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《2022年云南省昆明市中考英语真题(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年云南省昆明市中考英语真题(含答案).pdf(24页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、2022年昆明市初中学业水平考试英语试题卷(全卷四个部分,共 8 页。满分120分,考试用时120分钟)注意事项:1.本卷为试题卷。考生必须在答题卡上解题作答。答案应书写在答题卡的相应位置上,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。2.考试结束后,请将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第 一 部 分 听 力(共四节,满分30分)第一节听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的图画。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)第二节根据所听到的句子,选出最恰当的应答语。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)6.A.Yes,I can.B.Yes,
2、I am.C.Yes,Ido.7.A.Five yuan.B.Five kilos.C.Fivekilometers.8.A.I hope so.B.No problem.C.The same toyou.9.A.N e ve r mind,with you.1 0.A.Y e s,ple a se.I d love to.B.C ong ra tula tions.B.N ot a t a ll.C.I a g re eC.S ure,第三节听对话及问题,选择最佳答案。听音前你有1 0秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分1 0分)1 1.A.M r.K ing.B.M r
3、.B la c k.C.M r.S mith.1 2.A.O n th e sof a.B.N e xt to th e rule r.C.I nth e pe nc il c a se.1 3.A.S ta ye d a t h ome.B.D id noth ing.C.W e nt to1 4.1 5.th e a rt muse um.A.A.O n J une 1 8 th.B.O n J une 1 9 th.C.O n J une 2 0 th.B y le a rning g ra mma r.B.C.B y re a d ing E ng lish b ooks.B y wa
4、 tc h ing E ng lish movie s.第四节听短文,根据短文内容回答问题。听音前你有1 5秒钟的读题时间,注意听三遍。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分1 0分)1 6.W h a t d o th e pa re nts a nd th e te a c h e rs th ink of th e se h a nd s-on le ssons?A.I nte re sting a nd use f ul.B.E xc iting a nd d if f ic ult.C.N e w a nd c re a tive.1 7.T h roug h th e g a rd e ni
5、ng le ssons,th e stud e nts c a n h a ve a c h a nc e to.A.move outsid e B.sit a t th e ir d e sks C.g e tve g e ta b le s f or f re e1 8.I n g a rd e ns,wh y d o th e stud e nts ne e d to wa tc h c a re f ully?A.T o g e t th e ir h a nd s d irty.B.T o h a ve f un g rowing pla nts.C.T o se e th e wh
6、 ole proc e ss of th e proje c t.1 9.I f some sc h ools d on t h a ve e noug h spa c e f or a g a rd e n,wh e re c a n th e stud e ntsh a ve th e le ssons?A.I n c ity g a rd e ns.B.I n f a mily g a rd e ns.C.I noth e r sc h ools g a rd e ns.2 0.W h a t c a n we le a rn f rom th is pa ssa g e?A.S c h
7、 ool g a rd e ning is e d uc a tiona l b ut tiring f or th e stud e nts.B.S c h ool g a rd e ning ma ke s th e stud e nts h a ve more re spe c t f or na ture.C.S c h ool g a rd e ning is a n importa nt sub je c t a nd b ring s th e stud e nts stre ss.第二部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分2 5分)第一节单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空
8、白处或替换划线部分的最佳答案。(共1 5小题,每小题1分,满分1 5分)2 1.一W h a t is your siste rJ s f a vorite c olor?-f a vorite c olor is purple,th e C olor of th e Y e a r f or 2 0 2 2.A.M y B.Y our C.H is D.H e r2 2.W ith th e te a c h e rsJ h e lp,I h a ve re a lize d I m not th e c e nte r th eworld a nd le a rne d to put my
9、se lf in oth e rs sh oe s.A.ofB.b yC.upD.und e r2 3.一C h ina s h ig h-spe e d ra ilwa y te c h nolog yth e world now.T h a t,s true.I t h a s d e ve lope d ra pid ly ove r th e pa st ye a rs.A.le dB.wa s le a d ingC.is le a d ingD.will le a d2 4.Y ua n L ong ping,th e F a th e r of H yb rid R ic e,h
10、 a s pa sse d a wa y,h ef ore ve r in my mind.A.I fB.U nle ssC.B e f oreD.A lth oug h2 5.一P le a se b e quie t.W e a re in th e lib ra ry.A.W e ll d one B.O K,I willC.E njoy yourse lf D.L ong time no se e2 6.D o you know M a rc h 2 1 st is W orld S le e p D a y?S le e p is importa nt to us.一Y e s.A
11、g ood sle e p g ive s us a nd ma ke s us h a ppy.A.truthc ultureB.f a meC.e ne rg yD.2 7.一T h is is J e nny spe a king.M a y I spe a k to D r.W a ng?一.I 1 1 te ll h im to c a ll you b a c k.A.H a ve a g ood tripC.I m g la d to h e a r th a tB.T h is is D r.W a ng spe a kingD.S orry,h e is nota va il
12、a b le now2 8.T h e e a rlie r we ta ke a c tion to prote c t our e nvironme nt,th e it will b ef or our f uture.A.b e tte rB.b e stC.worseD.worst2 9.D oing c h ore s h e lps to improve c h ild re n,s ind e pe nd e nc e a nd te a c h e s th e m h ow toth e mse lve s.A.look f or B.look a f te r C.loo
13、k like D.look th roug h3 0.T h e te a in Y unna n is so f a mous th a t it to pla c e s a c ross th e worlde ve ry d a y.A.se nd s B.se nt C.is se nt D.will b e se nt3 1.S h e nzh ou X I V c a rrie d th re e C h ine se a strona uts into spa c e suc c e ssf ully.一Wo w,ex ci t i n g ne ws!W e a re so
14、proud.A.wh a t B.wh a t a C.wh a t a n D.h ow3 2.B oys a nd g irls,g ood luc k a nd wish you g ood g ra d e s on your ne w journe y!A.c utting B.to c ut C.g e tting D.to g e t3 3.C ould you ple a se te ll me wh e n th e y me e t f or th e f irst time in C h ina?T h e y usua lly sh a ke h a nd s.A.wh
15、 a t d o pe ople usua lly d o B.wh a t pe ople usua lly d oC.wh e re d o pe ople usua lly g o D.wh e re pe ople usua lly g o34.When I get home,it makes me feel comfortable to find everything in apple-pieorder.A.tidy B.dirty C.crowded D.crispy35.一I m going to leave my job.一Please hold your horses bef
16、ore making important decisions.A.hurry up B.think twiceC.push your horses D.ride your horses第二节完形填空从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)One morning,a teacher was giving a lesson in a middle school.All of thestudents stared at him in _ 36_ because the teacher had a rope(绳)in his hand.At the be
17、ginning of the class,the teacher didn,t say anything._ 3 7 _ hestarted tying knots(打结)in the rope.Then he asked,“I have tied three knotsin this rope.Is it the same rope I had before?vOne of the students replied,It s not _ 38_ to answer.The rope seems tohave from the outside.It has three knots which
18、were not there before.But fromthe inside it is still the _ 3 9 _ same rope _ 4 0 _ it was before.”“Yes,you are right!”the teacher said.Now,I will untie(解开)theseknots.”Then he began to _ 4 1 _ both ends of the rope away from each other.Seeing that,the student said,“You are not untying them.You are ma
19、king themtighter(更紧的).So the teacher stopped and asked,_ 42_ can I do to untie these knots?”Some students replied,“You have to look at them closely so that you will knowhow they are tied.Then you can try to untie them.”The teacher said,That s what I want to hear.In our lives,many people wantto _ 43_
20、 problems,but they don,t even know the reasons that cause the problems.Just like the _ 4 4 _ goes,everything must be carefully examined before we act.Wene e d to f irst know th e c a use of a prob le m,a nd only th e n c a n we solve _4 5soon a s possib le.”a s3 6.A.d a ng e rB.surprisec.troub le3 7
21、.A.P e rh a psB.S ome time sc.I nste a d3 8.A.e a sy-B.b ra veC.polite3 9.A.g rownB.b urne dC.c h a ng e d4 0.A.orB.a sC.until4 1.A.putB.pullC.point42.A.H owB.W h e nc.W h a t4 3.A.a sk f orB.d e a l withC.d e pe nd on4 4.A.sa yingB.promisec.me mory4 5.A.itB.h imc.th e m第三部分 阅读理解(共2 0小题,满分3 5分)AI t
22、is we ll-known th a t silk wa s d isc ove re d in C h ina.I t is wond e rf ully strong,lig h t a nd sof t.A s one of th e b e st ma te ria ls f or c loth e s,silk h a s a pe rf e c t looka nd f e e l th a t no oth e r ma te ria ls c a n ma tc h.T h e re is a story a b out h ow silk wa s d isc ove re
23、 d.L e i Z u,th e wif e of H ua ng D i,wa s h a ving te a und e r a mulb e rry tre e wh e n a silkworm c oc oon(蚕茧)f e ll into h e rc up.A s sh e trie d to ta ke th e c oc oon out,it sta rte d to unwind (展开)a nd th e“line se e me d e nd le ss.S h e re a lize d th a t th e strong line c ould b e use
24、d to ma kec loth e s.T h e n L e i Z u ta ug h t h e r pe ople h ow to ra ise silkworms a nd h ow to g e t silk.I n th is wa y,th e silk ind ustry wa s b orn.F or h und re d s of ye a rs a f te r th a t,silk wa s only use d b y ric h pe ople.I t wa s asymb ol of id e ntity a nd sta tus(身份和地位).W ith
25、th e d e ve lopme nt of th e silkind ustry,more silk wa s prod uc e d.I t wa s no long e r just f or ric h pe ople.I n th eH a n D yna sty,silk wa s tra nsporte d a s f a r a wa y a s S pa in,R ome a nd ma ny oth e rc ountrie s.T h e tra d e roa d wa s f a mously known a s th e S ilk R oa d,wh ic h
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- 2022 云南省 昆明市 中考 英语 答案