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1、 第 1 页 英语话剧剧本 篇一:关于运动的英语情景剧剧剧本 Sports 旁白:今天阳光明媚,A 和 B 约定好了一起看足球赛。A:太精彩了,可是都要结束了 B 怎么还不来。B:不好意思,我来晚了,有点事耽误了,比赛进行的怎么样了?A:没事,比赛很激烈呢,双方实力相当,现在都还是 0-0。B:还好,没有错过。快看,好球!唉,还是失球了。A:好可惜!哎,快看,进球了!太好了,可是怎么有点不对劲。B:进是进了,不过好像是进了对方的球网里。A/B 互相对视了一眼。旁白:比赛结束了,最后打成平局。B:天气这么好,趁着激情还在,我们去打羽毛球吧?A:好主意!我最喜欢打羽毛球了,但是我们没有球怕怎么办呢
2、?B:没关系,C 刚买了一副新的羽毛球拍,我们可以向她借。A:太好了,我们走吧。旁白:就这样,A 和 B 找到了 C.B:你好吗?我们一起打羽毛球吧,正好用你新买的拍子。C:真不好意思,我把它借给 D 了,不过我们可以一起找他,然后一起玩。第 2 页 旁白:就这样,ABC 一起去找到了 D.D 正在打游戏。C:你好!这是我的朋友 A 和 B,我们来找你拿我的羽毛球拍。我们准备去打球,一起去吧。D:你好,AB.很高兴见到你们。A、B:你好,很高兴见到你!D:但是真的很抱歉,那天我和 E 一起打完羽毛球后就把羽毛球拍放在他那里了,所以。C:你不是在开玩笑吧?那怎么办呢,我们还准备去打球呢。D:真的
3、很抱歉!要不我们一起去找 E 吧?C:(转身问 A 和 B)你们认为呢?A/B:啊?不会吧?旁白:这时候 A 和 B 都有些灰心了。C:那谁还有什么好的提议呢?E:要不我们一起玩电子游戏吧,很有意思的。A:还是算了吧,我觉得我们应该多做一些运动,这样才能有助于身体健康,而玩游戏没有什么好处。B:我赞同 A 的观点。而且多运动可以减肥,我最近一直都在运动,效果显著吧!C:嗯,我也觉得玩游戏不好,我们再想想其它的吧。对了,大家都说说自己喜欢的运动项目吧。首先我来,我喜欢打羽毛球,我认为它很花费力气而且很考验人的反应能力。D:我更喜欢打篮球,我觉得男生打篮球很酷,是不是?A:呵呵,我喜欢的运动是打乒
4、乓球,我觉得它很轻松而且我喜 第 3 页 欢它是因为我喜欢邓亚萍。你呢,B?B:对于我个人而言,我喜欢跑步。当我跑步的时候我会忘记所有的事情,完全得到放松,而且可以使我保持好的体型。旁白:正在大家讨论得激烈的时候,突然听见屋外响起了雨滴的声音。大家也都停止了讨论。D:现在看来我们什么都做不了了。最近天气怎么这么善变呢?C:也许我们可以打麻将?A/B:啊?别开玩笑了。旁白:就这样,ABCD 一下午什么运动都没有做。Narrator:its sunny today,A and B agreed to watch a football game.A:come on!Wonderful,but it
5、will come to an end,B how not to.B:I am sorry,Im late,having something else to delay the game,whats going on?A:all right,competition is very intense,both sides are equally strong,still 0-0(love-love).B:Okay,dont miss.Look,the strike!Alas,still lost.A:what a pity!Hey,look,scoring!great,but something
6、is wrong.B:enter into,but seems to be into the opponents net.A/B looked at each other at a glance.Narrator:the end of the game,the game ends in a tie.B:anyway the game is wonderful.the weather is so good,while 第 4 页 the passion is still,why not go to play badminton?A:good idea!I like playing badmint
7、on,but we dont have the racket,what should we do?B:never mind,C just bought a new pair of badminton racket,we can ask her to borrow.A:Well,ok,lets go.Narrator:so,A and B find C.B:Hello!Wed love to play badminton,can we use your new racket?C:I feel shy,I lent it to D,but we can go to find him,and the
8、n play it together.Narrator:so,ABC go looking for D.D is playing the computer game.C:hello!This is my friend A and This is my friend B,we come to take my badminton racket.We are ready to play,how about go with us?Today is very suitable to exercise.D:Hello,A,B.,nice to meet you.A,B:Hello,nice to meet
9、 you too!D:but Im really sorry,that day after I and E exercised,badminton racket is put on him there,and so.C:are you kidding?were ready to play.D:Im really sorry!Why dont we all go to looking for E?C:(turns to ask A and B)what do you think?第 5 页 A/B:ah?That wont happen,will it?Narrator:when A and B
10、 are discouraged.C:who has any good suggestions?E:shall we play computer games,its also very interesting.A:Well,I think we should do more exercise,so as to contribute to a healthy body and keep fit,but playing games is not good.B:I agree with the point of A.But exercise can reduce weight,I have been
11、 in motion,effect is remarkable!C:Well,I think that playing games is not good way to exercise,we will think of others.Yes,lets talk about the sport we like.First I come,I like playing badminton,I think it needs energy and tests the ability to respond.D:As for me,I like to play basketball,I think the
12、 boys playing basketball is very cool,is it right?A:Oh,I love playing pingpang,I think it is very easy and I like it because I love Deng Ya Ping.How about you,B?B:personally,I love running.When I run,I will forget all the things,completely relaxed,which also can keep me in good shape.Narrator:In the
13、 heat of the discussion,suddenly heard the sound of rain sounded.They all stopped talking.D:now we can do nothing.Recently why is the weather so changeable?C:maybe we can play mahjong?第 6 页 A/B:ah?Stop joking!C:maybe we can talk some sports that we like.First I come,I like playing badminton,I think
14、it needs energy and tests the ability to respond.and you,D?D:As for me,I like to play basketball,I think the boys playing basketball is very cool,is it right?A:Oh,I love playing pingpang,I think it is very easy and I like it because I love Deng Ya Ping.How about you,B?B:personally,I love running.Whe
15、n I run,I will forget all the things,completely relaxed,which also can keep me in good shape.Narrator:this afternoon,ABCD were just keeping discussion,but do nothing.Anyway Life lies in motion.篇二:英语话剧剧本 狼来了 先放几段关于碰瓷、小孩扶老大娘等等新闻!解说:(这是一个最好的时代,这是一个最坏的时代,这是一个讲信用的时代,又是一个欺骗的时代;这是一个光明的时代,又是一个黑暗的时代。)这是最好的时代
16、,也是最坏的时代;这是智慧的年代,也是愚蠢的年代;这是信仰的时期,也是怀疑的时期;这是光明的季节,也是黑暗的季节;这是希望的春天,也是失望的冬天;大伙儿面前应有尽有,大伙儿面前一无所有;大伙儿正在直登天堂;大伙儿正在直落地狱。第 7 页 It was the best of times,it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness,it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the seaso
17、n of Light,it was the season of Darkness,it was the spring of hope,it was the winter of despair,we had everything before us,we had nothing before us,we were all going direct to Heaven,we were all going direct the other way。下面我们组将给大家带来一个关于社会诚信的话剧,他的名字是 狼来了,请大家欣赏,谢谢!第一幕 老大爷 1:(一瘸一拐地上场,后面不远处有一对情侣、两个群众中
18、也走着,走着走着老大 爷突然摔倒了)啊,疼死了(捂着胸,好像是心脏病发作),好难受呀!(对着周围的人说)帮帮我吧!情侣男:(两个人一起跑过去)大爷,你怎么了?情侣女:大爷好像是心脏病发作,(此时大爷已经奄奄一息),快找一找他身上是不是有急救 药!群众 1:(群众 1、2 一起跑过来),我来帮你们,看看兜里面,(翻了一遍)群中 2:终于找到了,快给大爷服下(大家一起帮忙,把大爷抬到安全的地方,把药服下去,不一会大爷就醒过来,精神了许多)(此处可以表演的搞笑一 第 8 页 点)老大爷 1:谢谢你们,非常感谢你们,如果没有你们救我,我现在可能就已经死了!周围所有人:不用谢,这些都是我们应该做的!情侣
19、女:大爷,你的家在哪里?我们送你回家吧!老大爷 1:(很激动的)谢谢你们了,不麻烦你们了,我现在感觉很好了,可以自己回家了!谢谢你们了!结局:(大爷慢慢地走者,大家站在原地注视着老大爷的背影)大家都说:老大爷注意身体!老大爷 1:谢谢,谢谢,这个世界上还是好人多呀,好人多呀!我爱你们,我爱这个美丽的 世界!这个世界是如此的美丽。解说:(爱的奉献歌声起)这个世界上还是好人多呀!有爱的世界是温暖的,只要人人都 献出一点爱,这个世界就会变成美丽的人间。第二幕 (情侣男骑着自行车载着女孩,听着歌曲,悠哉游哉地骑着,后面一个老大爷 2 骑着自行车 一直跟着这对情侣,想碰瓷骗点钱,突然老大爷 2 加大速度
20、和这对情侣并行突然倒掉,此时旁边正好有两位群众看到这一情景)老大爷 2:(捂着腿,作痛苦状)痛死了,痛死了!(对着情侣大喊)你们没长眼睛吗?把我 第 9 页 的腿都撞折了,赔钱,快赔钱!情侣男:大爷,你怎么了?我们没碰到你呀,你怎么会自己倒了呢?你还好吧!老大爷 2:(怒吼道)你没若碰到我,我怎么会倒呢?就是你们碰得我,我才倒掉的!我现 在腿折了,不能走路了(作瘸腿的动作),快赔我钱,赔我钱!情侣女:老大爷,我们真没碰到你呀!天可以作证,你怎么能讹诈我们呢?老大爷 2:腿好痛呀,痛死了!救命呀,快救人呀!有人撞人了还不赔钱!群众 1:小伙子呀,我看到刚才的情况了,你没碰到这位老大爷,你是清白的
21、,我可以证明。群众 2:我也可以证明你们的清白,咱们还是打 110 吧!让警察来处理这件事吧!老大爷 2:我好痛呀!你们怎么可以这样对待以为老人呢!我是受害者呀!情侣男:(拿起手机拨打 110)喂,你好,我这里是东北大学逸夫教学楼 302,这发生了一起 交通讹诈事故,我们请求帮助!(警笛起)警察:请问,发生什么事了?(Excuse me,what happened)?老大爷 2:(突然爬起来,走了几步,又瘸起腿来,又坐回去了)警察同志,我被这两位情 侣撞到了,我的腿被撞折了,我好痛呀!警察 1:(对着情侣)是这样的情况吗?请你们叙述一下刚才 第 10 页 发生的事。情侣男:我们骑着自行车走着走
22、着就看到这位老大爷自己倒下去了,他自己倒的,我们没有 碰到他。情侣女:是呀,我们根本没有碰到他,你可以问问这些群众呀,他们是目击者。警察 2:(对着群众 1、2)能叙述一下你看到的情况吗?(Can you describe what you see?)群众 1:刚才那位老大爷自己骑着自行车摔倒了,他确要讹诈这对情侣,太不道德了。群众 2:是呀,是那位老大爷自己摔倒的,和那对情侣没关系,我可以作证。警察 1:(对着情侣)现在基本情况已经弄清楚了,你们是无辜的,可以走了。(对着老大爷)老大爷,你感觉还好吗?所有的人都说你是自己摔倒的,你还有什么要说的吗?老大爷:你怎么把他们放走了,我无话可说,就是
23、他们把我撞倒的,就是他们把我撞倒的!为什么为什么?(捂着腿做痛苦状)好痛呀,好痛呀!警察 2:老大爷,你还好吧,我先送你去医院吧!(Old man,are you alright,Ill take you to the hospital!)(警笛声起,警察 1、2 载着老人就走了,此处可以表演的搞乐一点)解说:(歌声起)这个社会本来充满了爱,充满了温暖,第 11 页 可是就是因为这些人的 欺骗行为,让那些拥有爱心的人们一次次受到伤害,这些伤害深深地刺痛了他们的心,一次次冲击着我们这个社会的道德底线。第三幕 解说:自从那次老大爷 2 被警察戳穿后,他依然在行骗,这次他还在路上寻找着目标等待碰 瓷
24、,不过这次他的身体确实出现了问题,他的心脏病突然发作了。老大爷 2:(自己一个人骑着自行车,吹着口哨,很悠哉游哉,突然车子倒了,这次他真的 犯病了,心脏病发作了)啊,(双手捂着胸)痛死了,救命呀,救命呀,救命(声 音逐渐变小)啊,啊!情侣女:老公,你听,好像有人喊“救命”,你看!前面有个老大爷摔倒了!(两个人一起快跑过去,同时后面的两个群众也一起跑过去,大家围在一起看着老大爷)情侣男:啊!我的天呀!这不就是上次骗我们的那位老大爷吗?群众 1:是呀,就是他,我认识他 群众 2:就是他,他又想骗我们呀!没门,我们决不能再上当受骗了!老大爷 2:救救我呀,我真的很痛呀!我这次是真的,救救我 第 12
25、 页 吧!情侣男:老大爷,你的演技有很大长进呀,不过我们不会再受骗了!(大家互相看了看对方)群众 1:是呀,我们不能在一个地方摔倒两次。群众 2:是呀,我们还是走吧!情侣女:老公,咱们快走吧,一会就要上课了!快点!大家一块喊了一句:Lets go!老大爷 2:(老大爷趴在地上,目光无神,看着大家远去的背影,伸手朝向远方,说)救命 呀,救命!(哀叹了一声)自作孽不可活呀!上帝,下辈子我一定要作一个好人!(老大爷,作非常痛苦状,头磕地,死去!)过了一段时间(急救车声响起),120 急救车来了,下来两个医生 医生 1(警察 1 饰演):(用听诊器停了一会,又用手试了试鼻子处是否还有呼吸)没有呼吸 了
26、,拿不来吧!医生 2(警察 2 饰演):(拿来一块布,两个医生共同把布盖子尸体上)是呀,如果能及时吃一粒救心丸就好了,太可惜了!(Yes,if it is good to eat a grain of JiuXinWan timely,what a shame!)(120 急救车笛声响起,结束!)解说:(歌声起)这样的结局真的很悲哀,这样悲哀的故 第 13 页 事在现实世界中很多,可能就在此刻还在发生着这样的事情。这就是“狼来了”的故事,某些人总是在利用大家的爱心,最终真的狼来了的时候,确没人再愿意献出爱心,因为爱一旦被欺骗了,就再也无法得到,最终这些人被“狼”吃了!篇三:英语话剧剧本.doc
27、 第一种:家庭喜剧 演员:P:Pirate-Grandson.M:Mother.F:Father.K:King-Grandpa.旁白:There are 4 members in a family,Pirate,a 7-year-old naughty boy.His mummy is a beautiful white-collar worker.His dad,Andy Lau is a famous singer,and his dear grandpa,King is a kindly old man.Pirate loves his grandpa most,because King
28、 is very spoiling him.He hates his parents.Frankly speaking,he is afraid of them,Because they are very strict with him.正剧:(P,K 出场)P:Old King,Open the TV,I want to see Tom and Jerry.I love that mouse.Quick!No time!I cant wait another second.K:Oh dear!I nearly forget it.Don t worry,I open it right now
29、.(作开电视状)P:Ha Ha!Its really funny!Tom is so good!(作高兴状)Oh no!“The End!”Where is Tom?I hate the end!(摔电视机,第 14 页 作极度气愤状 Old King!?(对 K 吼)K:Oh,what a pity dog!(作左顾右盼状)Your parents are not here,and we can change another one,our brave Pirate,just tell me.Im sure your demand will be satisfied.(作充满自信状)P:Re
30、ally!OK!Now,lets watch Caribbean Pirates!K:Humm,No,its unfit for you(作犹豫状)P:I just like this film,Old King,you tell lies.You dont keep your promise.(作气愤欲泣状)K;Oh yes,I play it for you.(作为难状)But please be quite,Im afraid your parents wound not like us doing these.P:Dont tell so much!I have been an adu
31、lt man of 7 years old.I promise it to you.(作自豪自信状)K:OK.(作舒心,安慰状)P:Fight him,kill him.Throw these bad guys into the sea(高声喊)K:Xu.(作禁声状).Remember your promise,young adult man.P:Oh?What promise?I have forgotten it.(作天经地义状)K:Oh?!You are right(作理解状,因为 Pirate 一贯如此,出尔反尔)第 15 页 P:Old King.I give you an hono
32、rable mission.(作自豪状)Be my horse,and I will ride on your back,lets help these people in dangerous situation,just like a brave knight.(作勇敢状)K:What!Ride on my back!Be your horse!(作惊异状)P:Yes,your hearing is very good,any question?(作若无其事状)K:No,No,sound a good idea!Very good!You are a brave Pirate.Now com
33、e on my back.(作无奈状)P:(作高兴状,作跃上马背状)Hei!Lets go!Kill all those bad men.Quick!Run quick!.(意气风发状)(M,F 携手进场):P:Oh,my god!Mummy,Daddy!(A,D 作慌忙状,挡在电视机前)M:Dad,what are you doing!?Naughty Pirate,isnt your trick!?(作气愤状)P:(作阳痿状)Mummy,it s not my fault.Old king let me massage his back.Hei Hei(作心虚状,以掩饰内心的恐惧)M:I
34、dont believe it.(作严肃状)Dad,isnt really that?(询问 K)K:Yes,of course,I cant image a child only 5 year old,can massage so good.Oh.(释然状,因为圆了我的谎)M:Really.I dont believe the litter pirate can massage,who taught him.(作怀疑状)Dear,isnt you?F:No,I havent,but I decide to enjoy his massage another day,Do you think
35、so,dear?第 16 页 M:Yes,really a good suggestion.(P,D 作惊恐状。A:发抖,D:挥汗)(P 挡着电视怕被 M、F 发现,K 也为 P 作掩饰)P:Mummy,Do you feel a little cold?K:Yes,I can feel it.(边挥汗边说冷)M:No,its summer.Really hot,do you catch cold?P:No,No,just my feeling.(更加发抖,一不小心被B看到了电视)M:Pirate,whats behind you?(疑问状)P:Oh,nothing,nothing!(作惊恐状
36、)M:Move away.little Pirate!(作气愤状)P:Oh no!The storm will come.(捂脸作害怕状)M:Caribbean Pirate!Whats a bad film!Little Pirate!?(气愤状)P:Mummy,I surrender.(作投降状)M:Daddy,this film is unfit for him,it is full of killing,force and negative passion,and it will let him become bad!K:I know that,but I meat to let hi
37、m watch Tom and Jerry and he like it very much.Yes?Pirate?(想转移话题与 Pirate 站在同一战线)P:Yes,a very clever mouse and a stupid cat.(作博学状)M:Dad,dont let him watch so much TV,it wastes a lot of time,and it is bad for his eyesight.He may become short-sighted.(诚恳状)K:I know the disadvantage.But TV also teaches h
38、im a lot of 第 17 页 things which he cant learn from books,Such as survival ability and communication skills.(中气不足状,因为理由不充分)M:Just those force,fighting and cheat?(置疑状)P:Mummy,I apologize that I have cheated you.(诚恳状)I wont do that next time.Can you forgive me this time,Mummy.(做鬼脸,逗妈妈开心)M:Pick up trick
39、.It doesnt work this time.(义正言辞状)P:Mummy,not next time,ok?(作悲伤状,以引起妈妈的同情)(M 不理 P)M:Dad.I know you love little pirate very much,but I think you should choose the right way.Spoiling is not true love.Its the poison in honey.(作严肃状)F:Yes,Dad,Pirate has a lot of things to do.We should be his guide,not to
40、carry out everything he said.We can bring him to the library to see what books attract him most.We can help him to develop his interest,shape his personality,and improve his intelligence and so on.I think its the right way to love our little Pirate.Do you think so,dear?(很理智,明晰状)M:Its just what I wan
41、t to say.(赞同状)F:Ok,I should change my way of loving him.I should let him do his own thing and be his guide.(作彻悟状)第 18 页 P:Oh,so much time has passed.I eager to go to wash room,I cant bear it.(捂小腹,作难受状)K:Ok,I go to bring the paper,dont worry!Ill accompany with you.(作习惯性状,因为 Pirate 的大小便通常都由 King 主管)M、
42、F:No,let him do that himself,and be his guide.(同声提醒K)K:Oh,yes,little Pirate,its your job now,nobody can help.You should do it yourself.(作揶揄状)P:Xi,I have been an adult man of 7 years old.I can do it.(跨进厕所,作藐视状,有什么大不了,不就进个厕所吗)M、F、K:Brave Pirate!(作自豪状,含有夸奖意)P:Oh,my god!The washroom is so large and dark
43、!(害怕状,因为从末一个人进厕所)M、F、K:(All 晕倒)The End 第二种:旅游类 One day,the class is over,student A and B walk together.)A:Labour Day is coming,we should relax a little on vacation,what are you going to do.B:I have no idea no.How about you?A:I intend to go to the Baotu Spring,Its said that it is a good interest of place.第 19 页 B:En,yes,it is the first spring of the world.A:Why not go with me?I believe you will be satisfied with it.B:About it let me think.(Student A and B come acoss C.)C:Hi!What do you discuss?