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1、2022年江苏苏州中考英语真题试卷注意事项:1.本试卷共七大题,满 分 100分(不含听力口语3 0分)、考试用时100分钟;2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡和对应的位置上,并认真校对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;3.答选择题必须用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动、请用橡皮擦干净后、再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡指定的位置上,不在答题区域内的答案一律无效,不得用其他笔答题;4.考生答题必须答在答题卡上、答在试卷和草稿低上一律无效。第一部分完形填空(共 10小题;每
2、小题1 分,满 分 10分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Like most children growing up in the countryside,Mike loved being outdoors andtraveled around every inch of the area.With a deep love of the land,he had a strong wish to it.When Mike sawrubbish floating in the rivers,he got 2.H e knew he had to d
3、o something.While only in third grade,Mike started a group.Its purpose was to 3 thecountryside and teach other young people about pollution and its dangers.But Mike faced a challenge.A s he was 4,he found it hard to speak outin public.H owever,with his mom s help,Mike 5 dealt with his fear.H e said,
4、“I took responsibility(责任)and did what needed to be done.When your heart isinto it,6 will stop you.”Mike worked hard to 7 his idea to the public.H e handed out leaflets andeven appeared on radio and TV.H is efforts paid off.H e won 8 from severalthousand people.A nd his group collected and recycled
5、more than 22,000 pounds ofrubbish.Now as a college student,Mike s 9 remains the same.H e often says,Iwant to create a 10 life for my kids and grandkids.It s beautiful countryside,where I m from,and I want my kids to see it like I see it.”1.A.practise B.protect C.prepare D.provide2.A.weakB.tiredC.rel
6、axedD.angry3.A.clea n upB.brea k intoC.set upD.moveinto4.A.sh yB.sa dC.proudD.polite5.A.clea rlyB.ca refullyC.successfullyD.tra ditiona lly6.A.a nyth ingB.noth ingC.someth ingD.everyth ing7.A.a cceptB.ch a ng eC.followD.introduce8.A.coura g eB.victoryC.supportD.rewa rd9.A.wishB.ch a nceC.luckD.fea r
7、10.A.busierB.h a rderC.betterD.cra zier第二部分阅读理解(共 15小题;每小题2 分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A MUSKCountry musicFESTIVA L Time:Thursday 7 PM-9 PM Place:the Central SquareFolkWESTERN卷,.Time:Friday S PM-7 PMPlace:the Grand Park快 DITIONALFreeFortf5C25Adutls10Jazz Time:Saturday
8、 6 PM-8 PM Place:the Riverside Music HouseRock Time:Sunday 7 PM-9 PM Place:the Sports CentreMODERNEXFor mpg mf&mjuon.piegc contaa Kabe at SSS5-1234 or Xabemusldestcom一11.If you are free on Sunday night,which concert can you attend?A.Country music.B.Folk.C.Jazz.D.Rock.12.H ow much will Mr.G reen pay
9、if he goes to the country music concert with histwo kids?A.10.B.20.C.30.D.40.13.Which date is suitable for modern jazz lovers?A.June 23.B.June 24.C.June 25.D.June26.BOn warm winter days,Yang Liheng,89,enjoys sitting by the window and lookingthrough old photos.These photos bring him joy and happiness
10、 once more.For Yang,one of the long-expected activities during the Spring Festival is totake photos with family members.On the early morning of the second day of the ChineseNew Year when the whole family reunite,he would dress up and wait for the phototo be ta ken.Y a ng beca me a ph otog ra ph er i
11、n th e la te 19 5 0s.W ith h is ca mera,Y a ng recordedth e g rea t ch a ng es of h is h ometown over time.I h a d a pa inful ch ildh ood,but I g ota ch a nce to be a ph otog ra ph er a fter th e founding (成立)of th e P eople s R epublicof C h ina.Y a ng told B eijing R eview.I wa nt to record,in th
12、e form of ph otog ra ph s,th e loca l customs,th e scenes a nd people*s bra ve spirit of fig h ting a g a inst th eh a rd conditions h ere in my h ometown.n“I used to ta ke pictures for everyone else,but seldom turned my ca mera a t myfa mily members,“Y a ng sa id.M y g ra ndson g a ve me th e idea
13、to record th e g rowtha nd development of my own fa mily.”T a king fa mily ph otos th en beca me a tra ditionfor Y a ng,s fa mily.T h oug h now some of h is g ra ndch ildren a re working a nd living inoth er cities,th ey try th eir best to return h ome during th e S pring F estiva l a ndprepa re for
14、 th e specia l moment.L a st yea r wa s a n importa nt yea r for Y a ng L ih eng.M ost of h is ph otos were displa yedin Y inch ua n to sh ow th e development of th e a rea over th e pa st sixty yea rs.14.W h a t does Y a ng expect most during th e S pring F estiva l?A.W ea ring new cloth es.C.T a k
15、ing a fa mily ph oto.15.W h a t does th e underlined word“reunite”A.G et sepa ra ted.B.G et much wea lth ier,tog eth er a g a in.16 W h a t is th e ma in idea of pa ra g ra ph 3?A.W h en Y a ng wa s interviewed.ph otos.C.W h y Y a ng h a d a pa inful ch ildh ood,ca mera.17.W h a t do we know a bout
16、Y a ng,s fa mily?A.I t is full of love.C.I t is a rich fa mily.B.H a ving a big dinner.D.V isiting h is rela tives.in pa ra g ra ph 2 mea n?C.G et improved.D.G etB.W h ere Y a ng lea rnt to ta keI).W h a t Y a ng recorded with h isB.I t is full of mysteries.D.I t is h a ving a h a rd time.cA ll a bo
17、a rd!L et s ta ke a ride on th e world s h ig h est ra ilwa yth eQ ing h a i-T ibet R a ilwa y(青臧铁路).S it ba ck a nd enjoy th e journey.G et rea dy forth e trip of a lifetime.W e re lea ving Q ing h a i S ta tion.T h e scenery a long th e wa y is some of th e wildestin a ll of C h ina.K eep your eye
18、s open a s we ra ce th roug h th is bea utiful la nd.Y oumig h t see a ra re T ibeta n a ntelope(臧羚羊)from your window.B efore we beg in our journey,let,s lea rn a bout th is a ma zing ra ilwa y.I t s trulyone of th e g rea t eng ineering wonders of th e 21st century.W h en it wa s completed onJ uly
19、1,2006,th e T ibet R a ilwa y set nine world records,including th e world,sh ig h est ra ilwa y a t 5,07 2 metres a bove sea level,th e worldy s h ig h est tunnel(隧道)a t 4,9 05 metres,a nd th e long est tunnel ever built on perma frost(冻土).A s we tra vel h ig h er,th e a ir g ets th inner a nd th in
20、ner.S oon th ere will only be5 0 to 6 0 percent of th e oxyg en wh ich we a re used to brea th ing.B ut don,t be a fra id.E a ch ra il ca r h a s two sepa ra te oxyg en systems.O ne system sprea ds oxyg en th roug h outth e tra in a t a ll times.A nd ea ch pa sseng er ca n a lso g et a persona l oxy
21、g en ma sk justlike th ose used in pla nes.H ere a re a few more th ing s to th ink a bout a s our tra in lea ves th e sta tion.T h edesig ners solved th ree ma in ch a lleng es wh en building th is g rea t ra ilwa y.F irst,th eh ig h a ltitude(海拔)ma de th e ta sk difficult beca use th ere wa s no e
22、noug h oxyg en.S econd,much of th e ra ilwa y runs a cross perma frost,a type of g round th a t keepsch a ng ing a s th e wea th er wa rms a nd cools.F ina lly,th e ra ilwa y g oes th roug h some ofth e most sensitive ecolog y(敏感的生态环境)in C h ina.G rea t ca re wa s necessa ry toma ke sure of th e sma
23、 llest possible influence on na ture.A ll th ree ch a lleng es were met,ma king our trip possible.A ll a boa rd!T h e tra into T ibet is lea ving in fifteen minutes.18.W h ere a re th e pa sseng ers?A.O n a bus.B.O n a tra in.C.O n a sh ip.D.O n apla ne.19.H ow does th e text sh ow th e ra ilwa y is
24、 a ma zing in pa ra g ra ph 3?A.B y telling a story.B.B y using a desig ner,s words.C.B y introducing its world records.D.B y compa ring th e present withth e pa st.20.H ow ma ny oxyg en systems a re th ere in ea ch ra il ca r?A.O ne.B.T wo.C.T h ree.D.F our.21.W h ich of th e following increa sed t
25、h e difficulty of building th e ra ilwa y?A.T h e ch a ng ing g round.B.T h e polluted a ir.C.T h e da ng erous a nima ls.D.T h eh ot wea th er.DW h en I wa s little,I wa s rea lly little.B ut my drea m wa s big.I drea med of beinga ba sketba ll pla yer.I tried out for th e tea ms a t sch ool,but I
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- 含答案 2022 江苏 苏州 中考 英语 答案