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1、湖北省湖北省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考试题年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识考试题库库单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、If you_the trigger of a gun really hard and really fast,itdoesnt fire any faster or harder than if you just squeezed it gently.A.condenseB.squeezeC.obtainD.lost【答案】B2、Passage 6A.a dramatic reduction of its scaleB.its wrongly-d
2、irected implementationC.the governments reluctance to back itD.an unreasonable price for enrollment【答案】D3、当本币升值,()。A.国内价格与出口价格一升一降B.国内价格和出口价格均不变C.国内价格和出口价格均上升D.国内价格和出口价格均下降【答案】A4、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A.changesB.makesC.setsD.turns【答案】B5、公文区别于其他类别文章的主要之处是()。A.公文形成的主体是国家机关及其他社会组织B.公文形成的
3、条件是行使职权和实施管理C.公文是具有法定效用与规范格式的文件D.公文是办理公务的重要工具之一【答案】C6、下面什么促销方法有利于搞好企业与外界的关系,在公众中树立良好的企业形象,但其促销效果难以把握?()A.公共关系B.广告C.人员推广D.营业推广【答案】A7、资料:Italys next government,a coalition between thepopulistFive Star Movement and the far-right Northern League,isgiving investors plenty to worry about.Leaked plans,hast
4、ilyabandoned,suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask theEuropean Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn)of Italian debt.But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italianbanks,and in particular for their biggest burden:non-performingloans(NPLs).Over 185bn of NPLs were outstand
5、ing at the end of2017,the most for any country in the European Union.(1)A.uneasyB.awkwardC.furiousD.indifferent【答案】A8、The snake farmers said they had been bitten,some by deadly snakes,and were saved by_of anti-venom medicine.A.injectionB.producingC.infectionD.consuming【答案】A9、按照贷款是否有担保,贷款可以分为()。A.担保贷
6、款、票据贴现B.信用贷款、担保贷款C.信用贷款、票据贴现D.非抵押贷款、抵押贷款【答案】D10、Chinese Internet users tend to use more proper and skillfulsearch means for locating keywords and handling search engines thantheir Japanese_.A.counterpartsB.friendsC.pioneersD.classmates【答案】A11、下面二十四节气中,不属于夏季(以立夏为开始,立秋为结束)的是()A.夏至B.处暑C.芒种D.小满【答案】B12、阅
7、读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A.statedB.remarkedC.saidD.told【答案】C13、The customer wanted to get a refund,because the purchasedmerchandise was neither good in quality()price.A.orB.norC.forD.but【答案】B14、资料:The increasing amount of personal information that can becollected by computer programs that
8、 track how people use Facebook hasbeen revealed by an extensive academic study.A.The efficiency of computer programs in data analysisB.The result of a study can be predictable by computersC.Usefulness of some personal information in marketingD.Personal Information could be collected and analyzed onl
9、ine【答案】D15、“富贵在天,生死由命”这是属于()。A.机械唯物主义观点B.客观唯心主义观点C.主观唯心主义观点D.朴素唯物主义观点【答案】B16、资料:FAST cars whizz around,malls are full of expensiveluxuries and cranes dominate the skyline.But scratch the shimmeringsurface of the Gulf and you soon find countries hurting from the lowoil price,currently around$40 a bar
10、rel.Growth is slowing andunemployment is rising.Policy makers even dare utter a three-letter“t”word until recently taboo:tax.A.Other GCC states will start economic reform in the way Dubai hasdoneB.Negative outlook might remain for GCC countries governmentfinancial conditionC.Oil price will hardly ri
11、se in the foreseeable futureD.Oil revenue accounts for 85%of Qatars government income【答案】B17、固定资产应当按()取折旧,并根据用途分别计入相关资产的成本或当期费用。A.年B.月C.日D.季【答案】B18、Passage3A.the dining room firstB.the living room firstC.the kitchen firstD.the garden first【答案】B19、TCPIP 体系结构中的 TCP 和 IP 所提供的服务分别为()。A.链路层服务和网络层服务B.网络层服
12、务和运输层服务C.运输层服务和应用层服务D.运输层服务和网络层服务【答案】D20、资料:It is September of 1998,Im sitting in a windowlessoffice room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneathhumming fluorescent lights.Im listening to the sound of my voice onsurreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made theyea
13、r before.For the past eight months,the mysterious content ofthese tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head.A fewdays later,the Star Report is released to Congress,and all of thosetapes and transcripts,those stolen words,form a part of it.Thatpeople can read the transcripts is horrific
14、enough,but a few weekslater,the audio tapes are aired on TV,and significant portions madeavailable online.The pubic humiliation was excruciating.(1)A.The environment in which the technology enhances shamingB.The humiliation that is more intensely felt than it should beC.The price we have to pay as t
15、he victims of mistakesD.The impact of peoples suicide on families and the society【答案】A21、某砖厂计划 20 天生产 30000 块砖,现在已生产的块数可以装 2 辆卡车,已知每盒装 6 块砖,每箱装 40 盒,每辆卡车装 50 箱,照这样计算,还要生产几天才能全部完成?()A.4 天B.6 天C.8 天D.10 天【答案】A22、下列银行中不是政策性银行的是()。A.中国农业发展银行B.国家开发银行C.中国进出口银行D.中国农业银行【答案】D23、资料:Western business visitors a
16、re often deadline-driven andunwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business.But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously.A.Chinese business philosophyB.Chinas business cultureC.Doing business in ChinaD.Guanxi in China【答案】B24、资料:New York and London may rule the roost,
17、but other financialhubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out usefulspecialist niches for themselves.Chicago,for instance,hasconsolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center,andHouston,the largest city in Texas,is home to Americas biggestenergy firms and has spawned an active clu
18、ster of energy traders andhedge funds.A.New YorkB.LondonC.ChicagoD.Frankfurt【答案】C25、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work atthe end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply notcheck your email until you return the office during normal workinghours.A.Bosses push employ
19、ees to work by sending emails anytimeB.Employees are exhausted by the constant need to check emailsC.Companies mean to stress the workers out by sending emailsD.None of above【答案】B26、The snake farmers said they had been bitten,some by deadlysnakes,and were saved by_of anti-venom medicine.A.injectionB
20、.producingC.infectionD.consuming【答案】A27、()on her past mistakes,Jessie realized that she had trustedwrong people.A.ReflectingB.To reflectC.Being reflectedD.Reflect【答案】A28、中央银行以行政命令或其他方式,从质和量两个方面对金融机构尤其是商业银行的信用活动进行控制,这种货币政策工具是()。A.消费信用控制B.道义劝告C.直接信用控制D.窗口指导【答案】C29、资料:Changing careers is becoming more
21、popular.Not just becausethere are more career options available,but also out of necessity.As new industries arise,others die.Its up to you to figure out ifyour career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years.Somestudies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professionallifetime.
22、Which begs the question:do you know what it takes tosuccessfully change career lanes repeatedly?A.To build a marketing campaign by creating a better resumeB.To give the logic and passion behind your career changeC.To make sure everyone knows about your intention of changing careerD.To have more conv
23、ersations and connections within your new careerpath【答案】D30、20 世纪 30 年代,美国经济危机产生的直接原因是生产和销售之间的矛盾加剧。加剧这 一矛盾的因素有()。A.B.C.D.【答案】A31、The left wing party wants to keep these two actions _.A.combinationB.combiningC.combinedD.combine【答案】C32、下列命题中,不包含辩证法思想的是()。A.“穷则变,变则通,通则久”B.“塞翁失马,焉知非福”C.“天不变.道亦不变”D.“城门失火
24、,殃及池鱼”【答案】C33、资料:As a business owner,it is vital that you understand anduse advanced technologies.Technology can help increase businessefficiency and even expand operations.A.The Age of Advanced TechnologyB.How to be a Good Business OwnerC.Using Technology to Stay CompetitiveD.The Convenience of Tec
25、hnology【答案】C34、下面属于非票据结算的是()。A.汇兑结算B.汇票结算C.本票结算D.支票结算【答案】A35、某商场在暑期推出“羽绒服反季大甩卖”活动,此种促销方式为()。A.竞赛促销B.无偿促销C.折价促销D.惠赠促销【答案】C36、2017 年 4 月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长 15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高 9.4 个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长 14.0%,食品制造业增长 18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长 13.9%。14 月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长 11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高 4.5 个百分点。A.9.5B.10.2C.11
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- 湖北省 2023 银行 招聘 综合 知识 考试 题库