between Ce
11、ll Size and Material Transport was improved And,from the perspective of experiment method,the experiment Extraction and Separat ion of Pi gment s from Green Leaves WaS improved Final ly,from the perspective of experiment device,the experiment Comparing the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide under Di
12、fferent Condit ions w as improved According to references and relevant literature,summarized the concrete scheme to improve the experiments of Biology Compulsory 1 in high sch001 V 万方数据 Fourthly,Through case analysi S,the reasons and effects of improving experiments were analyzed The advantages of t
13、he improved experiments were put forward based on the information feedbacked by communicating with the teachers on the first l ine The results showed that improved experiments are beneficial to the improvement of studentslearning interest,students experimental ability and innovative spirit Fifthly,a
14、ccording to the theory of constructivism,BrunerS discovery and the humanism learning,aimed at the problems in experiment teaching,this study put forward some suggest ions on improving the teaching of biology experiments in middle school from the perspective of schoolS,teachers and experimental exami
15、nation methods In this paper,we put forward the research ideas of finding problems,asking questions,putting forward the improvement principle,forming the improvement idea,putting forward the improvement scheme and the practicing improvement project and drawing the conclusionthe optimization of exper
16、imental teaching has been put forward from the combination of theory and pract i ce,and i t i S expected to provi de reference for improving the experimental teaching in middle sch001 V 万方数据 Key words:biology in high school,experimental teaching,improvement,effect V 万方数据 目录 摘要 I 1绪论 1 11 研究的背景 1 12
17、研究现状 2 121 国外生物实验现状 2 122 国内生物实验现状 3 13 研究内容与方法 5 131 研究内容 5 132 研究方法 5 14 研究目的与意义 6 141 研究目的 6 142 研究意义 6 2 高中生物必修1 实验教学现状调查与分析 8 21 调查对象与内容 8 22 调查结果与分析 9 221 教师对生物实验的认识情况分析 9 222 必修 1 实验开设情况调查与分析 10 22。3 必修 1 实验开设效果的调查与分析 12 224 教师对实验改进情况调查与分析 16 万方数据 23 调查结果中反映的问题与分析 17 3 生物实验教学优化的理论依据 20 31 建构主
18、义理论 20 32 布鲁纳的发现教学理论 20 33 人本主义学习理论 2l 4 高中生物实验教学的优化策略 22 41 改善学校实验教学条件 22 411 优化实验室结构 22 412 合理安排实验课时 22 42 提高教师实验教学水平 23 421 转变教学观念 23 422 提高实验教学能力 23 423 实行多样化的实验教学方法 24 43 建立多元化的实验考评方式 24 5 高中生物必修1 实验改进的案例分析 26 51 掌握实验改进的要求与原则,是进行实验改进的前提 26 511 实验改进的要求 26 512 实验改进的原则 27 52 实验改进的具体案例 28 521 实验材料的
19、改进 28 522 实验试剂的改进 29 万方数据 523 实验方案的改进 30 524 实验装置的改进 33 525 实验方法的改进 35 526 模型制作类实验的改进 36 53 实验改进的总结与分析 37 6 结论与展望 39 61 研究结论 39 62 展望 39 参考文献 41 附录I 44 附录 Il 46 附录 III 49 附录lV 50 附件V 51 致谢 52 万方数据 高中生物实验教学的优化研究 1 绪论 11 研究的背景 2l 世纪是生物科学迅速发展的时代,为了满足现代社会要求,培养新型的创 新型人才成为当今教育的重要内容,也是新课程内容的要求,而生物科学在培养 创新型
20、人才方面起着极其重要的作用。生物学一门实验性很强的学科,在生物学研究中,概念的获得,规律的发现,都需要以实验为基础。以实验为载体的生物实验教学有利于培养学生的动手能 力、分析问题和解决问题的能力,有利于学生科学思维方法的形成和养成严谨的 科学工作态度。实验教学在生物教学中的地位与作用主要体现在:1高中生物课程标准的要求 实验在高中生物教学中占有重要的作用,高中生物课程标准对学生实验能力 提出了更为具体的要求。:(1)能够正确使用一般的实验器具,掌握采集和处理实验材料、进行生物学 操作的实验技能:(2)发展科学探究能力,初步学会客观观察和描述生物现象,通过观察或从 现实生活中提出与生物学相关的、
21、可以探究的问题:做出假设和预期:设计可行的 实验方案:实施实验方案,收集证据:根据证据做出合理判断:用准确的术语、图表 介绍研究方法和结果,阐明观点:听取他人的意见,利用证据和逻辑对自己的结论 进行辩解以及作必要的反思和修改等。高中生物课程标准对学生实验能力的要求 突出了实验教学的重要性。实验教学效果的好坏将影响学生实验能力的培养。22016 年全国新课标高考生物考试大纲要求 2016 年全国新课标考试大纲中对学生能力的考察中明确了对实验与探究能 力的要求。:(1)能独立完成“生物知识内容表”所列的生物实验,包括理解实验目的、原理、方法和操作步骤,掌握相关的操作技能,并能将这些实验涉及的方法和
22、技 能进行综合运用;万方数据 教育硕士学位论文 (2)具备验证简单生物学事实的能力,并能对实验现象和结果进行解释、分析和处理;(3)具有对一生物学问题进行初步探究的能力,包括运用观察、实验与调 查、假说演绎、建立模型与系统分析等科学研究方法;(4)能对一些简单的实验方案做出恰当的评价和修订。3培养学生实验能力的重要途径 帮助学生获得生物学知识,生物知识及原理的获得不仅仅停留在课堂的理论 学习,还包括让学生在实验室进行的实验活动,通过不断实践,学生通过亲自动 手操作获得生物学基本概念和原理;培养学生实验操作能力,在生物实验课中,每一位学生需要亲自动手操作,如显微镜的使用、临时装片的制作等,实验过
23、程 中规范了学生的基本实验操作;培养学生探究能力和创新能力,实验过程原本是 通过实践探究问题的过程,对于在实验过程中遇到的问题应当大胆质疑,提出问 题,并设计实验方案,进行实验操作求证,在这个过程中培养了学的探究能力和 创新精神。无论是课标要求还是考纲要求,说明了实验在中学生物教学中越来越重要。而实际的实验教学中仍然存在很多问题。学校教学资源、硬件设施的配置,影响 着实验教学,如生物实验室缺乏,生物实验仪器设备不能满足实验教学需求,实验 教学材料难以获取等等。因此,了解实际实验教学中实验开展状况,找出影响实 验开设和开设效果的原因是有必要的,并对实验教学进行优化,提出改进方案,提高实验开出率,
24、改变实验教学现状是现阶段实验教学中急需解决的问题。12 研究现状 121 国外生物实验现状 教材的编写体现了实验的重要性 美国生物教材以实验与探究内容为主,突出学科课程特点口1,美国高中主流 教材(Biology:The Dynamics of Life (The Mc Graw Hill)实验类型丰富、设计新颖,它的典型特征是让学生构建实验平台,以培养学生实验操作能力为主 H。;英国中学生物教材,实验数量多,而且趣味性强1,教材编写上,强调科学 探究是获取知识和认识世界的一种重要方法,注重探究过程、以学生为本哺3,注 重培养学生科学的思维方式的培养和良好的科学研究的职业习惯的形成,具有自 己
25、鲜明的特色。;澳大利亚将美国的BSCS 的课程和方法引入高中生物课程,并 采用了美国的BSCS 教材,经消化吸收后,改编成具有澳大利亚特色的生物教材 万方数据 高中生物实验教学的优化研究 一生命网(B20LO GICAL SCIENCE,the web of life)作为教科书,新课程的 突出特点是以科学方法的训练为中心,并在教学中采用探索式为主的教学方法。这样就要求学生在学习中,不仅要学到生物学中的基本概念和原则,还在能力上 得到发展和提高阳1。教学实践上对实验极其重视 美国实验课时量多,实验课内容丰富,贴近生活,实验过程侧重学生科学方 法与思维方式的训练、科学态度和创新精神的培养3;澳大
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