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1、青山湖污水处理厂工程Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant 优化初步设计Optimized Preliminary Design工号 :2002-163中国市政工程华北设计研究院North China Municipal Engineering Design&Research Institute2003年 01 月国徽工程设计证书甲级单位名称:中国市政工程华北设计研究院业务范围:市政公用行业(地铁轻轨除外)甲级、建筑行业建筑工程甲级、冶金行业(焦化)甲级。以下空白证书编号:020010-sj有效期:*发证部门:中华人民共和国建部(印章)2002年 7 月 17
2、日中华人民共和国建设部印制文件签署院长曹开朗主 管 副 院 长徐强院 总 工 程 师李成江计划经营部部长王起技术质量部部长李颜强设 计九所所 长刘晓松设计九所副所长胡永龙设计九所总工程师申蓁项目负 责 人申蓁本人签署页院级审核审定李成江第九设计所所长刘晓松第九设计所副所长胡永龙第九设计所总工申蓁项目负责人申蓁工艺专业负责人李晶总图专业负责人宫业龙电气专业负责人刘清自控专业负责人余颖建筑专业负责人黄玉慧结构专业负责人刘迎焕暖通专业负责人李小慧青山湖污水处理厂工程Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant优化初步设计Optimized Preliminary Desig
3、n第一卷设计说明书Part One:Specification of Optimized Design目录Content前言Preface-011 设计依据Bases of Design-2 设计范围Design Scope-3 工程规模Scale of the Project-4 污 水 处 理 厂 进 水 水 质Raw sewage quality of Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant-5 污 水 处 理 厂 出 水 水 质Effluent quality of Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant-6 污水 处 理
4、厂 处 理工 艺Treatment Process of the Sewage Treatment Plant-7 污水处理厂工程设计Engineering Design of Sewage Treatment Plant-工程内容Engineering Content-处理单元工艺设计Design of Treatment Process Unit-总平面设计General Layout-高程设计Design of Altitude-附属设施Other Facilities-建筑设计说明Notes For Architecture-结构设计说明Structure Design Referen
5、ce-电气设计Electrical Design-自动化仪表及控制系统的设计Automatic Control System And Instrumentation Design-8 暖通设计HV&AC Notes-9人员编制Staff Arrangement-前言 Preface中国市政工程华北设计研究院受德国柏林水务国际有限公司的委托,对南昌市青山湖污水处理厂工程进行施工图阶段设计。North China Municipal Engineering Design&Research Institute is commissioned by Berlinwasser International
6、 GmbH to the construction design of the Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant in Nanchang city.在此之前德国柏林水务国际有限公司根据已审批的江西省南昌市青山湖污水处理工程初步设计提出了初步设计优化方案设想,并通过了有关方面的审查论证。为此,在施工图设计之前,中国市政工程华北设计研究院需以柏林水务国际有限公司提出的初步设计优化方案设想为基础并充分体现柏林水务国际有限公司的宗旨,对原江西省南昌市青山湖污水处理工程初步设计进行修改即优化初步设计。双方就工程技术方案进行了认真讨论、交流、磋商形成共识后,我院于 2
7、002 年 12 月 15 日开始了本项目的初步设计优化设计工作,于 2003 年 1 月 23日完成。在文件的编制过程中,得到了柏林水务国际有限公司的专家的大力支持和协作,同时也得到了南昌市污水处理工程有限公司等有关部门的支持和帮助。Berlinwasser International GmbH had put forward the conception of optimized preliminary design according to the audited“Preliminary Planning of Nanchang City Qing Shan Hu Sewage Trea
8、tment Plant in Jiangxi Province”which has passed through the audit.Therefore,the optimizing of preliminary design of NCMEDRI should be based on the conception of optimized preliminary planning and the accomplished preliminary design,and take full consideration of the tenet of the Berlinwasser Intern
9、ational GmbH.After a thorough discussion NCMEDRI start to work at and completed at During compiling,NCMEDRI received great help and support from Berlinwasser International GmbH and Nanchang Sewage Treatment Company.本文件由三部分内容组成:第一卷优化初步设计说明书第二卷主要设备材料清单第三卷设计图纸The whole document is composed of three par
10、ts:Part One:Specification of Optimized DesignPart Two:Main Equipments and Material ListPart Three:Design Drawings在第一卷中我们只对污水处理厂的工程设计部分做简要说明,其余方面可参见原初步设计,在本文件中不重复累述。Only a brief description of the engineering design of the sewage treatment plant will be done in Part One,and others can be referred to
11、in the original preliminary design,therefore,it will not be repeated here.1 设计依据Bases of Design 江西省南昌市青山湖污水处理厂工程初步设计说明书及图纸(上海市政工程设计研究院)(南昌市城市规划设计研究总院)2002年 4 月“Specification of the Preliminary Design for Nanchang City Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment PlantProject”and corresponding drawings(Shanghai Mun
12、icipal Engineering Design&Research Institute)(Nanchang General Urban Layout Design and Research Institute)施工图设计合同Construction Design Contract 南昌市青山湖污水处理厂初步设计优化方案(柏林水务国际有限公司)Strategy of Optimized Preliminary Design for Nanchang City Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant(Berlinwasser International GmbH)
13、南昌市青山湖污水处理厂优化设计备忘录(2002年 12 月 13日)Notes of optimizing design for Nanchang City Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant 设计范围Design Scope本项目的设计范围为青山湖污水处理厂工程(围墙内)。对厂内的工艺、建筑、结构、总图、电气、自控、暖通进行优化设计。Area for which design is to be performed:Complete sewage treatment plant premises up to the perimeter fence(inclu
14、sive):including optimizing of process,architecture and civil engineering,general drawing,electric&automatic control,and heating&ventilation.3 工程规模Scale of the project根据污水量预测,青山湖污水处理厂最终规模99 万 m3/d,分三期建设,一期规模33 万 m3/d。本项目按一期规模设计,充分考虑与二、三期的衔接。According to the prediction of the flow quantity,Qing Shan H
15、u Sewage Treatment Plant,Nanchang,consisting of the mechanical treatment stage(990,000m3/d)and the biological treatment stage(330,000m3/d).The design work is based on the scale of 330,000m3/d and take full consideration of the further two stages.4 污水处理厂进水水质Raw sewage quality of the sewage treatment
16、plant确定青山湖污水处理厂进水水质为:Raw sewage quality of Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant is as the following:CODcr250mg/LBOD5130mg/LSS 200mg/LNH3-N 20mg/L磷酸盐 Phosphate(以 P计 calculated as P)L根据排水协议,无需考虑水质波动。No fluctuation of water quality need be considered according to the Supply Agreement.5 污水处理厂出水水质Effluent
17、 quality of Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant青山湖污水处理厂出水水质如下:Effluent quality of Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant is as the following:CODcr120mg/LBOD530mg/LSS 30mg/L磷酸盐 Phosphate(以 P计 calculated as P)LNH3-N 25mg/L6 污水处理厂处理工艺Treatment Process of the Sewage Treatment Plant依据德国柏林水务国际有限公司的初步设计优化方案,青
18、山湖污水处理厂处理工艺如下:According to the strategy of optimized preliminary design of Berlinwasser International GmbH,the treatment process will be as the following:污水处理工艺采用普曝法工艺。曝气池为氧化沟形式,采用表面曝气机曝气。Traditional aeration process will be applied in the treatment.The oxidation ditches are adopted as aeration tank
19、s with upside-down surface aerators.污泥处理工艺采用厌氧中温消化,消化后的污泥经机械脱水后外运。Anerobic mild temperature digestion is adopted in the treatment of sludge,and digested sludge shall be transported out after mechanical dewatering.对消化过程中产生的沼气进行综合利用,其用途有The usage of the biogas produced during digestion:(1)用于拖动进水泵的沼气发动
20、机To drive the 2 screw pumps.(2)用于加热消化池的沼气锅炉To heat up the digestion tank through biogas boiler:(3)用于厂区综合楼的集中空调溴化锂机组To the lithium bromide unit for central air-conditioning in the general office building.沼气利用的气量及热量平衡图见污泥处理工艺设计部分The amount and heat balance chart of the biogas please refer to the proce
21、ss design of sludge treatment.青山湖污水处理厂处理工艺流程如下:The flow of the Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant is as the following:雨水溢流栅渣外运栅渣外运计量计量粗 格 栅 及细 格 栅曝 气 沉氧化终沉低排污 泥 泵污 泥 缓污 泥 浓消化储泥污 泥 脱原污水泥饼外运7 污水处理厂工程设计Engineering Design of the Sewage Treatment Plant工程内容Engineering Content青山湖污水处理厂规模33 万 m3/d,并予留二、三期规模
22、发展用地,其主要内容包括:The design scale Qing Shan Hu Sewage Treatment Plant is 330,000m3/d,and the developing area for further second and third stage is left.Main content is set as below:污水提升与预处理系统Sewage pumping and pretreatment system污水生化处理系统Sewage biological treatment system污泥处理系统沼气柜沼气利用Sludge treatment sys
23、tem厂区附属建筑Other buildings in plant厂区动力系统(包括变配电系统)Power system in plant(including transformer system)自动控制监测仪表系统Automatic control and instrument system厂区总平面及配套设施General layout of the plant and supporting system处理单元工艺设计Design of treatment process unit设计规模 Q=33万 m3/dScale:Q=330,000m3/d根据要求,截流倍数为 2 的雨水经污水
24、处理厂预处理后(经曝气沉砂后)直接溢流至厂区南侧的低排沟。Rain water whose interception multiple is 2 overflows to Dipai trough in front of the south of the plant after pretreatment(aeration grit chamber)雨季最大设计流量Qmax=m3/s(Qmax=990000 m3/d)The Rain season Qmax=m3/s(Qmax=990000 m3/d)旱季最大设计流量Q旱 max=m3/s(Q旱 max=380000 m3/d)The dry
25、season Q旱 max=m3/s(Q旱 max=380000 m3/d)旱季平均设计流量Q平均=m3/s(Q平均=330000 m3/d)The dry season Q平均=m3/s(Q平均=330000 m3/d)(1)粗格栅及进水泵房Coarse screen and inlet pump station设计参数及描述:Design parameters and description 粗格栅及进水泵房土建及设备规模均按一期规模设计并充分考虑与二、三期规模的衔接。Scale of civil Engeneering and equipments are set forth accor
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- 最新 青山 污水处理 工程 优化 初步设计