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1、Lecture Two General Principles of TranslationContents Introduction:Metaphors of translationWhat is translation?The assessment of translationThe competence of a translatorBasic processes in translatingTranslation and CulturePractice and Comparison巴别塔典故巴别塔典故据圣经创世纪,创世之初,普天之下人类同操一种语言。出于骄傲,人们想建一座通天之塔。耶和华
3、建造巴别塔般的英雄事业。摘自http:/ 翻译活动:文学翻译是“世界上全部交际往来中最重要、最高贵的事业之一”;【歌德】翻译是“整个宇宙中最为复杂的活动之一”。【(英国文艺批评家理查兹(I.A.Richards)】翻译的艺术好比“在朋友之间的输血”;【爱尔兰翻译家Gabriel Rosenstock】“翻译更像是把灵魂从一个人的身上取下来置入另一个人身上去”;【美国某翻译家】翻译就是把窗户打开,让光线进入房间;翻译就是把贝壳撬开,这样我们便于品尝里面的肉核;翻译就是撩开窗帘,这样我们便能窥见最圣洁的地方;翻译就是打开井盖,这样我们便可获得水源。【圣经 翻译者】翻译过程:翻译犹如婚姻,是一种两相
4、妥协的艺术。譬如英文译成中文,既不许西风压倒东风,变成洋腔洋调的中文,也不许东风压倒西风,变成油腔滑调的中文,则东西之间势必相互妥协,以求“两全之计”。至于妥协到什么程度,神而明之,变通之道,就要看每一位译者自己的修养了。【余光中】翻译应当像临画一样,所求不在形似而在神似;无法抓住原作精神的译者就成了“描绘了一个人的身体,却画不出他的灵魂的画家”【傅雷】许多翻译都是在一种方案与另一种方案之间的妥协。翻译是一种变戏法的动作,是一种碰运气的事,是在走钢丝。【英国翻译理论家 Peter Newmark】从理想的角度来说,翻译可看成是两种不同文字或文字背景之间的美满婚姻使得两者和谐共处,同甘共苦,但事
5、实上,翻译的进行是呈垂直轴线而非水平轴线的;【英国翻译理论家 Susan Bassnett】翻译犹如女人,漂亮便不忠实,忠实便不漂亮(取自老子名言:美言不信,信言不美);翻译好像“把一个酒瓶里的酒倒在另一个酒瓶里去(pouring wine from one bottle into another)”;我喜欢把原作想像成一块方方正正的冰。翻译的过程就是这块冰融化的过程。待到变成了液体状态时,每个分子都变换了位置,没有一个分子与其他的分子再保留着原来的关系。它们开始了在第二种语言里形成作品的过程。分子有逃掉的,新的分子拥了进来填补空缺,但是这种成形和修补的轨迹完全是隐形的。在第二种语言里确立起来
6、的译品是一块新的方方正正的冰块,它虽与原来的冰块不同,然而,外表看上去却是一模一样的。【美国翻译家Margaret Sayers Peden】翻译者翻译家是“人类精神的传递者”;【普希金】翻译家应被看做是忙碌的媒人;【歌德】翻译者就像一位雕塑家,用雕塑再现油画作品的形象;翻译者即背叛者(意大利语:Traduttore,traditore);翻译者就像是带着镣铐跳舞的舞者;翻译者是“珍宝的发现者(a discoverer of valuable treasures)”或是“掘金者(a digger for gold)”小结:翻译的本质翻译是一种文化传播工具,在国与国、原语文化与译入语文化之间起到
7、桥梁和纽带作用;翻译不仅仅是文本从一种语言向另一种语言的过度,也是文本之间、文化之间的协商过程,是以翻译者为中间人进行交流和斡旋的过程;翻译涉及的不仅仅是语符之间的转换、意义的传递,更是极富挑战性的创造性活动。What is translation?(1)1.1 Linguistic views on translation:Translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one language(the source language)by equivalent textual material in
8、another language(the target language)(Catford 1965:20)Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style(Nida&Taber 1969:12)Translation theory derives from comparative lin
9、guistics,and within linguistics,it is mainly an aspect of semantics;all questions of semantics relate to translation theory(Newmark 1982/1985:5)What is translation?(3)1.2 Semantic views on translationTranslating means translating meaning.(Nida 1986)Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into
10、 another language in the way that the author intended the text(Newmark 1988:5)Semantic translation:the translator attempts,within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the target language,to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the author(Newmark 1988:22)In semantic translation,great
11、er attention is paid to rendering the authors original thought-processes in target language than to attempting to re-interpret source text in a way which the translator considers more appropriate for the target setting(Shuttleworty&Cowie 1997:151)The assessment of translation2.1 Translation criteria
12、 严复(1853-1921):Three Principles of Translation(天演论译例言1898):译事三难信达雅。求其信已大难矣。顾信矣不达。虽译犹不译也。则达尚焉。信(faithfulness):忠实准确达(expressiveness):通顺流畅雅(elegance):文字古雅 鲁迅:宁信(faithfulness)而不顺(smoothness)(直译)vs.赵景深:宁错而务顺 林语堂:忠实 faithfulness、通顺 smoothness、美 beautifulness 傅雷:以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似神似 (resemblance i
13、n spirit)。钱钟书:文学翻译的最高理想可以说是“化”,把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入与“化境化境”(reaching the acme of perfection)。郭沫若:好的翻译等于创作 朱光潜:译者“须设身处地在作者的地位,透 入作者的心窍,和他同样感,同样想,同样地努力使所感所想凝定于语文”。Three Principles of Translation 1)The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the
14、original work.(译作应该完全传达原作的思想)2)The style and manner of writing in the translation should be of the same character with that of the original.(译作的风格和笔调应当与原作保持一致)3)The translation should have all the ease of the original composition.(译作应当和原作一样流畅)-(Alexander Fraser Tytler,1790,Essay on the Principle of
15、Translation)Eugene Nida(美国翻译家:尤金奈达):动态对等(dynamic equivalence):译文读者或译入语听众对于译文或译语的反应,要和原文读者或原文讲话听众对于原文或原讲话的反应进行比较,如果大体一致,就是质量上乘的译文。国际译联的翻译工作者章程:“译文应忠实于原文,准确表现原作的思想与形式。”Categories of translation按翻译主体的性质:人工翻译、机器翻译按工作方式:口译、笔译按翻译的材料文学翻译:诗歌、小说、戏剧等文学作品实用翻译:科技、商务、新闻、法律等技术文本 按处理的方式:全文翻译、摘译、编译、节译、改译、综译按翻译技巧:直译
16、、意译、音译按翻译原则方向:异化翻译、归化翻译按翻译的目的:交际翻译、语义翻译按翻译的效果:显性翻译、隐性翻译The Competence of a TranslatorExcellent command of the two languages;Considerable knowledge of the two cultures;Adequate knowledge of the subject matter;Fair capacity for writing;Plenty of practice and adequate knowledge of translation theories
17、and skills;Skills in the use of information technology;Criteria for beginners of translation1)忠实:忠实于原作,准确、完整地表达原作的内容,尽量体现其风格。不得歪曲、增删、遗漏、篡改原作的信息。2)通顺:译作语言明白流畅、符合规范。句、段意思连贯,符合语法、逻辑和修辞的规则。3)速度:在符合上述两个标准的前提下,翻译速度越快越好。Basic processes in translatingThe four-phase process in translating(Nida,E.,2001:108)1.
18、analysis of the source text:a detailed treatment of both the designative and associative meanings of the lexemes,the syntax,and the discourse structure,i.e.the 3 aspects:linguistic,logical and contextual.2.transfer from the source to target language:the shift from thinking in the source language to
19、thinking in the target language.3.reconstructing in the target language:the organization of the lexical,syntactic,and discourse features of the transferred text so as to provide maximal comprehension and apprehension on the part of the intended readers.It should be an accurate and idiomatic represen
20、tation of the sense,spirit and style of the source in the target language.4.Revision:翻译过程中的文化意识翻译不仅涉及语言问题,也涉及文化问题。译者不仅要了解外国文化,还要深入了解自己的民族文化。不仅如此,还要不断地把两种文化加以比较,因为真正的对等应该是在各自文化中的含义、作用、感情色彩、范围、影响等等都是相当的。翻译者必须是一个真正意义上的文化人。人们会说:他必须掌握两种语言;确实如此,但是不了解语言当中的的社会文化,谁也无法真正掌握语言(王佐良 1989)Translation is a process
21、which occurs between cultures rather than simply between languages(Shuttleworth&Cowie 1997:35)A translator who uses a cultural approach is simply recognizing that each language contains elements which are derived from its culture(such as greeting,fixed expressions and REALIA),that every text is anch
22、ored in a specific culture,and that conventions of text production and reception vary from culture to culture(Shuttleworth&Cowie 1997:35)For truly successful translating,biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism,since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they funct
23、ion(Nida 2001:82)Conclusion 翻译要防止两种倾向:1)自由主义大手大脚,自由发挥2)形式主义-束手束脚,拘泥字面好的翻译者一方面阅读外国文字,一方面却以本国的语言进行思索和想象;只有这样才能使自己的译文摆脱原文的语法和词汇的特殊性的拘束,使译文既是纯粹的祖国语言,而有忠实地传达了原作的内容和风格。(茅盾(1954)必须把文学翻译工作提高到艺术创造的水平)Examples John can be relied on.He eats no fish and plays the game.Didnt she swear shed never again believe an
24、ything in trousers?Practice and Comparison(1)1.Atomic clocks keep time to better than 0.01 second a year.1a.原子钟保持时间准确度一年不到0.01秒的误差。1b.原子钟走时准,每年误差小于0.01秒2.He wanted to run,but that would be the worst thing he could do.2a.他真想跑,但那是他能做的最糟糕的事情。2b.他真想拔腿就跑,但对他而言,最糟糕的事莫过于此。3.She came to see him almost every
25、 six day astonishing weeks.3a.她几乎每天都来看他,先后持续了令人吃惊的六个星期之久。3b.她几乎每天都来看他,先后持续了六个星期。时间之 长,令人吃惊。4.It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature.4a.的确,在攀登过程中,他们经常遇到困难和最惊心动魄的危险。4b.他们在攀登中经常遇到的困难和危险的确堪称难中之难,险中之险。5.Whatever the fault may lie,th
26、e fact remains that it is the theater at Oxford and not at Cambridge,which is on the verge of extinction,and the only fruit of the combination of industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets,and apathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some of the colleges.5a.姑且不
27、问责任在哪一方,事实仍然是,在牛津的,而不是在剑桥的剧院几乎濒临绝境的边缘。那街上的尘土和笼罩在某些学院上空的那种茫然无知适从的悲哀之感是工业和学术界的清高纯洁的气氛向结合的唯一成果。5b.究竟是谁的过错姑且不问,事实仍然是,濒临绝境的是牛津的讲堂,而不是剑桥的讲堂。在这有限范围的学术环境里兴办工业的唯一结果是:街道上尘土飞扬,茫然若失的悲哀之感一直笼罩着某些学院。Practice(1)This will go a long way towards overcoming the difficulty.I could do with more leisure time.This failure
28、was the making of him.She is too ready to speak.News came through on the wireless of a rich oil field district.What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China and the third world countries?Practice(1)The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters co
29、ncerning English words.Somehow our path took us towards the park.The little caps good-natured honest face won his way from him.Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the town.If they could not see the Winter Palace with their own eyes,they could dream ab
30、out it-as if in the gloaming(黄昏;薄暮)they saw a breathtaking masterpiece of art as they had never known before-as if there above the horizon of European civilization was towering the silhouette(侧影;轮廓)of Asian civilization.译文一如果不能亲眼目睹圆明园,人们就在梦中看到它。仿佛它在遥远的苍茫暮色中隐约眺见的一件前所未见的惊人杰作,宛如亚洲文明的轮廓崛起在欧洲文明的地平线上一样。译文
31、二如果他们不能亲眼目睹圆明园的风姿,那么她们也能在在梦幻中身临其境:他们仿佛在冥冥中见到一件前所未闻而由令人叹为观止的艺术杰作,宛如在欧洲文明的大地巍然展现出一幅亚洲文明。Practice and Comparison(2)原文:America is the land of opportunities for women.Already they own about 85%of the wealth of the nation.Soon they will have it all.Divorce has become a lucrative process,simple to arrange
32、and easy to forget;and ambitious females can repeat it as often as they please and parlay their winnings to astronomical figures.The husbands death also brings satisfactory rewards and some ladies prefer to rely upon this method.They know that the waiting period will not be unduly protracted,for ove
33、rwork and hypertension are bound to get the poor devil before long,and he will die at his desk with a bottle of benzedrines(安非他命)in one hand and a packet of tranquillizers in the other.译文1:美国是女人的机遇之乡。她们已经获得了这个国百分之八十五的财富,不久她们就要获得全部。离婚已成为赢利的行当,即课随便安排,又极易被人忘掉。那些雄心勃勃的女人可以随心所欲地一再离婚,是自己的财产本利相加,增加到天文数字。丈夫的
34、死亡也能带来满意的报酬,因此一些太太们原义依靠这个办法。她们知道,等待的时间不会无限制地拖下去,因为用不了多久 过度疲劳与高血压一定会找到那可怜虫,他将死在办公桌前,一只手里拿着一瓶安非他命(苯奇特林),另一只手里拿着一包镇静片。Practice and Comparison(2)原文:America is the land of opportunities for women.Already they own about 85%of the wealth of the nation.Soon they will have it all.Divorce has become a lucrati
35、ve process,simple to arrange and easy to forget;and ambitious females can repeat it as often as they please and parlay their winnings to astronomical figures.The husbands death also brings satisfactory rewards and some ladies prefer to rely upon this method.They know that the waiting period will not
36、 be unduly protracted,for overwork and hypertension are bound to get the poor devil before long,and he will die at his desk with a bottle of benzedrines(安非他命)in one hand and a packet of tranquillizers in the other.译文2:美国,可以说是妇女的乐园。在那里,国家财富的百分之八十五已经在她们的掌握之中,而且不久的将来她们还有望囊括一切。离婚变得有利可图,草率结合,轻易忘掉。只要高兴,雄心
37、勃勃的女人们可以随时随地重复这套把戏。她们还把离婚所得的财产,一次次投入这种赌博,可以循环往复,直至家财万贯。丈夫的死亡同样可以得到好处,有的女人干脆就靠这点。她们估计得到,等待的日子不会太久,要不了多久,过度的劳累和高血压就会找上这个倒霉鬼,他会一手一瓶安非他命,一手一包安眠药,死在办公桌前。Practice and Comparison(2)原文:America is the land of opportunities for women.Already they own about 85%of the wealth of the nation.Soon they will have it
38、 all.Divorce has become a lucrative process,simple to arrange and easy to forget;and ambitious females can repeat it as often as they please and parlay their winnings to astronomical figures.The husbands death also brings satisfactory rewards and some ladies prefer to rely upon this method.They know
39、 that the waiting period will not be unduly protracted,for overwork and hypertension are bound to get the poor devil before long,and he will die at his desk with a bottle of benzedrines(安非他命)in one hand and a packet of tranquillizers in the other.译文3:美国是女人大显身手之地。她们目前已经拥有该国百分之八十五的财富,而且不日即将囊括全部。离婚堪称进财致富之道,手续简便,容易忘却。雄心勃勃的女性往往尽情恣意重演此计,巧取豪夺,直至获利激增,高达天文数字。丈夫去世,随之而来的报偿也颇为可观。因此一些夫人太太们更寄希望于此。她们知道,等待有限,总不会遥遥无期,劳瘁顽疾与高血压用不了多久就会让那可怜鬼一命呜呼-他会一手拿着一瓶安非他命(苯奇特林),一手拿着一包镇静剂,死在办公桌前。本单元结束 Thanks!Thanks!