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2、正确选项必须和主题句进行同义替换。(必须替换)3.正确选项必须和文章结构相匹配。(必须匹配)(通过各段中心句判断文章结构)(1)提 出 话 题(topic/decision/phenomenon)(2)列 出 事 实(facts)(3)举 出 例 子(example/case)(4)分 析 原 因(causes)列 出 结 果(effects)(6)提 出 观 点(views/opinion)提 出 建 议(solutions/suggestion)(8)比较和对比(comparison/contrast)三.我们必须熟悉的阅读题目预测一第 一 题:Systematically starved
3、 of funds during a decade of austerity,NHS trusts have been forcedto outsource.The details of where private companies have chosen to expand arousesconcerns.If their role in diagnostic testing and routine operations such as hip replacementswas conceived to reduce waiting times,the delivery of highly
4、complex mental healthservices is a different matter.(想想你会怎么出题?)思 考 题:It can be inferred from the passage that the private companies should(A)not invest in diagnostic testing and routing operations(B)be allowed to reform the mental health services页 1第 1 页 共 2 2 页第2页 共2 2页(C)not be encouraged to offer
5、 mental health services(D)not have money-making motives in health services第 二 题:Similarly,the trend for the heaviest social media users to go to sleep late may be down toteenagers who naturally fall asleep late using social media in bed until they feel tired.(想想你会怎么出题?)思考题:It can be inferred from th
6、e text that_(A)using social media in bed may cause users to go to sleep late.(B)sleeping late may cause the down of teenagers with tiredness.(C)the trend of sleeping late is independent with young users.(D)teenagers exclusively lead to the harvest social use.第 三 题:However,Spence said the research mi
7、ght help to unpick some of the unexplainedphenomena around taste,pointing out that previous experiments have found people couldstill discriminate between foods that are only expected to differ by their odours,even whentheir nose was not involved.(想想你会怎么出题?)We can learn from the passage that_A.People
8、 have discriminations against food with different odors.B.Previous experiments help to explain phenomena about nose.C.Former researches reveal no organ other than nose can tell odors.D.Former researches show other parts of our body can tell odors.第 四 题:States have very different ways of recognizing
9、online accounts and data.Some treat digitalassets as property like a car or a savings account.Others treat digital assets as private datathat shouldnt be accessed by anyone else.In general,tech companies wont turn over yourdata without your express consent,though some make exceptions for heirs.(想想你会
10、怎么出题?)It can be inferred from the text that_(A)Heirs are allowed to obtain their predecessors data by some companies.(B)property like a car or a savings account underlies digital assets.(C)tech companies decisions conflict with the rule of states government.(D)the digital assets are much more valuab
11、le than other property.第五题:Yet,contrary to expectations,Americans in remote locations did not rely more on onlineshopping.Instead,the researchers found people in more densely populated areas were页 2第3页 共2 2页more likely to do their shopping online,though that may also be tied to education levelsand a
12、ccess to Internet connections and banking services.第一题:Americans in remote locations were expected to rely more on e-commerce.(Tor F)第 二 题:Besides education levels,online shopping is also under the influence of population density.(T or F)第六题:Details of the plans are sketchy but it appears Apple will
13、 be launching a new platform fornews publishers with paywalls-the Wall Street Journal is in,New York Times andWashington Post are not-and announcing a series of new TV deals and originalprogrammes that will put it head to head with Netflix,Amazon,Hulu and their rivals instreaming media as they fight
14、 it out to be the new kings of Hollywood.What does“sketchy probably mean?(A)unclear(B)evident(C)free(D)aggressive第七题:What happened in 2012 to cause such dramatic shifts in behavior?It was after the GreatRecession,which officially lasted from 2007 to 2009 and had a starker effect on Millennialstrying
15、 to find a place in a sputtering economy.But it was exactly the moment when theproportion of Americans who owned a smartphone surpassed 50 percent.(想想你会怎么出题?)What is the most probable reason for the change of behavior in 2012?(A)The Great Recession exerting more influence on Millennials.(B)The emerg
16、ence of smartphone among Millennials in the US.(C)The widespread use of smartphone among Millennials.(D)The smartphone exercising more influence on Millennials.第八题:Last Monday,at Apples Worldwide Developers Conference,the companys head ofsoftware engineering,Craig Federighi,announced that it was ter
17、minating iTunes.In oneway,the only surprising thing was that Apple had taken so long to reach that decision.Itsbeen obvious for years that iTunes had become a striking odd ball for a company thatprides itself on elegant and functional design.So the decision to split the software intothree functional
18、 units-dealing with music,podcasts and TV apps-seemed both logicaland long overdue.思 考 题:iTunes is announced to be terminated because_.A.it is constantly losing money页 3B.it has failed to attract talentsC.it offended the music industryD.it is not elegant nor functional第九题:Food delivery apps have exp
19、loded in popularity in recent years,with companies likeDoorDash,Postmates,Grubhub and Uber Eats seizing on consumers1 desire for customizedmeals and convenience.Gustavo Lauria,co-founder of the advertising agency WeBelievers,which developed the vehicle delivery concept,said the new approach allows t
20、heburger chain to capitalize on a time of day in which the cit/s nightmarish traffic typicallyslows business.(想想你会怎么出题?)It can be learned from the text that(A)food delivery App are tapping the need and demand of customers.(B)the burger chain is investing on new delivery to tackle terrible traffic.(C
21、)food delivery apps are losing the popularity among customers.(D)the nightmarish traffic can be solved to improve the vehicle service.第十题:The platforms have been much more reluctant to act against lies which promote causeswhich are not in themselves criminal,however despicable.Google and Facebook ar
22、e bothadvertising businesses,the biggest that the world has ever seen,and they depend on theirability to attract and to retain viewers.So the conspiracy theories of Alex Jones weretolerated for many years.So were the 9/11 truthers,the anti-vaxxers,and,on Twitter,Donald Trumps campaign to suggest tha
23、t Obama had been born abroad.(想想你会怎么出题?)The reason that the anti-vaxxers are tolerated on the platforms may be that(A)the advertising businesses of the platform rely on them.(B)they have ability to capture and draw viewers attention.(C)they interact with Donald Trumps campaign and 9/11 truthers.(D)t
24、hey are essential to the business of Google and Facebook.第十一题:Amazon*s goal is quite ambitious given that its current retraining programs,which beganin 2012,have attracted only about 12,000 of its U.S.employees.Still,the company isshowing a renewed faith in its workers to expand their skills.And for
25、 workers whoparticipate,it shows a faith in Amazons knowledge of market and technology trends inforecasting the types of skills needed in the future.(想想你会怎么出题?)The aim of Amazon is aggressive because of(A)its innovative belief in workers skills.页4第4页 共2 2页第5页 共2 2页(B)its anticipation of future trend
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