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1、湖北省湖北省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库及年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库及精品答案精品答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、衡量一个社会生产力发展水平的客观尺度是()。A.生产工具B.劳动者素质C.科学技术D.管理水平【答案】A2、下列各项中,导致负债总额变化的是()。A.赊销商品B.赊购商品C.开出银行汇票D.用盈余公积转增资本【答案】B3、Well be very careful and keep what youve told us strictly()。A.rigorousB.privateC.confidentialD.mysterious【答案】
2、C4、下列不属于经济法的宏观调控制度的是()。A.财税调控制度B.金融调控制度C.计划调控制度D.反垄断制度【答案】D5、For decades,farmers and environmentalists in California have beenentangled in a_over laws that limit the amount of water divertedfrom rivers and streams for irrigation。A.disputeB.registerC.conflictD.negotiation【答案】A6、对费用预算、经济合同的执行情况进行审查属于(
3、)。A.事前审计B.事中审计C.事后审计D.内部审计【答案】B7、甲有一手表,委托乙保管,乙擅自将手表卖给丙,丙又赠与女友丁,丁戴上3 天后在街头被戊抢走,戊后又遗失于街头,为庚拾得。根据物权法的规定,对该手表享有所有权的是()。A.甲B.丙C.丁D.庚【答案】C8、There are many fascinating cases_ people actually dreamt aboutthings which later happened to them。A.whereB.whenC.whichD.what【答案】A9、Global warming is causing more than
4、 300,000 deaths and about$125billion in economic losses each year,according to a report by theGlobal Humanitarian Forum,an organization led by Annan,the formerUnited Nations secretary general.A.Global temperatures affect the rate of economic developmentB.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due
5、to global warmingC.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countriesD.onomic trends have to do with population and natural disasters【答案】B10、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.4B.5C.8D.20【答案】C11、新文化运动兴起的标志是()。A.李大钊发表庶民的胜利B.“兼容并包”方针的提出C.陈独秀在上海创办新青年D.鲁迅发表狂人日记【答案】C12、某银行的
6、核心资本为 100 亿元人民币,附属资本为 50 亿元人民币,风险加权资产为 1500 亿元人民币,则其资本充足率为()。A.10.0B.8.0C.6.7D.3.3【答案】A13、在银行发放贷款的情况下,货币作为价值运动的独立形式从银行单方面转移到借款人这时货币执行的职能是()。A.价值尺度B.支付手段C.流通手段D.贮藏手段【答案】B14、2020 年 2 月 23 日,习近平在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上表重要讲话,会议指出,疫情直接影响居民收入,再叠加物价上涨因素,部分群众基本生活面临的困难可能增多。要落实()责任制和()负责制,保障主副食品供应。A.“米袋子”省
7、长“菜篮子”市长B.“米袋子”市长“菜篮子”县长C.“菜篮子”省长“米袋子”市长D.“菜篮子”市长“米袋子”县长【答案】A15、远期汇率的期限一般为()个月。A.16B.39C.69D.612【答案】A16、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the UnitedStates,but they produce more than enough food for 200 millionAmericans.They are able to do this because modern agriculture dependsmo
8、re on up-to-date machinery and scientific methods than it does onold-fashioned knowledge and human labor.A.A modern farm and a factory are similar in some aspectsB.Farm machines are expensiveC.Farmers are unwilling to replace their worn-out machineryD.Farmers have to borrow a lot of money for the eq
9、uipment they need【答案】C17、Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,_,ofcourse,madethe others unhappy.A.whoB.whichC.thisD.what【答案】B18、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821,and movedto New York City when she was ten years old.One day she decided thatshe wanted to become a
10、 doctor.That was nearly impossible for a womanin the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many lettersasking for admission(录取)to medical schools,she was finallyaccepted by a doctor in Philadelphia.She was so determined that shetaught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost
11、ofschooling.A.She wrote too many lettersB.She couldnt graduate from medical schoolC.She was a womanD.She couldnt set up her hospital【答案】C19、The rise of the_industry in Georgia was a significanthistorical development with a profound effect on the states textilemanufacture.A.fabricB.fiberC.filmingD.fa
12、shion【答案】A20、I have been told to seek legal _ with regard to sellingthis property.A.instructionB.decisionC.suggestionD.advice【答案】D21、Passage 4A.Little Money Leads toB.a MillionaireBThe Success Road to Be a MillionaireC.Alex Taw:An Millionaire BoyD.The MillionDollarH【答案】C22、“七喜”汽水突出宣传自己不含咖啡因的特点,成为非可乐
13、型饮料的主导者,它采取的是()定位策略。A.市场渗透B.避强定位策略C.专业化营销D.迎头定位策略【答案】B23、资料:The following passage is the introduction about one of theMonsell international financial products.According to thepassage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,thenselect the right answer.A.Not including Primary Chequing,you
14、can own 17 accountsB.You can make unlimited everyday banking transactions inbranch,online,at an ATM of Bank of Monsell,or phone banking servicesC.It offers preferred exchange rate when buying U.S.cash(up to$5,000 U.S.per transaction)D.It is able to help save you up to$288.60 a year on fees【答案】C24、填入
15、括号中最恰当的词语是()。A.再接再厉龙争虎斗B.自力更生明争暗斗C.自力更生龙争虎斗D.再接再厉明争暗斗【答案】C25、资料:A man looking for art for his new home has won a$1 millionPicasso painting with a$138 raffle ticket.Jeffrey Gonano told thePittsburgh Tribune-Review hes not sure hell ever hang themasterpiece in his home in Wexford,in western Pennsylvan
16、ia,givenits value.The 25-year-old Gonano,who works for his familys firesprinkler business,learned Wednesday that his ticket had won theParis raffle.Organizers say nearly 50,000 tickets were soldworldwide,for 100 euros apiece,to benefit a Lebanese charity.A.He bought it for his new homeB.He received
17、it from Picassos familyC.He won the French lotteryD.He got it from a charity organization【答案】C26、Mr.Backus simply replaced the original equation with his own_ for a dream date,which included the percentage of womenlikely to find him attractive,and the number of girls aged 24 to 34in London.A.designa
18、tionB.measuresC.criteriaD.legislation【答案】C27、材料二:2018 年上半年,我国经常账户逆差 1801 亿元,资本和金融账户顺差 4247 亿元,其中,非储备性质的金融账户顺差 7451 亿元,储备资产增加3192 亿元。A.经常账户B.资产C.银行存款D.股票资产【答案】A28、经济成本和经济利润具有以下特征()。A.前者比会计成本小,后者比会计利润大B.两者都比相应的会计成本和会计利润大C.前者比会计成本大,后者比会计利润小D.两者都比相应的会计成本和会计利润小【答案】C29、2020 年 3 月 10 日国家主席习近平专门赴湖北省武汉市考察疫情防
19、控工作。他强调,经过艰苦努力,湖北和武汉疫情防控形势发生积极向好变化,取得阶段性重要成果,但疫情防控任务依然艰巨繁重。越是在这个时候,越是要保持头脑清醒,越是要慎终如始,越是要再接再厉、善作善成,继续把()作为当前头等大事和最重要的工作。A.疫情防控B.疫情监管C.疫情防治D.疫情管理【答案】A30、2020 年 4 月 6 日电,世界卫生组织 5 日发布第七十六期新冠肺炎疫情报告。报告认为,目前中国已从疫情遏制阶段进入(),中国经验正在帮助其他国家的抗疫行动。A.拉锯阶段B.缓解阶段C.攻坚阶段D.决胜阶段【答案】B31、_the unpredictability,the technolog
20、ical failure is another bigthreat to the aviation industry.A.ExceptB.LikeC.Along withD.Other than【答案】D32、资料:Theres a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll youordered for lunch doesnt actually contain any tuna at all.A.Many sushi restaurants refuse to serve some fish because of therisk of fake fis
21、hB.People have access to track the origins of fish sold in sushi shopsC.Most fish sold in sushi stores is mislabeled but new tech can helpto fix the problemD.Citizens in the US no longer trust the fish sold in sushi venues【答案】C33、对利随本清的存款计算存期时,下列说法正确的是()。A.存人日计息,支取日不计息B.存入日、支取 El 均计息C.存人的第二日起息,算至支取日
22、D.存入的第二日起息,算至支取的前一日【答案】B34、在 Excel 提供的 4 类运算符中,优先级最高的是()。A.算术运算符B.比较运算符C.文本运算符D.引用运算符【答案】D35、资料:Chinas Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent ofMillennium BCP,Portugals largest listed bank,and potentially liftits stake to 30 percent,following a having in its share price in theyear to date.A.?197
23、.3 millionB.?240.7 millionC.?438 millionD.?43.4 million【答案】C36、2017 年 4 月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长 15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高 9.4 个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长 14.0%,食品制造业增长 18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长 13.9%。14 月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长 11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高 4.5 个百分点。A.熟肉制品B.米制半成品C.冷冻蔬菜D.酱油【答案】B37、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our
24、 eyes very often.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how importantour eyes are.A.even if we can see wellB.only when we cannot see perfectlyC.only when we realize how important our eyes areD.only when we can see well【答案】A38、下列各项中,哪一项是最能衡量股东利润最大化的指标?()A.资本利润率B.资产利润率C.销售利润率D.股权分红率【答
25、案】D39、资料:New York and London may rule the roost,but other financialhubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out usefulspecialist niches for themselves.Chicago,for instance,hasconsolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center,andHouston,the largest city in Texas,is home to Americas b
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