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《2022年甘肃省平凉市中考英语真题(含答案).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年甘肃省平凉市中考英语真题(含答案).pdf(28页珍藏版)》请在淘文阁 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。
1、愿你如愿,祝你成功平凉市2 0 2 2 年初中毕业与高中阶段招生考试英语试卷考生注意:本试卷含听力,满 分 为 1 5 0 分,考试时间为1 2 0 分钟。所有试题均在答题卡上作答,否则无效。听力部分I.听力理解(分 4小节,共 2 0 小题;每 小 题 1 分,满 分 2 0 分)1.听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】1.A.2.3.第二节:听句子,选择恰当的应答语。2.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.Y e s,ple ase.B.H ave f un.C.L e t s g o.3.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.H e re you
2、are.B.S orry to he ar that.C.N ot at all!4.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.I m ve ry we ll.B.H e,s f ine.C.I t s sunny.5.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.I have no id e a.B.M y ple asure.C.G ood luc k!6.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.I t must be L ilys.B.W e,re in C hina.C.T he y re blue.第三节:听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。7.W hat animals d oe
3、s S am like b e s t?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.M onke ys.B.P and as.C.L ions.愿你如愿,祝你成功8.W he n will the f ootball g ame s t a r t?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.A t 4:3 0.B.A t 4:0 0.C.A t 3:3 0.9.W ho is T i n a?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.D aisy s mothe r.B.D aisy s siste r.C.D aisy s c ousin.1 0.H ow is B e ttyy s lif e i
4、n G a n s u?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.J ust so so.B.G re at.C.T oo bad.1 1.W hy was D avid late f or the me e ting?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A.B e c ause he s ill.B.B e c ause he f org ot the time.C.B e c ause his c ar d id n,twork.第四节:听短文,根据其内容选择能回答下列问题的最佳答案。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】1 2.H ow is J ohn S mith?A.V e ry ol
5、d.B.V e ry we ak.C.V e ry we ll.1 3.W hat d oe s J ohn S mith d o?A.A te ac he r.B.A worke r.C.A d rive r.1 4.H ow many c hild re n d oe s M r.S mith have?A.4.B.5.C.6.1 5.W hy d oe sn,t M r.S mith s e ld e st son live with his pare nts?A.B e c ause his sc hool is too f ar away f rom the town.B.B e c
6、 ause he is a te ac he r in a villag e.C B e c ause he d oe sn t like his pare nts.1 6.W ho d oe sn t g o to sc hool in M r.S mith,s f amily?A.H is young e st d aug hte r and his e ld e st son.B.H is young e st son.C.A ll ofhis c hild re n.笔试部分n.语法与情景对话(共20小题;每 小 题1分,满 分20分)阅读下列各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最
7、佳答案。2愿你如愿,祝你成功1 7.I just boug ht a ne w shirt.shirt was pre tty e xpe nsive.A.A B.A n C.T he D./1 8.T he rang and P at answe re d it.I t was his son c alling f rom N e w Y ork.A.te le phoneB.d oorbe llC.c loc kD.bike1 9.T he se are my c ousins.are both unive rsity stud e nts.A.W e B.Y ou C.I D.T he
8、y2 0.W e c an se e the toy be ar in the pic ture.A.in the box B.on the be dC.be sid e the she lf D.und e r the table2 1.一T his will be myvisit to the G re at W all.I m re ally e xc ite d.R e ally?I c ant be lie ve you,ve ne ve r be e n the re ye t.Y ou arrive d in B e ijing almosta ye ar ag o!A.f ir
9、stB.se c ondC.thirdD.f ourth2 2.L e t sthec hic ke n and make some soup.A.look atB.c ut upC.put of fD.knoc k ag ainst2 3.H ow s the ne w re staurant?I f sW e waite d a longtime f or the f ood to arrive.A.wond e rf ulB.e xc itingC.d if f ic ultD.awf ul2 4.I have n t g ot any apple juic e,I ve g ot so
10、me orang e juic e.W ould you likesome?A.butB.andC.orD.f or2 5.一d o you e xe rc ise?E ve ry d ay.A.H ow longB.W hyC.W hat timeD.H ow of te n2 6.L ind a spoke too quie tly.I c ouldhe ar he r at the bac k.A.alwaysB.e ve rC.hard lyD.usually2 7.S hall wehave an outd oor g rad uation party af te r the e x
11、am?I think e ve ryone will love it.A.G ood id e a.B.N o way.C.E njoy yourse lf.D.T he same to you.3愿你如愿,祝你成功2 8.P ape r in anc ie nt C hina more than 2,0 0 0 ye ars ag o.A inve nte d B.was inve nte d C.inve nt D.is inve nte d2 9.I wond e r .A.that A pril is the hotte st month in T hailand B.d o you
12、know whe re I c an buy someme d ic ineC.whe the r J une is a g ood time to visit G ansu D.how c an I improve my pronunc iation3 0.一I d on t think sixte e n-ye ar-old s should be allowe d to smoke.一I t s bad f or the te e ns he alth.A.I ag re e.B.I hope so.C.I d isag re e.D.I hope not.3 1.W hat c an
13、we know f rom this S c hool N otic e?了 一.一 一 一 7NOTICE:School Closedstarting Monday,March 16 due COVID-19k _A.S c hool will start on M ond ay.B.S c hool will be c lose d f or a we e k.C.W e ve suc c e e d e d in f ig hting ag ainst C O V I D-1 9.D.S tud e nts ne e d n,t g o to sc hool on M arc h 1 6
14、.3 2.一 H i,M ary.Y ou look tire d.一 I misse d the sc hool bus so I had to run to sc hool this morning.A.W hat happe ne d?B.W hat a pain!C.Y ou re kid d ing.D.H ow about you?3 3.W e a me e ting.C ome and join in.A.we re having B.are having C.had D.have be e n3 4.K e vin,what are you d oing?D on,t you
15、 re me mbe r that the d oc tor warns you not toe at any c and y?一I m so sorry!I totally f org ot about that.I m so use d to e ating c and y e ve ry H allowe e nthat I d id n,t re me mbe r this ye ar I wasn t suppose d to.A.P rac tic e make s pe rf e c t.B.W he n in R ome,d o as the R omans d o.C.O l
16、d habits d ie hard.D.T ime is mone y.3 5.一 H appy birthd ay to you,M ary.A.H ave a nic e d ay.B.S e e you.C.T he same to you.D.T hank you.4愿你如愿,祝你成功3 6.W hic h of the f ollowing sig n will you probably se e in a re ad ing room of a library?i n.完形填空(共10小题;每 小 题1.5分,满 分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白
17、处的最佳答案。I t was the turke y that mad e it the worst T hanksg iving e ve rwe ll,it 3 7 d id.A ll the f amilymy g rand pare nts,my pare nts,my aunt and unc le,my c ousin,my siste rand I-3 8 the turke y.H owe ve r,turke y is not the e asie st thing to 3 9 .I ttake s a lot of time to pre pare and a lot o
18、f work to c ookand the re are a lot of c hanc e sf or thing s to g o wrong.M y mum and d ad boug ht a nic e,big turke y a f e w d ays be f ore T hanksg iving.4 0 wasproud of he rse lf as she g ot it f or a g ood pric e.4 1 T hanksg iving,M um g ot theturke y out of the f rid g e.E arly the ne xt mor
19、ning,my siste r and I he lpe d he r put somebutte r and salt on the turke y.A f te r that,M um put it in the ove n.I t looke d like itwould be d e lic ious.M y siste r and I we re 4 2 .B ut soon,we notic e d some thing was wrong.T he ove n was 4 3 ,D ad c he c ke d itc lose ly.4 4 he said in a low v
20、oic e,it s broke n.”M um s he art almost stoppe d.S he d id n,t want he r d inne r to be a f ailure.W e d id n,tknow 4 5 ,H ow we re we g oing to f e e d e ve ryone without the turke y?M um looke d worrie d.F inally,D ad had an id e a,and we all ag re e d with his sug g e stion to ord e r 4 6inste a
21、d.A f te r all,T hanksg iving is about g iving thanks and spe nd ing time with yourf amily.T hat e ve ning,we share d a d e lic ious pizza.W e had a g re at time,talking,e ating andplaying g ame s.T hanksg iving without turke y c an still be f un!3 7.A.re allyB.ne arlyc.f inallyD.hard ly3 8.A.share
22、dB.hate dc.e xpe c te dD.boug ht3 9.A.c ookB.e atc.buyD.raise4 0.A.G rand maB.M y auntc.M y siste rD.M um4 1.A.T he nig ht be f oreB.A f te rC.O n D.T wo d ays be f ore4 2.A.worrie dB.e xc ite dC.ne rvousD.f ull4 3.A.c ooking we llB.se lf c le aningC.not he ating upD.not smoking5愿你如愿,祝你成功4 4.A.F orB
23、.O rc.B utD.A nd4 5.A.what to d oB.how to d o itc.whe re to buy itD.whe n to have it4 6.A.pizzaB.a turke yc.sand wic he sD.c hic ke nI V.阅读理解(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分3 0分)AD e ar K immy,G ue ss what,we have a c lass pe t!I t s a hamste r.M iss L e e showe dus how to take c are of our ne w f urry f rie nd,T o
24、bin.S he e xplaine dthat he r own hamste r had g ive n birth to thre e pups and T obin is oneof the m.N e e d le ss to say,we we re d e lig hte d and promise d to bere sponsible pe t owne rs.W e ll,till ne xt time.P S:I t s a pic ture of our ne w pe t.D o you have a pe t?Y our pe n-pal,A nd re w阅读以上
25、书信,根据其内容判读下列句子正误。正确填(涂)A、错误填(涂)B。4 7.I t s a le tte r f rom K immy to A nd re w.4 8.A nd re w s c lass pe t is f urry.4 9.M iss L e e took T obin to the c lass.5 0.T obin s mothe r g ave birth to f our pups.5 1.A nd re w is sure that his pe n-pal has a pe t and love s animals.BR id d le 1R id d le 2
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- 2022 甘肃省 平凉市 中考 英语 答案