《主要设备安全操作规程.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《主要设备安全操作规程.pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、l29,thel29,the company responsicompany responsi ble for a variety ofble for a variety of procedureprocedures for reimbursements for reimbursement documedocument,invoice revient,invoice revie w,aw,apprpproval of workoval of work;30,reg;30,reg ularly conveularly convened gened general meetineral meeti
2、 ng of shareholderng of shareholder s,pres,preparation work for tparation work for t he meetinghe meeting;31,t;31,the company rehe company re sponsiblesponsible for payroll ma for payroll ma nagemnagement jobs,including arent jobs,including ar oundound salarsalary survey,y survey,employeemployee sal
3、are salary,saly,salary accounting metary accounting met hods developed,hods developed,payroll apayroll accounting,ccounting,payment of wagepayment of wage s,bonuses;32,ts,bonuses;32,t he compahe company responsiblny responsibl e for deliverye for delivery of financial prof financial pr oceoceduredur
4、es;33,accors;33,accor ding to tding to the compahe companys strategicnys strategic developmentdevelopment plan,theplan,the preparation apreparation a nd management of funds tnd management of funds t o meet dao meet day-to-day operating fundiy-to-day operating fundi ng requirements tng requirements t
5、 o ensure to ensure t he companyhe companys safety,lis safety,liquiquidity and prdity and pr ofitability of theofitability of the funds;34,responsi funds;34,responsi ble for the environmentalble for the environmental proteprotection buildiction buildi ng materials Corporation issuedng materials Corp
6、oration issuedby theby the CorCorporatiporation Aon Annual,monthly ennual,monthly e conomic iconomic indindicators icators in the assen the asse ssmentssment of the eof the economic responsiconomic responsi bility systembility system of proposeof propose d amed amendmentndments;35,thes;35,the compac
7、ompany responsiblny responsibl e for all typee for all type s of contracts of contract s and trackis and tracki ng,implemeng,impleme ntation,implementation,impleme ntationntation of the agreemeof the agreeme nt,abnormality want,abnormality wa s detes detected icted in time to take an time to take a
8、pprppropriate measures aopriate measures a nd feend feedbadback to tck to the leahe leadershidership;36,regulp;36,regul ararinspection,ainspection,a nalysis,nalysis,budget implementatibudget implementati on of the busineon of the busine ss and finass and fina ncialncial performance,and to prperforma
9、nce,and to pr opose measures to iopose measures to i ncreancrease revenue and reduce exse revenue and reduce ex penditure;37,responsiblpenditure;37,responsibl e for organizing thee for organizing the compacompanys contractinys contracting busing business teness tenders;38,responsinders;38,responsi b
10、le for preble for preparing tparing the annualhe annual budget and fibudget and fi nal accounts,nal accounts,distribution of profits,ldistribution of profits,l ossoss compensaticompensationon plan;39,responsiplan;39,responsi ble for the vible for the vi olations of financial disciolations of financi
11、al disci pline,or dampline,or dam age the companyage the company s interests(corruptis interests(corrupti on aon andnd bribery)review of the Act;40,bribery)review of the Act;40,福建爱婴日用品有限公司作业指导书燃油蒸汽锅炉安全操作规程开始实施日期2013 年 11 月 15 日文件编号修改状态页 次WI-01-0014A0/A第 1 页共 1 页安全操作流程注意事项1、电控操作(1)锅炉房配备所需安全电源,以便保护锅炉房
12、用电设备,同时检查水路、油路的安装是否正常;(2)锅炉控制柜电源接入前,联接好水泵、燃烧器、电极筒等,电源接入控制柜,逐个检查水泵运转、燃烧器运转是否正常,正常后检查自动给水控制、报警等是否正常,试运转正常后进入下一步工作。2、工作试验:(1)煮炉a.煮炉所用药物配制成 20%的均匀溶液,不得将药品直接加入锅炉;b。锅炉燃烧煮炉,当压力升至工作压力时,维持此压力24 小时,然后停止燃烧,当水温低至 70时,开启排污阀将炉水全部放空,待锅炉自然冷却后开启入孔,手孔盖,用清水冲洗锅筒内部,并进行检查,如发现仍有油垢,表面仍有锈斑等,应按上述办法再行煮炉,直至锅筒内无油垢,金属表面无锈斑,管道与阀门
13、清洁无堵塞,逐鹿才算合格。(2)给水要求用户应按总图中锅炉水质指标的规定,根据本地区水质情况和生产要求,选用水处理设备,没有采取可靠的给水处理措施的锅炉,不得投入运行。锅炉运行期间给水和炉水水质应符合总图中所定水质指标。(3)升温及安全阀调整将经过水质处理的软水送入锅炉,开启排气阀,以利锅筒内空气排出,当水位达到正常水位的下限时,锅炉即可点火。当压力升至工作压力时,转入间断式燃烧状态后,0.1Mpa 以下的锅炉采用静重式安全阀不需调整,弹簧式安全阀的始启压力为工作压力0.03Mpa。1、使用本设备必须遵循本说明书所述程序;2、此种锅炉自控水平相当高,正常运行时,锅炉水位上下波动范围很小;3、为
14、防止水位表堵塞,水位表玻璃板模糊不清,水位表每班至少冲洗一次,如果锅炉水位自控报警器失灵,应立即停炉进行修理或更换;4、锅炉工作压力最高不允许超过额定工作压力;5、安全阀应定期作排气试验,一般 24 周作一次,以校准安全阀的作用;6、排污必须是在锅炉处于高水位低负荷时进行,排污时一定要注意水位变化。编制技术部审核赖嘉雄批准赵荣茂l29,thel29,the company responsicompany responsi ble for a variety ofble for a variety of procedureprocedures for reimbursements for rei
15、mbursement documedocument,invoice revient,invoice revie w,aw,apprpproval of workoval of work;30,reg;30,reg ularly conveularly convened gened general meetineral meeti ng of shareholderng of shareholder s,pres,preparation work for tparation work for t he meetinghe meeting;31,t;31,the company rehe comp
16、any re sponsiblesponsibleor payroll maor payroll ma nagement jobs,including arnagement jobs,including ar oundound salarsalary survey,y survey,employeemployee salare salary,saly,salary accounting metary accounting met hods developed,hods developed,payroll apayroll accounting,ccounting,payment of wage
17、payment of wage s,bonuses;32,ts,bonuses;32,t he compahe company responsiblny responsibl e for deliverye for delivery of financial prof financial pr oceoceduredures;33,accors;33,accor ding to tding to the compahe companys strategicnys strategic developmentdevelopment plan,theplan,the preparation apre
18、paration a nd management of funds tnd management of funds t o meet dao meet day-to-day operating fundiy-to-day operating fundi ng requirements tng requirements t o ensure to ensure t he companyhe companys safety,lis safety,liquiquidity and prdity and pr ofitability of theofitability of the funds;34,
19、responsi funds;34,responsi ble for the environmentalble for the environmental proteprotection buildiction buildi ng materials Corporation issuedng materials Corporation issuedby theby the CorCorporatiporation Aon Annual,monthly ennual,monthly e conomic iconomic indindicators icators in the assen the
20、 asse ssmentssment of the eof the economic responsiconomic responsi bility systembility system of proposeof propose d amed amendmentndments;35,thes;35,the compacompany responsiblny responsibl e for all typee for all type s of contracts of contract s and trackis and tracki ng,implemeng,impleme ntatio
21、n,implementation,impleme ntatntationion of the agreemeof the agreeme nt,abnormality want,abnormality wa s detes detected icted in time to take an time to take a pprppropriate measures aopriate measures a nd feend feedbadback to tck to the leahe leadershidership;36,regulp;36,regul ararinspection,ains
22、pection,a nalysis,nalysis,budget implementatibudget implementati on of the busineon of the busine ss and finass and fina ncialncial performance,and to prperformance,and to pr opose measures to iopose measures to i ncreancrease revenue and reduce exse revenue and reduce ex penditure;37,responsiblpend
23、iture;37,responsibl e for organizing thee for organizing the compacompanys contractinys contracting busing business teness tenders;38,responsinders;38,responsi ble for preble for pre paring tparing the annualhe annual budget and fibudget and fi nal accounts,nal accounts,distribution of profits,ldist
24、ribution of profits,l ossoss compensaticompensationon plan;39,responsiplan;39,responsi ble for the vible for the vi olations of financial disciolations of financial disci pline,or damage the companypline,or damage the company s interests(corruptis interests(corrupti on aon andnd bribery)review of th
25、e Act;40,bribery)review of the Act;40,福建爱婴日用品有限公司作业指导书洗发水搅拌锅安全操作规程开始实施日期2013 年 11 月 15 日文件编号修改状态页 次WI-01-015A0/A第 1 页共 1 页1、进料,按工艺配方加入水、油各种固体物料;2、加热、搅拌,开始搅拌装置,搅拌转速视物料粘度选择,同时对锅体加热,锅体加热采用0.3Mpa 的水蒸汽,加热前先排净夹套内冷凝水,关闭冷却水进口阀门,然后开启进蒸汽阀门,用户可通过温度表来检测加热情况,温度控制由手控来完成。用户在输安全;全3、冷却:一般采用自来水作为冷却水源(有条件的用户能采用冷冻水冷却效果
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- 主要 设备 安全 操作规程