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《教育精品:英语口语课课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教育精品:英语口语课课件.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、welcome Oral English practice:Activity 1:Read dialogue with your partner.What Do You Like Doing in the Evening?A:What do you like doing in the evening?Do you watch much TV,for example?B:Yes,quite a lot of television.A:How much?B:Em,I should think about 2 to 3 hours.A:Every day?B:Yes.A:Yuh.What are y
2、our favourite programmes?B:Um,documentaries.serials,classics.A:Yes.Do you watch much sport on TV?B:Snooker,horse-jumping.注注解解:1)Do you watch much TV?:much是是表表示示程程度度的的“量量”词词,可可以以指指时时间间的的长长短短,也也可可以以指指次次数数的的多多少少。这这里里主主要要指指时时间间。下下文文a lot of television与与 much television同同义义。但但疑疑问问句句中中多多用用much.2)favourite
3、 programmers:最最喜喜爱爱的的节节目目。注注意意美美语语中中的的拼拼法法是是favorite programs。3)documentary:反反映映现现实实或或历历史史事事件件的的新新闻闻片片,纪纪录录片片。4)Snooker:一一种种以以15只只红红木木球球及及6只只其其他他彩彩色色球球在在台台球球桌桌上上进进行行的的游游戏戏。译译文文:A A:晚晚上上你你都都喜喜欢欢做做些些什什么么?比比如如说说你你看看电电视视看看得得多多吗吗?B B:是是的的,看看得得很很多多。A A:看看多多长长时时间间的的电电视视?B B:哦哦,我我看看得得有有两两三三个个小小时时。A A:每每天天都都
4、是是这这样样?B B:是是的的。A A:哇哇。你你最最喜喜欢欢的的节节目目是是什什么么?B B:纪纪录录片片.系系列列片片,经经典典片片。A A:是是吗吗。你你看看体体育育节节目目吗吗?B B:看看撞撞球球游游戏戏,马马术术等等。Brainstorm!脑脑筋筋急急转转弯弯 How do you feel today?With my hands How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?Take a longer rope and compare with it!What does everybody do at
5、the same time?Grow old!Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired?Santa Claus Why do lions eat raw meat?They dont know how to cook What animal can jump as high as a tree?All animals,fortreescantjump!when does Friday come before Thursday?last Friday comes before this Thursday What is it th
6、at found in the every center of America and Australia?字字母母r,因因为为在在单单词词 America 和和Australia 的的最最中中间间都都有有一一个个字字母母r.What has legs but cant walk?TableThe farmers in this village used modern methods but harvested no apples this year,why?They planted peach trees!Humor joke:But the teacher cried The six-ye
7、ar-old John was terribly spoiled.His father knew it,but his grandma doted on him.He hardly left her side.And when he wanted anything,he either cried or threw a temper tantrum.Then came his first day of school,his first day away from his grandmothers loving arms.When he came home from school his gran
8、dma met him at the door.Was school all right?she asked,Did you get along all right?did you cry?Cry?John asked.No,I didnt cry,but the teacher did!可可是是老老师师哭哭了了 六六岁岁的的约约翰翰娇娇生生惯惯养养。他他的的父父亲亲知知道道这这一一点点,可可他他的的祖祖父父母母仍仍然然宠宠着着他他。这这孩孩子子几几乎乎寸寸步步不不离离他他的的祖祖母母。他他想想要要什什么么不不是是哭哭,就就是是闹闹。他他第第一一天天上上学学才才离离开开祖祖母母的的怀怀抱抱。约
9、约翰翰放放学学了了,他他奶奶奶奶在在门门口口接接他他并并问问道道:“学学校校怎怎么么样样?你你过过的的好好吗吗?哭哭了了没没有有?”“哭哭?”约约翰翰问问,“不不,我我没没哭哭,可可老老师师哭哭了了。”When the young waitress in the caf in Toms building started waving hello everyday.Tom was flattered,for she was at least 15 years younger than he.One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again.When Tom
10、strolled over,she asked,Are you single?Why,yes,Tom replied,smiling at her broadly.So is my mom,she said.Would you like to meet her?在在汤汤姆姆工工作作的的大大楼楼里里有有一一个个咖咖啡啡屋屋,那那儿儿总总有有一一位位小小姐姐每每天天都都和和他他打打招招呼呼。汤汤姆姆有有些些受受宠宠若若惊惊,因因为为这这位位小小姐姐看看上上去去至至少少比比他他年年轻轻1 15 5岁岁。一一天天她她又又对对汤汤姆姆招招手手并并示示意意汤汤姆姆过过去去。于于是是汤汤姆姆走走了了过过去去
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