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1、辅修科技英语翻译讲义(2015.3)英语辅修(双学位)科技英语翻译课程讲义(徐安泉编写)教学要点:1.Stylistic Features of EST(科技英语文体特征)1.1 Objectivity(客观性)1.1.1 Plentiful Use of the Third-Person Point of View(非人称化、第三人称句 it 多:客观阐述科学事实、科学发现、实验结果等)1.1.2 Extensive Use of Passive Voice(大量使用被动语态:客观陈述与说明)1.2 Plenty of Terminology(专业术语多)1.2.1 Tendency tow
2、ards Nominalization in EST and Technical Terms(科技英语专业词汇中使用名词化词汇与技术词汇倾向突出)1.2.2 Abundant Ways of Word-Formation in Technical Words(丰富的专业词汇构词法:合成词compounding 占新词汇总量的 27%;词缀法 affixation 占 23%;派生词 derivation 占 17.5%;缩写词shortening 占9%;叠合词Blending 占6%;首字母缩略词acronym 占 4%)1.3 Logicality and Conciseness(逻辑性与
3、简洁性)1.3.1 Inclination to Long and Complicated Sentences(长句与结构复杂句子多)1.3.2 Syntactic Frequency of Non-Finite Verbs(句法上非谓语动词用得多,即现在分词 present participles、过去分词 past participles、动名词 gerunds 与动词不定式 infinitive phrases)1.3.3 Post-Positioning of Attributives(后置性的修饰成分即定语多)2.Diction:The choice of words and phr
4、ases(词义的选择)正确理解和确切选择词义,是翻译成功的基础。一个词的全部意义,通常除词典解释的“指称或概念意义”外,还要由“语境意义”等决定:2.1 Choice of word meaning according to the word classes/Grammatical meaning(根据词类选择词义/词的语法意义)英汉两种语言都有一词多类现象,又称兼类词,即一个词往往属于几个不同的词类,具有几个不同的意义。翻译中必须先确定词类,再确定词义。Compare the meanings of“round”in the following:In each round of operat
5、ion the particle picks up energy from the oscillating electric field.粒子每运转一周都从振荡电场获取新的能量。(名词,意为“一周”)An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。(动词,意为“绕旋转”)The earth isnt completely round;it is slightly flattened
6、at the poles.地球并非完全是圆的,它的两极略扁平。(形容词,意为“圆的”)The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.锭子同时绕两个互相垂直的轴旋转。(介词,意为“围绕”)Her waist measures forty inches round.她腰围 40 英寸。(副词,意为“一周”、“绕圈”)2.2 Choice of contextual meanings(根据上下文选择词义/词的语境意义)英汉两种语言除了有一词多类、还有一词多义现象(polysemy)。一词
7、多类指同一个词在不同场合有不同含义。译者常常需要根据上下文的联系,以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词义。Examples:Find Rate of penetration was found to be proportional to the net pressure applied by the tool.人们发现钻孔速度与工具所受到的净压力成正比。Scientists are constantly striving to find fast and convenient way of obtaining quantitative data.科学家们总是力求找到快速而简便的方法获得定量数据
8、。To find the area of a square or oblong,you merely multiply its length by its width.为求一正方形或一长方形的面积,只需将其长度乘以宽度。Certain isotopes are not found in nature.有些同位素在自然界中并不存在。New fibers find expanding applications in engineering and industry.新发明的纤维在工程和工业上得到越来越广的应用。Kangaroos are found in Australia.大袋鼠产于澳大利亚。T
9、his plant is found in the sea near the mouth of rivers.这种植物生长在近河口的海中。Microcomputers have found their application in the production of genius sensors.微型计算机已经应用于智能传感器的生产中。Plastics find wide application in our daily life.塑料在我们的日常生活中得到广泛应用。2.3 Choice of collocative meanings(根据词的搭配来选择词义/词的搭配意义)英语的一词多义往往也
10、体现在词与词的搭配上。不同搭配方式,产生不同词义。Examples:Solid(adj.)solid angle 立体角 solid bearing 整体轴承 solid body 固体 solid line 实线 solid borer 钻头 solid color 单色 solid crankshaft 实心曲轴 solid gold 赤金 solid measure 体积 solid circuit 固态电路 solid injection 无气喷射 solid lubricant 润滑脂/剂 solid pole 磁 2.4 Choice of word meanings accord
11、ing to the disciplines and specialized fields(根据学科和专业选择词义)同一个词,在不同的学科领域或专业范畴,有不同的词义。Examples:Carrier(n.)运输业:搬运工商业:货运公司 邮政业:邮递员军事:航空母舰 化学:载体医药学:带菌者/媒介物 车辆制造:底盘机械行业:托架/传导管 通讯技术:载波半导体:载流子 3.Choice of Extended Meanings(词义的引申)翻译过程中,常会遇到英语句子中有一些单词或词组,无法直接在字典中找到其准确而恰当的释义。如果牵强附会,硬要照搬词典里的某个释义,译文也会晦涩难懂,不符合汉语规
12、范和翻译标准。(除开不同词典的词汇容量局限外,多半是词义在具体语境中发生了引申,即词义扩大现象。)遇此情况,译者应结合上下文、根据语气、逻辑关系、搭配习惯以及全句的技术含义等情况,在准确理解原文含义的基础上,按照汉语的表达习惯,对词义加以引申处理。3.1 Extend the meaning from the common to the technical(技术性引申)技术性引申指使译文中涉及科学技术概念的词语符合技术语言规范。Example:Traditionally,NC programming has been performed offline with the machine com
13、mands being contained on a punched tape.一般性译法:通常,数控机床的编程是线外完成的,指令载于穿孔带上。技术性引申译法:通常,数控机床的编程是脱机完成的,指令载于穿孔带上。3.2 Extend the meaning from the common to the rhetoric(修辞性引申)修辞性引申指使译文语言更加流畅、通顺、符合汉语的表达习惯。There is a bewildering variety of acoustics and vibration measurement equipment now available to the noi
14、se control engineer.一般性译法:目前,可供给控制噪音工程师用的声学和震动测量设备是晕头转向/迷惑的变化。修辞性引申译法:目前,可供给控制噪音工程师用的声学和震动测量设备,种类繁多,令人眼花缭乱。3.3 Extend the meaning from the abstract or general to the concrete or specific(具体化引申:从抽象引向具体,从一般引向特殊,从概括引向局部,从“虚”引向“实”)把英语原文中含义较概括、抽象、笼统的词引申为较为具体、明确、清晰的词,避免造成译文概念不清或不符合汉语表达习惯的译法。Example:The Cu
15、ries believed that there was something in nature which gave out radiation.虚译:居里夫妇坚信,自然界里有某个东西能放出辐射能。实译:居里夫妇坚信,自然界里有一种物质能放出辐射能。3.4 Extend the meaning from the concrete or specific to the abstract or general(抽象化引申:词义从具体引向抽象,从特殊引向一般,从局部引向概括,从“实”引向“虚”)翻译中有时把比较具体、形象的英语词义译成比较抽象或概括的汉语表达的译法。Example:At prese
16、nt coal is the most common food of a steam plant.实译:目前,煤是火电厂最常用的食物。虚译:目前,煤是火电厂最常用的能源。4.Conversion of word classes(词类的转换)由于英汉两种语言结构与用词方式的不同,汉译时经常不能逐词对译,常须进行词类的转换,即英语中的某一个词类,并不一定译成汉语中的相应词类,而要作适当转换。4.1 Conversion from English nouns,adjectives,adverbs and prepositions into Chinese verbs(英语名词、形容词、副词与介词转换
17、为汉语动词)英汉句法比较,异大于同。英语句子中往往只有一个谓语动词,即“限定性动词 finite verb”,而汉语句中动词用得较多,几个动词或动词性结构连在一起用的情况比较常见,这是汉语典型的“动词化表达法”现象(the verbal style in Chinese)。如:我去叫他派一个人到这儿来帮你做清洁。(7 个动词)(Compared version)I will go to ask him to send someone here to help you with cleaning.(Only“go”served as a verb)英语的“非限定动词non-finite verb
18、s”(即动名词gerunds;分词 participles;动词不定式 infinitives)现象,汉语没有。英语比汉语更常用表达行为 actions、方式 manners、品质qualities 或情感 feelings 的抽象名词 abstract nouns,形成了英语突出的“名词化表达法”(the nominal style in English)风格。不少英语的抽象名词,其实就是“动作化名词 verbal nouns”,翻译时经常转换译作汉语动词。Examples:Rockets have found application for the exploration of the u
19、niverse.火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(名词 application 和 exploration 均转译为动词)Insulin is used in the treatment of diabetes,which is marked by a rise in blood sugar as a result of a short supply of insulin in the body.胰岛素用于治疗糖尿病,这种病的特征是由于体内胰岛素分泌不足而引起血糖上升。(名词 treatment 和 supply 均转译为动词)英语形容词中有一些具有动词意义,或者表达心理活动与状况,通常可将其转译为动词
20、。Examples:Once inside the body,the vaccine separates from the gold particles and becomes“active”.疫苗一旦进入体内,立即与微金粒分离并“激活”。(形容词active 转译为动词)What is certain is that the oil spill has delivered a devastating blow to the ecology of the Persian Gulf.可以肯定,这场石油泄露事件对波斯湾的生态是一个惨重的打击。(形容词 certain 转译为动 词)现代英语中很多副
21、词就是从古英语的动词转化而来,常常可以将其转译为汉语动词,尤其当它们在原句中作表语或状语时。Examples:Hydrogen instead of air is frequently used for cooling large turbogenerators.常以氢气代替空气来冷却大型汽轮发电机。(副词instead转译为动词)When the Second World War was over,it was discovered that the Germans were nowhere near success in developing nuclear weapons.第二次世界大战
22、结束后,人们发现德国人在研制核武器方面离成功还很远。(副词 over 转译为动词)英语介词数量(284 个)远比汉语(十来个)多,而且词义用法活。由于英语介词很多在古英语中曾是动词,翻译时常常转译为汉语动词。Examples:In any machine,input work equals output work plus work done against friction.任何机器的输入功都等于机器的输出功再加上克服摩擦所做的功。(介词 plus 和 against 均转译为动词)An analog computer manipulates data by analog means.模拟计
23、算机采用模拟方式处理数据。(介词 by 转译为动词)4.2 Other conversions(其它多种转译形式)Examples:Black holes act like huge drains in the universe.黑洞的作用像宇宙中巨大的吸管。(动词 act 转译为名词)Galileos experiments are not difficult,nor is there any evidence that he performed them with exceptional skill.伽利略的实验并不难,也没有证据表明他是以非凡的技能来做实验的。(代词 them 转译为名词
24、)About 20 kilometers thick,this giant umbrella is made up of a layer of ozone gas.地球的这一巨型保护伞由一层臭氧组成,其厚度约为 20 公里。(形容词 thick 转译为名词)The device is shown schematically in Fig 2.图 2 是这种装置的简图。(副词 schematically 转译为名词)Much less is connected with the separation of genera,and there is considerable uniformity o
25、f opinion as to the delimitation of families.这与生物的属的划分关系不大,而在生物的科的划分上观点是相当一致的。(名词 uniformity 转译为形容词)Variation is common to all plants whether they reproduce asexually or sexually.变异对所有的植物,无论是无性繁殖还是有性繁殖都是常见的。(副词 asexually 和 sexually 均转译为形容词)The range of spectrum in which heat is radiated mostly lies
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- 科技英语翻译 辅修 科技 英语翻译 讲义 2015.3