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1、relationship,establirelationship,establi sheshed equivaled equivalent relationshint relationship 14,and subjep 14,and subje ct:act:applipplication problem(4)-scores acation problem(4)-scores a ndnd percepercentage applintage appli cationcation problem reviewproblem review content ovecontent overview
2、 arview a nswersnswers scores,ascores,andnd percepercentage antage applipplication problem of key is:accorcation problem of key is:accor ding to meading to meaningning,(1)determine,(1)determine standard volstandard volume(unitume(unit s 1)(2)find associate volume rates 1)(2)find associate volume rat
3、ecorresponds to relationship,Tcorresponds to relationship,T hehen inn in-line-line sol solution.Category fraction multiution.Category fraction multi plicatiplication won wordord problproblem score Divisiem score Divisi on application applicati onsons engiengineeringneering problem prproblem pr oblem
4、oblem XV,aXV,a susubjebject:reviewct:review of the measurementof the measurement of the amountof the amount of capaof capacity,meacity,measuremesurement and units of measurementnt and units of measurement of commonof common unitsunits of measuremeof measureme nt and theirnt and their significasignif
5、icance in rate 1,nce in rate 1,currecurrency,lency,length,arength,are a,vola,volume,unit sizeume,unit size,vol,volume,weightume,weight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonlyand rate.(Omitted)2,commonlyuseused time units ad time units a nd their relationships.(Slightly)with a measurementnd their relationships.
6、(Slightly)with a measurementunits Zunits Zhijiahijian of of poly 1,an of of poly 1,a nd of method 2,and of method 2,a ndnd polypoly method 3,a method 3,a ndnd ofof method amethod andnd poly metpoly method of relationship meahod of relationship mea surementsurement distadistancence of method 1,aof me
7、thod 1,a nd tnd tool meaool measurementsurement 2,and2,andestimates 16,estimates 16,and subjeand subje ct:gect:geometry prelimiometry prelimi nary knary knowlenowledge(1)-linedge(1)-line and a and a ngle reviewngle review content content line,and segmeline,and segme nt,ant,and Rand Ray,ay,and vertin
8、d vertical,acal,and parallel,and and parallel,and a ngle angle angle ofngle of classification(slightly)17,andclassification(slightly)17,andsubject:geometrysubject:geometry preliminarypreliminary knowledge knowledge (2)(2)-plane-plane graphics review graphics review content triacontent tria ngle,angl
9、e,andnd edgedges shapees shaped,ad,and rnd round,and fan axisymmetric graphiound,and fan axisymmetric graphi cscs perimeter aperimeter a nd areand area combicombination graphics of areanation graphics of area subje subject:Preliminary knowledgct:Preliminary knowledg e(3)e(3)-review-review of solidof
10、 solid contentcontent category 1category 1-d shape-d shape s ares are dividedivided intd into:o:cylinder acylinder a nd conend cone 2,colum2,colum n is divin is divi ded ided into:cuboid,square 3,conento:cuboid,square 3,cone cone cone of the of the features features ofof cuboi cuboids and cubeds and
11、 cube s relatis relationship betweonship betwe enen characharacteristics ofcteristics of circularcircular cone is slightlycone is slightly solisolid surfaced surface area and varea and v olumeolume 1,size 2,table.1,size 2,table.和和中铁五局沪昆客专贵州段 8 标工程指挥部桥梁作业指导书基础及大体积砼施工作业指导书基础及大体积砼施工作业指导书1 1。适用范围:适用范围:本
12、作业指导书适用于指导沪昆客专桥涵扩大基础、深基坑开挖和承台施工。2 2。作业准备作业准备1)测定基坑中心线、平面位置和高程,并在基坑旁埋设开挖控制桩.2)根据设计文件提供的地质、水文资料以及环保要求等,结合现场情况,确定基坑开挖方案,对开挖坡度、支护方案、开挖范围、弃土位置和防、排水措施等作出具体安排。3 3。技术要求技术要求大体积混凝土承台及扩大基础施工时,由于混凝土单位时间内浇筑量大,混凝土水化热形成的内外温差及收缩等会引起非均匀变形,同时变形还受到结构内外的约束,承台容易产生裂缝,所以,施工中必须采取有效的措施和方法,防止混凝土有害裂缝的产生,保证承台施工的质量。根据承台型式,混凝土采用
13、分层浇筑,同时,布设冷却水管,采用自然通水冷却混凝土浇筑产生的水化热。4.4.施工程序与工艺流程施工程序与工艺流程1 1)施工程序:)施工程序:基础及大体积混凝土施工程序为:钢筋制安-模板制安-冷却管及测温元件安装-混凝土灌注-混凝土养护。2)2)工艺流程工艺流程5.5.施工要求施工要求5.15.1 施工准备施工准备施工准备钢筋制作钢筋安装钻孔灌注桩施工完毕后,进行桩基检测,检测合格后支护开挖基坑至设计标高,灌注一层素混凝土作为承台钢筋及混凝土施工的底模。钻孔桩头按设计位置模板安装截齐,对承台位置进行准确的施工测量放线.5 5。2 2 钢筋工程钢筋工程冷却管及测温元件安装1)钢筋的下料及加工在
14、钢筋加工场进行,然后运至施工场地内.2)在绑扎承台钢筋前,先进行承台的平面位置放样,在封底混凝土面上标出每根底层钢筋的平面位置,准确安放钢筋。混凝土浇筑3)竖向增设一些28钢筋作为承台钢筋的支承筋,保证每层钢筋的标高,以免钢筋网的变形太大。混凝土养生4)在绑扎承台顶网钢筋时,将墩身的竖向钢筋预埋,预埋件的位置采用型钢relationship,establirelationship,establi sheshed equivalent relatid equivalent relati onship 14,and subjeonship 14,and subje ct:applicatict:a
15、pplicationon problem(4)-scores aproblem(4)-scores a ndnd percepercentage applicatintage applicati onon problproblem review content ovem review content ov erview answers scoreerview answers score s,and pers,and percentage acentage applipplication problem of key is:accorcation problem of key is:accor
16、ding to meading to meaningning,(1)determine standard vol,(1)determine standard vol ume(unitume(units 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Ts 1)(2)find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship,Then ihen in-lin-line solutine solution.on.Category fraction multiplication
17、worCategory fraction multiplication wor d problem score Divid problem score Divi sion applicatision applicati ons eons engineeringngineering problproblem problem XV,a suem problem XV,a su bjectbject:review of the measurement:review of the measurement of the amount of capacity,measuremeof the amount
18、of capacity,measureme nt andnt and unitunits of measuremes of measureme nt of comnt of common units of measurememon units of measureme nt and their signt and their sig nificance inificance in rate 1,curren rate 1,currency,lency,length,area,volngth,area,volume,unit sizeume,unit size,volume,w,volume,w
19、eight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used time units and their relatieight and rate.(Omitted)2,commonly used time units and their relationshionships.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,aps.(Slightly)with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1,and of method 2,and of method 2,a ndn
20、d poly method 3,andpoly method 3,and of method andof method and poly methodpoly method of relationshiof relationshi p measuremep measurement distant dista ncence of method 1,and tof method 1,and t ool measurement 2,aool measurement 2,a nd end estimates 16,stimates 16,and subject:geand subject:ge ome
21、try preliminary kometry preliminary k nowlenowledge(1)-lidge(1)-line ane and and angle review contengle review conte nt line,ant line,and segment,and Ray,and segment,and Ray,a nd verticalnd vertical,and parallel,a,and parallel,a nd and angle anglngle angle of classification(slightly)17,and subjee of
22、 classification(slightly)17,and subje ct:geometry prct:geometry pr eliminary knowleeliminary knowle dge(2)-plane gradge(2)-plane gra phiphics reviewcs review contecontent triangle,ant triangle,a nd end edges shapedges shaped,ad,and round,and fan axisymmetric graphind round,and fan axisymmetric graph
23、i cs perimeter and arecs perimeter and are a coma combinatibination graphics of area subjeon graphics of area subje ct:Preliminary knowledge(3)ct:Preliminary knowledge(3)-review-review of soliof solid content categd content category 1-d shapeory 1-d shape s are divided ints are divided int o:cylio:c
24、ylinder ander andnd cone 2,columcone 2,colum n is divin is divided ided into:nto:cuboicuboid,square 3,d,square 3,cone conecone cone of the features of cuboids aof the features of cuboids a ndnd cubes relaticubes relationshiponship betweebetween characteristin characteristi cs of circs of circularcul
25、ar cone is sligcone is slightly solihtly solid surfad surface area and volce area and vol ume 1,size 2,table.ume 1,size 2,table.和和定位架定位,确保预埋位置,经复测无误后方可进行混凝土的浇筑。5 5。3 3 模板工程模板工程本标段桥承台均埋置在地面线以下,故承台外观并没特殊要求。施工用模板拟采用1.5m0。3m 的定型钢模拼装成大块钢模,再运至现场拼装。采用50钢管作为模板的横、竖加劲肋肋.模板内侧用预制的同标号砂浆垫块垫于承台钢筋与模板间,以保证保护层厚度;外侧用型
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- 基础 体积 施工 作业 指导书