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1、III 14 18 30 140650 IV 40 V 摘摘 要要 聂麦西饶坚赞大师是 14 世纪西藏历史上的著名学者,苯教后宏期改革家。他和格鲁派创始人宗喀巴 罗桑扎巴是同一代人。他是西藏近代史研究过程中不可或缺的重要人物之一,他的改革与创新思维促进了西藏乃至整个苯教界文化的兴起和发展。他从小聪慧无比,过目不忘,触类旁通。18 岁时,走出故里,赴千里之外求学,30 岁时,以优异的辩才获得了然降巴学位,并享誉前后藏。50 岁创建曼日寺,担任曼日寺第一任主持堪布,进行了享誉全藏区的曼日派三大戒律的制定和实施,开始了佛苯和谐共处的再弘期发展,得到仁布巴法王和宗喀巴大师的赞誉。他所创建的曼日寺比格鲁
2、派名寺甘丹寺早建 3 年,并且聂麦西饶坚赞大师曾拜见宗喀巴 罗桑扎巴请教了相关理论知识。聂麦西饶坚赞大师对本土文化和佛苯和睦相处的发展做出了划时代的贡献,堪称“雪域智者之首,雍仲苯教第二祖师”。目前还未发现聂麦西饶坚赞大师完整版的传记,已经找到或公开发行的有三部历史较早的简传和一部壁画上的赞辞,但内容都很少,无法概括大师一生的业绩。至于现代学术研究,关于大师的生平研究成果也是寥寥无几。因此,更加深入研究大师的生平,并重新认识他对西藏文化发展的贡献,有助于西藏整体历史的研究,同时对苯教文化的发展史研究也有直接性的推动作用,对繁荣民族文化事业和建设和谐社会有积极的作用。为此,本文试图从实地调查和现
3、有资料的考证、分析和提取有价值的资料,用历史学、文献学、宗教学以及VI 其它相关理论,借鉴国内外历史人物生平研究著作,探讨聂麦西饶坚赞大师的生平。本文共分七章,第一章绪论部分介绍了选题背景与选题意义、研究目的、研究现状和发展趋势、研究重点、研究方法等;第二章主要探讨大师出生地嘉绒的相关历史和土司、宗教活动场所以及社区之间的关系;第三章分析了大师的诞生与家族情况;第四章分析了早年拜师及其所受教育情况;第五章分析了大师的建树立业情况;第六章分析了大师对苯教寺院制度的改革;第七章分析了大师对藏文化发展的贡献以及大师的圆寂和众徒继承大师的伟业情况。总之,聂麦西饶坚赞是西藏历史发展史上的一位重要人物,是
4、西藏近代历史上最著名的苯教文化改革者。他的生平及整体苯教思想的系统研究,对佛苯的融合与共同发展具有承前启后的特殊作用。通过西饶坚赞大师的生平研究,全面了解他对苯教以及西藏文化发展的贡献,更加深入的研究佛苯和谐共同发展的情况,促进我国藏学研究的发展。他的众多业绩不仅促进了佛苯共同发展,也为中华文明增添了新的内涵。对其生平研究,不仅有助于人们客观地了解西藏地区及其他藏区的历史和风俗习惯,而且能更好地研究西藏 14、15 世纪的社会历史,也可使人们看到藏区思想文化的基本状态。关键词:聂麦西饶坚赞,嘉绒,世袭喇嘛,次第 VII ABSTRACT An integral part of Tibetan
5、History in the 14th century,the Bon master mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan was of the same generation with the found of Gelukpa sect Tsongkhapa blob sang grags pa;he was a famous scholar and a reformer during the second diffusion of the Bon Religion and now an indispensable figure when researching o
6、n Modern Tibetan History.His reformative and innovative thoughts were fundamental in the rise and development of Tibet and more so the entire Bon Religion.Gifted with wisdom,photographic memory and an analytical mind,he left home at the age of 18 in search of education and by the age of 30,he had at
7、tained the Geshe degree with excellent eloquence and was widely acclaimed throughout Tibet.At the age of 50,he established Menri Monastery,3 years prior the establishment of Ganden Monastery and while assuming the first abbotship of the monastery,he formulated and implemented the three major command
8、ments of the Menri Sect(of Bon Religion);began the development of harmonious coexistence of both Bon Religion and Buddhism,earning him praises from both Lord Rinbupa and Tsongkhapa.He was also known to have met Tsongkhapa and discussed relevant knowledge and theories.Mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan
9、having made epoch-making contribution to the development of local culture and the peaceful coexistence of Bon Religion and Buddhism,he was definitely worth of the title of“The greatest sage of snowland,the second founder of the Yongdrung Bon Religion”.At present,detailed historical records of mnyam
10、med shes rab rgyal mtshans life has yet been discovered.Available documentations like those already discovered or published were three brief biographies and an encomium found on a mural.These are not sufficient to fully depict his achievements throughout his lifetime.As for current academic study,re
11、search on his lifetime had bared little results.Hence,a comprehensive research on the masters lifetime would allow renewed understanding of his contribution to the development of Tibetan culture and would contribute to the VIII study of Tibets history in its entirety.At the same time,it could direct
12、ly impact research in the developmental history of Bon Religion and culture,thus,positively influence the building of prosperous ethnic culture and creating a harmonious society.For this purpose,this article attempts to through field work and available textual documents,verify,analyse,from which ext
13、ract valuable information;using theories available in histology,study of historical documents,research study on religion and other related theories;and taking reference to established research works on the life of historical figures both locally and overseas,to discuss the life of mnyam med shes rab
14、 rgyal mtshan.This article comprised seven chapters in all.The first chapter introduced the background and significance of topic selection,the purpose of this research,the current situation of this research and its developmental trend,research focus and methodology and so on.The second chapter mainl
15、y discussed the history of the gyal rong,the birth place of mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan,feudal lords,sites of religious activities as well as the relationships between social communities.The third chapter analysed the birth of mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan and the situation within his clan.The
16、 fourth chapter detailed mnyam med shes raab rgyal mtshans apprenticeship and the education that he had received.The fifth chapter discussed how mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan established his career.The sixth chapter analysed the reforms that mnyam med shes raab rgyal mtshan had done to the Bon Rel
17、igions monastic institution.The seventh chapter analysed the contribution that mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan had made to the development of the culture of Tibet and discussed his parinirvana and how his disciples carried his flag after his death.In summary,mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan was pivot
18、al in the history of Tibet where he was renowned as the reformer of the Bon Religion in the Modern Tibetan History.Systemic research to his life and his entire Bon-based philosophical IX thought would be especially helpful in understanding the history of Buddhism and Bon religion in terms of their f
19、usion and parallel development;on top of that,it could possibly inspire further studies in it too.KEYWORDS:mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan,gyal rong,lineage lama,gradual vehicle.X 1 1.1 .1 1.1.2 .2 1.1.3 .2 1.1.4 .3 1.2 .4 1.2.2 .6 1.2.3 .6 1.2.4 .6 1.2.5 .7 1.2.6 .7 1.2.7 .7 .8 2.1
20、.11 2.2 .15 2.3 .21 25 3.1 .27 3.2.27 3.3 .28 .31 4.1 31 4.2.32 XI 4.3 .36 4.4.39 .43 5.1.43 5.2.48 5.3.50 .55 6.1 55 6.1.2 56 6.2 57 6.2.1 57 6.2.2 59 6.2.3 60 .65 7.1 65 7.2 .67 7.3 68 7.4.69 7.5 .70 7.6 73 74.76.78 .89 90 12 目目 录录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 选题背景与来源1 1.1.1 聂麦西饶坚赞大师简介1 1.1.2 聂麦
21、西饶坚赞大师传记版本问题2 1.1.3 选题意义2 1.1.4 研究目的3 1.2 研究综述 4 1.2.1 研究现状和发展趋势5 1.2.2 选题的独创性6 1.2.3 研究预期目标6 1.2.4 研究重点6 1.2.5 研究方法7 1.2.6 在研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题7 1.2.7 解决的初步设想7 第二章 聂麦大师出生地历史文化渊源及其社区关系辨析 8 2.1 大师出生地嘉绒称呼及嘉绒人的祖源问题 11 2.2 嘉绒地区十八土司和大师出生地的关系 15 2.3 当时嘉绒地区教派之间的关系 21 第三章 聂麦西饶坚赞大师的诞生与家族辨析 25 3.1 诞生 27 3.2 氏族 27
22、 3.3 家境及童年生活 28 第四章 早年拜师及其所受教育情况 31 4.1 早年所受的教育 31 4.2 云游四处求学历程 32 13 4.3 到卫藏继续深造 36 4.4 赴其他教派圣地求学39 第五章 建树立业43 5.1 竹氏世系喇嘛及叶如温萨卡寺和聂麦大师之间的关系 43 5.2 当时的苯教寺院及社区关系 48 5.3 曼日寺的创建 50 第六章 聂麦西饶坚赞大师对苯教寺院制度的改革 55 6.1 改革的背景 55 6.1.1 时代背景 55 6.1.2 社会及宗教发展背景 56 6.2 改革的内容 57 6.2.1 严守戒律 57 6.2.2 学经次第 59 6.2.3 严格规范
23、典章来管理寺院60 6.2.4 改革的积极意义 61 第七章 聂麦西饶坚赞大师对藏文化发展的贡献 65 7.1 提倡佛苯和谐发展 65 7.2 创立显密并重的学习思路 67 7.3 推广重视戒律的苯教寺院管理制度 68 7.4 广招门徒 69 7.5 著书立说 70 7.6 大师的圆寂和众徒继承大师的伟业 73 结束语 74 参考文献 76 附录 78 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 89 致谢 90 14 Table of Contents Chapter Introduction 1 1.1 Topic Background and Sources 1 1.1.1 Overview of
24、mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan 1 1.1.2 Issues with the Biographical Version of mnyam med shes rab rgyal mtshan 2 1.1.3 Significance of the Topic 2 1.1.4 Research Objective 3 1.2 Research Overview 4 1.2.1 Research Conditions and Development Trend 5 1.2.2 Originality of Topic Selection 6 1.2.3 Expect
25、ed Target of Research 6 1.2.4 Research Focus 6 1.2.5 Research Methodology 7 1.2.6 Difficulties and Problems 7 1.2.7 Tentative Resolutions to Anticipated Difficulties and Problems 7 Chapter Analysis of the Origin of the Birth Place Historical Culture and the Related Community8 2.1 The Question of the
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- 引领 和谐 一代宗师 教法 尊聂麦 西饶坚赞 生平 研究