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1、1 珍爱生命英语演讲稿 ;生命,是这大千世界中,色彩的点缀;生命,是宝贵中灿烂的瑰宝!但是,在同时,它是短暂的,它只有一生的短暂;它是脆弱的,它,脆弱得像一朵花,含苞未放时,它饱含了努力与艰辛的苦汁;灿烂绽放时,它洋溢着热烈与掌声;老欲凋零时,残余与回荡着忧深的惆怅与依恋,满怀着遗憾,悲忆起年青时的烂漫光阴。一生的春天,就这样,悄然淡息地过了。生命的速度,如同一颗瞬间划过天宇即世的辉煌的流星,它,过得很快,快得惊人。对于这个世界,上帝是公平的,他赐予每一个人仅仅一次生命。是的,生命只有一次,这,使它显得更加可贵!难道,我们就不应该珍爱生命吗?珍爱生命是每一个人义不容辞的工作。是的,我们不可以改
3、轻的风儿慈祥地掠过树丛,“沙沙”轻微的、轻脆的作项,树枝漫漫在风中摇曳,花草幽悠在风中舞荡,这,不就是生命的迹象吗?即使,它们无比的渺小与卑微,但它们始始终终也对这个希望的世界坚持不懈的努力着!活着,就有希望,希望就有理想,理想就有追求,追求就有努力,努力就有价值了!我们何不珍爱生命呢?生活,是多么精彩;生活,是多么美丽;生活,是多么妙不可言!我们,不需要生命有多么震天撼地,不需要生命有多么惊涛骇浪,我们,只需要给予它无微不至的珍爱,用努力去对它负责,就,可以了。把生命比作一把刀,困难与厄运是它的磨刀器。勇于面对挫折的生命的2 刀,它将锋利尖锐,光芒四射;而逃避困难生命的刀,将永远懦弱钝平,不
4、堪一击,一生终得衰竭而败。珍爱生命吧!请认真负责地对待生命吧!生命将为你献上无穷无尽的精彩与快乐,让,我们一起珍爱生命,让生命的赞歌永垂不朽,让生命的白鸽飞得更高,飞得更远。Life is the empty body,the full soul;life is the ornament of color in this great world;life is a precious treasure!However,at the same time,it is short,it is only the life is short;it is fragile,it is fragile,like
5、 a flower bud,it is full of bitter efforts and hardships;bright,it is filled with a warm applause to the old and withered;when the residual and echoed the melancholy and deep attachment with sorrow,regret,sadness to remember when young romantic time.In the spring of life,it has passed away quietly.T
6、he speed of life,like a flash across the sky formed a brilliant meteor,it flies faster.In this world,God is fair,he gives every person only one life.Yes,there is only one life,which makes it more e 某 pensive!Dont we have to cherish life?It is the unshirkable work for everyone to cherish life.Yes,we
7、cant change the length of life,but we can change the width of life.Life as a flower,do you want to be a haggard orchid,or do a strong plum blossom?The number of life is fair,but the fate of life is not necessarily fair.Do you have any value in your life?All decisions must be determined by the arrow
8、that you have in your hands.If the diligent bow and those eternal hands are willing to push the arrow of effort to the front?If you put it out,your life will be very heavy,very noble;if you are not ready to resolutely take it shot,your life will be so misty confused,everything was lost.3 A ray of su
9、nshine,through the lush dense hemp branches slightly gap,gently put your shining waves from the birds vividly ears,a nameless grass growth is tenacious survival,Meili flowers are trying to make their bloom,make our world beautiful smile,gently the wind gently over the trees,rustle mild and crisp as
10、long branches,swaying in the wind,and the unseen in the wind dance swing,this is not a sign of life?Even though they are infinitesimal and humble,they have always worked hard on the world of hope all the time.Alive,there is hope,hope is ideal,ideal is the pursuit,the pursuit of efforts,efforts are o
11、f value!Why dont we cherish life?How wonderful life is;how beautiful life is,how wonderful life is!We dont need,the life is so compelling,life does not need how much we need to cherish,tempestuous waves,just give it a good,with efforts to be responsible for it,you can.When life is compared to a knif
12、e,difficulty and bad luck are its sharpening tools.The sword that lives bravely in the face of setbacks will sharpen and sharpen,and the knife that escapes from difficult life will always be cowardly,blunt,flat and vulnerable.Love life!Please treat life in a serious and responsible way.Life will off
13、er ine 某 haustible for your wonderful and happy,let us cherish life,let the hymn of life immortal,let life dove fly higher,fly farther.珍爱生命英语演讲稿 2 各位老师,各位同学:早上好!今天我演讲的题目是珍爱生命。世界万物,唯有生命最为珍贵,没有生命就没有一切,失去生命,就失去自我,失去生活的权利。一粒种子,一只蚂蚁,都联系着一条小小的生命,在中华五千年文明历史中,是人类用一颗热爱生命的恒心,编制了一条文明的生命之河。双耳失聪却创作出世界名曲的贝多芬,轮椅上的
14、勇士霍金,遭遇宫刑愤而4 作书的司马迁。都在向我们诉说着生命的真谛,是什么力量让他们变得伟大?是什么力量让他们自强不息?哦,是生命,是生命那火一般的力量,让对他们而言不公平的命运变得熠熠生辉。“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。”斯为浩劫,诚为国殇,512 大地震中多少生灵丧生?血泪之地,生民之哀,家国之痛。当数以万计的生命失去了迂回与生还,也同时将我们所有人带向了悲伤与疼痛。那些永远静默于废墟下的生命,足以让我们低首致哀。但那些在灾难来临之时,坚强扞卫自己与他人生命的勇士不更让人崇敬吗?舍身救人又跪地大哭“再救一个”的消防战士荆利杰,救出10 多名同学自己被压废墟下50 小时失去右腿的 13 岁女生何
16、然来到了这个世界上,就应该让自己生命里的一切思想、情怀、品格盛开成三月如诗如画的原野,在寂寥的人生路途上,用生命去唱一支热烈而充实的歌。这样,才算得上是善待生命,不负年华。Teachers and students:Good morning!The title of my speech today is precious life.All things in the world,only life is the most precious,there is no life without everything,lose life,lose the self and lose the right
17、 to live.A seed,an ant,is connected to a small life.In the 5000 years history of civilization of China,it is mankind who has made a civilized life river with a persistence of love for life.Deaf but to create the world famous Beethoven,wheelchair warrior Hocking,5 suffered Gong 某 ing angrily as Sima
18、Qians book.All are telling us the true meaning of life,what is the power to make them great?What is the power to keep them stronger?Oh,it is life,the general power of life,that makes the unjust fate of them glittering.Heartless world,to all things impartially.This is the catastrophe,for war,the numb
19、er of people killed 5-12 earthquake?The blood,the people of great sorrow,pain.When tens of thousands of lives have lost their roundabout and living,they also bring all of us to grief and pain.Those who always silent in the ruins of life,enough to let us Dishou mast.But those in the disaster comes,st
20、rong to defend themselves and others life warriors dont more people worship?Save down crying Jing Jie,fire fighters rescue one again,rescued more than 10 students being buried in rubble for 50 hours of the 13 year old girl He Cuiqing lost his right leg,the body smashed into three hands and three stu
21、dents will continue to firmly embrace the people in front of the teacher to qian.Life is just a process,or even a fleeting,even as short as a hidden meteor sky,then we should not let life more colorful?Montaigne wrote in his love for life:I want to rely on the urgent need to seize the time to retain
22、 the fleeting days.I want to make up for the rush of time with the effective utilization of time.The more the rest of life is short,the more I have to make it rich and full.Seneca once said,if you can use it well,life is long.Yes,life is only once,when life and where and where to end,no one can e 某
23、pect.But the great man left behind a monument,a philosopher in the broad left behind Shensui thought,the poet left breathtaking emotion behind the painter in a rich and precious heritage left behind.We are a member of all walks of life.Now that we have come to 6 this world,we should let all our thoughts,feelings and character in our life bloom into a picturesque field in March,and sing a warm and full song with our lives on the lonely road of life.In this way,it is a good treat for life and no years.