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1、定价:9.15元批准文号:渝发改价格 2021 1573号 举报电话:12315物 流 码普通高中教科书英 语(选择性必修第一册)主编 杨晓钰责任编辑:张春花版式设计:罗 亚责任校对:夏 宇 责任印制:赵晟*重庆大学出版社出版发行出版人:饶帮华社址:重庆市沙坪坝区大学城西路21号邮编:401331电话:(023)88617190 88617185(中小学)传真:(023)88617186 88617166网址:http:/邮箱:(营销中心)全国新华书店经销重庆俊蒲印务有限公司印刷*开本:890mm1240mm 1/16印张:8.25字数:356千2021年7月第1版 2021年12月第2次印刷
2、ISBN 978-7-5689-2506-8 定价:9.15元本书如有印刷、装订等质量问题,本社负责调换版权所有,请勿擅自翻印和用本书制作各类出版物及配套用书,违者必究副主编 黄学军 伍家文参 编 张云建 郑加明 舒 伟To the studentTo the student1亲爱的同学,欢迎你随本书一起继续高中阶段的英语学习。我们希望充满求知欲的你,能喜欢书中所提供的学习材料,喜欢各种鼓励探究和发展思维、注重学习能力和学习习惯培养的教学设计。高中英语学习是初中英语学习的延伸,同时也是新的英语学习生活的开始。在这一阶段,提高基本语言运用能力极其重要,但提高用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析和解决问
3、题的能力,用英语进行思考和表达的能力,以及跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力也必不可少;而掌握有效的英语学习策略,提高自主学习能力,会帮助你更有效地学习,形成具有个性的学习方法和风格,为将来进一步学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。关于本教材的使用,我们有以下建议:1.请仔细阅读每个主题前的 Guiding Page,它会帮助你熟悉该部分的主要学习内容,激发你思考与之相关的问题,为本主题的学习做好必要的准备。2.只有充分了解了学习目标,你才能在学习中处于主动地位,发挥主体作用,才能使自己的“学”与教师的“教”形成协调发展的合力,从而取得最佳的学习效果。因此,各单元的学习从研读 Looking
4、Ahead 开始,并在每个单元学习后根据 Self-assessing 帮助自己反思学习效果,调整自己的学习目标、学习方式和学习进程。3.Activating and Predicting 旨在最大限度地激活你与所学内容相关的背景知识,激发你学习的兴趣和动机,为进入下一步学习做好准备。在本板块的学习中一定要勤于思考,积极参与,勇于表达。4.“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”,没有思考、缺乏创造性的学习收获甚少。建议你在进行 Reading,Thinking and Analysing 部分课文的学习时,不要忽略了 Margin Notes 和 TIP,一定要边学边思,学思结合,掌握策略,举一反三,
5、这样你才能真正提高阅读能力,逐渐成长为高效的英语阅读者。5.Exploring and Using 将为你轻松化解阅读课文中的语言知识,引导你通过观察和分析,了解语法形式,理解语法意义,发现语法规则。这将帮助你2在真实语境中运用所学语言知识来理解和表达意义,加强准确、得体地使用语言的意识,深化对语言的理解。6.在进行了大量的听说和阅读后,你一定记住了许多优美的词句、漂亮的段落,一定发现了英语文章与汉语文章在风格和组织结构上的异同,也一定跃跃欲试地想用英语表达自己的所感所想。这的确是一件值得高兴的事!那么,请一定经常读一读、听一听、说一说、记一记一些好的句子和美文,并认真完成每课的写作任务,这样
6、,你的英语写作就会不断进步,逐步达到“行文如流水,落笔如有神”的境界。7.在必修教材的 Recycling Time 和 Word Builder 板块,你已经学习了归纳所学内容、在语境下猜测词义等策略,在选择性必修教材学习阶段,请主动应用和积极调试所学策略,不断提高自主学习能力。Learning Individually 部分鼓励你主动做好阅读课的预习,在 Question Corner 中提出自学中存在的疑惑,在 Learning Cooperatively 部分,与同学和老师一起互动、探究、应用,并且在 Learning Reflectively 板块应用必修教材的多维评价方式,提高反思
7、的意识和能力。8.附录中的 Word Learning Booster 会引导你在学习新词汇的同时,注重对已学词汇的定期复习,逐步养成良好的词汇学习习惯,记忆词汇也将不再是一件难事。“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”古人告诉我们,学习要采取积极的态度,既要时时、处处、事事地“学”,又要时时、处处、事事地“习”;于“学”中积累、丰富、提高,于“习”中求巩固、受启发、得效益;争取日有所新,日有所获。这样你的内心就能充满掌握英语学习真谛的愉悦。我们衷心希望通过本教材的学习,能进一步激发你学习英语的热情和用英语交流的欲望,最终能用英语了解、学习他国优秀文化,同时向世界介绍祖国灿烂的文化。作为学习者,获取知识是
8、一种乐趣,不断克服困难、不断创新也是一种乐趣。记住永远对自己说:“I can do it!”。愿你快乐地度过英语学习的每一阶段,享受克服困难的快乐,享受创新的快乐,享受成功的快乐!ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring&UsingListening,Understanding&CommunicatingReading/Viewing,Speaking&WritingLearning StrategiesALife andAttitude P1 1.Hope and Love The Most Important Day
9、 in My Life I Came to Understand LoveLanguage Feature Figures of speechGrammar Link Adjective phrasesListeningA dialogue about New Years resolutionsSpeakingExpressing hopeWriting a true-life story based on a life timeline1)Organising information by using a diagram2)Arranging events by using a timeli
10、ne3)Describing something or somebody by using figures of speech 4)Describing past experiences by using newly-learned vocabulary2.Attitude to Life Good or Bad?Flowers for YouLanguage Feature IdiomsGrammar Link Adverb phrasesListeningTwo poems about lifeSpeakingExpressing optimistic viewsWriting a pie
11、ce of narration1)Predicting the main idea based on the given title,words and pictures2)Identifying the logic development of a story through a diagram3)Organising related information by using a story map4)Arranging ideas with the help of a tableChallengingYourself AOptimisticOutlook Failure Three Day
12、s to SeeOrganising the structure of an article by using a diagramCONTENTSP28P15P1P21ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring&UsingListening,Understanding&CommunicatingReading/Viewing,Speaking&WritingLearning StrategiesBTraditions and CulturesP313.Festivals and Traditions The Qingmin
13、g Festival and Hanshi Day Thanksgiving DayLanguage Feature Methods of paragraph developmentGrammar Link Non-restrictive attributive clausesListeningA dialogue about the Qingming FestivalSpeakingAsking somebody to repeat somethingWriting a piece of exposition1)Reorganising information by using a flow
14、 chart2)Retelling a story by using verbs and verbal phrases appropriately3)Taking notes while listening4)Summarising by comparison and contrast4.Food and Culture A Good-luck Dumpling Western Food and Chinese FoodLanguage Feature Lexical chunksGrammar Link Noun phrasesListeningA dialogue about Chines
15、e teaSpeakingMaking a comparisonWriting a“how-to”passage1)Guessing the meaning of unknown words based on pictures2)Understanding new words better with the help of their synonyms or explanations 3)Communicating effectively with appropriate intonation,pace and facial expressions4)Working out the funct
16、ion of sentence structures after listeningChallengingYourself BCulture behind Eating The Culture of Chopsticks What Food Tells Us about CultureMaking a comparison by using a Venn diagramP36P49P62P352ThemeUnit/Title Reading Actively Reading FurtherExploring&UsingListening,Understanding&CommunicatingR
17、eading/Viewing,Speaking&WritingLearning StrategiesCCountries and CitiesP615.Places of Interest Visiting Beautiful Places The Great WallLanguage Feature Writing techniquesGrammar Link The present perfect continuous tenseListeningA dialogue about checking in at a hotelSpeakingRole-playing check-in at
18、a hotelWriting a passage to introduce a place1)Writing more impressively by using certain writing techniques2)Using a timeline to help understand grammar rules better3)Generating a mode of writing while reading4)Activating prior knowledge before reading6.Travelling Worldwide The Taj Mahal:Memorial t
19、o Love A Country beyond Your ImaginationLanguage Feature Words and expressions for location and positionGrammar Link Preposition phrasesListeningA dialogue about means of transportationSpeakingTalking about ways of travellingWriting a travel diary1)Establishing the logical relationship between time
20、and events with the help of a flow chart2)Working out grammatical functions through observation and analysis 3)Identifying sentence structures while listening4)Using a mind map to help organise the key information in a passageChallengingYourself CExploring the World The Best Vacation Ever Gullivers
21、Travels:A Voyage to LilliputGeneralising information by organising supporting details Notes Word Learning Booster Glossary Personal DictionaryP70P83P96P69P110P103P122P1233Theme ALife and Attitude Life is beautiful but not always easy.A person who has not met with diffi culties in life can hardly ach
22、ieve success.The challenge is how you face diffi culties with love,hope,courage and a positive attitude.As Walt Whitman puts it,“Keep your face always towards the sunshine,and shadows will fall behind you.”What did you do when you faced failure in the past?What should you do when you fail?And how ca
23、n you develop a positive attitude towards life?Unit 1 read a story about Helen Keller;learn more about hope and love in Helen Kellers life;talk about hope and love in life.Unit 1 appreciate stories about loss and gain;understand how to take a positive attitude towards failure;learn to express optimi
24、stic views.Unit 2Unit 2ChallengingYourself A learn more ways to deal with failure.ChallengingYourself AIn this theme,you will:Theme A Life and Attitude2Lon AeaBy the end of this unit,you will be able to:introduce the most important day of Helen Keller;describe an important day or a person by using f
25、i gures of speech;recognise adjective phrases in context and use them appropriately;express your hope in a dialogue;write about your true-life story with the help of a life timeline;convey your love for your beloved persons in appropriate ways.No matter how dark the moment,love and hope are possible
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- 高清教材 电子 课本 重大 英语 选修 一册 教材