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1、CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一 Vocabu I ary Se I ect i on (本大题 20 小题.每题 1。0 分,共 20. 0 分. I n th i s part, there are 20 i ncompIete sentenceso Be Iow each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectiveIy marked by Ietters A, B, C and Do Choose the word or phrase which best comp Ietes each sentenceo
2、 There i s on Iy one r i ght answero )第1题Market i ng i s just d i str i but i ng goods from the manufacturer to the final customer oA rather thanB other thanC b i gger thanD more than第2题The magic i an picked severaI persons from the aud i ence and asked them to he Ip him with the performance.A by ac
3、c i dentB at randomC on occasionA on I yB finalC trueD special第4题Most spec i es of th i s pI ant thr i ve i n ord i nary we I I-drained garden soi I and they are best pI anted 8cm deep and 5cm apart.A develop we I IB grow tai I erC matureD bear fruitJim was a stout old gent I eman, with a weatherbea
4、ten countenance.A bodyB skinC shouIderD passionate interestThe use of the new techno Iogy wi I I have a profound effect on schooIs.A negat i veB positiveC strongD usefuI第7题He has a touch of eccentr icity in his composition.A essayB writingC characterD manner第8题The most ste iking technological succes
5、s in the 20th century is probabIy the computer revoIut i on.A profitableB product iveC prominentD prompt第9题She I Ifish give the decept i ve appearance of enjoying a peacefuI existence, although in fact Iife is a constant struggle for them.A misIeadingB caImC understandabIeD initial第10题Motivation is
6、the driving force within individuaIs that impeIs them to action.A impedesB i interferesC ho I dsD pushes第11题Scientific evidence from different discipIines demonstrates that in most humans the I eft hemisphere of the bra i n controls language。A groups of fol lowersB yearsC countr i esD fields of stud
7、y第12题If we Iook at the Ch i nese and Br itish concepts of hospital ity, we find one ma jor similar ity but a number of important differences.A hosti I ityB fr i end Ii nessC mannerD culture第13题It was rather strange how the habits of hi s youth clung to him still. He was 72OA stuck toB turnedC led to
8、D gave way to第14题In just three years, the Net has gone from a pIayground for the local peopIe to a vast communications and trading center where mi I I ions swap information or do deaIs around the worIdoA bus i nessB shoppingC chatt i ngD meet i ng第15题No hero of ancient or modem days can surpass the
9、I nd ians with thei r I ofty contempt of death and the fortitude with which they sustain its crueIest affI ictionoA regardB courageC I ossD tr ick三、Cor rect i ng Grammat i ca I Er rors (本大题 14 小题.每题 1。0 分,共 14. 0 分。Th i s part cons i sts of 15 sentences in which there is an under I ined part that in
10、dicates a grammatical error Be Iow each sentence, there are four choices respect i veIy marked by Ietters A, B, C and Do You are to seIect the ONE choice and rep I ace the under Ii ned eIement (s) sothat the error i s erased and correctedo 第1题The fi rst recorded use of naturaI gas to Freder ick, New
11、 York, in 1825.A wasB isC it isD were第2题Furniture makers use glue to ho Id jointsA itsthat the error i s erased and correctedo 第1题The fi rst recorded use of naturaI gas to Freder ick, New York, in 1825.A wasB isC it isD were第2题Furniture makers use glue to ho Id jointsA itsThere i s on Iy one r i ght
12、 answer.)Ii ght street I amps it was i n the town oftogether and sometimes to reinforce it.B fastC hardD themAl I Iiving creatures pass on inher ited traits from one generat ion to otheroA the otherB anotherC othersD other one第4题Uni ike competitive running, race waIkers must always keep some portion
13、 of thei r feet in contact with the ground.A runB runnerC runnersD running race第5题The eastern bIueb i rd i s considered the most attract i ve b i rd native of North Amer ica by many bird-watchers。A nativeB native withC nat i ve byD nat i ve to第6题Machines that use hydraulic pressure including eIevato
14、rs, dent i st chai rs, and automob i Ie brakes.A excIudeB excladingC i ncIudeD are incIuded第7题Al I root vegetab Ies grow underground, and not a I I vegetab I es that grow underground are rootSoA butB orC asD thusAl I mamma Is have hair, but not always evidentoA but it i s notB but it i sC but they a
15、re notD but they are第9题A promi s i ng note i s a wr i tten agreement to pay a certa i n sum of money at some time future.A time futuresB futuresC futures timeD future time第10题Not much peopIe reaIize that appIes have been cultivated for over 3, 000 yearsoA Not manyB Not enoughC Without manyD No many第
16、11题Although the socia I sciences different a great deaI from one another, they share a common i nterest i n human re I at i onsh i poA moveB differC changeD var ies第12题The hard, out surface of the tooth i s cal led ename I.A outsideB appearanceC outerD hiding第13题Engli sh Ianguage pub Iicat ions in C
17、hina are growing i n voIume and 。A ci rculationB rotat i onC ci rcumstanceD appreciation第4题Dust storms most often occur in areas where the ground has I ittIe vegetation to protect of the wind.A from the effectsB it the effectsC it from the effectsD the effects from it第5题On turn i ng the comer, they
18、saw the path steep IyoA depart i ngB descend i ngC decreas i ngThe ear I i est form of art i f i c i a I I i ght i ng was fire, wh i ch a I so provided warm and protect i onoA hotB sunsh i neC warmthD safe第14题New York City surpassed the other Atlantic seaports i n part Iy because it developed the be
19、st transportation Iinks with the inter ior of the country.A partB part i a IC partnerD parting四、Read i ng Comprehens ion (共 50 小题,共 50. 0 分)I n th i s sect ion you wi I I f i nd after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four (A, B, C and D
20、) suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must choose the one which you think fits best.第1题Phy I Ii s Wheat Iey i s regarded as Amer i cas fi rst bI ack poet. She was born i n Senega I, Af r i ca, about 1753 and brought to Amer i ca aboard a s I ave sh i p at about the age of seveno John and Sus
21、annah Wheat Iey bought her for three pounds at a sIave auct i on i n Boston i n 1761 to be a persona I servant of Mrs。 Wheat I ey. The fami I y had three other s I aves, and a I I were treated with respecto Phy I Ii s was soon accepted as one of the family, which inc I uded being rai sed and educate
22、d with the Wheat ley1 s twin 15-year-oId chi Idren, Mary andNathan i e I. At that time,most fema I es,even from better fami I i es,cou I d notread andwr i te, but Mary was probab I y one of the best educatedyoung womeni n BostonoMary wanted to become a teacher,and in fact,it was Mary whodecided to t
23、ake chargeof Phy I Ii s1s education. Phy I I i ssoon d i spIayedher remarkabIetaIents. Atthe age oftweIve she was reading the Greek and Latin classics and passages from the Bible. And eventuaI Iy, Mrso Wheat Iey decided Phy I I i s shouId become a Chr i st ianoAt the age of th i rteen Phy I I i s wr
24、ote her first poem. She became a Boston sensat i on after she wrote a poem on the death of the evange I ica I preacher George Whitfield i n 1770. It became common pract i ce i n Boston to have ” Mrs. Wheat Iey1s Phy I I i s read poetry i n pol ite societyo Mary marr ied in 1771, and Phy I I i s late
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