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1、20222022 年年-2023-2023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识练习年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识练习题题(一一)及答案及答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、Authorities gave them a few hours to _ their belongingsbefore it was detonated later that morning.A.retrieveB.releaseC.reassureD.revive【答案】A2、银行最需要考虑的风险是()。A.信用风险B.流动性风险C.市场风险D.操作风险【答案】A3、客户支取现金时,应填制本行(),先到会计部门的有
2、关专柜办理手续。A.现金支票B.银行本票C.银行汇票D.现金存条【答案】A4、网络的()称为拓扑结构。A.接入的计算机多少B.物理连接的构型C.物理介质种类D.接入的计算机距离【答案】B5、Passage 8A.The rules are good for lenders while bad for borrowersB.The rules will help baby boomer seniors to save moneyC.The rules will help consumers better understand reverse mortgageD.The rules will be
3、 stricter for consumers【答案】C6、中央银行提供的基础货币是通过其资产业务流通出去的,下列不属于中央银行提供基础货币途径的是()。A.对商业银行办理再贴现或发放再贷款,变动对金融机构的债权B.中央银行收购外汇、黄金,变动储备资产C.调整存款利率,影响公众存款意愿D.在公开市场买卖政府债券,变动对政府的债权【答案】C7、资料:To manage teams organization require effectivemanagers.Highly skilled and trained managers can make more informeddecisions.Th
4、e use of beat practice models enables managers to ensuretheir teams operate efficiently.This will improve quality forcustomers as staff will be better trained to deal with customersneeds.It will also improve team effectiveness and help organizationsto perform better.A.s/he loves people to discuss pr
5、oblemsB.s/he is likely to delay the decisionsC.s/he seldom consults othersD.s/he needs to make quick response【答案】A8、经过对账,如果开户单位账面余额与银行分户账余额不符,可通过()核对出差额,进行查对。A.调节表B.余额调节表C.未达账项调节表D.银行对账单【答案】B9、填入括号中最恰当的词语是()。A.演习多少B.演练多少C.演习稍微D.演练稍微【答案】D10、交易双方同意在将来的某一特定日期,按事先规定好的价格买入或售出既定数量的某种资产协议的金融工具,称之为(),它是一种场外
6、交易。A.金融期货B.金融期权C.远期合约D.互换【答案】C11、与零售业相比较,批发业具有自身的特点,以下表述不正确的是()。A.批发业基本属于资本密集型行业B.服务项目相对较少C.平均每笔交易量少,交易次数频繁D.批发业的商圈比较大【答案】C12、货币转化为资本的决定性前提是()。A.资本家集中大量货币B.劳动力成为商品C.生产资料成为商品D.消费资料成为商品【答案】B13、资料:International Federation for Scientific ResearchA.To invite a researcher to speak at a conventionB.To reco
7、mmend an academic articleC.To encourage a member to attend a conferenceD.To ask a scientist to post research data to a Web site【答案】C14、红娘最早成名是在王实甫的()。A.西厢记B.小桃红C.滚绣球D.桃花亭【答案】A15、While they mainly have _Japanese tourists previously,luxurystores in Paris now employ Mandarin-speaking assistants forcust
8、ormers from China.A.amounted toB.referrde toC.adhered toD.catered to【答案】D16、2012 年 1 月 8 日,中国人民银行工作会议在北京闭幕,会议上透露出的信息显示,()仍是金融宏观调控的首要任务。A.稳定物价总水平B.抑制投资C.降低金融风险D.控制货币供应量【答案】A17、Most of Indias coffee exports are restricted by an export _fixed under the ryles of the International Coffee Agreement.A.cens
9、usB.statureC.retributionD.quota【答案】D18、中国的文字发展历史源远流长,下列关于字体描述,说法错误的是()。A.在秦始皇统一中国后,推行的统一文字为小篆B.小篆的创制是中国第一次系统的将文字书体标准化的过程C.李斯的泰山刻石是小篆刻石的代表D.张芝是东汉著名书法家,最擅长小篆【答案】D19、在 1 月 18 日凌晨结束的 2021 斯诺克大师赛决赛中,20 岁的中国球员()战胜英国名将约翰希金斯夺冠,成为历史首位“00 后”大师赛冠军。A.颜丙涛B.颜振涛C.丁俊辉D.王涛【答案】A20、资本家支付给工人的工资其本质上是()。A.工人的劳动的价值B.工人全部劳
10、动的报酬C.工人劳动的价格D.工人出卖的劳动力的价值或价格【答案】D21、对银行机构流动性监管内容不包括()。A.流动性负债大于自有资本B.资产负债期限匹配C.流动性应保持在适度水平D.银行资产变化情况【答案】A22、所有者权益类账户的期末余额根据()计算。A.借方期末余额=借方期初余额+借方本期发生额一贷方本期发生额B.借方期末余额=借方期初余额+贷方本期发生额一借方本期发生额C.贷方期末余额=贷方期初余额+贷方本期发生额一借方本期发生额D.贷方期末余额=贷方期初余额+借方本期发生额一贷方本期发生额【答案】C23、人民币汇率形成机制改革坚持主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,2005 年 7月 2
11、1 日,人民币汇率形成机制改革启动,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币政策进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。自汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率弹性逐步扩大,并形成双向波动的格局,呈现稳中有升的态势。A.货币局制B.传统的盯住汇率制C.事先不公开汇率目标的管理浮动D.单独浮动【答案】A24、Passage 8A.several time throughout the yearB.as quickly as possibleC.occasionally when necessaryD.regularly every winter【答案】D25、资料:Its so common to hear
12、people say,“Im stressed out,”almost as a badge of honor,as if this is a symptom only of ourfast-paced modern life.But in her book,“Exhaustion:AHistory,”Anna Katharina Schaffner writes that the syndrome ofmental exhaustion has existed almost since the beginning of humanhistory.A.the fast-paced modern
13、 lifeB.the significant events in human historyC.increasing consumption of the energy reservesD.less harmonious life with nature and the seasons【答案】C26、Passage2A.the uses of life preserversB.the design of life preserversC.the materials for life preserversD.the buoyancy of life preservers【答案】B27、Contr
14、ary()the popular opinion,higher taxes end upbenefiting the citizens more than lower ones.A.forB.inC.toD.with【答案】C28、资料:In the business environment nearly all individuals withinan organization will belong to one or more groups or teams.A.express clearly the common goal of the teamB.allow the team lea
15、der to make final decisions after discussionsC.create a team randomlyD.monitor the progress of the team【答案】C29、目前我国票据贴现业务的主要票据是()。A.支票B.银行本票C.商业承兑汇票D.银行承兑汇票【答案】D30、()要求企业应当按照交易或者事项的经济实质进行会计确认、计量和报告,不仅仅以交易或者事项的法律形式为依据。A.实质重于形式B.可理解性C.重要性D.及时性【答案】A31、6101126-5121322=()。A.0B.2C.1D.3【答案】A32、You should b
16、e _ with your movements because of all thesecurity.A.usefulB.skillfulC.carefulD.helpful【答案】C33、使预算约束线在保持斜率不变的条件下作远离原点运动的是()。A.x 的价格上涨 10%而 y 的价格下降 10%B.x 和 y 的价格都上涨 10%,收入下降 5%C.x 和 y 的价格都下降 10%,收入不变D.x 和 y 的价格都上涨 10%,收入上涨 5%【答案】C34、统计指标按其所反映的内容或其数值表现形式,可以分为总量指标、相对指标和()。A.比例指标B.比率指标C.平均指标D.变异指标【答案】C
17、35、工厂有 5 条效率不同的生产线。某个生产项目如果任选 3 条生产线一起加工,最快需要 6 天整,最慢需要 12 天整;5 条生产线一起加工,则需要 5 天整。问如果所有生产线的产能都扩大一倍,任选 2 条生产线一起加工最多需要多少天完成?()A.11B.13C.15D.30【答案】C36、某代表队参加文艺会演的共 46 人,其中女生人数的 4/5 是男生人数的1/2,那么参加演出的女生人数为多少人?A.30B.33C.36D.38【答案】A37、资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as thepress,radio,telev
18、ision,cinema or poster sites.This type of promotionis usually paid for.Each of the possible media methods can be usedto target audiences in different market segment.There are bothstrengths and drawbacks to these forms of media:A.it is hard to evaluate the effectiveness of a campaignB.the media are o
19、ften expensiveC.it aims at specific audiencesD.it may have an immediate impact【答案】B38、It was no()that his car was seen near the bank at the timeof the robbery.A.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication【答案】A39、中国是世界上()的国家。A.森林资源最丰富B.植物种类最多C.微生物种类最多D.动物种类最多【答案】D40、资料:Did your childs brain shri
20、nk last summer?Probably not,but it may have shifted into reverse,according to a study by Dr.Harris Cooper,professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia.The study found that when students return to school after along summer vacation,theyve lost one to three months worth oflearning.A.
21、After summer vocation kids will lose one to three months worth oflearningB.After summer vocation kids will lose learning capability in readingC.Summer vocation makes kids lose learning skills in mathD.Summer vocation brings kids psychological problems【答案】A41、资料:The Oakview CafeA.Purchase tickets for
22、 an eventB.View a full dinner menuC.Listen to samples of musicD.Read reviews of a performance【答案】B42、资料:As a startup founder,my daily tasks include everythingfrom long-term strategic planning to approving team outings andcompany culture initiatives.Day after day,things inevitably come upthat need to
23、 get handled ASAP.But lve also learned that if youdont have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions andyour truly lofty goals,theyll simply never get done.And that meansyou wont make the progress thats really going to move your businessforward.A.The author may like about the administra
24、tion systemB.The author may teach the readers to make a timetableC.The author may put forward another suggestionD.The author may discuss the office environments【答案】C43、政府支出增加时,可能会使私人支出减少,这一效应称为()。A.替代效应B.挤出效应C.投资乘数效应D.凯恩斯陷阱【答案】B44、Are you going to hang the _ of the Declaration of Independencein the
25、classroom on in the auditorium?A.rivetB.typhusC.typhoidD.replica【答案】D45、在 ASCII 码表中,按照 ASCII 码值从小到大的排列顺序是()。A.数字、英文大写字母、英文小写字母B.数字、英文小写字母、英文大写字母C.英文大写字母、英文小写字母、数字D.英文小写字母、英文大写字母、数字【答案】A46、资料:The increasing amount of personal information that can becollected by computer programs that track how people
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- 2022 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 练习题 答案