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1、托福阅读好难,时间不够咋办 托福阅读好难,时间不够咋办?下面我就给大家共享一下做雅思阅读的提速技巧以刚好间安排技巧,来了解一下吧! 托福阅读好难,时间不够咋办 许多考生在平常练习时习惯边读文章边在题目上划线,好像不做记号 ,思维就无法跟上托福阅读的速度,但是到了真正上机考试,不能对文章做记号的时候,考生难免会乱了阵脚。 有些考生因为托福阅读时间紧,所以根本没等读完全文就干脆做托福阅读试题,这种抱着侥幸心理的考生真的上了考场其实是很危急的,因为单凭对文章局部的理解,根本无法驾驭文章的整体内容和观点。 而还有一些考生必需把文章一字不漏的阅读和翻译之后才能做题,往往忽视了阅读的速度,这种细读的方法之
2、适用于两种状况:一种是考生已经具备相当强的阅读水平,而且长期运用这种方法,另外一种是这篇文章是你曾经读到过的,即使一字一句的读也不会花太多时间。 许多人都认为词汇题的做的好不好完全取决于自己的词汇量,事实上词汇量是占了相当一部分比重,但是不知道大家是否有过这样的经验,有时候不相识的词经过对上下文的理解和分析也可以作对,反而是那些相识的词汇常常出错,这是因为大家在面对自己有把握的词汇时,往往忽视了上下文的重要性,凭感觉选出了一个自认为天经地义的答案。所以,做好词汇题的关键就在于透彻分析上下文,有时候,个别词汇题或许须要在文章其他段落找寻线索。 其实阅读部分不仅是测试大家对托福文章的理解,还包括阅
3、读的速度,这两方面都不能被忽视,光是具备扎实的基础还远远不够,还须要搭配运用奇妙的做题技巧才能取得阅读高分。 College courses arent all “Econ 1011” and “The History of Europe: 1500-Present”. A trend among many colleges and universities is to offer courses that are slightly off the beaten track . Many of these courses draw their themes from pop culture o
4、r sports, or they may be the brainchildren of professors who want to share their passion with students. They may be no less serious than traditional courses, but they certainly cover new academic ground. Students take these off beat courses for a variety of reasonshoping for an easy A, to try someth
5、ing fun, or to explore a new interest. 1) You can boldly go where no other philosophy student has gone before in Georgetown University s “Philosophy and Star Trek” course, where students discuss the nature of time travel, the ability of computers to think and feel, and other philosophical dilemmas f
6、acing the crew of the Starship Enterprise. 2) Discover how Brick really felt when Opal left him for his neighbors best friends sister in the University of Wisconsins course entitled “Daytime Serials: Family and Social Roles.” Students analyze the plots, themes, and characters of daytime soaps and di
7、scuss their impact on modern life. 3) If youve been longing to research how hot d_s, theme parks, and the five-day workweek have impacted American leisure culture, check out the University of Iowa course “The American Vacation”. This course pays particular attention to how American families varying
8、backgrounds shape their vacation experiences. 4) Bowdoin College students can delve into “The Horror Film in Context” in the schools English Department. Students read Freud and Poe and watch Hitchcock and Craven, all while discussing the horror genre s treatment of gender, class, and family. 5) At W
9、illiams College, students can learn more about those in the cement shoe industry by enrolling in “Comparative History of Organized Crime”, which compares the work of goodfellas from the United States, Italy, Japan, and Russia. 6) If youve got a romantic urge for adventure, check out Barnard Colleges
10、 course on “The Road Movie”, which studies Easy Rider and Thelma and Louise, while also discussing the genres literary precursors , like On the Road and The Odyssey. 7) If hitting the road doesnt satisfy your rebellious streak, sign up for Brown Universitys course on “American Degenerates”, in which
11、 students discuss how early British-American writers embraced the grotesque , monstrous, “not our kind” status bestowed on them by the mother country and reflected their zeal for cultural and physical degeneracy in their literature. 8) Those artsy types at the Rhode Island School of Design can put d
12、own their paintbrushes and take “The Art of Sin and the Sin of Art”, which contemplates the relationship between sin and the art world. The course catal_ invites you to “lust with the saints and burn with the sinners ”. 9) If talking about death several times a week in class sounds like a good time
13、to you, try Purdue Universitys “Death and the Nineteenth Century” course. Every poem and novel in the course deals with the 19th-century conception of mortality and the world beyond. 10) At Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, students can take “Art of Walking”, in which students not only read lite
14、rature by noted perambulators like Kant and Nietzsche, but go for neighborhood strolls with their professor and his d_. Most college pr_rams offer interesting courses to introduce you to new and fascinating subject matters. Take advantage of the many possibilities offered to you by sitting down with
15、 your advisor to talk about course options and then really thinking about the courses you choose to take. 例如当你看到一篇文章,首先要扫一下第一段,看看文章的难易程度,一般状况,平均每篇文章用时11分钟左右,5篇文章中肯定有2篇难度略微大一些,所以首先定位文章的难度和分数的比重,有助于合理的支配做题时间,以便在相同的时间内拿到最多的分数。 然后,建议大家从文章的结构入手。文章的首句尤为重要,首句常常涉及了文章的主题。其他段落也是主要看首句,后面的部分一般都是用来说明段落主题句的,所以略读带
16、过即可,没必要每个句子都理解到位,白白奢侈时间。这样驾驭每段大意,就不至于出现大方向上的理解偏差。 托福阅读时间不够用因为什么 1.逐字翻译导致读句子的速度慢 许多同学在翻译句子的过程中,都没有一个良好的习惯,只是机械地把全部英文单词的中文意思堆砌起来。对于简洁句来说,这样做其实无可厚非;但是遇到语法结构略微困难的句子,这种方法便会立即失效,于是同学们便会不断重复回看这句话,想要弄清晰它的意思,这样便造成了时间上的极大奢侈。所以我们在平常练习过程中须要训练自己养成一个良好的阅读习惯,不要被那些单词牵着走,而要主动地去分析句子结构:句子主语是谁?这个主语怎么了,发生了什么事?谁是修饰成分?谁才是
17、真正的谓语?当我们能够做到读完一句理解一句,信任我们自然就能在要求时间之内答完题了。 2.练习少,对题目缺乏熟识度 很多同学把备考托福阅读等同于背单词,因而一天到晚只跟单词书亲近,却不曾正眼看过TPO中的阅读文章。背单词当然重要,终归单词不会,文章也无法理解。但是想要提高分数、想要冲刺阅读高分,那我们就必需把TPO阅读文章当作圣经一样来对待。这不只是草草做题对答案了事,更是通过大量做题,来增加自己对于托福阅读出题套路的了解,以期驾驭每种题型的应对方案,争取做到读完题之后,能够立即找到题干中的有效关键词,再快速回文定位答案。同学们不要觉得题海战术是很笨的方法,多年实践已经证明,它其实是一种很有效
18、率的学习方法,关键在于我们是否能够通过题海战术有所收获,而不是为了做题而做题。 3. 文章结构不够熟识 我特殊强调做完题后,分析每篇文章的文章结构这件事。为什么?因为文章结构也许也就那么几种,见得多了,便就一见如故了。在考场上,我们根本没有时间为了最终一道题而把文章再通读一便。而倘如我们在做题过程中,就能快速总结出每一段的中心愿思,那么这篇文章我们肯定会读得更通透,在做每一段相应的题时也就能够提高精确率。而能否快速总结出段落大意就依靠于平常严格的训练。不要做完了题就万事大吉,把每篇文章充分利用起来,视察它们的结构,多做总结,这样的工作做得多了,必定会有所收获的。 托福阅读时间安排 关于托福考场
19、各科时间支配: 阅读:1 个小时(遇加试时,时间为 1 个小时 40 分钟)。阅读第一篇20分钟,其次三篇一起计时共40分钟,(假如遇到加试就再加40分钟)。就是说阅读不是60分钟就是100分钟。 听力:1 个小时左右 (遇加试时,时间为 1 个小时 30 分钟左右)。听力是一篇对话两篇讲座连一起,共10分钟答题(不包括听材料时间),假如遇到加试就再多听一篇对话两篇讲座和10分钟答题。 中场休息:10 分钟 口语:20 分钟左右 (通常不会遇到加试)。口语共6个问题,问题一二都是听完后打算15秒,然后答题(就是说话)时间45秒。问题3-6就是打算30秒说一分钟。 写作:55 分钟左右 (通常不
20、会遇到加试)。作文第一个综合作文,先有3分钟看材料,然后听材料时间不肯定,最终20分钟写作文。然后独立作文就是30分钟。 总之连上休息时间差不多4个小时。 考生应当在考试当天上午 8:30 之前到达考场,否则将被拒绝入场。一般来说会在 9 点左右起先考试。考试的时候,有的人可能会细致阅读各部分的考试说明,会多花一部分时间(不计入答题时间),有的人可能快速跳过考试说明,甚至题目做完之后没等时间到就提交答案进入下一部分,会比其他人更早结束考试。假如遇到加试的内容不一样,考试结束时间就差别更大了。 关于托福阅读时间安排 托福阅读考试的考试时间是60分钟,共有三篇阅读文章。假如遇到加试,会多两篇文章,
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- 关 键 词:
- 托福 阅读 时间 不够 咋办