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1、2022年5月潍坊市高三英语考前三模试题卷2022.5注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、考号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效口3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分5 0分)第 一 节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分小.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最住选项。ADream FreedomBy Sonia LevitinAge Level:9-12D
2、ream Freedom is based on a real-life teacher and her students.Xfter reading a newspaperarticle to her class about atrocities(暴行)in Sudan,Miss Hazels class wants to help.Theirresearch uncovers a way to buy back slaves and I he students work to raise money lo purchaseliberty for as many slaves as they
3、 can and lo educate others about Ini man rights and freedoms.God Bless You,Mr.RosewaterBy Kurt VonnegutAge Level:16-18This novel is tokl mostly through a collection of short stories that feature the interactions ofthe primaiy trustee of the philanthropic Rosewater Foundation,and the people of Rosewa
4、terCounty,Indiana.Eliot,a drunk and a volunteer firefighter,lias decided lo actually give all hismoney to the needy,which makes people doubt whether he is normal.1GracelingB y K r i sl i n C a sh o r eA g e L e ve l:1 4 -1 6K a tsa s G r a c e i s k i l l i n g,wh i c h sh e h a s te m p e r e d to
5、f i g h ti n g a n d b e e n p ut to use b y h e rm a n i p ul a ti ve(操纵的)un c l e,l o l o r tur e p e o p l e.K a tsa di sl i k e s h e r un c l e a n d b e i n g f o r c e d to h ur tp e o p l e so sh e*m o o n l i g h l s a s a r e sc ue r a s p a r t o f a se c r e t c o un c i l sh e s f o r m
6、 e d to p r o m o te f a i r n e ssa n d h o n e sty o ve r c r ue l l y a n d a b use s o f p o we r.Weeping Under This S a m e M o o nB y J a n a L a i zA g e L e ve l:1 4 -1 6T h e b o o k a h e n ui te s b e twe e n th e di f f e r e n t p e r sp e c ti ve s o f H a n n a h,a n A m e r i c a n t
7、e e n wh of e e l s h e r se l f o ut o f L un e wi l l i h e r f a m i l y a n d th e wo r l d.a n d M e i,a yo un g a r ti st o f C h i n e se o r i g i nde sp e i a te a b o ut l i f e.H a n n a h,p a ssi o n a te a b o ut sa vi n g th e wh a l e s a n d th e e n vi r o n m e n t J ur n s h e re
8、n e r g y to h e l p i n g n e e dy p e o p l e.T h e i r sto r i e s c o m e to g e th e r a s H a n n a h a n d M e i b e c o m e f r i e n dsa n d h e l p e a c h o th e r h e a l a n d h o p e.I.Wh i c h b o o k i s b a se d o n a tr ue sto r y?A.Graceling.B.Dream Freedom.C.God Bless You.Mr.Rose
9、water.D.Weeping Under This Same Moon.2.W h o h a s de l e n n i n e d to g i ve m o n e y to th e p e o p l e i n n e e d?A.E l i o t.B.K a tsa.C.H a n n a h.D.M i ss H a ze l.3.Wh a t a r e th e f o ur b o o k s m a i n l y a b o ut?A.T h e e duc a ti o n o n h um a n f r e e r l o m.B.T h e i n te
10、 r a c l i o n wi th l o c a l p e o p l e.C.T h e f i g h t a g a i n st th e f o r c e s o f e vi l.D.T h e e xp e r i e n c e o f h e l p i n g o th e r s.H udso n R i ve r T r a ve l s,th e e xc e l l e n t r e so ur c e f o r to p-r a te d e xp e r i e n c e s i n th e h i sl o r i cH udso n a
11、l l e y,h a s r e sta r t(*d si g h tse e i n g tr a ve l s wh i l e f o l l o wi n g th e C e n te r s f o r D i se a se C o n tr o la n d P r e ve n ti o n (CDC)g ui de l i n e s to p r o vi de a c o m f o r ta b l e a n d sa f e e n vi r o n m e n t f o r a l l c r e wa n d p a sse n g e r s.H ud
12、so n R i ve r T r a ve l s i s c ur r e n tl y o f f e r i n g i l s si g h tse e i n g tr a ve l a t 2:3 0 p i nWe dn e sda y th r o ug h S un da y,a s we l l a s a n I I a m (r a ve l o n S a tur da ys.F o l l o wi n g CDC sta n da r ds,m a sk s a r e r e q ui r e d o n a l l tr a ve l s.Wi th p u
13、b l i c a n d p r i va te e ve n ts r e sta r ti n g o n th e R i p V a nWi n k l e I I,c usto m e r s a r e ur g e d to r e f e r e n c e th e H udso n R i ve r T r a ve l s we b si te f o r th e m o st up-to-da te tr a ve l i n g ti m e s.2Th(*(*oinpciny IKIS been dosidy moniloring stal*iind local
14、 guidcdincs while*l)(*it)g knowing olinfornuihoii pul)lish(*(l by th*Passng,r Travel Associalion(v ).The pass!iiger tr;ivd(*)niinunily has always l)r(*n highly hMnisrd on making sure of I hr salcly of ih cr*vv and gucsls,now moir than(,、r.lyl A Safely and Security Coininilli t H crnlly puhlislicd a
15、guikinc,docuinenl covering brs!practices for reoptMiiiig and nconiiiiriulalioiis I nun the C D C()!)how(ob(kst limit(he rf(r(-Is of the present diseases.This providtul ihr iHM7ssary Irainewoik lorshengllHMied oixMiilion skinlards moving forward.Mor safely in(asur(*s an*(uiT*nlly in pla(*lluit focus
16、on the tnoniloring of rniployf e andpassenger health,proven health practices,social diskmcing,personal pr()lecliv,cquipnienl,iindlliorough cleaning.Travel schedules will be tipdalt d weekly based on(l(*nianl and as n*vinformation is provided.with increased ha*l(,cipci(ili(,s as irslrirtiotis lift.No
17、thing is more itnporlant than tlx,heallh anl well-being of our crew and passengers aswe conliiHie opfuations during this lin ij said I IIKISOO Hi ver Travels VI1 of Sales(X MarkelingDrew Yochum.We manag conlinue assessing,and iipdaling our standards to keep you sale.Thanks for supposing our small,f;
18、iinily-ovnc(l business during ihcsc trying limes.We caifl waillo s(*e you.,4.When is a passtuiger allow,(l for sighlsceing liavd?A.2:30 pin Tuesday.B.I I:()()am Wednttsday.C.2:3()pin M OIK lay.I).11 :(X)am Sahin lay.5.Whal has th*passenger lrav,l(-onnminily b(k*n highly lix-usrd on/A.A guidance l(i(
19、tuinenl.B.Safely of ils eww ami gucsls.(:Up-to-dale traveling times.I).Personal prolrclive(,(luipmeiil.6.Whal is the VPs atlihidc towards lh p ze n p rs?X.Welcoming.B.Palient.C.Anxious.I).Worried.7.In which sedion of a newspaper nuiy lliis h,xl appeal?A.Health.B.Travel.(:.Medii iiie.I).Environmenl.C
20、F rane,is(*xperi(!iicing an unusually inild winter,whi,h has led Io low snowfall in ski iircasin-ross lh*cotnilry.One iilG*cl*l ski ar(aci is Lr Mouri is Jn the PyreiKMs moiinkiins of soulht in iTancr.TIU*la do other things btsi(lo skiing.W ariner lemperalun ha on today can guarantrr il.*said hot(d
21、opcnitor(Jillaizeau.He has bcpmaking inonrv l)nulling out two-wheelel motorcycles Io help visitors in the area have fun.Thescooters can be ridden doun grassv mountains.Phey come with,(|iiipment rnad attached bicycle,uheclj?inTead.Uis ski nuital ecpiipment remainsuntouclul.lie says h(*has had to redu
22、ce the hours of sonv uorkrrs and expects business lossesduring the*season Io drop as much as 15 percent.Maiiv people in lh(*area beli(*ve the latest winter is rnort*lluin just a bad year.The last limeF rance experienced surli a mild December and Jiinuary was in 190(),F rench veath*r offi ialssay.Chr
23、is(*llc Hoberl is an ofG(*ial with M(*lr()-I rance,the countiy*s nalional weather sen ice.She told Rrulcrs that mild winters and less snow seem to hr a dear sign of global wanning.Scientists have predicted n(onhmH*(l rise in world h inixMatiirrs.Pco|)h*coniHM-ted to thearea s ski industry ar*conside
24、ring a future with nmcli less snow.If uch weather continues.skiresorts around I.600 nuMers above sea level will be so warm dial they will not even be able touse artiGcial snow because it will meh.8.W hy did somt*hikers take off th,ir winter clothes while crossing mountains?A.riu*j wijn wearing loo l
25、hi(*k clothes.Ik They had hra(ls uerr ven rough.D.rrh(leinprrature was not cold at all.9.hat does the underlined word*i hry*in paragraph 3 refer h?A.isitors.B.Scooters.C.Bicycle whr*ls.I).(rassy mountains.10.hat(,an be lfarnel fioni lh*third and fourth paragraphs7A.fix*latest mild vintwr was in 1900
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- 2022 潍坊市 英语 考前 试题 答案 解析