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1、辩论式议论文模版(一)Some p e ople be 1 i eve (a r g u e, recognize, think) t hat观点 1. Bu t other p e op 1 e t ake a n o p p o site s ide. Th e y fi r mly believ e t ha t观点 2 . As for me, I ag r ee to the fo r mer/la t t e r idea. Th e r e are a dozen o f reas o ns b e hind my belief. First of al 1 , a 论据L Mo
2、re impor t a n t ly, a 论据 2. Most i mport ant of a 11,论据 3. In s u mma r y,总结观点。 As a c oil e ge student, I am supposedto 表决心。或 From a bo v e, we c an predi c t th at 预测。辩论式议论文模版(二)Peopl e hold d iffere n t v iews about X. Some people are of the opin i onth a tA观点 1. Whil e ot h ers p o int o u t t
3、hat观点 2. As f ar as I am concer n ed, th e f o rmer/ 1 a tt e r op i nion ho 1 ds mo r e weight. F or o ne thing,论据 L Fo r ano t h er,论据 2. Last b u t no t the 1 e a st,论据3. To c o n c 1 ude, 总结观点. As a college s t udont, I a m suppose d to 表决心。或 From abo v e we can p r e d i ct that 预测。提纲式作文写作模板1、对
4、立观点式A.有人认为X是好事,赞成X,为什么?aA.有人认为X是好事,赞成X,为什么?aB .有人认为X是坏事,反对X,为什么?C.我的见解。S o me peo piein fa v or of t he idea o f d o in g X. Theotheothe1 0. O n the one hand1 l.On the二填作者的见解。a 10.支持见解hand,的理由-或说明见解的第一个方面。12. I n b r i ef,11.理由二或第二个方面。a12.总结。2.现象解释型模板二We have witne s se d1 .空格内填最近出现的总体现象。1. Accordin
5、g t o ,2 .空格一根据题目填 thechar t , th e r e2. And4 a. Many rea sons cport等,空格二内填现象的具体表现一。o n t ribu t e to3.现象的具体表现二a4 .过度句,填现象或现象带来的后果,为下文分析产生的因素做铺 垫。5. T ob e gin with ,. 5. 因 素 之 一 。6 . Mor e o v er,6.因素二。7 a因素三。a 8因素导7 . I naddi t io n ,a 8. A s 致的结果。aresul t ,9. As to m e ,9 .空格内填作者对现象的见解。a 10.支持见1
6、0.F i rst o f al 1,11 4 B e s i d解的 理 由 一 。es, 11. 理 由 二。12. To c o n c 1 u de,12.总结。3.现象解释型模板三1.ha s b e en b ro u ght into fl.空格内填最近出现的总体现象。2也空格内填现o c us.-*2. Now d ays ,.&象 的 具 体 表 现 一 。3 . In a dditi o n,.44 . Many r 3.现象的具体表现二4.过度句到分析因素。e aso n s c ontribut e to. Ge n erally s p e a king ,/5. 承
7、上启下开始列举因素5 .Firstof a 11,47. M o reo v e 6.因索之一。a 7 因素二。8 a 对因素一r ,48. T h er e fore, 二进行总结9. Asfar as I am co n ce r ne d ,9.空格内填作者对现象的见解。a 10.支持见解的,10. Aswc k n o wn ,理由一。 a 11.理由二。1 1 . Further m ore ,12.总结。12. In aw o r d ,【万用大废话】2. The一)比较 a1. The a d van t ag e far o u tw e igh the di sad vant
8、ageadvanteiges o f A are much g r e at e radvanteiges o f A are much g r e at e rthant h ose of B.3. A may be prefcrabl e t o B, but Asuff c r s from th ed i sad v anta ges th a t.4 . I t is r eas o nab 1 e t o maint a i nth a tw o uld b e fooli5 h to c 1 aimthat. .5 . For a 1 1 thed isadv a nt a g
9、e s,it has i tsc ompen s atingadvant a ges. a 6 . Lik e anyt h i n g el s e, ith as i ts faults.13. A and B has seve r a 1 p oints i n common.14. A bears som e resem b lane e s to B.15. Howev e r , the sam e i s not app 1 i c a ble to B. a 10. A and B d i ffer in s e veral ways.1 1. E vide n t 1 y,
10、i t ha s both negative a nd p o sitive effects, a 1 2 . P e ople u s ed to think . . but things are dif f e r e n t now.13. The s a me is t r ue of B.1 4. Wond e ring a s A is , it h as i t s dr a w b acks. 15. It is t r ue t hat A . , but t he chie f f au 1 ts (ob v i o us d efe c t s ) a r开头段落写作方法
11、讲解:1 .开头万能公式一:名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?特别是英语名言?,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是发明出来的,涉及我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编, 但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!并且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?经典句型:A proberb says, “ You ar e only y o u ng once. w (合用于 已记住的名言)I t goes w i th o ut say i ng that we c annot be young forever. (合用于自编 名言) 更多经典句型: As ev e r y one knows, No one
12、can d e ny that 2 .开头万能公式二:数字记录原理:要想更有说服力,就应当用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中十不应当出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一, 但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:力 According to a rec ent sur v ey, abou t 78. 9% of the c ollege st u d e n ts w a n t ed to furt h e r their s tudy aft e r their g r a du a tion.会 看起来这个数字文邹邹 的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随
13、便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:Ho n esty根据最近的一项记录调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。T ravel by B ike a 根据最近的一项记录调查显示,8 5%的人在近距离旅行的时候首 选的交通工具是自行车。 Youth根据最近的一项记录调杳显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70席都是在休闲娱乐。Five-d a y Wor k W e ek B e tter than Si x -day Work?根据最近的一项记录调查显示,98%的人批准每周五天工作日。更多句型:A A rec e n t s t atis t ics shows th a t正文段落讲解一
14、、举实例思维短路,举实例!提出一个观点,举实例!提出一个方案,举实例!并且者也是我们揭 示一个观点最佳的方式,任何情况下,只要我们无法继续文章,不管三七二十一,尽管举例子! 4 I n o rde r to a ttr a ct more cus t ome r s, ad v er t isers h av e adopted every pos s ib 1 e stim u 1 a t iv e factor in m a kin g ads, s u ch as sou n d,light, c o 1 ou r s, ca r toonfi 1 ms and humanperform
15、 a nee.For i nst a nee,t o adv e r tis e a cer tain f o o d , a dv e rti s e r s wil 1askan acto ror act r es s to s i t at atable and devo u r t he seem ing 1y de 1 ici ous f ood while th e y fimeh i m or her. a更多句型: aTot a keas a n e xampl e , On e ex a mple is , Another example is , for e xam pie
16、二、做比较方法:写完一个要点,比较与之相似的;又写完一个要点,再比较与之相反的; 世 界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现两者的相同点(th roug h comp a rison)和不同点(through contrast)。下面是一些短语: 相似的比较:i n compari son, 1 i kewi se, si m i 1 arly, i n th e same ma n ne r a相反的比较:on th e other han d , c onve r sely, whe r eas, wh i le, instead, neve r t h e
17、less, i n co n t r a s t , o n the con t r a r y , comp a r e d w it h , 三、换言之没话说了,可以换句话再说,让你的文章在多一些字,或者文邹邹地说,是让读者更 充足的理解你的观点。实际就是反复反复再反复!下面的句子事实上就三个字I love you !lam cnth u siastic a bo u t you. That is t o say, I love y ou. a I am w ild about you. I n other words, I h ave fallen i n 1 o ve wit h y
18、o u. a或者上面我们举过的例子:I c an n ot bear it. a 可以用短语表达:I cannot put u p with it.因此可以这样说:I c a nnot bear i t . T h at is t o say, I c a nnot put up w i th it or I am f ed up w i th i t.更多短语:会 i n more d i ff i cult la n g u a g e, in simp ler wo rds, put it more simpl y结尾段落讲解1.结尾万能公式一:如此结论A说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位
19、都有这样的经历,领 导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们立即停止开小差,等待领导 说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你 就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子:Ob v i o usly (此为过渡短语),we can d raw t he concl u s i o n that goodman n ers aris e fr o m pol iten ess a nd re s pect fo r o thers.假如读者很难“显而见之”,但说无妨,就当读者的眼光太浅罢了! A更多过渡短语:to sum up, in c oncl u
20、s ion, in bri e f, on a c c oun t o f th i s, thus 更多句型:a Thus, it can b e cone 1 ud e d t hat ,Therefore, we c an f i nd ihatA2.结尾万能公式二:如此建议假如说“如此结论”是结尾最没用的废话,那么“如此建议”应当是最有价值的废话 了,由于这里虽然也是废话,但是却用了一个很经典的虚拟语气的句型。拽!Obv i ously, it is hig h time t h at we t o ok som e meas u res t o sol v e th e pr o b
21、l e m.这里的虚拟语气用得很经典,由于考官本来经常考这个句型,而假如我们自己写出来, 你说考官会怎么想呢?更多句型:a Acco r d in g ly, I r ecommend that s o me me a su r e s be t ak e n. a Cons e qu e n tly, to s olve th e pro blem, som e measures sho u id be taken.六级作文预测题和新东方老师范文话题:Open Course s1 .现在网络公开课很盛行;2 .网络公开课有不少好处,也存在一些问题;3 .我对此的建议。范文:Onlin e o
22、pen courses are gain i ng popu 1 arit y in re c e n t years. Fo 1 1 wo i n g g 1 oball y famous uni ver sit i es 1 ike Y a le and H a rvard, some univer s i t i e s in Chi n a hav e a 1 so s tarted t o o ffer on 1 i ne open cou r s e s. Tho s e cours e s have attr act e d p e o pie from all classe s
23、 with different o c c u pat ions.The c ours e s ha v e b rou g ht many benefits t o p eo p le. Many of the c our s es are p r ovide d by u ni v ersit i e s in foreign co u ntr i es, and t h us offer fresh ideas to u s. T h ro u gh t h em, we can ke e p up wi th wh a t people ar e thinkin g all over
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- 2023 年六级 作文 题型 模版 段落 讲解 万用 废话