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1、 Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 6:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation TranslationUnit 6:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.At At the the very very beginning beginning of of the the article,
2、article,the the author author points points out:out:“ambition“ambition is is a a quality quality that that is is hard hard to to praise praise and and easy easy to to deplore”.deplore”.Why Why does does he he say say so?so?And And how how is is this this related related to to the the fact fact that
3、that presently presently many many people people are are doubtful doubtful about about ambition?ambition?What What belief belief do do these these people people hold about ambition?hold about ambition?Because Because ambition ambition is is“an“an unrelenting unrelenting oppressor,oppressor,which whi
4、ch robs robs us us of of time time and and peace peace of of mind”,mind”,meaning meaning that that ambition ambition can can mercilessly mercilessly cause cause people people much much distress distress and and suffering,suffering,driving driving them them to to work work overtime overtime with with
5、 little little time time left left for for leisure leisure and and relaxation relaxation and and filling filling their their minds minds with with dissatisfaction,dissatisfaction,worry worry and and anxiety.anxiety.This This is is especially especially true true in in economically economically boomi
6、ng booming periods periods such such as as the the present present when when there there are are more more opportunities opportunities alluring alluring people.people.As As a a result,result,presently presently many many people people are are doubtful doubtful about about ambition,ambition,believing
7、 believing that that ambition ambition has has become become too too hard hard to to control control and and is is forcing forcing us us to to make make too too great great efforts efforts and and hold hold too strong desires which will finally destroy ourselves.too strong desires which will finally
8、 destroy ourselves.ReferenceReferenceEx.I,pp.114115Unit 6:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension2.2.In In paragraphs paragraphs 2 2 and and 3,3,the the author author cites cites some some examples examples to to show show that that ambition ambition is is not not merely merely the the pursuit pu
9、rsuit of of wealth,wealth,actually actually people people from from every every walk walk of of life life have have their their own own ambition ambition to to achieve.achieve.What What different different ambitions ambitions do do different different people people have?have?According According to t
10、o the the author,author,which which of of them them is is most most commonly commonly shared shared by by people?people?And And what role does money play in its fulfillment?what role does money play in its fulfillment?Unit 6:Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionThe author cites four examples:Th
11、e author cites four examples:1)Al Gores ambition is to be elected American president;1)Al Gores ambition is to be elected American president;2)2)Americas Americas computer computer moguls moguls ambition ambition is is to to control control the the nations nations cyberagendacyberagenda;3)American f
12、ootball players ambition is to score a touchdown;3)American football players ambition is to score a touchdown;4)4)Most Most peoples peoples ambition ambition is is to to search search for for status status symbols symbols that that separate separate them them from from the the crowd.crowd.The The la
13、st last one one is is most most commonly commonly shared shared by by people.people.Money Money is is not not the the only only way way but but surely surely the the most most common common way way to to realize realize this this ambition,ambition,as as it it can can easily easily change change into
14、 into some some other other symbol symbol of of identity identity and and status,status,such such as as a a bigger bigger house,house,a a more more exotic exotic vacation,vacation,a a niftier niftier bike,bike,a a faster faster puter.ReferenceReferenceUnit 6:Reading comprehensionReading comprehensio
15、n3.3.In In paragraph paragraph 3,3,the the author author says says“One-upmanship“One-upmanship is is a a national national mania.”mania.”Do Do you you know know the the meaning meaning of of the the word word“one-“one-upmanship”?upmanship”?And And can can you you find find some some other other expr
16、essions expressions in in the the article article which which have have similar similar meaning?meaning?Whats Whats the the relationship relationship between between one-upmanship one-upmanship and and all all the the above-mentioned above-mentioned examples examples of of ambition?ambition?In In th
17、e the authors authors mind,mind,ambition ambition is is not not only only“a“a quest quest for riches”,then what is it?for riches”,then what is it?The The word word“one-upmanship”“one-upmanship”means means gaining gaining an an advantage advantage and and a a feeling feeling of of superiority superio
18、rity over over other other people.people.Expressions Expressions such such as as“outdo”,“outdo”,“excel”“excel”have have similar similar meaning.meaning.The The desire desire for for one-one-upmanship upmanship can can summarize summarize all all the the above-mentioned above-mentioned examples examp
19、les of of ambition.ambition.In In the the authors authors mind,mind,ambition ambition is is a a quest quest for for one-one-upmanship to be better or more successful than other people.upmanship to be better or more successful than other people.ReferenceReferenceUnit 6:Reading comprehensionReading co
20、mprehension4.4.In In the the sentence sentence“One-upmanship“One-upmanship is is a a national national mania.”,mania.”,the the word word“mania”“mania”is is also also a a deliberate deliberate choice choice on on the the part part of of the the author.author.What What image does it evoke in your mind
21、?image does it evoke in your mind?The The word word“mania”“mania”originally originally refers refers to to a a mental mental illness illness in in which which somebody somebody has has an an obsession obsession about about something something that that makes makes them them extremely extremely anxio
22、us,anxious,violent violent or or confusedconfused(躁躁躁躁狂狂狂狂症症症症).Here Here it it means means an an extremely extremely strong strong desire desire or or enthusiasm enthusiasm for for something something shared shared by by a a lot lot of of people people at at the the same same time.time.It It evokes
23、 evokes a a picture picture of of a a lot lot of of people people behaving behaving in in an an anxious,anxious,violent violent and and confused confused way way in order to surpass each other.in order to surpass each other.ReferenceReferenceUnit 6:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.In In
24、 paragraph paragraph 4,4,the the author author says says“the“the contest contest seems seems futile.”futile.”What What does does“the“the contest”contest”refer refer to?to?Why Why is is it it“futile”?“futile”?To To prove prove this this point,point,the the author author describes describes a a parado
25、xical paradoxical phenomenon phenomenon in in todays todays society,society,that that is,is,although although peoples peoples income income is is rising,rising,they they still still have have to to work work hard hard only only to to be be able able to to make make ends ends meet.meet.According Acco
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- 新视角 研究生 英语 读说写 单元 课后 练习 答案