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1、violation i the forerunner of the accident. 3、做一名美和爱的使者。to be a beauty, and the angel of love. 4、心存侥幸,必遭不幸。take any chance, will harm. 5、铭记法规,善待生命。remember the rule and regulation, and be kind to life. 6、各行其道,安全可靠。of the road, afe and reliable. 7、遵守交规,储蓄安全。obey the traffic rule, depoit afety. 8、宁停三分
2、,不抢一秒。better top three point, not one econd. 9、酒后驾车,生命打折。drinking and driving, life i at a dicount. 10、交通法规,生命之友。traffic law, friend of the life. 11、礼让三先,路畅民安。tread carefully, ecurity i gold. 13、乱穿马路,失道无助。unjut jaywalking, helple. 14、心无交规,路有坎坷。the road i rocky heart without hame. 15、酒后驾车,拿命赌博。drunk
3、driving, take life gambling. 16、路为国脉,法系民魂。chinee road a the vein, law ytem. 17、违章驾驶,害人害己。illegal driving, hurt yourelf. 18、车好、路好,安全最好。the bet car, road, afety. 19、一秒钟车祸,一辈子痛苦。for thi, carefully on the drive aim. 21、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。rather around hundred pace, dont rob tep rik.22、彼此让一让,安全有保障。make a each o
4、ther, enuring ecurity. 23、法规记心中,三思而后行。rule to remember in the heart, look before you leap. 24、没有红灯停,哪来绿灯行。no top, where to go. 25、行车都抢先,事故在后边。in the rear driving beat, accident. 26、马路如虎口,劝君多留神。the road uch a tiger, advie you more careful. 27、手握方向盘,脚踩人命关。holding the teering wheel, tamped on the human
5、 level. 28、车祸猛如虎,千万莫马虎。traffic accident fierce like a tiger, do not carele. 29、彼此让一让,路宽心舒畅。each other make a, way relieved at eae. 30、要想效益好,安全最重要。better to benefit, afety i the mot important. 交通安全英语句子2 1、遵守交通法规,关隘生命旅程。obey the traffic rule and regulation, and pa the journey of life. 2、安全最佳效应,平安共同心声。
6、ecurity bet effect, the peace together. 3、三思而后行,思命思家思社会。look before you leap, think life thought, thought ociety. 4、让出海阔天空,抢出飞来横祸。give up port, jerked the outrageou fortune. 5、违章是安全的大敌,车祸的朋友。violate the rule and regulation i the enemy of afety, accident friend. 6、离交通安全法近,距交通事故远。far near the traffic
7、afety, i apart from the traffic accident. 7、防灾求得平安在,遵章换得平安来。drunken driving i heading for the choice of death and the grave. 9、文明交通安全在,留住生命留住爱。traffic afety in civilization, keep life keep love. 10、狭路相逢君先过,并驾齐驱君先行。firt head-on king, neck and neck jun firt. 11、何愁路途多遥远,遵守法规保平安。why hould i worry about the journey more ditant, and abide by the law and regulation to protect peace. 12、文明行路路畅通,平安回家家温馨。civilization on the road mooth, afe home weet home. 13、大家小家是一家,交通安全靠大家。your home i a, traffic afety depend on everybody. 14、十次事故九次快,谁不相信谁受害。