《中考英语-完型填空复习ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语-完型填空复习ppt课件.ppt(37页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、完形填空完形填空 完形填空完形填空是各种英语考试的必考题是各种英语考试的必考题型之一,它涉及的知识面广,综合性型之一,它涉及的知识面广,综合性强,难度较大,是单项选择和阅读理强,难度较大,是单项选择和阅读理解的结合体。完形填空重在考查学生解的结合体。完形填空重在考查学生阅读理解及语言运用能力,它包括对阅读理解及语言运用能力,它包括对语法、句型、惯用语的运用,对词汇、语法、句型、惯用语的运用,对词汇、句子以及文章的理解。句子以及文章的理解。文化习俗文化习俗 科普知识科普知识 著名人物著名人物 幽默故事幽默故事日常生活日常生活人生百味人生百味完形填空的题材、文体分类完形填空的题材、文体分类题材题材
2、文体文体记叙记叙 议论议论 说明说明 重庆中考完形填空近三年试题展示重庆中考完形填空近三年试题展示年份年份话题话题体裁体裁分值分值词数词数2011鼓励中老年人养鼓励中老年人养成健康的生活方成健康的生活方式式记叙文记叙文20分分225词词2012中学生口语存在中学生口语存在的问题并提出建的问题并提出建议议说明文说明文20分分255词词2013A2013B学校生活变化学校生活变化微笑面对生活微笑面对生活记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文20分分20分分290词词240词词中考完形填空考点分析中考完形填空考点分析重庆市重庆市2011-2013年中考完形填空词性分析年中考完形填空词性分析2013A 2013B2
3、01220111动动 词词4 2332名名 词词2 2213形容词形容词1 1114副副 词词0 1115代代 词词1 1116连连 词词1 1117介介 词词1 1118疑问词疑问词0 101文意型文意型词义型词义型 固定搭配型固定搭配型语法型语法型完形填空题要求填入的词的完形填空题要求填入的词的类型类型语法结构所要求的功能词,如连接词:连语法结构所要求的功能词,如连接词:连接代词、连接副词、关系代词和关系副词接代词、连接副词、关系代词和关系副词 具有语法变化的词,如动词的时态、语态;具有语法变化的词,如动词的时态、语态;名词的数;代词的格;形容词副词的比较级名词的数;代词的格;形容词副词的
4、比较级 根据上下文的意思及结构或语境根据上下文的意思及结构或语境同义词和近义词等易混词的辨析同义词和近义词等易混词的辨析固定搭配短语和词组中的特定词固定搭配短语和词组中的特定词 答案的选择较多地受到短文大意的影响答案的选择较多地受到短文大意的影响 必须在选择答案之前通读短文,抓住其关键必须在选择答案之前通读短文,抓住其关键 词并透彻理解词并透彻理解上下文上下文之间的联系,然后借助之间的联系,然后借助 语境语境来选择最佳答案。有的时候,这种题型来选择最佳答案。有的时候,这种题型文文 意意 型型 还需要用相关的还需要用相关的常识常识进行推理判断。进行推理判断。以考查语法为目的而设置的以考查语法为目
5、的而设置的 空白。解答这类题需要根据词与空白。解答这类题需要根据词与词、句与句之间的关系来判断各词、句与句之间的关系来判断各种种时态时态和和语态语态的运用,动词及其的运用,动词及其短语的搭配和用法等。一般地说,短语的搭配和用法等。一般地说,考查的语法以实词为主,兼顾虚考查的语法以实词为主,兼顾虚词和语法结构。词和语法结构。语语 法法 型型 根根 据据 同同 义义 词词 或或 近近 义义 词词 的的 用用 法法区区 别别 而而 设设 置置 的的 题题 目目,有有 时时 也也 借借 助助上上 下下 文文 意意 思思 及及 结结 构构 考考 查查 形形 容容 词词、词词 义义 型型 根根 据据 词词
6、 语语 的的 习习 惯惯 用用 法法、固固 定定 句句 型型 的的 搭搭 配配 以以 及及 英英 语语 特特 有有 的的习习 惯惯 作作 出出 判判 断断 的的 题题 目目。固固 定定 搭搭 配配 型型 针对以上考点及题型的解题策略针对以上考点及题型的解题策略 尽管看起来形式上有残缺(若干个空),但它的内但它的内容、语言习惯,容、语言习惯,句与句之间的衔接点,句子与段落之句与句之间的衔接点,句子与段落之间的联系,段落与段落之间的逻辑顺序仍或隐或现地间的联系,段落与段落之间的逻辑顺序仍或隐或现地存在于篇章之中存在于篇章之中。因此,在做完形填空题时,通读全通读全文、明了大意、理清观点、分清层次文、
7、明了大意、理清观点、分清层次是十分重要的一步。我们必须自始至终依托语境依托语境,注意上下文之间、注意上下文之间、词与词之间,从语法到意义的合理搭配词与词之间,从语法到意义的合理搭配。尤其要注意尤其要注意短文中承上启下的过渡词短文中承上启下的过渡词等,如等,如 and、so、but、however、then、also 等等。原则上讲完形填空的每一道题都有暗示原则上讲完形填空的每一道题都有暗示,有的在本句中,有的在前,有的在本句中,有的在前,有的在后有的在后,有的暗含于语篇中。有的暗含于语篇中。具体解题步骤具体解题步骤1 1、抓住首尾句,了解短文、抓住首尾句,了解短文2 2、通读全文,把握脉络、通
8、读全文,把握脉络3 3、瞻前顾后,仔细推敲、瞻前顾后,仔细推敲4 4、再读文章,核查答案、再读文章,核查答案勾勾划划、研研读读首首句句尾尾句句以以及及有有中中文文注注释释的单词的单词打开答题窗口,窥探全文。打开答题窗口,窥探全文。跳跳过过空空格格,速速读读全全文文,把把握握大大意意。注注意意文文中中的的语语篇篇标标志志,和和句句中中的的连连词词,捕捉关键词汇。捕捉关键词汇。前前后后联联系系,先先易易后后难难。运运用用解解题题策策略略从从句句子子、段段落落、语语篇篇层层面面解解题题,划划出出语篇标志,找准关键词、定位词语篇标志,找准关键词、定位词。代代入入答答案案,再再读读全全文文,反反复复检检
9、查查 争争取取做做到到:结结构构正正确确+语语义义通通顺顺+逻逻辑辑合合理理。少于少于1分钟分钟约约10分钟分钟约约2分钟分钟约约2分钟分钟注意:要充分利用首句的标示作用注意:要充分利用首句的标示作用 第一句往往是全篇的关键句,首句一般不设空,它第一句往往是全篇的关键句,首句一般不设空,它有概括和预示全文大意的作用,是判断文章体裁并预有概括和预示全文大意的作用,是判断文章体裁并预测全文主旨、大意的突破口,常含有解题和理解文章测全文主旨、大意的突破口,常含有解题和理解文章的有用信息。(的有用信息。(when,where,who,what,howwhen,where,who,what,how)注意
10、:要注意尾句的提示和总结作用注意:要注意尾句的提示和总结作用1.故事的结局故事的结局2.问题的结论问题的结论3.幽默或富有哲理的结尾幽默或富有哲理的结尾第一步:抓住首尾句第一步:抓住首尾句第二步:通读全文、掌握大意第二步:通读全文、掌握大意 通过跳过空格,通览全文,明白明白大意、理清观点、分清层次。大意、理清观点、分清层次。第三步:仔细推敲,初定答案第三步:仔细推敲,初定答案 本着先易后难的原则,先根据上下文和本着先易后难的原则,先根据上下文和自己的语感,推测空格的可能答案,自己的语感,推测空格的可能答案,遇到遇到难以理解的句子或者对某一项没有把握时,难以理解的句子或者对某一项没有把握时,可采
11、用排除、筛选等方法。可采用排除、筛选等方法。(1)根据上下文确定答案)根据上下文确定答案(2)根据习惯用法或搭配确定答案)根据习惯用法或搭配确定答案(3)运用逻辑推理判定答案)运用逻辑推理判定答案(4)根据词语用法确定答案)根据词语用法确定答案文意型文意型语法型语法型词义型词义型固定搭配型固定搭配型 There were so many people on the bus that there were 1 empty seats.When a young man got on,an old man near him wanted to 2 ,but the young man pushed
12、him back to his seat.“Thank you,”he said,“but please dont do that,I can stand.”1.A.many B.some C.enough D.no 2.A.sit down B.get on C.set out D.stand up ()文意型文意型文意型文意型 Its Sunday.Some students are going 1 a trip with their teacher.2 their way they saw a bus behind them1.A.to B.for C.on D.at 2.A.On B.
13、By C.At D.To )固定搭配型固定搭配型固定搭配型固定搭配型 1.A.wore B.had on C.dressed D.put on )A little cock(公鸡)lived near the river.One morning the little cock 1 his beautiful clothes and went for a walk by the river.On his way he met a little duck.词义型词义型 Im writing to you because its too difficult to talk about it.I ca
14、nt stop thinking about my uncle and how he _.A.dies B.death C.died D.dying语法型语法型第四步:第四步:再读全文,核实答案再读全文,核实答案 将所有答案代入空格后,重新将短文复读一遍,争取做到:争取做到:结构正确结构正确+语义通顺语义通顺+逻辑合理逻辑合理。Step 1 Reading through the passage quickly Try to get the general idea of the passage,pay special attention to the first sentenceor the
15、 last one,maybe it showsthe main idea of the passage.实战演练实战演练 When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he 36 a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the 37 of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was to
16、o 38 and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great 39 ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it 40 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the 41 .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and it i
17、s not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.Step 2 Choosing the best choice for each blank while reading the passage When Liu Kaiqu was yo
18、ung he was poor in Shanghai.One day he 36 a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the 37 of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too 38 and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it
19、to pieces.In great 39 ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it 40 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the 41 .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At th
20、at time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.()36.A.stole B.picked C.drew D.saw When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drewa picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the 37 of an
21、 American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too 38 and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great 39 ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it 40 500 dollars becaus
22、e I thought it was worth the 41 .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great arti
23、st.()37.A.attention B.instruction C.decision D.discussion When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it w
24、as too 38 and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great 39 ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it 40 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the 41 .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and
25、 it is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.()38.A.terrible B.big C.old D.dear When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One d
26、ay he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too dear and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great 39
27、,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it 40 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the 41 .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu w
28、as not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.()39.A.fear B.difficulty C.surprise D.excitement When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an
29、 American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too dear and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great surprise ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it 40 500 dollar
30、s because I thought it was worth the 41 .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a gr
31、eat artist.()40.A.over B.for C.about D.among When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too dear a
32、nd asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great surprise ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it for 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the 41 .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and it
33、is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.()41 .A.size B.price C.weight D.position When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One
34、 day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too dear and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great s
35、urprise ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it for 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the price .But you wanted a lower price.It means 42 didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44
36、 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.()42.A.we B.he C.you D.it When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,w
37、ho asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too dear and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great surprise ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it for 500 dollars because
38、I thought it was worth the price .But you wanted a lower price.It means you didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great ar
39、tist.()43.A.faster and faster B.better and better C.slower and slower D.harder and harde When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 doll
40、ars.”The foreigner thought it was too dear and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great surprise ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it for 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the price .But you wanted a
41、 lower price.It means you didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working harder and harder until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,44 Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.()44.A.though B.because C.whet
42、her D.until When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigner thought it was too dear and asked again,“Can you make it c
43、heaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great surprise ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it for 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the price .But you wanted a lower price.It means you didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on
44、working harder and harder until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,though Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45 his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.()45.A.broke off B.cut up C.gave up D.sent offStep 3 Checking up Put the words which you have chosen in
45、 the blanks and read thepassage again to make sure thereare no mistakes.When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he drew a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the attention of an American,who asked,“How much does it cost?”He said,“500 dollars.”The foreigne
46、r thought it was too dear and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,”Then he tore(撕撕)it to pieces.In great surprise ,the foreigner said,“Young man,are you angry?”“No,sir.Im not angry.I sold it for 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the price .But you wanted a lower price.It m
47、eans you didnt think so and it is not good enough.Ill go on working harder and harder until my customers(顾顾客客)are satisfied.”At that time,though Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never gave up his dream.Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.做完形填空选择题时应注意如下几点做完形填空选择题时应注意如下几点 1注重首、尾句首、尾句。2克服畏难情绪和急躁心理,通读带有空缺短文通读带有空缺短文。3切勿一看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案切勿一看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案,必必须纵观全文、通篇考虑须纵观全文、通篇考虑。4如果选项从语法角度判断则无法确定,还必须从语篇语篇(前提示、后暗示前提示、后暗示)意义上加以鉴别。5动笔时先易后难先易后难,注意从文中同样结构同样结构或类似类似结构结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。