《GZTP096CCL.01比色法测定聚合物和电子材料中的六价铬含量.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《GZTP096CCL.01比色法测定聚合物和电子材料中的六价铬含量.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、Issue No.:01,Effective Date:2017/09/20 Page 1 of 9 INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES SHENZHEN LIMITED GUANGZHOU BRANCH CENTRAL CHEMICAL LAB Testing Procedure Location:GZ CCL Document Code:GZ-TP096-CCL Application:Inorganic Issue No.:01 Title:比色法测定聚合物和电子材料中的六价铬含量 Determination of hexavalent chromium(Cr(VI)in
2、 polymers and electronics by the colorimetric method Issue No.Effective Date Amendment Summary 01 Sep 20,2017 -新版本发布 New issue Prepared by Checked by Approved by INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES SHENZHEN LIMITED GUANGZHOU BRANCH CENTRAL CHEMICAL LAB GUANGZHOU-TESTING PROCEDURE GZ-TP096-CCL.01 Issue No.:01,
3、Effective Date:2017/09/20 Page 2 of 9 1.范围(Scope)该方法描述了测量六价铬的步骤,聚合物和电子学样品中的定量。该方法采用有机溶剂溶解或膨胀样品基质,然后用碱性消化法提取六价铬。This method describes a procedure to measure Chromium(VI),quantitatively in samples of polymers and electronics.This method employs organic solvent to dissolve or swell the sample matrix,fo
4、llowed by an alkaline digestion procedure to extract Cr(VI)from samples.2.参考文件(Reference Documents)2.1.IEC 62321-7-2:2017 比色法测定聚合物和电子材料中的六价铬含量 IEC 62321-7-2:2017 Determination of hexavalent chromium(Cr(VI)in polymers and electronics by the colorimetric method 2.2.ISO 3696:1987 分析实验室用水规范和试验方法 ISO 369
5、6:1987,Water for analytical laboratory use-Specification and test methods 3.原理(Principle)溶液中的六价铬将1,5-二苯卡巴肼氧化为1,5-二苯卡巴腙,产生一种紫红色络合物,此络合物可用光度计在540nm处定量检测。The chromium()in solution oxidizes 1,5-diphenylcarbazide to 1,5-diphenylcarbazone to give a red/violet complex with chromium which can be quantified
6、photometrically at 540nm.4.仪器设备与化学试剂(Apparatus,Instrument and Chemicals)4.1 仪器设备(Apparatus,Instrument)4.1.1.电子天平,1 Div.=0.0001g Electronic balance,1 Div.=0.0001g 4.1.2.锥形瓶,50mL带磨口塞 Conical flash,of capacity 50mL,with stopper 4.1.3 紫外可见分光光度计(UV-Vis),用长度为5cm的石英比色皿 UV-Visible spectrophotometer,with 5cm
7、 quartz photometric cells 4.1.4 pH计,带玻璃电极 pH meter,with glass electrode 4.1.5 可维持消化溶液的加热或微波装置,温度在150到160 Heating or microwave device capable of maintaining the digestion solution at temperatures between 150 and 160 4.1.6 超声波水浴,可保持60至65之间的温度 Ultrasonic water bath,capable of maintaining the temperatur
8、e between 60 and 65 4.1.7 0.45m孔径的薄膜滤器(聚四氟乙烯或尼龙材质)Membrane filter,0.45m pore size(polytetrafluoroethylene or nylon)4.1.8 装有合适反相材料的玻璃或聚丙烯试样筒。如反相(RP)C18 Glass or PP cartridges filled with suitable reversed phrase material.(RP)C18 INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES SHENZHEN LIMITED GUANGZHOU BRANCH CENTRAL CHEM
9、ICAL LAB GUANGZHOU-TESTING PROCEDURE GZ-TP096-CCL.01 Issue No.:01,Effective Date:2017/09/20 Page 3 of 9 4.1.9 固相萃取(SPE)系统,带有真空设备 Glass or PP cartridges filled with suitable reversed phrase material 4.1.10 SPEX6870全自动冷冻研磨机 6870 Large freezer/Mill 4.1.11 玻璃分液漏斗,100mL Glass separatory funnel 100mL 4.1.
10、12 容量瓶,25mL,100mL,1000mL Volumetric flasks of capacity 25mL,100mL and 1000mL 4.2 化学试剂(Chemical reagent)4.2.1 pH=4.00,6.86 and 9.18缓冲液 pH=4.00,6.86 and 9.18 buffer solutions 4.2.2 分子筛(4A),CAS:70955-01-0,干燥剂 Molecular sieves(4A),CAS:70955-01-0,desiccant 4.2.3 N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP),分析纯试剂 N-Methyl-pyrrolidone,a
11、nalytical reagent grade 添加10g活化分子筛(5.2.2)每100mL新开的NMP,密封盖紧,保持在黑暗中,偶尔摇晃,在首次使用前保持超过12h。存储在20到25与在一个密闭的棕色玻璃容器分子筛和避免强光直接照射。建议的最大贮存期为四周 Add 10g activated molecular sieves(5.2.2)per 100ml of newly opened NMP,seal the cap tightly,keep in the dark,shake occasionally and maintain over 12h before first use.St
12、ore at 20 to 25 with molecular sieves in a tightly sealed brown glass container and avoid direct light exposure.The suggested maximum storage period is four weeks after the opening time of the container 4.2.4 甲苯(Toluene),分析纯试剂 Analytical reagent grade 4.2.5 硝酸,体积分数为35%Nitric acid,volume fraction of
13、35%用水(5.2.13)稀释50mL的硝酸至100mL容量瓶(5.1.12)。存储在20到25的黑暗中 Dilute 50mL of reagent grade HNO3 to 100mL with water(5.2.13)in a volumetric flask(5.1.12).Store 20 to 25 in the dark 4.2.6 丙酮(Acetone),分析纯试剂 Analytical reagent grade 4.2.7 无水碳酸钠(Na2CO3),分析纯 Sodium carbonate,analytical reagent grade 4.2.8 氢氧化钠(NaO
14、H),分析纯 Sodium hydroxide,analytical reagent grade 4.2.9 消解液,溶解20.0g0.05g NaOH 和30.0g0.05g Na2CO3 在一个1L容量瓶中,稀释至刻度。存储在20到25聚乙烯瓶中,每月配制。使用前应检查消解液的pH值。如果pH11.5,丢弃并重新配制 Digestion solution:Dissolve 20.0g0.05g NaOH and 30.0g0.05g Na2CO3 in a 1L volumetric flask,dilute to the scale.Stored in 20 to 25 polyethy
15、lene bottle,prepared on a monthly basis.The pH Value of the dissolving liquid should be checked before use.If the pH is 11.5,discard and redistribute INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES SHENZHEN LIMITED GUANGZHOU BRANCH CENTRAL CHEMICAL LAB GUANGZHOU-TESTING PROCEDURE GZ-TP096-CCL.01 Issue No.:01,Effective Da
16、te:2017/09/20 Page 4 of 9 4.2.10 无水氯化镁(MgCl2),分析纯 Magnesium chloride 4.2.11 磷酸缓冲液:pH=7的缓冲液,87.09g 磷酸氢二钾(K2HPO4)和68.04g 磷酸二氢钾(KH2PO4)至700mL水(5.2.13)中,转移至1L容量瓶中并稀释。配制的溶液应含0.5mol/L K2HPO4 和0.5mol/L KH2PO4 Phosphate buffer:To prepare a buffer solution at pH 7,dissolve 87.09g K2HPO4 and 68.04g KH2PO4 int
17、o 700mL of water(5.2.13).Transfer to a 1L volumetric flask(5.1.12)and dilute to volume.As prepared,the solution will contain 0.5mol/L K2HPO4 和0.5mol/L KH2PO4.4.2.12 硫酸,体积分数10%Sulfuric acid,volume fraction of 10%稀释10mL的硫酸至100mL容量瓶(5.1.12)中,用水(5.2.13)稀释至刻度 Dilute 10mL of distilled reagent grade or spe
18、ctroscopic grade H2SO4 to 100mL with water(5.2.12)in a volumetric flask(5.1.13)4.2.13 1,5-二苯卡巴肼溶液 Diphenylcarbazide solution 溶解250mg二苯卡巴肼至50mL丙酮(5.2.4)中。存放在棕色瓶子里,有效期两周。若变色,应丢弃重新配制 Dissolve 250mg 1,5-diphenylcarbazide in 50ml acetone(5.2.4).Store in a brown bottle.Prior to use,check the solution for
19、discoloration.Store for use up to two weeks and if solution becomes discolored,discard it and prepare a fresh batch 4.2.14 ISO 3696:1987 实验室分析用水-规范和试验方法 ISO 3696:1987 Water for analytical laboratory use-Specification and test methods 5.标准溶液(Standard solutions)5.1.100mg/L 六价铬标准溶液 100mg/L chromium()st
20、andard solution 5.2.1mg/L 六价铬标准储备溶液 1mg/L chromium()standard stock solution 移取1mL 100mg/L六价铬标准溶液到100mL容量瓶里,用水(5.2.13)定容至刻度线。(保质期:1个月)Pipette 1mL of 100mg/L chromium()standard stock solution to 100mL volumetric flask,and make up to mark with water(5.2.13).(Storage period:One month) mg/L,0.004
21、mg/L,0.01mg/L,0.04mg/L,0.1mg/L 和0.2mg/L六价铬标准工作溶液 移取0.0,0.2,0.5,2.0,5.0 和 10.0mL 1mg/L六价铬标准储备溶液到50mL容量瓶,加入1.25mL 1,5-二苯卡巴肼(5.2.12)到上述50mL容量瓶里,缓慢加入10%(V/V)硫酸(5.2.11),调节pH值至2.00.5,用水(5.2.13)定容至刻度线。注意:溶液需现配,均匀混合并静置(5-10)min。用水(5.2.13)配制,使用后丢弃。0.00,0.004mg/L,0.01mg/L,0.04mg/L,0.1mg/L and 0.2mg/L chromium
22、()standard solutions Pipette 0.0,0.2,0.5,2.0,5.0 and 10.0mL 1mg/L chromium()standard solution into 50mL INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES SHENZHEN LIMITED GUANGZHOU BRANCH CENTRAL CHEMICAL LAB GUANGZHOU-TESTING PROCEDURE GZ-TP096-CCL.01 Issue No.:01,Effective Date:2017/09/20 Page 5 of 9 volumetric flask.Res
23、pectively add 1.25ml 1,5-Diphenylcarbazide solution(5.2.12)with pipette into the above mentioned 50 ml volumetric flasks.Slowly add H2SO4 solution(5.2.11)to the vessel and adjust the pH of the solution to 2.00.5 and make up to the mark with water(5.2.13).Note:The solution is freshly prepared and all
24、owed to stand for(5-10)min as the samples.Run the solutions against water(5.2.13)and discarded after use.校正点 标液浓度(mg/L)加标体积(mL)定容体积(mL)最终浓度(mg/L)1-0 2 1 0.2 50 0.004 3 1 0.5 50 0.01 4 1 2.0 50 0.04 5 1 5.0 50 0.1 6 1 10.0 50 0.2六价铬QCS标准溶液(0.04mg/L chromium()Intermediate standard solutio
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- GZTP096CCL 01 比色 测定 聚合物 电子 材料 中的 六价铬 含量