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1、XXNCUT市场营销管理习题案例册市场营销管理习题1第1章市场与市场营销1第2章 市场营销环境总论3第3章 消费者市场及其购买行为5第4章 组织市场及其购买行为8第5章 竞争性营销战略10第6章目标市场战略12第7章 产品策略与管理16第8章 价格与价值管理20第9章 分销渠道设计与管理23第10章 整合营销沟通26第11章 市场营销计划与执行31市场营销管理案例34导言:假如进行案例分析34案例1海王集团品牌整合39案例2 iPad降价带来的烦恼43案例3雅芳的渠道转型之痛45案例4哈奇公司的“三位一体”营销传播策略481)简述组织市场的特点。2) Whats the main type o
2、f Producers? buying behavior?二、懂得题.推断1)中间商倾向于跟供应商签订短期合同2)采购者个人的购买风格对中间商购买行为影响较小3) The reseller market is the same as the retailer market4) State, county, and city government purchasing procedures have become more standardized in recent years, making it easier for some groups to purchase cooperativel
3、y by buying in volume and gaining price breaks2.选择(可多选)1)批发商与零售商的产品组合策略要紧有 OA、独家产品B、深度产品C、广度产品D、混合产品E、整体产品2)中间商的购买多属 oA、冲动购买B、习惯购买C、专家购买D、理性购买E、非专家购买3) A business-to-business marketer may be serving any one or several of the following categories of customers EXCEPTa. institutions and nonprofitsb. pr
4、oducersc. resellers and wholesalersd. governmentse. private consumers4) The Chinese government is:a. not a business-to-business market segmentb. the worlds largest single customerc. an organization accounting for over 50 percent of the Chinese gross national productd. mainly a military equipment pur
5、chasere. using one centralized purchasing office for the entire government3.简答1)简述中间商购买决策过程。2) Why is relationship marketing more important to the B2B than to the B2C players?三、应用题. Suppose that you own a small business that provides PC repair services to local businesses. In addition to the basic f
6、ix-it services you now provide, you are thinking about offering new services. Applying the systems selling concept, what additional services could you offer that would make a complete package or systems solution for your customers?2 .走访一家高技术企业,熟悉其如何进行办公电脑的采购,分析其采购程序、购买决策的 参与者、采购影响因素等。3 .某绿色蔬菜公司向各宾馆推
7、销新鲜蔬菜。该公司务必首先识别出各宾馆参与购买活动的 人员构成。这些人员可能包含宾馆采购经理、餐厅主厨、食品部与饮料部的经理。在其中每 位人员所起的作用是不一致的,请分析采购部经理、主厨、饮食部经理各自关注什么方面? 面对这样一个由许多方面人员构成的采购中心,营销人员要想亲自去接触每一个人,其时间 与精力都无法做到。假如该绿色蔬菜公司刚刚成立,规模较小,营销人员应该首先攻克的壁 垒是谁?4 .假定你拥有一个小的印刷公司,现在你有机会参与联邦政府购买合同的投标,中标后将 会为你们公司带来很多业务。列出你参与政府市场投标的三种利益与三种弊端。第5章竞争性营销战略一、概念题1 .推断1)利基战略是以
8、专业化战略为基础的一种复合战略2)根据获取信息并结合行业情况,企业能够使用相应的分析方法(如SOWT分析等)来 分析预测竞争对手的优劣势3) Strategic Planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities4) There are three generic types of strategic thinking: over
9、all cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.选择(可多选)1)识别市场竞争者的层次包含。A、品牌竞争B、资金实力C、行业结构 D、市场角度E、通常竞争者2)评估竞争对手的指标包含 oA、占有率 B、财务状况 C、产能利用率 D、创新能力 E、高层领导者情况3) Market leader should work hard in three aspects, they area. enlarge total demandb. protect market sharec. governmentd. institutione. increase m
10、arket share4) Which of the following could be viewed as attacking target(s) for market challenger?a. market leaderb. companies with the same sizec. institutionsd. resellerse. small companies in local area3.简答1)企业的竞争对手包含谁?2) Whafs SWOT analysis?二、懂得题1.推断1)关于市场挑战者而言,攻击市场领先者的战略风险较低2)大企业应该多关注利基市场3) mark
11、et niche should choose big markets as target markets4) market challenger can always succeed to attack market leader.选择(可多选)1)康佳集团首先开发出适宜卧室收看的袖珍彩电家庭第二台彩电,并迅速占领该 细分市场的做法被称之 OA、攻击市场领先者B、抢占市场 C、攻击同等规模对手 D、攻击小公司2) The roles market niche could play includea. end-user expertb. vertical expertc. special cus
12、tomer expertd. quality/price experte. service expert.简答1)简述平衡竞争者导向与顾客导向的必要性。2) As far as most of the Chinese corporations are concerned, is market niche a suitable strategy to adopt, why?三、分析与应用题. Which strategy should Chinese Auto firms adopt in domestic market, why? Please express your opinion in
13、detail.1 .请查阅有关雷克萨斯汽车公司的有关资料,指出它在中国市场的地位,并对其使用的营 销战略予以评价。2 .角色扮演:运用你所学的理论分析我国内地平板电脑市场的竞争状况。并假定你是联想 集团负责平板电脑产品的产品经理,针对2011年苹果公司推出IPAD2产品的营销策略,你 该为你公司同类产品采取如何的竞争性营销战略?第6章目标市场战略一、概念题1 .推断1)根据消费者对商品的同质需求与异质需求,能够把市场分为同质市场与异质市场2)消费者需求与购买行为的差异性与同类性,是市场细分的要紧根据3)市场需求潜量分析只需要静态考虑细分市场的规模4)产品专业化是指公司专门满足某一类顾客群体的需
14、求,为这些顾客提供所需要的多 种产品或者服务5)所谓的市场定位就是确定你所提供的产品或者品牌的特色6) Geography, psychographics, and benefits sought are examples of possible segmentation variables used by marketers7) A segmentation scheme must produce segments that meet four criteria to be considered useful. These four criteria are substantiality,
15、identifiability and measurability, accessibility; and responsiveness8) Positioning is nothing to do with product differentiation9) Market specialization is one of target market strategies10)差异化营销战略能够更好地满足消费者的需要,因此企业应尽量使用.选择(可多选)1)是市场细分的条件之一。A、竞争性 B、可衡量性 C、效益性 D、习惯性2)市场细分对企业营销具有下列利益oA、有利于发现市场机会B、有利于掌
16、握目标市场的特点C、有利于制定市场营销组合策略D、有利于提高企业的竞争力E、有利于节约成本费用3)目标市场的选择模式包含 oA、市场集中化 B、产品专业化 C、市场专业化 D、选择专业化 E、市场全面化4)定位的最后一步是 oA、企业定位B、市场定位C、品牌定位 D、传播定位5)企业能够表达差异化的方面包含 oA、产品差异化B、服务差异化C、人员差异化D、渠道差异化E、形象差异化6) A group of individuals or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have relati
17、vely similar product needs is called a。a. market segment b. market position c. retail based. segmentation base e. retail division7) The process of dividing a market into meaningful groups that are relatively similar and identifiable is called。a. perceptual mapping b. positioning c. micromarketingd.
18、cannibalizatione. market segmentation8) undifferentiated marketing。a. has cost economicsb. without segmentationc. fit for most productsd. only focus on demand generality e. fit for small company9) concentrated marketing especially fits for。a. international companies b. big companiesc.medium companie
19、sd. small companies10)is the development of a specific marketing mix to influence potential customers9 overall perception of a brand, product line, or organization in general, and is related to the place a product occupies in consumers, minds relative to competing offerings.a. Differentiatingb. Segm
20、entationc. Targetingd. Positioninge. Integrating11)assumes that competing products are arranged in peoples minds along various dimensions relevant to their purchase and consumption behavior。a. Target marketing b. Market segmentation c. Differentiationd. Productione. Positioning3.简答1)消费者市场细分的根据有什么?2)
21、目标市场选择可供使用的模式有哪儿种?各有什么优缺点?3)简述产品定位、品牌定位、企业定位的含义4) What are the segmentation indices in B2B market?5) How many types does target marketing strategy have? What are they?6) Whats Perceptual Mapping?二、懂得题.推断1)市场细分实际上是对产品进行分类2)市场细分是选择目标市场的目的与归宿3)只要综合考虑细分市场与企业自身两个方面的因素,就能有效地分析市场机会4)无差异性营销战略能被大多数企业使用5)企业使用
22、服务差别化的市场定位战略,就能够不再追求技术与质量的提高6)企业在市场营销方面的核心能力与优势,会自动地在市场得到表现7) One reason marketers use market segmentation as a tool is that once completed, the process need not be repeated8) Substantiality of a market segment, asking nhow large is large enough/* indicates that large numbers of potential customers
23、are needed for a market segment to be considered viable.选择(可多选)1)生活消费品市场的细分变量要紧有地理环境、人口状况、消费者心理、购买行为等 四类,其中使用习惯属于 OA、购买行为B、人口状况 C、消费者心理 D、地理环境2)差异的存在是市场细分的客观根据。A、产品 B、价格 C、需求偏好 D、细分3) The purpose of market segmentation is to:a. divide the market into equal size and profit regions for sales territori
24、esb. reduce the market down to a specific size that the firm can handlec. group a large number of markets together enabling a company to serve them simultaneouslyd. enable the marketer to tailor marketing mixes to meet the needs of one or more specific groupse. develop a generalized definition of th
25、e market as a whole4) Market segmentation can assist marketers in all of the following EXCEPT:a. developing more precise definitions of customer needs and wantsb. identifying which variable base should be used for segmentingc. identifying when and how customer needs are changingd. identifying where
26、new opportunities are emerginge. evaluating where and why demand is falling5) For high homogeneity products, which strategy should be used?a. single-segment concentration b. product specializationc. market specializationd. selective specialization e. full market coverage6) A clothing company only se
27、lls clothes to old male people, its strategy is calleda. undifferentiated marketing b. differentiated marketingc. concentrated marketing7) Product positioning is the process ofa. finding the correct location for retail outlets that will sell the productb. finding the right place in the channel of di
28、stribution for a productc. creating the desired image of the firms product with respect to its competitiond. competing with competitors, products in the retailers9 stores for the best position on the shelfe. pricing the product to be at a competitive level with other brands on the market8)is a means
29、 of displaying or graphing, in two or more dimensions, the locations of products in the minds of present or potential customers.a. Perceptual mappingb. Product differentiation c. Psychographic targetingd. Graphic target strategy e. Market orientation3.简答1)为什么市场细分战略是现代市场营销观念的产物?2)决定企业选择特定目标市场的关键因素是什么
30、?3)定位时应避免什么错误?4) The chapter states that once we divide large, heterogeneous markets into smaller segments we can reach them more efficiently and effectively. What does that statement mean? Why is this important to the marketer?5) How to use Perceptual Mapping when positioning?6)何种情况下会进行重新定位?7)试分析论述
31、市场细分、目标市场选择及市场定位的关系。8)请比较产业市场细分与消费者市场细分的异同。三、分析与应用题.选择一种你经常使用的产品与品牌,列出你因使用它而得到的好处,不要说出你的答案, 请另一位也使用不一致品牌的这一类产品的同学(最好是异性)也列出他或者她认为使用该 品牌的好处,比较这两个答案并找出厂家运用利益细分来营销这两种品牌的办法。1 .上网搜集苹果公司“ipad2”的有关资料,分析其目标市场营销战略并做出评价。2 .请到“苏宁”、“国美”这些家电大卖场,认真观察康佳、创维、长虹、海信与索尼、三星、 夏普、LG等品牌的主流电视机情况,并浏览有关企业的网站,从定位的角度分析一下国产 电视机的
32、情况。3 .有人说中国移动的“全球通”定位于高端用户,“神州行”则定位于普通收入的用户。请到中 国移动的网站看看有关的描述,而后结合你学过的知识对上面的表述谈谈你的看法。4 . 一位市场部经理在谈及战略层面的营销时,表示“STP战略对实践有很强的指导意义,但 是要清晰一点,即在买方市场条件下,不做细分与把整个市场完全细分,即,一对一营销,都 是不明智的试分析之。5 .选择种数码消费品,如手机,数码相机等,至少列出三种不一致的品牌,并分析它们 各自的定位战略与每一种定位是如何传达给目标市场的消费者的。第7章产品策略与管理一、概念题1.推断1)市场营销学上的产品是指人们从事生产经营活动的直接而有效
33、的物质成果2)市场上的产品按用途划分,可分为生产资料与消费资料3)Applied research can be defined as converting useful applications into marketable products.4)Evaluating an idea with a concept test is usually done at the screening stage of the product development process5)品牌资产是一种特殊的有形资产6)品牌资产在企业实际运营中会有增有减2.选择(可多选)1)产品组合包含哪四个变量OA、产品
34、组合策略B、产品组合的宽度C、产品组合的长度D、产品组合的深度E、产品组合的关联度2)产品市场生命周期包含 四个阶段。A、投入期 B、高峰期 C、成长期 D、成熟期 E、衰退期3)an existing product by targeting it toward new market segments is another type of new product because the product is new to that segment.a. Brainstormingb. Diffusingc. Repositioningd. Screeninge. Venturing4)New
35、 product developmenta. can most often be accomplished within a few monthsb. results in a vast array of successful productsc. produces the products that most often meet consumers* and managements, expectationsd. is necessary for short-term profitse. is both expensive and risky5)品牌是一种集合概念,蕴含着丰富的市场信息,其
36、中最持久同时揭示了品牌间差异的 实质性的是品牌的 OA、属性 B、利益 C、价值 D、文化 E、个性6)品牌资产是通过为消费者与企业提供 来表达其价值。A.产品B.服务C.附加利益D.附加功能7)A manager has responsibility for several brands within a product line or productgroup.a. brandb. groupc. aread. categorye. product8)A good brand name shoulda. be protected (or at least protectable)under
37、 trademark lawb. be easy to pronouncec. be easy to rememberd. be easy to recognizee. be easy to translate into all languages in the markets where the brand will be used3.简答1)产品组合的宽度、长度、深度与一致性指的是什么?2)Whafs PLC?3)什么是品牌资产?4)What is a brand? Describe the value of branding for both the buyer and seller.
38、二、懂得题.推断1)在买方市场条件下,能源供应紧张,缩减产品线对企业有利2)不一致的产品种类,其产品生命周期曲线的形态也不相同3)When products are referred to with the term new, that specifically means products that are nnew-to-the-worldn or are discontinuous innovations/4)Firms introduce new products to sustain long-term growth in sales and profits; before the
39、last product has reached the maturity stage of the product life cycle, one or more new products should be introduced5)品牌既有利于保护消费者的利益,又有利于保护品牌所有者的合法权益6)品牌资产与品牌权益是完全相同的概念7)A strong brand can be built through brand positioning, good brand name selection, positive brand sponsorship, and ongoing brand de
40、velopment8)Brand equity needs to be measured in order to be managed well. Brand audits are in-depth examinations of the health of a brand and can be used to set strategic direction for the brand.选择(可多选)1)快速渗透策略,即企业以 推出新产品。A.高品质B.高价格C.低促销D.高促销E.低价格2)成长期营销人员的促销策略要紧目标是在消费者心目中建立 以争取新的顾客。A.品牌偏好B.产品质量C.产品
41、信誉D.产品外观3)New products are most important to management because they。a. help sustain long-term growth in sales and profitsb. may use by-productsc. do not generally require long-term commitmentd. often lead to less utilization of production capacitye. will increase dependence on a single process4)Whe
42、n Johnson & Johnson targeted its baby shampoo as a product for everyones hair, the company introduced a new product by。a. revising existing productsb. lowering costsc. segmenting existing product linesd. repositioning市场营销管理习题第1章市场与市场营销一、概念题1 .推断1)市场是商品交换的场所2)市场营销观念坚持以生产者为中心3) Marketing is a philosop
43、hy that stresses customer satisfaction and a set of activities used to implement this philosophy4) The societal marketing concept involves considering societys long-term best interests along with the satisfaction of customer wants and needs.选择(可多选)1)市场营销理论20世纪初诞生在。A、美国B、法国C、日本D、英国 E、德国2)从营销的角度看待市场,市
44、场是由、与 有机构成的总与。A、供求B、人口C、场所D、购买力 E、购买欲望3) When acompany sets itsgoalsand strategiesbasedon what the current plantequipmentcan produce, whatproducts engineeringcan design, and what the company itself can do best, it issaid to have a:a. marketplace orientationb. sales orientationc. marketing orientatio
45、nd. customer orientatione. production orientation4) Firms with a orientation focus on the internal capabilities of the firm rather than on the desires and needs of the marketplace.a. salesb. production c. marketing d. customer e. retailing3.简答1) AMA对“市场营销”的最新定义是什么?2) Does a sales-oriented firm defin
46、es its business in terms of the benefits its customers seek?二、懂得题.推断1)服务企业的所有雇员都需要坚持顾客导向,由于顾客会埋怨较差的服务e. reformulation5)品牌是一种集合概念,蕴含着丰富的市场信息,其中最持久同时揭示了品牌间差异的实质性的是品牌的 OA.属性B.利益C.价值D.文化E.个性6)海信电视中的“海信”二字是 oA.招牌B.品牌名称C.品牌标志D.都不是7)Building brand equity depends on。a. the initial choices for the brand elem
47、entsb. identities making up the brandc. the way the brand is integrated into the supporting marketing programsd. the associations indirectly transferred to the brand by linking the brand to some other entity 8)A brand manager is responsible for all of the following activities EXCEPT。a. developing marketing strategies for a new brandb. evaluate the effect of alternative marketing strategies on brand performancec. consider the relative emphasis of new versus existing and past company brandsd. identify target segments for the brande. develop a brand positioning strategy简答1)产品生命周期理