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1、旅游资料汉英翻译浅谈 摘要中英文的差异是不言而喻的。中文旅游资料在写作之初没有、也不必考虑以后要翻译成英语的问题。鉴于旅游资料的翻译不同于文学作品,文献资料等的翻译,动笔之前首先要了解英文相关资料的写作模式;其次要明确翻译的目的,即在有限的篇幅内向游客介绍详细的、好用的信息;最终还要明确译文的服务对象———以度假休闲为目的的、对中国知之甚少或一窍不通的一般游客。只有这样,才能将原文的主要内容以读者喜闻乐见的形式呈现于读者面前。 关键词旅游资料;翻译方法 我国悠久的历史、绚丽的文化正以其独特的魅力吸引着越来越多的外国人到中国来旅游。让外国人在有限的时间内尽可能
2、多地了解中国文化,除了导游员的介绍,我们也不能忽视相关旅游资料的作用。旅游资料的种类许多,有图书、宣扬画册、导游图、电视电影记录片和明信片等,它所涉及的内容五花八门,应有尽有。目前的现实是英文版的旅游资料大都译自汉语,而翻译过程中存在着一些诸如原则、方法等问题。本文重点探讨的是:以国外一般旅游者为对象,以介绍中国旅游资源(旅游景点、旅游城市及旅游活动) 为主的旅行指南及对外宣扬材料的汉译英问题。 Abstract : It is self2evident that Chinese and English are completelydifferent. When composing touri
3、sm2related materials , the authors ofthe Chinese version do not , and needn’t consider their beingtranslated into English. As the translation of tourism2relatedmaterials differs from the translation of literary works or documents. The translators should first be aware of style of such material
4、s whentranslating these materials ; secondly , they should know theirpurpose —to introduce the specific and useful information to commontourists in a limited space ; finally , they should know their readers—the tourists who come to China on holiday , and who know little or alittle about
5、China. Only in this way will the English version be wellreceived. Key words :tourism2related material ;translation一、景点名称的翻译 景点名称的翻译看似简洁,但要译好译准,还须要译者对其有透彻的了解。一般的做法无非是音译、音译加意译和意译。景点名称是实行音译还是意译, 要视状况而定,不行一概而论。例如,苏州闻名的景点寒山寺,就不能译成Cold Hill Temple ,因其是取自一古代诗僧寒山之名, 故只能将其译成Hanshan Temple ; 又如: 拙政园( Garden o
6、f HumbleAdministrator) 是明嘉靖年间御史王献臣辞职回乡后在元大宏寺遗址所建立的别墅,并借用晋代潘岳闲居赋中;拙者之为政也;一句为园名。假如采纳音译的方法,不仅这其中的历史人物、典故将不为读者所知,其园名及游园的雅趣也无从体会了。 再比如,同样是庙宇的潭柘寺、塔尔寺、凤凰寺、栊翠庵和包公寺,在翻译时译者不仅要观其名,还要知其实,才能选择恰当的词汇。潭柘寺是佛教寺庙, 译成The Temple of Pool and Oak ;栊翠庵是尼姑修行之地,译成Green Lattice Nunnery ;塔尔寺是藏传佛教———即喇嘛教的寺院,译成
7、Taer Lamasery ;凤凰寺是一清真教寺院,故译成Fenghuang Mosque ;而包公寺是为纪念包拯所建的寺庙,所以译成The MemorialTemple of Bao Zheng。假如一概音译加temple 的话, 读者就无法对中国的宗教有更多的了解,使他们的中国之旅的收获大打折扣。还有;大观园;里的;稻香村;,名为;村;,实际不过一清朴农舍,所以要译成:Paddy Sweet Cottage. 二、旅游资料的翻译 (一) 明确译文的体裁,了解英文同类材料的写作模式旅行指南、城市及旅游活动的对外宣扬材料,其篇幅是有限的。译文的读者是那些对中国一窍不通或知之甚少的英语国家的客人
8、。要让他们在有限的篇幅内获得尽可能多的信息,译者应当了解英语国家这类材料的写作模式。这里我们不妨看一看美国密歇根州的MACKINAC 岛和ALPENA 市的旅游资料。 MACKINAC岛的旅游指南包括不同颜色标识的旅行路途图和沿线的景点介绍。如从设在码头上的Visitor ’s Center 到重要的景点之一FORTMAXKINAC: 例1. 11FORTMACKINAC , THE VIEW FROM THE TOPWalking , 1P2 to 2 hoursVisitor’s Center to Fort MACKINAC: In 1779 , during t
9、he American Revolution , Lieutenant2Governor Patrick Sinclair commanded Britishfur trading activities and the military garrison at the Straitsof MACKINAC. Afraid that American rebels would attackhis mainland fort at present2day MACKINAC City , Sinclair saw MACKINAC Island as readily defensible. Stan
10、ding near the present2day Visitor’s Center , henotedgeographical characteristics which shaped the pattern ofisland use for two centuries. Unlike the shore of Fort Michilimackinac , the Islandhad a deep2water harbor for British warships and , muchlater , for excursion and ferry boats. The flat
11、shoreline wasideal for French and English homes and fur traders’warehouses. Today shops and hotels cluster around thecommercial docks. Most of all Sinclair liked the cliffoverlooking the harbor , which gave a commanding view ofthe Straits. Here he built Fort MACKINAC. Walking up Fort Street to
12、 the foot of the Fort rampyou pass the triangular stone monument erected in 1931 bythe Daughters of the American Revolution. It proclaimsthat;MACKINAC is the most place in Michigan. ;On theleft is Trinity Episcopal Church and on the right theMissionary Bark Chapel. ? 例2. ALPENA 是位于密歇根州西北部,面临休伦湖的一个小城
13、市。该市幽静、清洁,一年四季皆有美景。它是这样宣扬自己的: Long pleasant days of summer draw us out of doorswhere we linger until the last bit of twilight fades. Gentleblue water laps the shore and warm sunshine nudgesswimmers in , while others stroll the sands in search oftreasure or simply lie on the beach and drink in the su
14、n. Canoeists paddle the river , past lush green woods , cattailsand wildlife. ? Autumn blazes in with a spectacular farewell tosummer in magnificent shades of red , orange and yellow. The bounty of season calls for celebration. Fromscarecrows and pumpkins to celebrations of pioneer andmaritime histo
15、ry , people find plenty of reasons for revelry. The countryside beckons with old fashioned hospitality andthe fruits of a bountiful harvest . ? 例3. 密歇根州地处五大湖区,近几年来每年都要举办灯塔节。下面是一份灯塔节的广告宣扬材料: 7th Annual Great Lakeslighthouse FestivalThursday , Friday , Saturday &Sunday2nd weekend in October , Alpe
16、na MichiganThursdayTour on your own : Middle Island Boat toursThunder Bay Island Boat tourVisit one of you favorite Great Lakes LighthousesPlan on Attending : Children’s ConcertKickoff EventMemorial to Lost SailorsFridayA Day to tour on your own : You may want to visit some of the following :
17、Jesse Besser MuseumMiddle Island Museum on WheelsSturgeon Point Lighthouse? 从以上这3 份材料来看,英文这类旅游资料的写作特点是:对景点的介绍侧重指导性和好用性;对旅游城市的介绍重点在突出特色;而对旅游活动的介绍重点是让活动时间、地点、支配一目了然。从语言风格上看,通篇没有华丽的溢美之辞,用词直白、简练,叙事详细、直截了当。 (二) 译者不是工匠而是设计师 译者不是作者,这是无法选择的事实。但译者不应是简洁地将一种语言符号转换成另一种语言符号的工匠,他(她) 要为读者着想,即译文能否为读者所接受,是否为读者所喜闻乐见?
18、 因此,译者应当是一名设计师。 汉语中描写风景的词汇丰富,辞藻华丽,所以中文这类材料中主观描写、;虚;夸之词较多。我国悠久的历史、绚丽的文化集中体现在旅游宣扬材料中, 如历史人物、典故、神话、诗赋、成语、地名、历史年头等等。如何翻译这些材料,恰如其分地表达、传递给外国旅游者,就不得不考虑翻译的原则与方法。 所谓翻译,翻译家杨绛的理解为: ?把原作换一种文字,照模照样地表达。原文说什么,译文就说什么;原文怎么说,译文也怎么说。这是翻译家一样承认的。至于如何贯彻这个指导思想,却没有现成的规律;详细问题只能个别解决。 详细到旅游资料的翻译,假如一味强调;忠实;, 译出的文字会是什么样呢? 请看:南方
19、某市举办的龙舟会的宣扬材料:;中华大地,江河纵横; 华夏文化,源远流长?轻快的龙舟如银河流星,奇丽的彩船似空中楼阁,两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成一片水晶宫,是仙境? 是梦境? 仰视彩鸽割飞,低眸漂灯留霓,焰火怒放,火树银花,灯舞回旋,千姿百态,气垫船腾起一江春潮,射击手点破满天彩球?; 译文:The divine land of China has its rivers flowingacross ; the brilliant culture of China has its roots tracingback long ? The light dragon2boats appear on th
20、e river as thoughthe stars twinkle in the Milky Way. The richly decoratedpleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendentawnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal . Is this a fairy land or a mere dream ?Looking above , youcan see the beautiful doves flying about . Looking bel
21、ow , you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Cracking are thefireworks , which present you a picture of fiery trees andsilver flowers. Circling are the lantern2dancers , whopresent you a variation of exquisite manner. Over therethe motor2boats are plowing the water , thus a tide stirsup. Over ther
22、e , the marksmen are shooting to theirtargets ; thus colorful beads whirl around ? 译者可谓;忠实;,但在native English speaker 的眼中却是full of hyperbole (充溢了极度夸张) ,不知所云。赛龙舟是中国传统的节日活动,外国游客感爱好的是其由来、内涵、习俗等详细的信息,而非这些主观、空洞的辞藻的堆砌。 又如某市的画册上有这样一段文字:市内外出名胜古迹300 多处,市中心有赵武灵王操演兵马和欣赏歌舞的武灵丛台,市郊有国家重点文物爱护单位———
23、赵王城遗址,城北有明代所建;蓬莱仙境;般的黄粱梦吕仙祠,市西南有可与龙门、敦煌媲美始凿于北齐的响堂山石窟;又是典故之城?黄粱美梦、毛遂自荐、负荆请罪、完璧归赵等众多成语典故,喜闻乐见,给人启迪? 译文:There are over 300 scenic spots and historicalsites inside and outside the city. In the civic center standsthe Wuling Congtai terrace , where the King Wqulingdrilled warriors and enjoyed singing and
24、dancingperformances ; in the outskirts remains the ruined city ofthe State of Zhao , the monument specially protected bythe state ; in the north lies the fairy2land like GoldenMillet Dream Temple built in he Song Dynasty ; in thesouthwest lies the Xiang Tang Caves Temple built in theBei Qi period ,
25、which is thought to be as famous asLongman and Dunhuang. Being a town of allusions , suchas ;Golden Millet Dream ( Pipe Dream) ;, Mao SuiRecommending Himself (Volunteering one’s services) ;, ;Bearing the Rod for Punishment;, Returning the JadeIntact to Zhao;, etc. , which are widely loved and
26、quotedby people. 对于一般的外国游客,这样一段充溢了生疏的中国地名、人名、朝代名、典故和成语的文字,哪里还谈得上喜闻乐见! 所以这里还要重提前面所说的:译者要为读者着想,要了解英文的表达习惯,要使译文有可读性, 要为一般的外国游客所接受。笔者认为,翻译这类材料,译者应当对译文加以设计,对原文做大手术, 去掉主观描写,突出译文的指导性和好用性。对于那些令译文读者费解的内容或删除、或增加说明性翻译、或改写。 我们再看一看对原文做过;手术;的译文。在;成都武侯祠;折叠式导游图里,有这样一个句子:刘备章武三年病死于白帝城永安宫,五月运回成都,八月葬于惠陵。这句话在中国人看来简洁,假如直
27、译过去要外国人读懂也并非易事。;章武三年;外国人读不懂;白帝城永安宫;外国人不知道在什么地方, 并且刘备永安宫托孤一事一两句话也说不清晰;五月;, ;八月;是农历,不是公历,农历外国人读不懂; ;惠陵;就在武侯祠内。要是在其他读物里可以用译者注的方法来讲清晰这些中国历史学问,而武侯祠导游图,文字不足一千,类似这样的历史学问还许多,不行能加上比正文还长的译者注。因此,只能在不变更原作原意的原则下,变更说法,译成:Liu Beidied of illness in 223 at present2day Fengjie County , Sichuan Province , and was buri
28、ed here in the same year. 这里有一篇介绍上海桂花节的文字:;满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂;花白如雪、香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄、花多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银、季季有花的四季桂;竞相开放,争妍媲美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。;译者没有拘泥于原文,而是打破句子结构,依据内容,根据英语的行文习惯译成: ThePark of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion ofosmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in differentcolors are in full bloom whic
29、h pervade the whole gardenwith the fragrance of their blossoms. 假如译者一味追求;忠实;,且不说对应的英文词汇很难找到,即使牵强译出唯恐也很难令译文读者产生与原文读者同样的感受。 又如:路左有一巨石,石上原有苏东坡手书;云外流春;四个大字。;云外流春;4 个字怎么译? 假如只用音译,外国人根本不懂;假如只用意译,又会引起误会,以为苏东坡写的是英文。苏东坡,中国人无人不知,外国人却未必清晰。译文采纳添加法译成: To its left is another rock formerly engraved with fourbig Ch
30、inese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond cloudsflows spring) written by Su Dongpo (10371101) , themost versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (9601127) . 对;云外流春;采纳音译加意译,较好地传达了原文的意思;为;苏东坡;加上生卒年头和他在北宋文学史上的地位,表达了原文要表达的意图:;云外流春;4 个字具有较高的文物价值。 外文出版发行事业局曾在1964 年制定过一个工作条例(试行草案) ,第六章是关于外文书刊的翻译工作。其中对翻译
31、标准作了具体、详细的阐述: ;(1) 译文必需忠实于原文。这是指忠实于原文的意思和风格,也就是把中文的内容用外文正确地表达出来?; ;各种不同内容的文章,各有各的体裁和特地术语?; ;(2) 译文必需是流畅的外文。译文必需合乎所译外文的语法习惯,让运用这种民族语言的读者正确了解原意,假如不敬重外文的语法习惯,把中文的某些特别的语法结构硬搬到译文中去,读者就会看不懂?; ;语言文字是表达思想的手段。思想是第一位, 手段是为思想服务的。原委在译文中应当实行哪种形式才能最好地表达原意,要由译者依据正确表达原意的标准来选择。有时译文可以在形式上与原文比较接近,有时也可以距离较远。推断译文是否忠实,必需
32、依据外文的习惯,联系上下文,从整体上去看它是否精确地表达了原作的内容和风格,而不能单从形式上去看,一字一句地去比较。; ;片面强调译文必需忠实于原文,忽视译文必需是流畅的外文,不管中外文的差别,只追求形似,把中文特有的语法和表达法硬搬到外文中去,就会犯字对字、句对句死译的毛病,使译文生硬难懂,甚至违反原意;另一方面,片面强调译文必需是流畅的外文,忽视译文必需忠实于原文,就会产生损害原意的所谓‘宁顺而不信’的毛病。?; 旅行指南、城市及旅游活动宣扬材料的翻译不同于文献、科技资料、文学作品的翻译,由于篇幅有限,且译文读者只是来华旅游的一般游客而非对中国有肯定了解的特别人群,
33、在翻译这些材料时,要充分考虑到读者的特点,中西方文化的差异,在不损原意的原则下,对原文进行增、删、改等;手术;,使译文具有好用性、指导性,能够让外国游客看懂,为他们所接受,从而真正达到对外宣扬、促进旅游业发展的目的。 参考文献 1 中译英技巧文集M . 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 199212 杨绛. 杂忆与杂写M . 北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,199413 英汉词语汇编———消遣分册M . 沈阳:辽海出版社,19991Translation of Tourism2related Material—from Chinese to English 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第17页 共17页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页第 17 页 共 17 页